Deafening explosions suddenly appeared, and strong winds and huge waves rolled up countless gravel and dust and invaded in all directions. If Zetatriga hadn't opened the shield in time, just the aftermath would have shaken them. fly.

As the smoke dissipated.

When he saw that strong figure, his muscles had expanded to the extreme, even rivaling Lufa's strong form.

The body color is black, blue and silver, and it has a figure with black claws like a demon.

Zeta's breath hitched.

There was a storm in my heart instantly!

To be precise, it was that face that made him like this!

Beria? ! ! ! !

Lufa actually summoned Beria! ?

But does Belial have this form?

He even sensed the power of Ultraman Dyna in it.


Shota Snakekura's eyes were fixed on the blue ring-shaped timer, his pupils dilated rapidly, as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight, and he was extremely shocked!

How can it be!

The guy summoned by Lufa is... Kai? ! ! ! !

Kai doesn't have this form!

Zeta also reacted.

Is this actually Senior Orb? ?

However, he just met Orb not long ago.

I'm pretty sure he doesn't have any Ultra cards in his hand!

That is to say.

Master Lufa has directly created an Ultraman Orb that does not exist at all! ! !

I blanch! ! !

This is awesome! ?

Compared with Master Lufa, Tartarus's ability to travel through parallel universes to attract people is nothing! !

We can directly create the non-existent Ultraman here!

"But what form is this, Uub-senpai? He looks even more Belial than Geed-senpai!"

Zeta said in shock.

The underwater world.

Carmila's face was filled with surprise when she saw this scene.

Unexpectedly, Lufa summoned a new giant of light!

She had never heard of such incredible things in super ancient times!

It simply refreshed her world view!

"Hmph, no matter how many helpers you find, I will still torture you all to death!"

Hitram said contemptuously.

How dare you say that you are not worthy of letting him do it himself?

What a loud tone!

Today he is here to teach this brat a lesson!

Using it at super high speed, he appeared in front of Anrai Orb in an instant!

"Go to hell!" Hitram swung a slashing wave.

Penetrated through Anlei Orb's body.

Thought I had solved it.

But it didn't happen.

The moment the slashing wave hit Anrai Orb, he dispersed like mist.



Hitram was shocked.

A big black hand grabbed his neck from behind.

Another fist punched out.

The space-time shock wave instantly caused a small black hole to appear.

Yu Ming and others in the armory were stunned.

Did he punch out the black hole with one punch? ? ?

Dark Thunder Orb directly threw Hitram in...

"Wait, wait!"

The frightened look on Hitram's expression was reflected in the ruthless eyes of An Lei Orb. The latter instantly disappeared into the dark hole, and even his voice was swallowed up. The black hole seemed to be an invisible big hand, crushing Hitram into pieces. Completely crushed, the painful cry echoed throughout the world.

Then Dark Thunder Orb made another black hole.

Hitram falls out of it.

But at this moment, he was shaking all over as if he had been spoiled!

I was inside a black hole just now.

He was in pain as if his soul had been thrown into a washing machine and stirred wildly and crushed!

The energy of Dark Thunder Orb was concentrated on the claws.

Smile evilly.

Phew——! ! !

His right hand penetrated Hitram's skin directly and reached into his stomach!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

Hitram suddenly let out a scream that was ten thousand times more painful than before.

Dark Thunder Orb seemed to be going crazy, pulling hard with his hands to pull out the blue dark particle energy from Hitram's body!

Especially when paired with that face, it's even more Beria than Beria!

"stop it!!"

Hitram raised his right hand and planned to release the light with his dagger.

He was caught directly by An Lei Orb.

The muscles in his right arm swelled and veins popped out.

Bah! ! !

Sparks and rich blue particles burst out.

Hitram's dagger was torn off by Anlei Orb!

He stabbed Hitram in the stomach with his backhand.

The latter's screams seemed to be able to penetrate the clouds and crack rocks.

"I'm going to kill you, kill you!!"

Hitram looked crazy.

He actually broke free from Anrai Orb.

Use super high speed to instantly reach the sky.


His right hand shot out a thick blue light!

Boom——! ! !

The majestic flames suddenly burst out, the flames soared into the sky, the wind roared, the air seemed to be torn apart at this moment, shocking people, the sky was dyed red, bright as day, as if the end was coming, the power of the aftermath of the explosion Like a violent dragon, it sweeps away everything in anger, destroying everything!

Hitram burst into laughter.

"This is provoking..."

The words have not yet fallen.

Anrai Orb suddenly appeared behind him and punched him flying to the ground.

Instead, it was like a mountain bearing down on Hitram.

I thought that Anrai Orb was planning to punch Hitram.

But the next second.

The corners of everyone's mouths began to twitch violently!

Anrai Orb's face looked exactly like Belial's, and his mouth suddenly opened!

Bite Hitram hard!


The excruciating pain caused Hitram to howl out.

Then An Lei Orb suddenly raised his head.

A large piece of skin on his stomach was bitten off!

Blue energy particles splashed out!

Let Anreobu's face be covered with it!

But he still didn't stop!

It's like a hungry wolf hunting for prey.

Bite every part of Hitram's body!

Hitram struggled, his expression gradually becoming frightened!

Until Anlei Orb bit him on the head.

Half of his head was bitten off!

Liquid-shaped light particles flowed out of the empty shell of Hitram's brain.

Hitram immediately stopped moving.

Anlei Orb burped.

[The 1.8 Dark Thunder Orb you summoned has an extremely brutal fighting style, triggering a blessing critical strike and gaining...! 】

[You have an epiphany about the King’s Regenerative Light! 】

Instead, he blasted out a black hole and threw Hitram directly into it.


Everyone who saw this scene, even Zeta, was stunned!

Damn it! ! ! !

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