If it were Brother Ultra, even he would definitely immediately ask the Kingdom of Light to send support after encountering such a shocking thing.

But the way is different.

This kid is more powerful than Super Taro on his own!

Who can support him? ?

Who does he need for support? ? ?

"I don't know what's going on." Lufa said with a blushing face and a heartbeat.

"Is it Tartarus?"

The father of Ultra frowned and groaned.


Who else could be the madman who could do such a thing besides that guy?

It must be him! !

This matter must be reported to the king immediately!

"It's fine if nothing happens."

"I'm going back first. Remember, if there is any danger, you must send Ultra's signature as soon as possible. Don't be impulsive!"

Ultra's father ordered.

Lufa felt warm in his heart.

"I see."

The father of Ultra left.

Lufa thought of the reward he had just received.

Resolutely ignore Zetatriga.

He couldn't wait to disappear directly in a white light rising into the sky.

I don’t even bother to fly anymore.

at the same time.

the other side.

Planet Jurang.

This peaceful and beautiful planet welcomed a group of uninvited guests today.

"Ultraman Gauss, the legendary power in you is one of the biggest threats to our kingdom, so hurry up and capture him!"

A group of cosmonauts wearing golden armor said solemnly.

they are.

Absolute soldiers!

Commonly known as Xiaojinbing.

Gauss was stunned.

"Legendary power? Is it the power of Regedo and Saga in me?"

Just didn't wait for what he said next.

Dozens of Absolute soldiers rushed towards him.

Although not strong in size, due to the large number of people, the noise caused by each step was like an earthquake, causing the monsters on the planet Zhulang to flee in panic.

Gauss protects a monster behind him.

Take the initiative to face the front.

With his physical skills, he defeated the little golden soldiers one after another.

This also annoyed them.

A group of people stood together and fired a golden light bomb at the same time!

Gauss's eyes turned cold.

Doesn't make sense?

Then don’t talk about it!

It suddenly transformed into a red form like a flame.

Eclipse mode!

A ray of kezmium.

Boom——! ! ! !

In an instant, all the little golden soldiers were annihilated in the burst of flames.

Disengage from eclipse mode.

Gauss murmured: "What is the purpose of Tartarus..."


A figure fell down.


Ignoring Gauss's surprised look, Justis said anxiously.

"Gauss, I need your help!"

This was the first time that Gauss saw such a panicked Justis.

Quickly asked what happened.

Justis said in a deep voice:

"Dracion senses that Ultraman Rufa's universe is partially merging with other universes!"

"He wanted to know what happened through prophecy, but he couldn't see Ultraman Rufa's future!"

"Therefore, Ultraman Rufa and his Earth are judged to be unstable factors and are planned to be wiped out!"

"What did you say?!!!"

Gauss's face suddenly became ugly.

Is there something wrong with this Dracion? ? ? ?

Erased at every turn.

Tartarus has been wandering around for so long, but he hasn’t seen him send Giga Endora to the Absolut people’s lair!

"This time, He sent ten Groka Bishops and two Gigabit Endolas!"

Justice's words made Gauss's already depressed mood even more excited.

"We must rush there immediately!"

"Luffa is still a kid. He can't stop two Gigabit Endoras. We'll be there right away!"


This multiverse seems to have been agreed upon, but it's not just Gauss's side that's moving.

King Star.

King's Cave.

"The universe has merged?" The King of Ultra frowned slightly.

"Exactly!" Ultra's father nodded.


The Ultra King's eyes flickered.

He always felt that Tartarus was not responsible for this incident.

That guy is crazy though.

But it's not like spending a lot of time and space just to add some chaos to the route.

I vaguely feel that this matter has something to do with that kid Lufa...

The Ultra King decided to go and have a look.

After all, this is no small matter.

"I'll go as soon as possible."

The words are divided into two parts.

Lufa still doesn't know what happened.

At this time, he was sitting on the boss's chair concentrating on his gains this time.

Yuhua raised her head and stared at him curiously.

The more I watch it, the more I fall in love~

Don't ask why you need to look up to see the road.

There was uncontrollable excitement on Lufa's face.

The first is to specify a random summoning card!

He got the designated summon card.

Finally, Blaze was summoned.

But this time there is an extra "temporary".

Does that mean it's still an hour?

But it's better than Diavolo's time, and it can also make the summoned characters obey my commands.

Use decisively.

[You have successfully used the designated summoning card. Next, you can summon one of the three Dark Thunder Orb/Cang Yue/Mecha Seven! 】

Just ignore the second one.

It's useless to summon her and ask her to obey my orders.

I can't live broadcast in front of millions of people in a city like those monster aliens.

Mecha Seven is not that great.

It's just someone with Ultraman genes who can be equipped with Ultraman armor.

So is the first one left?

Dark Thunder Orb.

This is the same as the Grunt Form, both of which are arcade original forms.

It is a fusion of the power of Belia and Miracle Dyna.

He is so powerful that he even needs to control his own power, otherwise he can accidentally make Aihara Ryu ascend to heaven on the spot.


He has Dyna's miracle power.

He can also use Dyna's superpowers!

Create black holes, clones, teleport...

He can do everything Dyna can do!

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