"Flying Crane Fist!"

Lufa punched out, and the strong wind and waves immediately knocked Carmilla back!

Carmilla was furious.

The light rod turns into a light whip.

Hit Lufa hard!

Carmila's strength is definitely not weak!

As the super ancient Queen of Darkness, she is the strongest person in the super ancient times.

In the original book, she said that if she hadn't fully recovered her strength, she could easily fight Tartarus.

Although it is not ruled out that there is an element of blowjob in it.

But at her peak, Carmila was actually much stronger than Triga and even Little Taurus!

A few whips can send Zeta and Teliga flying away.

But it's a pity.

She met Lufa.

Lufa directly grabbed the light whip with one hand.

Pulling Carmilla in front of him.

Then he kicked her out.

Carmila screamed in pain and rolled several times on the ground!

Look at your belly.

A big footprint has appeared on it!

"asshole!." ! "

Carmilla's eyes were red and murderous.

"You like it when I play with the whip, don't you?"

Lufa walked up to him with a smile.

Directly using light energy to condense an iron chain, Lufa pulled it slightly, and the sound of iron collision and friction suddenly sounded.

Carmilla's eyes widened slightly.

What she was playing with was a whip, not a chain!

Before she could speak.

Lufa whipped her directly with a chain!

Carmila felt severe pain in her body, making her almost cry out in pain unconsciously.

But the arrogance in her heart made her quickly cover it up!

With Lufa pumping again!


This time even Carmilla couldn't help but scream.

There were obvious wounds on his body, and black-red dark energy particles were flowing out of them!

"It doesn't hurt or itch at all!"

"Are you talking back?"

"Ultra slap!!!"

Lufa slapped Carmilla on the face.

Her body was like a cannonball flying backwards, smashing into rocks on Mars one after another!

Carmila's pretty face had red palm prints visible to the naked eye!

There was deep disbelief on her face.

How dare someone in this world do this to her?

Doing this to her Carmila? ! ! !

do not know why.

There seemed to be something vaguely emerging deep inside.


Carmilla may not have noticed it herself.

Haven't recovered yet.

"This is how you should treat bad boys who are disobedient."

Lufa smiled jokingly.

Throwing out the iron chain, it wrapped around Carmilla's body.

Choking her tightly.

The iron chain turned into a light rope, and as Lufa pulled it, it became tighter and tighter, and an indescribable feeling emerged on Carmila's body.

She actually felt a burning sensation at the same time as the severe pain?

What on earth did he do to me! ! !

Carmilla screamed inwardly.

boom! !

Lufa stepped on his face with one foot.

Treat Carmilla like a disobedient dog!

Carmilla was embarrassed and angry.

I have the heart to want to die!

As the Queen of Darkness, had she ever been treated like this?

As the strongest person in the super ancient times, she was arrogant and looked down upon anyone.

Because she has never seen anyone stronger than her!


Now this pride was being trampled wantonly in front of Lufa.

Except shame and anger.

There seems to be another emotion deep inside my heart...

It seems like a new door is opening.

Carmilla woke up with a start.

This guy must have done something to himself!

Try your best to break free from the light rope.

A terrifying dark energy gathered on Carmilla's body, and her hands released a red destructive light wrapped in terrifying black lightning called "Carmila's Finger Spark"!

Lufa raised his hand and absorbed the power of the aurora.

Carmilla was immediately stunned.


Then he was knocked down by Lufa who suddenly jumped up.

Lufa rode on her.

"Back to you!"

The absorbed dark light spurted out from his hands, striking Carmilla's face fiercely.

Boom! ! !

The majestic flames suddenly burst out.

Lufa pinched Carmilla's face and patted her: "Are you still alive?"

I don’t know if it’s an illusion.

The corners of Carmila's eyes seemed to be filled with black and red light particles due to shame and anger.

She stared at Lufa as if she wanted to eat him alive.

"When I regain my strength, you won't be my opponent at all!"

"I will make you kneel down and beg for mercy when the time comes!!!"

She wanted Lufa to kneel on the ground and call her queen while licking her feet hard!

Activate the dark forces.

Carmila's figure suddenly turned into black-red mist and disappeared!

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you will receive blessings: energy purity +66, speed +55, strength +78, and spiritual power +99! 】

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical strike, gaining energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and spiritual power +999! 】

[You have an epiphany of the King’s Spark! 】

Teliga stared at this scene dumbfounded.

I don’t know why, but I just saw Lufa and Carmilla having “close contact”.

He felt a little sad in his heart.

And he felt a little heavy on his head.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

"The most important thing in life is Smail!"

"Come, follow me to Smail Smail!"

Terica looked at Zeta with a smile.

"Haruki, is this guy crazy?"

"Actually, I felt it just now, and his chest is too big, even more exaggerated than Master Astra's!"

Zeta whispered.

Terica's face was full of black lines.

Please pay attention!

I'm still next to you! ! !




Haruki brought Jianwu, who also turned back into a human, to the armory.

After all, he is an Ultraman.

You can't let him go wild outside.

Otherwise, there will be big trouble!

Shizuma Mitsukuni, Yuina, and Sei Akira naturally joined the armory.

Because the number of people increased.

Jakura Shota also applied for funds from his superiors to expand the area of ​​the command room.

Next door.

In the luxurious office.

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