I didn't expect that the Space Prison would be used like this!

When they heard the conversation between Jack and Ace, they still thought that a child could not be so cruel.

Now the only feeling in his mind.

I just want to ask if Lufa is the same race as them? ?

He is simply Ultra Destroyer! ! ! !

The King of Ultra sighed.

He has lived for hundreds of thousands of years.

He has seen everything.

But he really didn't expect that one day his Space Prison would be used in this way.

This is a completely different skill, right?

Rather than calling it a Space Prison.

It's better to call it a Space Tomb!

The key is that it is solid!

Originally, he was quite relieved to hear Lufa say that he would be responsible.

Now he just wants to say...

Are you too responsible? !

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get a blessing: Energy purity +66! ]

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get a blessing: Strength +66! 】

[Your fighting style is brutal, and you get blessings: strength +66, speed +99, defense +101! ]

[Your fighting style is extremely brutal, triggering a blessing critical hit, and you get energy purity +999, speed +999, strength +999, defense +999, and mental strength +999! ]

[You suddenly realized the Shining Triga Gamma Illusion! ]

[You got the Cosmic Fusion Card! ]

"Silver Clan's big brother, thank you for protecting me!"

The Ultraman elementary school student gently pulled Lufa's arm.

With a bright smile:

"This is for you!"

In her hand was a cute rabbit badge.

Lufa held it in his hand.

It felt like something was gushing out of his heart.

The meaning of Ultraman is here.




The whole audience burst into cheers.

Ace looked at this scene, feeling complicated and extremely relieved at the same time.


He has grown up.


Just a second after he was touched, a drop of blood dripped from the space prison above on his face.


Father of Ultra hurriedly said:

"Lu, Lufa, take the space tomb... no, take the space prison out, otherwise it will be difficult to clean up later!"


Lufa nodded.

With a wave of his hand.

He threw the space prison into the universe like throwing garbage.

Seeing this scene.

People like Tyroshikalimax who had fought with Belia in the past couldn't help but tremble in their hearts.

Damn it!

Belia, who existed like a devil in their minds, was like a little chicken in Lufa's hands!


Why did they feel a little happy?

They were suddenly shocked!

They quickly suppressed this feeling!

Damn it, I dare not assimilate with Lufa! !


Lufa felt that his body was lifted up by a telekinetic force.

Then he instantly appeared on the platform of the Silver Square with the King of Ultra.

"I declare that Ultraman Lufa has officially joined the Space Guard!"

"Award him the Star Medal and the King's Cape!"

The words were sonorous and powerful and full of majesty.

The millions of Ultramen who heard it were all excited at this moment.

Lufa, he deserves the title!

He defeated Belyudora in one move. If he still can't get these honors, they will start to question it!


The Ultramen in the audience, regardless of race, shouted Lufa's name at the top of their lungs.

Their voices were like waves, one after another, full of passion and power!

"Gaga gaga gaga!!!"

"Dang dang dang~~~~"

Blazer also shouted excitedly.

He was happy that his big brother had made progress!

Behind him.

A group of blue and red Ultramen imitated him and jumped wildly in the same place like primitive people!

These are people who admire Blaze's talent and volunteer to be his younger brothers.

Just like the Ultimate Zero Guard created by Zero.

Blaze also created a primitive guard team without knowing it.

The slogan is "Primitive, start!"

As the King of Ultra waved his hand.

The same Star Medal and King's Cloak as Zoffy and Hikari appeared on Lufa.

Zoffy and Hikari were a little envious!

Although they also have medals.

But they were not awarded by the King of Ultra himself!

What's more, Lufa also has a King's Cloak.

He is still so young!

But the two of them thought about it and felt relieved.

After all, Lufa's future achievements will be comparable to those of the King of Ultra.

"Lufa, you have a promising future!"

Ace was extremely relieved and looked at Lufa with tears in his eyes.

Suddenly thought of something.

He hurriedly said:

"Lufa, this cloak is only used for defense, never use it as a weapon!"

"Don't worry, Master, the hardness of this medal is not as good as the Eight-Point Light Wheel. Even if it is used to penetrate the enemy's body, it will not bring much pain to the enemy!" Lufa said confidently.

The corners of Ace's mouth, Ultraman Father's mouth, and the others twitched wildly!


You really want to torture the enemy with the medal, right? ?

Grigio stood beside the protagonist,

and naturally took his arm.

"Brother Lufa, can you teach me how to fight?"

"I want to be as strong as you!"

Lufa smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll teach you from the simplest barrier!"

"No, no, Brother Lufa, Grigio is not talented, so I won't cause you any more trouble. We'll go back first!"

"Yes, yes, yes, we remembered that the gas stove at home is not turned off yet, so we have to go back and see if Dad is still alive!"

Brother Rob hurriedly pulled Grigio away.

Grigio looked reluctant and resentful!

She clearly wanted to learn seriously from Brother Lufa...

Brother Rob glared at her fiercely.

Damn it!

Learn Ultra Barrier from Brother Lufa? ? ?

In their minds, the image of their sister turning into the color of Lufa has already appeared.

A graceful lady.

She holds a brick of light and hits people everywhere every day.

They don't want their cute, gentle, innocent and kind sister to become like that!

"Lufa, what are your plans next?" Ace asked curiously.

"Well... I finally came back, I want to stay in the Kingdom of Light for a while." Lufa said.

It's been a long time since I took a plasma spark bath.

He really wanted to.

Ace nodded.

He was also very happy.


On the other side.

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