After all, there are monsters and undead in the universe.

At the same time.

King Star.

King Cave.

The King of Ultra suddenly opened his eyes, with obvious astonishment in his tone.

"The Monster Cemetery has been destroyed..."


The brothers Leo and Astra were instantly incredulous.

Where is the Monster Cemetery?

That's where the corpses and undead of monsters are buried!

When Belia turned into the largest monster with a height of 4000m, Belialdora, he couldn't destroy the Monster Cemetery.

What kind of terrible existence did such a thing! ?

The King of Ultra didn't know.

He didn't pay attention to the universe all the time.

"Let's go and see!" The King of Ultra threw his cloak.


Came to Lufa.

"I, I lost my composure." Lufa said a little embarrassedly.

"Seeing your companions injured, this is inevitable!" Ace comforted.

"Brother Lufa, you saved us, no one blames you!" Grigio also said hurriedly.


In the dense rubble.

The Ultimate Battle Device flew out.

It passed by Lufa and rushed to the back.

It landed in a big black hand.

It was Belia!

Seeing him appear, Ace and the others were immediately surprised.


"Thank you so much, Lufa, for helping me release these monster undead spirits!"

"It saved me a lot of effort."

"Reform into Beliudora!!!!"

Belia held the Ultimate Battle Device in his hand.

The tens of thousands of monster undead spirits flying in the distance instantly rushed towards Belia.

Gathered together.

In the blink of an eye.

The height reached 5000m!

These monsters and cosmic undead spirits turned into entities again, and they looked like they were stuck together, densely packed into a body!

That's right!

It was 5000m!

Stronger than the previous Beliudora!

Because the number of monster undead spirits that appeared in the explosion of the monster cemetery was huge.

It made Belia easily condense a stronger Beliudora than before!

He was in control at the headquarter.

"Even so, you can't beat Lufa!" Ace said in a deep voice.

"Who said I must beat him?"

Belia smiled and took out a golden energy.

Throw it out.

A huge Nalak appeared directly!

This was given to him by Tartarus.

It can only be used once, the opportunity to open Nalak!

Immediately, he controlled Beliudor to get in!

"I will blow up the Kingdom of Light even if I risk my life!!!"

"Not good!"

"Belia's target is the Kingdom of Light!"

Ace panicked.

Lufa immediately opened a space channel and chased after him!

The moment they left.

A golden Nalak opened.

Tartarus's face was so gloomy that water could flow.

"That madman Belia..."

He guessed right, Belia was completely crazy!

Death after death.

He had long since become a puppet with no thoughts other than revenge in his mind!

After these days, Lufa was stimulated.

He has become a complete madman!

Originally, he planned to create Belyudora to attack the Kingdom of Light, causing casualties and thus disturbing Lufa's mind.

But he has always regarded the Kingdom of Light as his second home planet.

But he didn't think of destroying the Kingdom of Light!

If Belyudora attacks the plasma spark core.

Their kingdom will really be doomed!

He quickly opened a Nalak.


The Kingdom of Light.

"Belia, is Belia back?!"


"Belia, you traitor of the Light Clan!"

Hundreds of guards blocked Belyudora's advance at the port.

But with the release of a terrifying skill called "Belia Hellfire", Belyudora's mouth suddenly sprayed out flames like a sea of ​​fire, dyeing the entire port red!

The light of the guard members impacted Belyudora's body like sprinkling water, and had no effect at all.

Swallowed by the flames, rushed out.

Countless buildings were destroyed in an instant.

Countless flames rose into the sky, and everything disappeared wherever the flames reached. Buildings were caught in it, and the heat wave ripples rolled up countless glass and invaded in all directions.

The roar was like the collapse of the sky and the cracking of the earth, shaking the air. At the edge of the sky, balls of fire fell like meteors, carrying the power to destroy everything. It was not an ordinary flame, but like the fire of hell, blazing and extremely hot!

On the street, people fled in panic, and the flames raged behind them, like crazy ghosts, constantly devouring everything. Screams and shouts intertwined to form a desperate symphony. Their figures appeared more desperate and helpless under the reflection of the flames.

Fireballs kept falling, and each one seemed to carry the anger of heaven, shrouding all the creatures in the Kingdom of Light in fear. Buildings were burned, streets were burned black, and the whole world seemed to be swallowed by this fire!

Taro and other Ultra Brothers, even (cgbi) brought members of the Seven 21 Security Department.

And Ultra Father and Ultra Mother are all here!

"We will defend the Kingdom of Light until our death!"

Ultra Father draws out the Ultimate Blade.

"Hahahaha, so cool, so cool!!!"

Beria laughed wildly.

He looked towards the residential area.

He suddenly let out a strong flame from Belial's mouth!

"Mom, Mom!!"

An elementary school Ultraman, who was only 20m tall, half-knelt on the ground.

He cried.

A group of Ultramen ran over without hesitation.

They were residents of the Land of Light.

But like the members of the Guard, they also represented the light of protection!

He clumsily propped up the barrier.

Ultra Father and Ultra Mother flew over to support and propped up a larger barrier.

He said angrily:

"Beria, this is your hometown, have you completely abandoned the Heart of Ultra!?"

"Ultra Heart?" Belial sneered: "That kind of thing has been abandoned long ago, die for me!!!"


Belial roared throughout the universe.

He released the Hellfire again.

The barrier was shattered.

Ultra Father's pupils shrank.

The two of them rolled up their cloaks and protected the little Ultraman in their arms.

"Ultraman is indeed a boring creature." Belia grinned.


"It's boring to fight against someone weaker than you. If you want to fight, you should fight with me!!!"

The figures of Rufa Ace and others fell from the sky!

A punch filled with energy was instantly blasted out.


Rufa knocked Beliudor to the ground with one punch, and with a boom, a huge crater with a diameter of more than ten kilometers was smashed out!

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