Zero said: "Jet was resurrected and summoned six hundred Jetons!"

“Six hundred???”

Taylor and others were immediately stunned.

Not to mention six hundred.

Sixty of them are already scary!

"Then why are you back?" Ultra's father frowned.

"Could it be that you escaped back first by yourself???"

Ace suddenly calmed down.

said in disbelief.

Without waiting for Zero to speak.

"You loser!!"


A slap hit Zero directly on the face.

"Is Lufa still fighting Jayden now?"

"I have to go help him!"

Ace said as he was about to take off.

Sero recovered from his dazed state and said quickly: "No, Lufa has been solved!"



Ultra's father couldn't hold back and slapped Zero on the face!

"You wouldn't have told me earlier!"

I almost scared him to death!

Sero covered his face, feeling aggrieved.

There was a time when he was the darling of the Kingdom of Light.

Isn't Lufa better than him?

Is his dick so unpopular? !

"How did Lufa deal with six hundred Zetons?" Ace suddenly remembered and asked.

Sero told it truthfully.

When I heard that one-fifth of the moon was destroyed by Lufa.

The three Ultra Fathers couldn't believe their ears for a moment!

Is this something that Ultraman can do? ? ?


"I must find time to go to Earth!"

"This time, I will stay there until the path is corrected!"

Ace said decisively.

The words are divided into two parts.

As the saying goes, some people are happy and some are sad.

Kabuto Shin was also standing outside the armory.

Staring at the building angrily.

His expression is almost crazy!

He knew one thing deeply.

Normal monsters have no way to solve the problem!

He must take another approach!

Even he thinks this plan is crazy!

He wants to attract that monster that cannot be explained by reality at all, is inexplicable, and cannot be controlled by him or anyone else! ! !

Take out two stones, one red and one blue.

The moment Kabuto Shinya fused them together.


A mysterious flash of light suddenly erupted!

In the blink of an eye, a monster with a shape like a ball, no arms and legs, its whole body shaking slightly like jelly, and square protrusions all over its body appeared!

Shinya Kabuto opened his arms.

"Bruton, the fourth-dimensional monster, go and open a dimensional rift in this universe!"

"In this way, the monster that can kill Ultraman Lufa must be attracted by the fluctuations of time and space..."

Dysprosium Shen also said so.

Bruton's figure disappeared immediately!

He looked sickly.


Come quickly!

Void monster...

Griza! ! !

"Ultraman Lufa, let me see what you hit this time!"


(Thanks to 1234 and Daimiaomiao readers for their generous monthly votes!) Er.

Chapter 64: Zetajeed is confused: What the hell is the Shining Tiga Human Head Sword? ? ?

Armory, training ground.


Yoko didn't even use her hands and knocked Haruki and Asakura Riku to the ground.

Her graceful figure cannot even be concealed by her karate uniform, her curves are elegant, like dancing catkins, and her hair is lit up with a satin-like sheen from sweat, like morning dew falling on flower petals, beautiful and alluring.

All the men present were stunned!

What kind of lucky guy could get Yoko-senpai!

How can it be repaired! !

Yoko returned to her seat without saying a word.

His eyes fell forward.

The fists were clenched quietly!

Seeing Lufa and Yuihua chatting animatedly as if no one was around, she was not only surprised, but also felt a little uncomfortable.

It's like you were about to get something that originally belonged to you, but suddenly a guy ran out and snatched it away.

It was just like the feeling of suffocation she felt when she secretly read Minotaur comics!


Are these two people dating? ?

Thinking of the candy she had always treasured, Yoko felt itchy and wanted to go over and ask them both.

at this time.

"Yoko, Yuka, and Haruki, come to the command room immediately!"

Shota Snakekura's voice sounded in the communication machine.

Haruki and Yoko immediately brightened up when their names were called.

Yuehua glanced at Lufa reluctantly.

But he still came to the command room honestly.


She obviously wanted to continue smelling Lufa's body...

Command room.

With a solemn look on his face, Shota Snakekura played several scenes to the three of them.

There is a blue and red sphere on it!

"This is Bruton, the fourth-dimensional monster!"

"In the past hour, it has appeared in many places, but it did not cause damage. It just released a large number of space waves to blast out dimensional cracks!"

"Eh? What's the purpose of doing this?" Asakura Lu was confused.

"I don't know the "517" way either."

Shota Snakekura shook his head.

In the past, he would also crack a few jokes.

but now.

His intuition told him that this matter was far from that simple!


The next second!

When he saw a spiked, alien-like sphere on the surveillance screen, Shota Jakura immediately knew Bruton's purpose!

There was a hint of fear on his face!

This is...

"Grizza the Void Monster?!!!" Asakura Riku said in horror.

The purpose of Bruton's appearance.

Is to attract Grizza by releasing dimensional energy? !

"How do you know?" Yoko looked at him strangely.

Asakura Riku panicked.

"Ah this..."

Shota Jakura pouted speechlessly.

Timely support:

"This guy also has a certain understanding of monsters!"

"Anyway, we must move quickly, Asakura Riku, help Haruki evacuate the crowd!"


The two looked at each other and were overjoyed.

They didn't notice it at all.

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