"No, Sawai is a great man, and he also knows that this is the right thing to do."

"But in the previous era, only by holding high the banner of peace and completely turning to one side could we gain the support of some people."

"Only when the TPC is established can changes be made within this framework."

Director Yoshioka said it bluntly.

This is not a secret. The top human beings are all human beings. Who doesn't know Sawai's plan?

But in the face of more and more frequent alien life activities, most people have acquiesced to Sawai's call.

"Reg, you have power beyond ordinary people. Although you come from other universes, you are still from Earth."

"Join my police force and protect the earth together"

"The police department needs people like you!"

Director Yoshioka stared at Reg with stern eyes and extended the invitation sincerely.

Regardless of the other party's combat effectiveness, Reg's knowledge of other related things as a supernatural being was enough to hold a position in the TPC.

Reg had a weird heart..

Dongchang needs talents like you? Are you Cao Zhengchun, the director of Dongchang?

"No, I have no plans to join an official organization yet."

Regg plans to wait and see.

If it is confirmed that he can absorb the abilities of the monsters defeated by others, then he can use the Victory Team as a tool.

It will be great to join the Victory Team then.

Besides, what about Director Yoshioka? You have to visit the thatched cottage before you can go out, right?

Yoshioka was keenly aware that Reg was not very firm, and was about to continue persuading.

The combat captain on the side suddenly came to Yoshioka's ear:"Director, in the southwestern areas, A monster was discovered on the island of Kuroshima"

"How's it going?"

Yoshioka's heart sank.

The previous Golzan and Melba were actually discovered and confirmed by the authorities a few years ago.

But I didn't expect that besides these two, there are other monsters all over the world.

"Both the miners and the survey team were under attack, and the Director had already set off for the scene."

The combat captain whispered.

He glanced at Reg with pity, and Yoshioka stood up:"I still have urgent matters. Reg, please think about it seriously."

"Haha, don’t worry, if one day I join TPC, I will definitely consider the police department first."

Regg shook hands with Director Yoshioka and said goodbye.

Watching the convoy quickly go away, Reg also turned and left the milk tea shop.

Director Sawai has gone to Kuroshima. It seems that the victory team will also show off the"super powerful light" and Rise Jing's"It's not enough, I still want to fight monsters again".

It's the right time!


Didi! Didi!

In the temporary TPC camp on Kuroshima, Gakumana's huge life energy reaction was displayed on the radar screen.

Gradually approaching, the high-performance explosive ambush ring ordered by Director Sawai was laid.

"It looks amazing up close!"

Director Sawai and members of the police station walked out of the tent and looked at Kakuma who emerged from the ground. With a height of tens of meters, his casual movements were filled with sand and dust mist, which made Sawai wonder in his heart.

"OK, blow it up!"

Sawai clenched his fist and gave the order.

"yes!"The combat captain responded, took the detonator, pulled the button, and all the high-performance explosives exploded instantly.



A series of loud noises, the rocks in an area instantly shattered and exploded, stirring up a tower of hundreds of meters high. Smoke and dust.

Immediately after more explosives exploded, deep black mist rose into the sky, revealing the surging firelight below.

Even from a distance, the splashing gravel still made Director Sawai and his team a little embarrassed.


Sawai squinted his eyes, looking for something in the hazy smoke and dust, with some expectation in his eyes.

However, the flying gravel and soil fell, and the situation quickly became clear. The Kakumus at the center of the explosion was not damaged!

"How can it be!"

Sawai whispered, truly feeling the terror of the monster.

This is something that ordinary weapons cannot handle.

"Captain, don't attack, wait for the winning team to come over."

Prevented the combat captain from wanting to bring people up to stop the monsters and protect the director.

It hasn't reached that point yet.

It seemed that he was a little dazed by the explosion just now. Kakuma did not attack the personnel.

Sawai was on the safe side. , contacted the Victory Team in advance.

But in just a few minutes, Feiyan 1 and Feiyan 2 had arrived at Kuroshima

"Here they come!"

Seeing the winning team, Sawai showed a happy smile.

"Dagu, Xincheng, attract the monster's attention, then go around behind it"

"Lina, go to the side, Horii, prepare the Texas gun."

Zongfang glanced at the scene and saw that the monsters were attacking the vehicles and machinery at the scene, so he immediately gave a battle plan


Xincheng pulled the joystick, and Feiyan No. 1 drew an arc.

Ta-ta-da! Ta-ta-ta!

The red laser shot out from the caliber of the heavy machine gun. Feiyan No. 1 flew past Gakuma provocatively. It was very unpleasant. A shuttle came politely.

The laser bombarded Gakuma's head, exploding into clusters of energy sparks.

"Hey, hey, monster, look over here!"

Da Gu beamed, shouting and pressing the attack button.


After attracting Kakuma's attention, the engine roared, and Feiyan No. 1 instantly accelerated and circled behind Kakuma. The angry Kakuma also turned around Turn around, and when you open your mouth, there is a blue-white petrified light.

(PS: Please give me flowers)

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