
Chapter 91 War Fortune

Strictly speaking, this is another accident caused by poor thinking ——oneself's conspiracy to destroy Littlefinger has succeeded, so far: Petyr oneself lost power in King's Landing, and the final pawn buried in Vale faced siege and suppression, and the grand ambition of a generation of conspirators was dug by the outsider of oneself. Out in the sun for a while and then the sun was smashed. But when oneself came up with this idea, he only thought about Petyr alone, and forgot that among the adulterous men and women in the content, there was also a woman...

So, now this "smart" secret mastermind oneself Igor's interests are also threatened by unbridled rumors... Igor smiled wryly, there is really no good thing in the world that has the best of both worlds. It's normal to deal with a big villain so easily, and it's normal to have a little side effect. This is the end of the matter, regret is useless, what oneself needs now is to judge the future development direction of the situation, and try to make money from it - even if it can't, at least reduce its possible losses.

As an outsider, Igor, who has a limited understanding of the world, will inevitably deduce the development of the situation by himself. There is a well-read person who has grown up in Westeros since he was a child. The situation will be much better. .

So, Tyrion got the news that night.

After some discussion, the two came to a very bad conclusion: war may be inevitable.


What "Lords Declarant" did, from the point of view of Igor, who knew the truth, was not an exaggeration to say that it was righteous: the youngest son of the original king was removed from his He was brought out from the mother who was sick and neurotic, and who murdered his husband. He was raised and educated by several Great Families who had no remorse, and gradually grew into a Vale qualified person who is physically and mentally healthy, capable of writing and martial arts, and who knows shame and morality. The ruler...the ideal is beautiful, but the problem is that although the information released by Igor is true, it is spread by word of mouth in the form of rumors, which is doomed: the world can believe it, but it cannot disrupt the ruling order. !
As the King of Andals, First Men and Rhoynar, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, Robert is absolutely impossible to accept: a big bannermen of oneself is suddenly controlled by a group of lower level 1 bannermen. Let this farce of the following crimes run wild, and the authority of the top rulers will be greatly trampled - failure to protect the bannermen is the greatest shame of the monarch, even if Lysa Tully's accusation is confirmed, it can only be dealt with by the king , it's not your turn to fool around!

It's domineering, but that's how feudal society works.


"Iron Throne and this... 'Lords Declarant' should be negotiating over the air for some time, but there is a high probability that no results will be reached." Tyrion Analysis Said: "Robert has made a lot of compromises in order to stabilize the country after the new dynasty was established - to give up the monarchy of Dorne Martell and Reach House Tyrell, marry my old sister in exchange for an alliance with Lannister, have Jon Arryn as prime minister to stabilize Stark, Tully, and Arryn, whose benefits and credits did not match up after the war... These are all Great Families, and it's embarrassing to compromise with them, but it's not shameful, but what kind of onions are Royce and Wei Wood?"

"Also, our good king has been idle for several years, and his hands are already itchy, and Tourney can no longer satisfy him." Dwarf frowned: "Even if it's just to re-experience the feeling of leading a soldier, Robert will not make the slightest compromise. And what kind of alliance, since it has already started, it is absolutely impossible to let go of the results and go home in vain to wait for sanctions!"

And does not deny Robert's stupidity In the same way, Igor did not dare to ignore his military ability. He is both a king and an excellent general. Fighting with him is one of the stupidest things in the world of ice and fire. The end of Balon Greyjoy's rebellion is the best warning: "The confidence of these people Where? Several Vale count families, how did they fight Robert?"

"Their confidence was the financially stretched financial situation of Bloody Gate and the kingdom - to put it simply: a man who had never been captured. Dangerous pass, and Robert's empty wallet." Tyrion said: "For thousands of years, the record of Bloody Gate's frontal breach has always been zero, Lords Declarant oneself outwitted it with a traitor, and will not try to do the same for Robert. Opportunity... And the matter that the treasury has no money, as long as you have ears and eyes in the Imperial court, you will basically know it. When Robert's army is shriveled under the Bloody Gate, they can eat and drink in place for a month or two, and they will not compromise. "

"There is no money in the treasury, and there is a war, Robert will definitely borrow money from his bannermen." So that's how it is, Igor's back is cold: "Our creditors are very likely to redeem the bonds." , and even the investment just negotiated is likely to fall through!"

"Yes, the situation we are facing now is very troublesome... Tyrion also sucked in a cold breath: "If Robert goes to the Vale of Arryn, my father will certainly send troops to help out. Although my family has a lot of money, it doesn't fall from the sky. Now I will contact my family." Borrowing money has become impossible..."

"We have to do the math, what kind of test can our capital chain withstand at present? "


After some addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, they came to the conclusion that they immediately dismissed all employees, stopped the construction of the factory, did not pay wages and owed the project payment, and took all the money in their hands. The money includes private property and Iron Throne's "appropriation" to Night's Watch, and it has given up thinking about the next issue of food, drink and accommodation. The capital chain can withstand 70% of the redemption amount - this is a good result, This is just the beginning of the game, and they did not spend money indiscriminately.

If the redemption amount is less than half, the startup can continue at a low scale, but the capital chain is precarious and in danger of breaking at any time; If it is higher than half and less than 70%, then the two can only struggling on whilst at death's door and hope that Robert can quickly win the war; if it is higher than 70%, then Igor can pack up and prepare to cross east to join Mother of Dragons , Tyrion can also start drafting and think about how to ask dad Tywin to clean up the mess for oneself.

Tyrion is Tywin's son after all, even if he is covered in dirt, he won't suffer too much, but oneself is in King's The Night's Watch deserter that Landing failed to engage in "scam", what did Mother of Dragons want to accept you?

"Impossible..." Igor's face was flustered and exasperated Slightly twisted, the feeling of being cut off by someone is not a good feeling. The key is that the person who may be about to cut off oneself's fortune is not a "person", and he has nowhere to shed his anger.

"Don't Anxious, the more anxious, the more we can't think of an idea, we are the first to know the news. "Tyrion reassured him: "Think about using the time difference to do something?" ”

The three words time difference suddenly reminded Igor, the dive light flashed in his mind: Before crossing, if he accidentally learned this kind of inside information, what would oneself do?
Throw it away Stocks that may have fallen sharply due to this bad news will turn to the military-related market.

This war will only be a partial fight, even if Robert returns in low spirits after failing under the Bloody Gate, Vale Several counts did not have the courage and strength to counterattack Vale of Arryn. On the contrary, after venting some of their strength in this local war, after the internal conflicts accumulated over the years were transferred and vented, the overall situation of Westeros will stabilize for a while— —Oneself's financial game will not collapse, as long as you grit your teeth and endure it for a while!
"We immediately purchased a large amount of food, grass, and armaments. As soon as the news comes out, the prices of these things will definitely rise sharply. Use the price difference to earn Oil and water, maintain the stability of the capital chain! "

"What? "Tyrion was taken aback." Who would be a normal person who would suddenly buy a lot of this thing? You are clearly telling others that you have inside information and want to make a fortune in war! Don't take the people above for idiots! "

"I'm not normal, you forgot again." Igor narrowed his eyes and suddenly felt that the idea was interesting: "I'm the chief logistics officer of Night's Watch, beyond the wall 100,000 wildlings are approaching The Wall, in order to prepare for the war, I purchased a large amount of food, grass and armaments and planned to send them to the Wall, who can say more?" What? At best Ed will pressure me not to raise the price, it is impossible to cut me off! As long as I make the food look good and make the tricks more realistic, it will definitely work! "

Tyrion stared at Igor for a while, realizing that the other party was indeed the Chief-In-Charge of Night's Watch's general logistics, but making war money from seizing food from the tiger's mouth, this is really It's too dangerous, do you want to gamble like this?

dwarf's face recovered: "It's true, you're fine with buying food, grass and armaments, but it's still too dangerous to operate, I'll give you some advice. One way: Pretend to let the majority of the interests go, and everyone can make a fortune together, so as to ensure peace. ”

(end of this chapter)

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