
Chapter 183 Moments of Life and Death (Part 1)

There is a good wooden floor under the feet, and the walls are covered with The Golden Lion flag representing the family, and the house is full of gold or gilded furnishings... In the middle of this luxuriously decorated, splendorous and majestic hall, a group of well-dressed people sit around a table, negotiating what to do with the family history response to the greatest crisis of all time.

Tywin Lannister, the duo of Casterly Rock's Duke and Westerlands guardian, sits in the first seat, a tall, muscular man in his fifties but fit as a young man. He has always been resolute in his work. Since the top of his head began to lose hair, he ordered the barber to shave his head bald, and even the beard around his lips and chin was shaved, leaving only the cheeks and temples, and two sturdy golden beards from the ears. down to the jaw.

He had always had a serious expression, but today, he added a barely noticeable worry.


"Ultimatum from King's Landing." House Lannister's second-in-command, Kevan Lannister pulled a note from his sleeve and put it on the table: "Robert ordered you to Immediately send back Jaime and Cersei for trial and punishment, and go personally to explain their crimes, within ten days, it is self-inflicted treason, and Iron Throne will crusade with the power of the nation... Given that from Casterly Rock to King's Landing takes at least three days, and you have five days to think about it."

"Robert can't write this thing." Tywin didn't even look at the letter on the desk, "He just calls people. Get the Warhammer, put on armour, and come down to Casterly Rock in person."

"The Prime Minister is qualified to speak for the king." Bald and fat, Kevan doesn't look nearly as intimidating as his brother, but No one dared to question his vision and judgment. He glanced at his nephew and niece who were sitting silently on the side with eyes like a dead man. Once upon a time, people called James and Cersei golden brothers and sisters... Who would have thought that the pride of this family in the past is now Will it bring disaster to Lannister? "It doesn't matter if this letter was written by Ed or Robert, it now represents Iron Throne's request, you just need to consider now, do you want to do what the letter asks for?"

"Your Opinions?" Tywin didn't answer directly, but looked at Kevan and asked blankly.

Kevan also did not answer directly, not to betray himself, but as Uncle, he was really hard to say the answer: "Most families in the Six Kingdoms have already begun to prepare to reconvene their troops, and the previous battle has just ended. , this step will be completed soon. Margaery Tyrell is about to become queen, with Iron Throne starting the war, Reach's money and food, and the rest of the five countries contributing, we have no chance of winning."

"There are no outsiders here, you can directly say what you think." Tywin's expression did not change: "I should cut my arms to survive, personally send James and Cersei back to King's Landing to be beheaded, and then voluntarily announce that Iron Throne will be exempted from House Lannister's debt in exchange for forgiveness and the right to return safely to Casterly Rock, right."

Kevan held his head up indifferent expression—he didn't want to say it himself, but it would be nice to have someone do it for him comfortable. This is indeed his opinion, and he is not afraid of the eyes of his two nephews and nieces.

"What about our allies? We spent so much gold in the peaceful times to make friends with various families. Now that we are in trouble, no one has come forward to help?" Listening to father and Uncle discussing how oneself Sent to beheaded, Cersei couldn't hide his panic and blurted out, "Is this Westeros all ungrateful guys?"

"Allies? At this critical moment, how dare you secretly send us some news , tell me that their monarchs are preparing for the war, and they are doing their best, do you still want to ask for more?" Tywin scolded rudely: "You are the Seven Kingdoms, are you all idiots like you!"

The queen... To be precise, the former queen has no temper in front of her father. The strong image of a parent that Tywin Lannister has built since he was a child can't be erased by any amount of time. Cersei lowered his head and murmured: " What about our gold, buying some families at any cost? Is it impossible?"

"Who will die for the gold that will belong to oneself? Just gather under the banner of Iron Throne and invade the Westerlands If House Lannister perishes, how much gold and even gold mines will be theirs. Stand on the winning side and wait to share the spoils, or take some money and wait for us to be buried, which would you choose?" Tywin gave his daughter a disgusted look : "If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb! I'm going to ask you now, what is going on in your head to admit the rumors to Robert's face that day? And shouting for James to kill the king? "

James, who has been silent for a long time, said: "father, there is no hope of winning the war, please hand me and Cersei over, save the family, this matter started because of me and Cersei, please let us two." People will bear the consequences."


"I think it's great and selfless to say this by oneself, and even moved by oneself, isn't it?" Tywin said coldly Staring at James, he didn't show any mercy because his son was still wrapped in gauze: "You still naively think that this is just a matter of your and your elder sister's lives?"

"If your father really handed over your oneself children, the majesty of House Lannister, which he spent several decades rebuilding, would be gone, and people would say contemptuously: Huh, Tywin Lannister, just an old man who bullies the soft and fears the hard. That's all, I don't show mercy to the bannermen under my command, killing the clan. on Throne Not kneeling without the slightest hesitation? "Kevan said for his brother: "House Lannister has successively lent Robert 3 million Golden Dragon over the past ten years, hoping to break the bank and stabilize your elder sister's queen position and ensure that the future king in the bones has us. The blood of the family...by the way, I will bring you back to Casterly Rock City to inherit the position of House Head, this time once you become soft..."

Tywin took the words of the younger brother: "I will lose my son, daughter, three hundred The debt of the Golden Dragon, the guardianship of the Westerlands, and the image and prestige built up for a long time. By that time, House Lannister, who was empty of people and wealth, and whose power had dropped a thousand zhang in one fall, would be irreversibly declining, and finally be replaced by the Westerlands family who had risen up with a large pile of gold hidden in a warehouse. By then, guess what, can we safely downgrade to the Casterly Rock count while keeping Lanisport and Casterly Rock, swear allegiance to the new Guardian of the Westerlands, and continue digging for gold? "

"No, from the moment you ordered House Reyne to be wiped from the world and wrote the 'Rainy Season of Castamere', House Lannister has never retreated, and can only stay strong forever— - No one has ever treated disrespectful bannermen like that. Once the bloody example of genocide begins, the whole Westerlands is in awe of you, but when you strip away that awe, there is fear... and people always want what they fear. Fast after eradication. "Kevan analyzed without anyone else: "Once it is half weak, there are countless families who will be eager to play this tune in the halls of Casterly Rock, and then like House Targaryen... kill Lannister as well. A clean...so that the world can understand that doing things without leaving a line will end. "

"That is to say, whether or not he accepts Iron Throne's orders, House Lannister is doomed?" James held on to the painful wound on his abdomen, and for the first time realized how serious the disaster caused by oneself was: "Is there no other way out?" "

"Yes, if we win this battle, and the other six countries will be subdued, the crisis will naturally be resolved, but can we do it?" "Tywin stared blankly at his son: "Do you know where oneself is wrong?" "

"I...and Cersei..."

"Nothing happened to you and Cersei, that's a rumor!" I won't say third time anymore! Tywin clapped the table and interrupted James with a roar: "Your biggest mistake is that you didn't kill Robert when you did it!" Didn't even bring back Prince who could make a fuss! As soon as the king dies, Eddard will help Stannis succeed him. With the rigid nature of this Baratheon, his kingship is bound to be unstable. His younger brother Renly will definitely marry Reach, and then raise troops to fight for the throne... North, Riverlands and Vale will join forces to help Stannis retain the throne, and no matter which side Dorne is on, the battle will be fought. In this case, we will make Joffrey Baratheon king again and announce that the Bucks Dynasty will move the capital to the Westerlands. No matter what the final result is, our position in the Westerlands is unshakable! "

Tywin gnashing teeth said: "But you are good, stabbed him but didn't kill him, the kindness to the enemy is the cruelty to oneself, Robert will not appreciate your show mercy!" "

The door was slammed open, and a dwarf walked in under the gaze of the four House Lannister core members.

"Uncle," Tyrion bowed, "Sir Father, and my dear big brother elder sister, it's great to see you all alive again. "

Duke Tywin didn't get up, he just looked at dwarf's son meaningfully: "It seems that the news that you escaped from King's Landing is true. "

"Sorry to disappoint you, Sir Father." "Tyrion said, walking straight to the conference table: "Don't jump up and hug me, I don't want you twisting your waist. He climbed up on a chair, each minding their own business, picked up the father's wine bottle and poured wine: "I'm just curious why you sent troops to take back my big brother elder sister, but refused to let them go any more along the way." Do a search and bring me back along the way? Make me oneself take a few more days to take the trail home, I feel like I have never walked so much in my life, and my legs are running shorter. "

"I didn't know you escaped King's Landing when I sent troops." Duke Tywin ignored his one-liners, but replied nonchalantly, "Now that you're back safely, stop cynical crap, the family is in danger of life and death, and you've always been smart enough to come up with an idea." , where did we just say? "

"This is Iron Throne's ultimatum to us." "Tyrion and Uncle have a good relationship, and Kevan handed him the note: "We're discussing whether we should do as above." ”

(end of this chapter)

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