
Chapter 173 Whistleblowing
Igor exits the Red Keep gate and stands on the gentle slope of Aegon's High Hill Frightened for a few seconds. In this Game of Thrones, he originally thought oneself was powerless to intervene, and he did not intend to intervene, but in the end not only was he involved, but now he seems to be actively seeking death - against the winning side, this is really...

"What are you thinking, ride that horse, hurry up, don't let Miss Arya be in danger!" Bywat Ser patted him on the back, shoved the reins of a garrison officer's horse into his hands, and blinked quietly. : "quickly go and quickly return."

Understanding that now is not a good time to think wildly, Igor took the horse and turned it on the saddle, bowed to Ser the Iron Hand, and rode to the Western District.

The King's Landing garrison is a city defense force. It does not undertake external combat missions. It is equipped with very few horses. The House Lannister members in the capital are many people. The assets are amazing... I want to arrest and seal them all. , but it took a while, but hopefully they can think of Tyrion outside the city slowly.

Afraid to put the safety of his friends on the neglect of others, Igor straightened the reins and clamped the horse's belly, leaned forward on the horse's back, and began to accelerate. Sun gradually moved to the sky, and near lunch was the time of day when there were the fewest pedestrians on the road. Igor didn't worry about horsepower, and for the first time galloped through the city like a gangster in a busy city. It is a good horse that is accustomed to the road conditions of King's Landing. Even under the complicated conditions in the city, it still runs very fast. It almost hit pedestrians and goods several times along the way. Igor was brought to King's Gate from the Red Keep.

King's Gate is open to traffic, just like people coming, people going. As the largest city in the Seven Kingdoms, King's Landing will have an immeasurable impact on residents' daily life and various economic behaviors if the city is closed for no reason. In Eddard Stark's plan, as long as Cersei and James are controlled in Red Keep, King's The other Lannisters in Landing are all turtles in the urn... For various reasons such as self-confidence and confidentiality, the garrison of each gate did not get any news in advance, which did hit Cersei a completely unprepared, but also provided Igor to go out of the city to call the police for Tyrion. Chance.

Igor was recognized by the guards when he passed through the door - no way, he is too recognizable now. Last night, he was a criminal who was sent out by the guards to arrest him. The commander of the garrison who gave the order was also thrown into prison. As a client, he rode around freely in King's Landing, such a person who has the ability to reach the sky... Which garrison soldier is not both respectful and awe-inspiring?

Without being blocked, Igor slowed down, passed the city gate nonchalantly, and after a while at full speed, arrived at his destination on the banks of Blackwater Rush.

The soldiers of the security team at the entrance of the industrial park received him in a panic. Igor refused the offer to inform or accompany him, without wasting time, he went straight to Tyrion's office.

Tyrion didn't leave. He was sitting behind his desk and writing a letter for oneself. Instead, Jyck and Morris were rummaging around in the house, arranging things.

"Igor, why are you here!" Tyrion put down his pen, "Alright, I won't write the rest, I'll tell you more clearly..."

"Don't worry about it. What are the plans and plans, let's go, immediately! Now!" Igor stared and said in a low voice: "Jyck, Morris, don't pack up, take a day or two of food and drink, and leave immediately!"

" What's the matter?"

"James attacked King Robert in the Red Keep, and now the garrison is on its way to catch you." Igor stepped aside to open the door, and urged nervously, "Go now. Stables, one person with two horses, avoid the main road and the settlement and flee west at full speed - go back to Casterly Rock alive, the future development of the Night's Watch industry and so on, we will have the opportunity to discuss in the future!"

… …

Tyrion took half a second to understand the seriousness of the matter, jumped out of his chair without the slightest hesitation, shook Igor's hand one last time before going out, and said nothing. Without seeing off or saying goodbye, the two "giants" in the Night's Watch industry hurriedly separated, watching Tyrion and the two guards trot towards the stables, Igor sorted his expressions and thoughts before heading to the training ground of the security team .

Here, he gasping for breath pretended to anxiously inquire about Arya's whereabouts, and the result was naturally that she didn't come today, and after finishing it, he "relaxed" "at ease", and nothing happened. He gave a general explanation of the reason why oneself was anxious, chatted with the inspector and security Captain and the others appointed by oneself, and soon waited for the soldiers of the garrison to arrest Tyrion.

Because they were used to being troubled by Slynt these two days, when ten golden robes rode into the industrial park, the guards did nothing to stop them. No target was found in Tyrion's office or room, the golden robe's arresting squad naturally looked for the Chief-In-Charge here, then went up the stairs and quickly stood in front of Igor.

It's not enough to let Tyrion escape. His little man needs special saddles to ride, and he can't get up quickly on the road. Only by buying him as much time as possible can this tip-off not be a waste. Strength: "Tyrion just left soon, he said he was going to leave by boat, detour Dorne back to Lanisport."

Leave by boat and go around Westeros and go back to Casterly Rock? This is a bit unreasonable, the golden robe officer frowned: "Really?"

"I don't know if it's true or not, but that's what he said anyway."

came to ask The golden robe officer's face was contorted, and he was finally speechless. On the site of the Night's Watch industry, facing the chief logistics officer of Night's Watch who is said to have the prime minister as the backstage and can "bring down" his own commanders, the famous "Others killer" Igor West... Who can be hardened? Shaking his head, after talking with his colleagues behind him, he rode out of the industrial park and chased towards the black liquid port in the east—the wrong direction.


Tyrion managed to escape for a while with Igor's help, while King's Landing was a mess at the moment. At lunchtime, countless King's Landing residents relished the "infighting" of the garrison last night at Linhemen at the family table or in the restaurant lobby. Ghost"... It wasn't until I heard the noise on the street and opened the window that I realized that the good show was not over yet.

Since the end of the slayer war, the garrison was dispatched for the first time, and a large number of soldiers rushed out of the barracks and rushed to the streets. After the order is closed, House Lannister faces the biggest crisis since the conquest of Aegon - because her own lady is queen in the Red Keep, countless Lannisters safely regard King's Landing as the second Lanisport, settle down here, seek opportunities for livelihood, and get along. Some even buy property to have children. Now that Cersei and James have been exposed, the main branch of the family, the side branch... But everyone in the city, even if they are only from the Westerlands family, has been arrested by the golden robe who broke in and locked into the dungeon, and all their money and assets are confiscated.

The members of the Queen's family who were once aloof and remote have been imprisoned one after another, and the cells of King's Landing were overcrowded for a while, but those who thought House Lannister was about to be completely overwhelmed might be disappointed: Ed takes the lead With more than 300 soldiers in the garrison, they finally wiped out all the House Lannister army in the Red Keep. After a lot of hunting, not only did they not catch anyone, but they turned around and heard that "the Lions Gate guard Captain's mutiny, with his cronies and horses. Escorting Jaime Cersei from King's Landing" bad news.


"Hurry up and send someone to chase!" After a long time of layout, the Lannister brothers and sisters finally escaped from the in front of one's eyes, and Ed was like being possessed by Robert. into a rage: "Let the Grand Maester Pycelle send the ravens, and order the nobles of the Riverlands Reach along the Goldroad to intercept and capture the Kingslayer and the Queen with all their strength!"

The garrison experienced infighting last night and changed its commander this morning. The House Lannister force, which was busy cleaning King's Landing, was in a chaotic state of scattered personnel, poor communication from top to bottom, and difficulty in sending orders. They had a lot of horses before they gathered a chasing force. Come out of the Lion's Gate and chase in the direction of Casterly Rock on Goldroad.

In the afternoon, in the raven house in the southeast corner of Red Keep, a raven with letters tied to its feet flapped its wings and flew into the air, flying towards the west with the wind. The content of the letter was exactly what Eddard Stark had ordered, and the Prime Minister sent someone to examine it verbatim without finding the slightest fault, but only the Maester oneself who sent them knew - two of them that were supposed to fly to Stoney Sept, were replaced Became to fly to Casterly Rock.


[Debt repayment in chronological order, adding more updates to "栤枧", 5 chapters still owed]

(end of this chapter)

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