Lin Wang seems to have evaporated from Japan.

Text Chapter [-] One year later

Spring and autumn come, time is like water, and before you know it, a year has passed quietly.

In the past year, countless professional coaches wanted to find Lin Wang, but there was no news, and Lin Wang's person gradually faded out of people's sight and was forgotten by the world.

Of course, some of them remembered, that was Yukimura, Sanada, and Tezuka.

Even after so long, they can still clearly remember the high-spirited figure in the youth audition a year ago in their minds.

The Lin Wang who defeated the three of them and finally won the championship.


Japan-Kanagawa-Tachikai High School Affiliated.

As Lihai University, which won the national competition last year, in the new school year, the tennis department has introduced a new batch of blood.

However, these people basically came for the title of Lihai University Tennis Department National Championship, and they didn't really like tennis much.

At one end of the court, Sanada asked Yukimura, who stared at the sky in a daze.

"Yukimura, what are you thinking?"

"You said he really disappeared?"

Yukimura looked at the sky and asked calmly.

What Yukimura said about him was naturally King Lin who defeated him and Sanada in the youth audition a year ago.

Sanada was stunned for a moment, then shook his head.

"do not know."

In the past year, Sanada has been inquiring about the news of King Lin, but he has no clue. The other party seems to have evaporated, as if he had never come to this world.

"Sanada, you should be as unwilling as I am. After training hard after failure, you finally reached the top, but found that the person you wanted to defeat has disappeared."

Yukimura's mouth showed a hint of bitterness.

Sanada was silent for a while, but finally nodded in acknowledgment.

He was really unhappy.

They have worked so hard to train so that one day they will be able to defeat King Lin in a match.

But the other party actually disappeared, what is this?

"Let's not talk about this, if we have fate, we should meet again."

"By the way, how is the club this year?"

Yukimura asked Sanada about the club.

"not so good."

Sanada shook his head and said.

"Although there are a lot more freshmen joining tennis this year than in previous years, most of them came for the title of champion of our club's national competition, and they didn't suffer much. They only trained for a week, and they have already left most of the time. Now There are less than [-] people left."

Chapter 1 One year later -->>(Page 2/[-]), please click on the next page to continue reading.

"Although there are a lot more freshmen joining tennis this year than in previous years, most of them came for the title of champion of our club's national competition, and they didn't suffer much. They only trained for a week, and they have already left most of the time. Now There are less than [-] people left."

"It's alright, there are not too many soldiers, as long as we keep the group of talented players, and the number of personnel is reduced, we will be more worry-free when training."

Yukimura said with a smile.

Sanada nodded and said, "That's what you said too."


Tokyo - Youth Academy - Tennis Club.

In the thousands of square meters of the venue, there are several tennis courts standing neatly. Although the specifications are not as vast as Li Haida, the tennis equipment in Tokyo is also extremely good.

With the graduation of the previous ministers and Yuda, the new ministers fell on Tezuka.

Although he is only in the second grade now, his strength is stronger than many seniors, and even in the whole country, he is one of the best.

"Eiji, your speed has slowed down, speed up your footsteps."

"Taocheng, the strength of the legs is not enough. In the next month, add two more lead weights to the legs."

"Haitang, the power of the snake ball has weakened a lot compared to the last time, so I have to find a way to adjust it."

In the middle of the tennis court, Tezuka gave instructions while watching the training of the players.

call out.

At this time, a plane flew over Tezuka. Tezuka raised his head and looked at the sky, his eyes flashing with a strange emotion.

A year ago, he remembered that King Lin said he was going to take a year off from school. He also inquired about King Lin during the year, but he didn't get any rumors about the other party. Tezuka guessed that King Lin should have gone abroad.

"Count the time, he should be back too."


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