"Dashi, you have to protect me later!" Momojo pretended to have a dilemma on his face, as if to say, how can I move her small body? It's still beaten...

"You can just ask the deputy minister to knock you out!" Dashi looked at the villain in the distance and decided to break the boat?

"Yo, Limo, are you going to war?" Kikumaru ran over and looked at Limo's small body, "Do you want me to help?" "

Dashi on the side touched his head: Partner, why are you running so fast? I hope God hears your prayers this time!

"Huh? Fight? Limo looked at him with a blank face, blinking at him, he was Kikumaru Eiji, I remember, my favorite food!

"Huh? Could it be that Limo is here to seek revenge? Taocheng also looked at Limo with the same eyes, comparing his height, and then looked at the minister opposite, will the minister beat a girl? If it's a deputy minister, it's possible, but I don't forget to glance at Sanada if I want to nod.

"Revenge ???" Limo was even more confused, what did they say? Why can't I understand?

"Hehe, is Momojo saying that Tezuka will beat girls?" The smile of the Virgin Mary.

How do Fuji know what I'm thinking? Look at the minister's black face that is comparable to the bottom of the pot, and it is better not to speak according to the past...

So Momojo, who was still very energetic just now, shrunk his neck and hid to the side...

Spanking girls? Limo looked at Tezuka in shock, no, if I don't get it right, will he just punch me? Obviously it looks reliable! Sure enough, people can't look good, and the sea can't fight...

Silent Tezuka....

"Hehe, Limo came so early!" Yukimura smiled.

"That-" A soft voice made the crowd quiet...

Limo lowered her head, took a long breath, and looked up: "I have something to say!" "

Limo took two steps forward and bent down: "Please give me another chance, Minister and Fuji!" "

was stunned for a moment, and then a faint smile followed, "Hehe, what if I want to know the reason?" "

"I know, I may be an idiot when I say this, I don't know, I don't understand, from the moment I woke up in the hospital, at that moment, my world was blank, whether it was a sloppy father, a gentle mother, an awkward brother, and all of you, I didn't understand...

The doctor said I had amnesia, but there are some things engraved in my bones, and it is impossible to forget that feeling...

I know that my world does not belong to you, and you are like a group of bandits with big knives falling from the sky, blocking my path, forcibly entering my world, and disrupting my life!

In the deepest part of my memory, there is always a vague figure telling me that your life is destined to be lonely, you can only chop thorns, step on the piled bones, and walk on the throne that towers above all beings, so friends you don't need anything, you just need enough chess pieces to dominate this game!

It's strange, I don't know what kind of distorted education I've received, I don't know what kind of unbearable past I have, I don't know what the future holds, I don't know what it feels like for you to simply like one thing...

I know that the things are useless to me, and I can even just find a way to retrieve my memories and get everything back to square one...

But I didn't do that, I just know that I don't reject swinging and running, I don't know if that's what you say you like, but the only thing that is certain is the moment you put down the racket and leave the court, here..."

Limo pointed to her heart: "It's stuffy here, I don't like that feeling, I know it's selfish, but I still ask you to give me another chance, I want to work hard with you for the same goal!" "Limo's blood-colored apricot eyes are full of expectations...

Who is that blurred figure? This education is really distorted! This is the first reaction of everyone after listening to Limo's story, of course, excluding the two children's shoes, they are still entangled in the bandits who fell from the sky with big knives!

"Nena, Limomo, are we really bandits who fell from the sky with big knives? Do you think so of us in your heart? Kikumaru children's shoes complained.

The cadres on the side burst into tears, for Mao we have such a disgraceful team member???

"Yes, Limo, at most we are carrying a tennis racket, but we didn't rob you, at most we kidnapped you into the tennis club, but that was also the minister's abduction, I am innocent!" Another Taocheng children's shoe is not willing to be lonely.

Now Qian and others have the idea of vomiting blood, and at the same time stay away from those two children's shoes, which means that we have nothing to do with them!

Limo blinked, looked at the top of her head, stretched out her little hand, 1, 2, 3 turned out to be really three question marks, why can't I understand what they say?

Thinking back to what I had said, I was black - they didn't understand what I meant!!

Limo sighed slightly, then didn't I waste so many tongues in vain? Is there a problem with my statement? I remember speaking Japanese, so why???

The play is almost over, and Fuji said in a worried tone: "Now, Tezuka, Momojo and Eiji will be very troublesome for a long time like this!" "I smiled as brightly as I could, and I didn't look worried at all.

"Kikumaru, Momojo, double your training every day next week!"

The two children's shoes immediately fell swoop...

What a dangerous smile!! Limo sounded the alarm, staring at Fuji with his eyes, if you dare to move, I will fight with you...

"Hehe" Fuji smiled indifferently: "Limo skipped training for two days for no reason, na, Tezuka can't be merciful just because she's a girl!" "

None, therefore, warping, training? The four big words smashed mercilessly on Limo's body, Limo was speechless, looking at Fuji, Na, Fuji, can you be a little more shameless?

Huh, huh? I'll try it next time! Not to the second time, with a look.

...... Limo was silent... Hurriedly brewed tears, and looked at Tezuka pitifully with tearful eyes, if you dare to punish me, I will cry!!

Tezuka was numb by Limo, too lax, I felt as if I was bullying a child, and finally made a final tone with a smile from the Virgin Mary: "Moxue Limo will go around the playground 20 times before training tomorrow, and Tezuka Kunimitsu will double his training!" "

"Hehe, Tezuka is really serious!" The corners of Fuji's mouth hooked up a smug smile that had succeeded in mischievous...

Limo put away her tears heartlessly and returned to her natural expression...

Tezuka embarrassment...

Limo, who came home, lay on the bed, holding the cat, for the first time, I was a little looking forward to tomorrow, got up, and went out...

"Brother, give it back to you!" Limo pushed open the blue door, went in, looked at the blue who was playing the electric power, then put down the cat, sat next to him, and picked up another remote control...

"Ne, brother..."


"Lihai University will also participate in tennis tournaments?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Then it will be against Qingxue!"


"yes, then I won't let go of the water just because you're my brother!!"

Lan put down the things in her hand, looked away at the person next to her, looked at the starlight emanating from her eyes, it was no longer a dead lake, it seemed that something was different, her eyes were full of smiles, and the corners of her mouth were slightly hooked: "Hey, someone seems to have forgotten that he just learned to play tennis!" "

"So what!" Limo has a defiant look!

"Don't cry when you lose!" Blue's eyes are back on the game!

"I'm afraid that someone's face won't be able to hang up! I'm going to sleep! Limo got up and left.

After Limo leaves, Lan closes the game and hugs the cat, "Limo is by her side, right, she's a sister!" "

"Meow-" The cat licks the soles of its feet...

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