King of Hollywood

Vol 2 Chapter 19: Prague Tour

Prague, a European city with a history of at least 1,000 years, was once one of the largest political, economic and cultural centers in Europe. It has been positioned as the capital by many countries, such as the Holy Roman Empire in the 9th century, and the Hapsburg Dynasty ruled Central Europe. At that time, it was redesignated as the capital of the Holy Roman Empire. Later, it became the capital of the Czechoslovak Republic, the capital of the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, the capital of the Czechoslovak Federal Republic, and the capital of the Czech Republic, which is currently less than two years old.

This city, known as the "City of Thousand Towers" and "Golden City", is known as one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. transaction. Although not as good as the rumored three major spy cities, but the scale is not small, so the first act of "Mission Impossible" choice happens here.

"Personally, I don't like Milan Kundera very much. By contrast, I prefer to read Kafka's novels. Of course, this is not to say that Kundera is not as good as Kafka. His novels are really good. Many Everyone in the UK has read the novel "Unbearable Lightness in Life." However, Kundera sometimes seems overly arrogant. When you first read it, you will feel shocked and moved, but if you read it more, you will find that But that ’s what happened. There are also Kafka, and many writers ca n’t escape, but Kafka ’s advantage is that he has passed away. This is why I said earlier that I never comment on contemporary writers. This should be For decades and even hundreds of years, as long as the author is alive, people must consider other factors and the influence of others when making comments, so it is difficult to achieve justice. "

Sitting at the round table in the outdoor cafe on the street, Adrian was talking eloquently. Sitting in front of him was Rachel Weizi, who was dressed casually and could not cover her book from the inside out. She stared at Adrian intently, biting her teeth gently on her lips, seemingly listening, and she did the same on the afternoon in London last time.

Next to Rachel was Nicole Kidman, a light-colored dress with a dark coat, legs tilted, and high-heeled feet clicking from time to time, a little playful. There was no expression on her face, which made her look cold and glaring, and her gaze was also on Adrian, but she didn't know what she was thinking.

But Tom Cruise, who was sitting next to her, didn't hide his absent-mindedness, his eyes fluttered and he didn't know where to look. This was already a very restrained act, otherwise he would start yawning bored.

"So we shouldn't comment on it anymore?" Rachel, who fiddled with the spoon, asked at this moment. "You know, even if you comment on Shakespeare, people must be influenced by others."

"Of course it shouldn't be commented," Adrian laughed. "For the deceased, Shakespeare, they are too far away from us. We can only know each other through the literature and their works, but the literature and works are not the same. It ca n’t make us fully understand, so the rest is supplemented by our brains. Do you understand the meaning of the word 'll'? Because we do n’t fully understand, we will put it in our heads based on the first impression of them. Complementing yourself is the most direct feeling as individuals. If these individuals can communicate with each other perfectly, they can outline the closest image. As a living contemporary writer, especially a writer with great influence, you Think that people will not be influenced by his movements when commenting? Will not be affected by his friends and his relationship? "

Having said that, Adrian reached out and knocked on his head: "The Love of Prague", one of the top ten movies in the United States in 1998, won the Cannes Golden Palm. I guess you should have seen it, how do you feel? I think It ’s terrible, and certainly not terrible, but it ’s clear that Kauffman wanted to express everything in the novel in the movie, but Kundera had enough to express, and the plot changed instead. It's too loose. For a film adapted from a novel, the director's own stuff must be dominant, even if it is criticized, but this film ... "

Adrian smiled, took a sip of coffee and didn't talk anymore.

"Don't you think that the success of the movie is due to the influence of the original author's bias, Ed?" Nicole asked at this moment, and the flowing blue eyes were very beautiful.

"What we meant was the author's influence, didn't we?" Adrian retorted with a smile. "If I want to write a comment, of course I have to speak fairly. The advantages and disadvantages are exemplified so that it is convincing. , But just talking a few words in private, and it is only one aspect, so it is unreasonable to blame me for this. "

"Did the comments about the actors' performances have been affected?" Rachel interjected suddenly.

"Sorry, probably," Adrian shrugged. "Daniel Day-Lewis performed relatively better, but Juliet Binos and Lena Olin acted. Sorry, I really don't think so. How good. "

He raised his hand to stop Rachel from saying: "In essence, whether it is a director or an actor, what is to be done is to convey a feeling to the audience, let them engage in it and resonate strongly. Tommy in "Born on July 4" is the best example. The second half of the heated speech and the shot of falling to the ground and climbing to a wheelchair have attracted countless audiences. This is Tommy's best performance all the time, right? "

Adrian approached Tom Cruise. Although the other party had been absent-minded, he was still listening to the conversation, and immediately revealed a bright, Peugeot smile: "Of course."

Anyone likes to listen to nice things, and how can Cruise be exceptional.

"Well, now thinking about the performance of Binos, their typical French style, it seems that everything is very unpleasant in their hearts. If they are separated from the image of the novel, how many people will be moved? Adrian spread his arms. "How to convey emotions to the audience and resonate with them. This is the homework that every actor and director always has to do. Actresses have more disadvantages in this regard, and the more beautiful they are. The harder it is to do this. "

He seemed to think of something here, and Nicole looked a little embarrassed before narrowing his eyes. After coughing, he suddenly changed the subject: "Speaking of, Tommy, I still really envy you for such a beautiful wife."

"Thank you." Cruz haha ​​laughed, then looked at the time, and stood up with Nicole. "Well, we should go back. It was a wonderful afternoon."

Seeing her husband eager to leave, Nicole didn't say much, just glanced at Adrian deeply.

"Be careful on the road, don't think that there are no paparazzi and avid fans in Prague." Adrian stood up with a smile and patted his shoulders. After seeing the two of them, they turned back and grinned at Rachel: " Are we going back now? Or visit this beautiful city again? "

After returning from Edinburgh, Adrian accompanied the little guy for a few days, and then set off for Prague. Although "Mission: Impossible" was handed over to Cruz's production company, Bothworth Film had an investment, and The copyright is not exclusive to the other party either, so visiting the class is also normal.

Emma wanted to follow along. She had already gone abroad before, but Adrian rejected her in the name of work. Although the little guy was unwilling, she accepted the reality, and Adrian agreed, and she could come to the United States again in the second half of the year.

Kate didn't follow up to Prague.

"I just want to go back to Los Angeles. I don't want to interrupt your work." She said so.

In this case, Adrian didn't force it. The word, at least, was Charlize. What was unexpected was that after he arrived in Prague, he found that the personal secretary had released his pigeons.

After returning to London, Charlize offered to go to Prague in advance to prepare for the next business. She was very firm, and Adrian agreed. When he arrived in the "Mission Impossible" crew, he was told that Charlize returned to the United States the day before his arrival, and left a message saying "I am not well, and I want to go back to rest first."

This excuse is really bad, but what else can Adrian say? Are you going to LA to get her back? He thought that the two women had colluded in London.

Adrian spent three days on the set and didn't give much advice on the shooting, even if Cruise had asked him more than once, and his tone and expression were very sincere. In addition, the location of "Mission Impossible" is only London except Prague. It is very simple. Those difficult scenes, such as the classic Spider-Man theft, or the desperate fight in the tunnel, are all in the studio. It ’s filmed, so there ’s really nothing to say. Second, Cruz values ​​his power on the set. The reason why Adrian had tolerated the casting of the cast before was tolerated, although it was because he bought a personal relationship because The actors are very much in his mind. So in Adrian's view, now that he has bought a personal relationship, he simply buys it in the end.

There is no role for Vin Rams and Jean Reynolds-oh, Renault has a shot, but it was shot early. So the main thing is the performance of Tom Cruise, Nicole Kidman and Anthony Hopkins.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have played such a cunning role," Hopkins said to Adrian. "You know, this role is always difficult to grasp."

"What's the matter, you only need to be decent in the first half, and the villain in the second half. This is your strength, dear Anthony." Adrian Haha smiled and comforted.

At first, Joe Water was recommended to play the role of Jim, but he was so angry that his rebellious daughter had become a signing actor of tal_und_, and rejected all movie invitations, so the role eventually fell To Anthony Hopkins.

"Take care of your body, Anthony, if you want, I can introduce you a good doctor." He said to him immediately, Hopkins had not complained about back pain during the filming, and Adrian also faintly remembered He said that because of a defect in his back.

Hopkins is the best of the three, and the old drama that has performed for decades on stage is really powerful. Then there was Cruise. His face was born for Ethan Hunt, let alone other aspects. Nicole can only say that it is quite satisfactory. From the current situation, I am afraid she cannot get rid of the title of a vase.

Nicole probably realizes this, so when Adrian finds the opportunity to chat with her in private and talk about some characters, she always expresses her views intentionally or unintentionally. Adrian, who smiled in the face of this situation, neither said anything bad nor promised, and it is not the time yet.

As for his other purpose of coming to Prague, Rachel Weisz is just one of many supporting actors. Similarly, she ca n’t see good or bad, and her role is up to Prague, so Adrian came here to send her a script by the way .

"It's an interesting story, I think ... no problem." Rachel said after reading the script. The look of her eyes wasn't knowing what she was thinking. Although hesitated, the affirmation in her tone was obvious.

This story tells that a dishwasher with a criminal record intends to resume employment, so he finds three stupid associates who want to rob a bank. His wife, who was a primary school teacher, hoped that her husband would live a peaceful and stable life, and he tried hard to stop after knowing it, but this guy was determined not only to give up but also to drag his wife into the gang and stage it. Every scene is farce.

That's right, this is Woody Allen's "Amateur Thief", but it will take several years to produce it. It was the oldest period of the elder man, so the film was not very good. Adrian is only interested in this script, at least from the story, but it has to be recruited again from the director to the producer, the script also needs to be modified, for example, the heroine who was originally a beautician also considered To Rachel's temperament and changed to a primary school teacher.

After all, Woody Allen's remarks are unique in style, and no one can learn or resemble them, so it is necessary to modify it into ordinary black comedy. Adrian still threw it to the screenwriters after providing the outline and opinions. Fortunately, they did a good job, fully understood his opinions and added to it. Just select a good director and a good actor.

As for the movie box office, Adrian didn't care too much. Although Woody Allen made the film, the scandal and low tide affected the performance, making the original niche movie even less popular, but it means that it is now changing. The same goes for human production. Besides, as long as the cost is properly controlled and the director or producer is not mentally disabled, the cost can be recovered even if the box office is not high, so that it can accumulate popularity for Rachel, and then she can star in that film according to his plan.

Because of this, Rachel hesitated repeatedly agreed to Adrian's invitation to go shopping, so he met Nicole and Cruise in the outdoor cafe while discussing the new script. Coincidentally, they naturally invited them to sit together to discuss, and when Nicole learned that Adrian had a new script for Rachel to star in, her eyes were really subtle, although she did so secretly, how could she escape It turned out that she had been paying attention to Adrian's eyes from the beginning.

So, after chatting, I moved to the city of Prague, then to Milan Kundera, and then there was the first words. If someone else made such a comment, it would have been refuted as indestructible, but it was Adrian, the miracle director of Hollywood, or the premier screenwriter, plus his achievements and surprises. His eloquence instead attracted the attention of two women.

For women, the more powerful, capable, and arrogant women, the more they like men with superior abilities — well, they are superior in any way — including those strong women. . Women are born to be conquered by men, as Adrian said when he taught Dennis: male animals always think about how to spread their seeds more comprehensively, while female animals think about finding the best. Of males inherit their genes, and humans as advanced animals are no exception.

So it's not hard to understand why Adrian talked about Milan Kundera and criticized the movie whose novel has been adapted. As for the effect, Nicole naturally couldn't observe it. Well, Rachel, she agreed to Adrian's invitation to continue shopping, and then after dinner and returned to the hotel to leave to prepare for the room, Adrian did not let go. She struggled slightly, and then Adrian pulled her into the room.

Then later ~ ~ Kissing, caressing, undressing, falling into lust, and finally putting Rachel on the bed, just like in London, Adrian took it politely again Got her.

As for Rachel herself, she didn't know what she was thinking. She knew that this man was a playboy. His interest in himself was more likely to be physically, but she still agreed to the invitation to go shopping, and was still He pulled into the room, stripped his clothes, and put them on the bed, letting him play and insult.

Is it because he made a special trip to Prague to arrange her next movie? Or is it because of his talk and grace? Or was Nicole's compliment and the gaze remaining on him when he was gone?

At the moment Adrian entered, Rachel ran these behind her and began to greet warmly. Anyway, he has always been a mysterious, hard-to-see man with a strong appeal.

Indeed, every woman who is nostalgic by Adrian, whether it is Kate or Charlize, or Monica or Julia, is fully aware of this-as for Sarah, she never thought Compared to them, she is sometimes simple.

This perception also applies to other women, such as Nicole Kidman, and the next one.

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