King of Hollywood

Vol 2 Chapter 4: Many things

If King Carey is the kind of actor who can change his face at will, then Kevin Spacey is the kind of actor who can change his personality at will. If you watch his works continuously, you will find that at the last moment, he was still a rude guy with bad words. At this moment, he has become an inhuman cold-blooded killer. At the next moment, he is a timid and cowardly man. From the perspective of the actor, he is undoubtedly excellent.

David Finch is one of the directors that Adrian admires very much. First, he tells stories; second, he keeps his own sharpness while telling stories. Spielberg is the most storytelling director, but many times he has to bow to business and entertainment. However, Finch rarely does this. It is not like some author films that only express themselves and never consider the views of the audience. They are good-looking and have unique ideas. Such directors are very rare.

However, because of this, he has always hovered on the mainstream demarcation line, and the film school does not like him very much. Although Vinci also said, "I don't know what the academy thinks, and I don't know what a winning movie looks like," but whether it is open-minded or helpless, no one knows.

Of course, this is the future, and now Spencer has just begun to emerge. Although the vampire-style real estate agent who played in the movie "Gold Worship" two years ago has been well received, it is still a little bit away from the front-line actors. distance. Vinci was even worse. Last year, he managed to win the guide of "Sex 3". As a result, Fox was dissatisfied with what he filmed, so he stripped the editing right and edited a version for release. The angry Vinci immediately announced that it was not His work, so he is still a new director in film production.

"This role belongs to the kind of religious fanatics. He believes that the world is dirty and needs to be cleaned with fierce means, so in the end, he did not hesitate to put himself as a sacrifice for his own goals. On the altar. "Spacey talked bluntly, he was indeed a quick-thinking guy.

"Samoser is the kind of person who has been used to the world. Unlike young people who grew up watching TV like Mills, he likes classical music and is good at finding answers in the literature, so he cracked the case step by step. But And because he is used to the world, he lacks enthusiasm for watching many things. ”Freeman commented on his role.“ But I like his last line, 'Hemingway said that the world is beautiful and worthy of our struggle. I agree with the second sentence '.'

"Although life is pretty good, Mills, like most young people, is fierce and irritable, so he was eventually elected by John Du as the spokesperson for anger." This is Dennis's view of his role.

"Very good, your views are valuable," Adrian, listening to the actor's views, smiled and nodded, then turned to Finch, who was sitting next to him and said nothing from beginning to end. "So what about you , David? "

Finch lowered his head, and the index fingers of the two hands struck each other rhythmically. Because of the baseball cap, he could not see his expression. A few seconds later he looked up and thoughtfully looked at Adrian: "What is the subject you want to express, Ed? Or ... what did you think when you wrote this script?"

"What do you think?" Adrian raised an eyebrow. "If you want to ask me what I think of John Du, David, I can only regret to tell you that I don't have any opinions, I just Write a story, just that the story is exciting enough. As for the theme of the film, it is the responsibility of the director. The producer needs to ensure the visibility of the story, and even the director should not reveal it in the work. Too many opinions, say half, and let the audience guess. "

Listening to Adrian's words, Finch Moss held his chin for a while and then didn't speak again, but he didn't hide his glory.

"Come on, David, my conditions are good enough, what are you still hesitating about?" Adrian burst out laughing, "I'm not the idiot of Fox, don't forget what I started making movie of."

Speaking of which, he looked at Fisher a bit jerkingly: "Or did Tom tell you this?"

Innocent Fisher shrugged immediately, and Finch couldn't help but laughed. He took off his baseball cap and scratched his head: "Well, obviously, I have no reason to refuse."

Indeed, in addition to the final editing rights, Adrian gave him all the rights to the studio. Even in the later editing, he also expressed that he would fully respect his opinions and guarantee that the situation like "Sex" 3 would not occur. For a new director, this is already a very favorable condition.

Therefore, the preparations for the "Seven Deadly Sins" were settled, basically the same people, except that Dennis played Mills instead of Pete. This was originally a line designed by Adrian for Dennis. Through various roles, he fully exercised his plasticine ability. Some of the characteristics were similar to that of Spencer. However, Spencer was born in a regular drama school, and his acting skills are relatively orthodox, with a little bit of theatrical drama style; Dennis is completely based on his own exploration and experience, and may be transformed more thoroughly, but it needs continuous accumulation. If Dennis can go down the designed line, Adrian would like to see him and Spike West at the peak of the same stage.

As for Pete, then regardless of Adrian's affairs, maybe he will take Cruz's stick in the future, and becoming a new generation of idols is not necessarily ... Well, it seems that he was like this?

There are two other reasons why I chose to produce The Seven Deadly Sins, yes, Kevin Spacey and David Finch. The more talent you have in your hands, the better, as Michael Bay is waiting for his debut. It's really interesting to say that both Michael Bay and David Finch have accumulated experience in filming MTV, but they have taken two opposite paths in film production. This is the difference between people.

Well, the topic is a long way off, anyway, Adrian noticed Kevin Spacey and David Finch two years ago, because their agents belong to the brokerage company that the media acquired. And long before they were acquired by Adrian. In fact, the company's agent also served several unfamiliar actors and directors who were familiar with Adrian, and it was for this reason that they became their acquisition targets.

In short, the idea of ​​making the "Seven Deadly Sins" was at that time. After all, it was Finch's famous work. The script was written by the screenwriters earlier, but now it is only mentioned on the agenda.

"Well, that's it." After talking for more than half an hour, Adrian stood up and shook hands with a few people again. "I look forward to your performance, gentlemen. Especially you, Kevin, if you can give I have a completely different image, which makes it impossible to associate the image of the real estate agent in "Golden Worship". I have a wonderful script for you. "

"Really?" Shi Xixi raised his eyebrows, looking a little flattered.

"Of course," Adrian's smile seemed unpredictable, "In a sense, this is a one-man show, which requires superb acting skills. Would you like me to make this bet, Kevin?"

"Then wait and see." Spacey nodded, although hiding his emotions to be hello to you, the faint excitement in his eyes did not escape Adrian's eyes.

After Freeman and Dennis congratulated and encouraged Patsissippi, Finch, who was twirling his chin, asked again, "Yes, do you have any suggestions for the heroine, Ed?"

"Oh, I was planning to have a small audition, but the day before I came back from Alabama, I suddenly thought of a good candidate, but I haven't contacted them yet." Adrian said, "I will do it as soon as possible Make sure, don't worry, I promise she will fit the character image. "

"Okay, then I'll leave." Finch didn't care, and said he knew he was going to leave.

So did the other three, saying hello to Adrian and leaving.

"Wait, Dan, I have something to talk to you about." Adrian called Dennis.

After everyone else had left the conference room, Adrian immediately smiled and punched Dennis with a punch: "What's up? Your spirit doesn't look good today."

"Is it obvious?" Dennis asked in surprise.

"Of course not, but don't forget that I know you well." Adrian said with a smile.

Dennis sighed, but spread his hands, but didn't speak. Seeing that he didn't want to talk about it, Adrian immediately shifted the topic to the topic: "How do you feel? This role is different from the past."

"It's okay," Dennis pinched his nose, and his expression suddenly changed. "It's okay if you just put in that emotion. After all, everyone has been impulsive. But you must master that degree. To dig deeper into the role, I'm afraid I need to practice it again and again, I don't know anything about David's coaching style, and I don't know what the role is in his heart, so ... "

He made a gesture and sighed, "Why not you direct, Ed?"

"Why, is it easier for you to name my role?" Adrian asked jokingly.

"Of course not," Dennis waved his hand. "You know, those directors and producers privately say that your style of guidance is elusive, even in the two movies that are very similar to" Big Smoke Gun "and" Vulgar Novel " It ’s surprisingly different in many places, so how could I be clear about your role requirements. "

"Ha, this is a compliment, isn't it?" Adrian raised his hand exaggeratedly.

"That's right," Dennis shrugged. "What I want to say is that if you change your direction, we will obviously communicate more easily, and it will be easier to understand what effect you want."

"Another compliment, it's almost a fart." Adrian said with a smile, and then patted Dennis' arm: "That's it, you never let me down Dan, so don't do it this time."

After a pause, he immediately said, "In addition, I have a suggestion to get in touch with David."

Adrian watched Dennis seriously and said, "Remember what I told you before? You don't fit all the movies I want to make, and he is a good director."

It took Dennis a few seconds to digest his words, and then he responded and nodded: "I see, thank you."

With a smile, Adrian patted his arm again, but Dennis looked hesitant as he remembered something.

"What's wrong?" Adrian asked, aware of it.

"Hmm ..." After a few minutes of talking, Dennis still said, "I remember we had talked about TV actors before, after you said that it was very popular in a popular episode like Jenny, It will be difficult to transform. "

"Yes, I remember I told you that" Friends "will take at least ten seasons, their image has been fixed in the eyes of the audience, once changed it will be difficult to accept." Adrian ordered nod.

"Is there no other way?" Dennis frowned.

"Unless ..." Adrian thought about it, "unless there is a conscious change from now on, such as playing a character with a completely opposite character from the TV series, which may dilute the inherent image that has not yet been fully established."

"So, which role do you think Jenny is suitable for?" Dennis asked immediately.

Adrian squeezed his chin and thought, a somewhat mischievous idea came out: "Jane's image in" Friends "is sweet, and some confused young lady's image, if you want to change, you can play some , More powerful women with many action shows. "

"Action play? You mean, let Jane deal with the opposite **** or terrorist like Ripley or McLean?" Dennis showed an incredible expression, apparently such a shot could not be, or it was difficult to outline in his head. come out.

"Why not?" Adrian said with a smile. "You know, just an hour ago I discussed with a screenwriter and director about how to show the power of women in film and television, and decided to make a girl to save the world. TV series, why can't Jane try to play such a role in the movie? "

Speaking of the back, Adrian's tone was obviously ridiculous, but Dennis groaned and asked: "So, do you have the right role, Ed?"

"The right role? It seems ..." Adrian was about to answer, and suddenly he thought of something with a smile and looked at Dennis. "What are you doing today, Dan? Why are you so enthusiastic about Jane's affairs?"

Denniston shivered, revealing an innocent look: "Are you there?"

"Of course, you talk about the right role from the transition, and then whether you have it now."

"That's because ... we are friends, very good friends."

"Oh, yeah, very good friends, come on, Dan, tell me, are you guys going to bed?"

Opening his mouth, Dennis laughed bitterly, finally covering his forehead: "Yes."

The answer was fragile, as if something was wrong. Adrian shook his head and said, "Come on, Dan, it's just going to bed. Do you need to go to the confessional to confess?"

"But we have always been friends."

"Why didn't you think when you went to bed with her?"

"Because it was a party that happened to be in her house by accident, and then we all drank a lot of wine. It happened that Noni wasn't around, and we quarreled again, so it was foolish ..."

"No, no, dear Dan, there is no accident on it. I bet you will definitely come again once you wake up the next morning, right?"

Dennis's throat rolled down, staring at Adrian, who seemed to want to refute, and finally lowered his head: "Okay, Ed, shall we not talk about this issue?"

"Don't you think it wouldn't exist without you, man?" Adrian didn't let him go. "I bet Jenny must have the desire to pursue you."

"She has confessed," Dennis sighed. "She announced that she would pursue me after the passion that morning."

"So you want to compensate Jane in this way, and then draw a line with her," Adrian shook his head. "What do you want me to do, Dan? You are such a fool, if you dare to be like this What you say to Jane, you're done. "

"But it's better than it is now. I love Noni. Although we often quarrel, I don't want to hurt her." Dennis said this, and saw Adrian hurriedly said: "Don't take yourself as an example To cite, I'm not like you. I can casually let a few women spin around around myself. "

"You guy," Adrian shook his head with a smile and smiled at Dennis. He didn't say any more. "Well, I'll pay attention to the action role suitable for Jenny. I'll take care of everything else."

After saying a pause here, he grinned again: "Let ’s do this for you again. I have other movies to ask about this time. One of them is going to invite your girlfriend to act."

"You mean Noni?" Dennis was a little surprised.

"Yes, so you can come with her, understand?" Adrian hinted.

"You won't?" Dennis made a gesture ~ ~ Do you think I'm that kind of person? Adrian raised his eyebrows immediately.

"Of course not," Dennis raised his hand for the first time. "Thank you, thank you very much."

What a fool, such a good opportunity. Adrian had been thinking so much in his heart since he came out of the conference room. But when he returned to the office, he threw it behind his head, because Charlize walked in with his schedule for tomorrow.

"I have already contacted her agent. The appointment is scheduled tomorrow afternoon. In addition, a woman just called for you." Charlize said in a cold tone. "If you can, please tell me that you still What women are there so I can better arrange for you. "

"You know, Charlie," Adrian looked at her with a smile, "I never hide it."

Charlize snorted and turned to leave the room.

Some are jealous. Adrian thought with a smile, then flipped through what she had left, and a slight accident came out of his eyes. I thought you had given up, but I didn't expect to finally come.

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