King of Gods

Chapter 999

Four months later, Zhao Feng followed Saint Lord Star Devil to Yu Province Ji Family.

Ji Family is located in a mountain forest center, with streams flowing on all sides, and purple mist on it.

Without the special Secret Technique or Ji Family disciple, it would be difficult for the average person to find the Mountain Gate of Ji Family.

“It really is a paradise”

Zhao Feng admired softly.

The purple mist scattered by Ji Family for thousands of miles is not only hazy and beautiful, but also has a hypnotic effect, which makes the sight of the viewers have a certain illusion.

At the same time, children of Ji Family have been in such an environment for a long time, and their ability to resist Illusion Technique is extraordinary.

“Zhao little friend, this time, I’m here to exchange Bloodline Eye Technique.”

Saint Lord Star Devil includes said with a smile.

Although he treasured the Bloodline Eye Technique of Ji Family, he invited Zhao Feng to come.

But when Zhao Feng came, it is naturally impossible to open the inside of Ji Family unconditionally to Zhao Feng.

To put it bluntly, even Zhao Feng has to come up with some precious Eye Techniques, such as his mysterious Eye Technique.

“This is where the younger generation came to ask for advice.”

Zhao Feng smiled awkwardly.

He knew that Saint Lord Star Devil was very interested in his solution, ability, and Zhao Feng also understood the ability of his left eye, which was very unique, otherwise, there would be no cheating in the moving maze.

Regarding the decomposition technique, Zhao Feng naturally did not want to reveal it. Even if he said it, there is no Eye Bloodline that can be used in the Continent domain.

The Golden Ripple is a product of mysterious golden sphere, and was judged as Light of Transparent Beaking by the Heavens Secret Clan machine.

For the first time, Zhao Feng has heard of Light of Transparent Beaking, and has no idea about it at all. It is best not to disclose it easily.

“Zhao little friend is too humble, Ji Family is younger, but without your opponent”

Saint Lord Star Devil complexion Microton.

Zhao Feng’s unwillingness to pay made him a little unhappy.

Even if Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique is very precious, don’t tell me that it is comparable to Ji Family’s treasure?

Ji Lan and Ji Wuye heard this sentence and can’t help bow their heads.

In the rear, Ji Dengtian and Ji Bai are even more complex.

Not only is the younger generation of Ji Family, the previous generation of Ji Family is not Zhao Feng’s opponent at all.

“Besides, there is one thing I need to do here, and I need to ask Senior for help”

Zhao Feng thought about it and said directly.

“What’s the matter? Come and listen?”

Saint Lord Star Devil expression is unchanged.

He thought that Zhao Feng had come to his Ji Family just to learn Eye Technique, but he did not expect that Zhao Feng had other things.

“I want to inquire about someone in the Yu Province”

Zhao Feng bluntly.

“Oh? Alone?”

Saint Lord Star Devil and the rest of the Ji Family, curious

Taking Zhao Feng’s position behind the Ninth Prince, together with Old Ying, and those whom Zhao Feng’s own intelligence forces could not find, it must be extraordinary.

“Inheritor of Eye of Samsara”

Zhao Feng calmly said.

The rest of Ji Family, complexion was shocked.

The person Zhao Feng is looking for is actually the Inheritor of Eight Great God Eyes.

They also heard about Eye of Samsara, who appeared in Continental thousands of years ago, and then disappeared without a trace.

Saint Lord Star Devil complexion Weiton, it took a long time to say: “This, Old Man can help you”

“Then many thanks”

Zhao Feng said with a slight smile.

Soon, everyone came to Ji Family, Saint Lord Star Devil, and took Zhao Feng directly from the mountainside enters into the inner clan.

“Zhao little friend, since you are looking for someone, why not stay in Ji Family first?”

Saint Lord Star Devil said.

“That would be troublesome”

Zhao Feng agreed directly.

Finding someone is not something that can happen every day or two.

Moreover, borrowing the Ji Family Bloodline Eye Technique collection, he naturally cannot show Superman’s browsing ability. In that case, the speed is naturally slower and it takes more time. Zhao Feng doesn’t mind.

“Ji Lan, please arrange accommodation for Zhao little friend and other friends.”

Saint Lord Star Devil instructed, then disappeared into the purple mist.

“Have troubled”

Zhao Feng is kind.

Later, Ji Lan took Zhao Feng, Bi Qingyue and the others to a beautiful garden.

“Let’s live here first.”

Ji Lan left immediately after speaking.

“Master, Kiyuki thinks that Saint Lord Star Devil should know something about Eye of Samsara”

After Ji Lan left, Bi Qingyue spoke directly.

“I see it at this point”

Zhao Feng complexion Sinking.

However, Saint Lord Star Devil is reluctant to say that he has no choice.

Before leaving, Zhao Feng would ask again and try to dig out some information from the mouth of Saint Lord Star Devil.

“Let’s live here for the time being, you can have time to stroll around and get to know some of the top members of the Ji Family by the way”

When Zhao Feng ordered it, he walked into a house.

Early the next morning, Ji Lan came forward.

“Zhao Feng, Saint Lord Star Devil please”

Later, Ji Lan took Zhao Feng to a mountain forest dense hall.

“Come in all”

Inside the pavilion, the voice of Saint Lord Star Devil sounded.

Ji Lan was thrilled, and Saint Lord Star Devil said that all came in, that is, she could go in too.

This is the private residence of Saint Lord Star Devil. Some of the private collections of Saint Lord Star Devil are even more valuable than the precious collection in Clan.

It is also possible to see the advanced Eye Technique that Saint Lord Star Devil has not yet completed.

The light in the hall is dim and the layout is simple.

“Here are the old man’s private collections. The bookshelf on the left, Zhao little friend can read them at will. The ones on the right have to stop.”

Saint Lord Star Devil is slightly proud.

Although there are only two rows of bookshelves, the contents recorded in them are rare outside.

Zhao Feng looked at the right side of a glance, in front of the bookshelf, there was a white light barrier, and the light barrier was flowing with various runes.

Zhao Feng didn’t say a word, and started looking through the bookshelf on the left.

“You can also see”

Saint Lord Star Devil said to Ji Lan.

With the permission of Saint Lord Star Devil, Ji Lan immediately and Zhao Feng read the book.

However, every book here contains vast knowledge. In a short time, it only takes a while to write it down.

Zhao Feng took out a book at will, and the analysis of the principle of the Eye Technique was very detailed. At this time.

“It seems that the private collection of Saint Lord Star Devil is indeed a precious Secret Technique in Eye Technique”

Zhao Feng heart slightly startled.

Although the contents of these books are not comparable to the Xie Yang Ancient Book in the Ancient God Secret Mansion.

However, these books are all about Eye Bloodline. They are very helpful and useful to Zhao Feng’s.

The content of each book here, ordinary Great Emperor, will take an hour to finish.

Although Zhao Feng can directly ingest the content into the left eye, but Saint Lord Star Devil and Ji Lan are here, he still reads and remembers a bit, and cannot be too outrageous.

“I don’t know. Is there any progress on Eye of Samsara Inheritance?”

Zhao Feng asked while browsing a book.

“Actually, Eye of Samsara came to my Ji Family thousands of years ago”

Saint Lord Star Devil this time, directly spoke the words that even Ji Lan was surprised.

As a child of Ji Family, she didn’t even know about it.

Zhao Feng froze slightly, he did not expect, this time, he asked at will, Saint Lord Star Devil said.

It seems that there were too many outsiders when they first arrived, and Saint Lord Star Devil did not disclose it.

“At that time, he also came to borrow the Bloodline Eye Technique collection from my Ji Family, and even left some of his Eye Technique and theory.”

Saint Lord Star Devil made more secret news.

“Eye Technique and Theory of Eye of Samsara”

Zhao Feng heart slightly startled.

Eye of Samsara’s Eye Technique and Theory, Equivalent to In the beginning, Zhao Feng obtained “Dark Eye Secret Technique” from Duanmu Qing.

But undoubtedly, what the owner of Eye of Samsara has left in Ji Family is more precious.

“However, regarding his news, the Ji Family is indeed unclear, and maybe he still stays in Yu Province.”

Saint Lord Star Devil added again.

“Many thanks Star Magic Senior informed”

Zhao Feng cup one fist in the other hand Thanks.

Saint Lord Star Devil not only opened his privacy to Zhao Feng, but also told Zhao Feng such a secret message.

“What he left is on the shelf to your right”

Saint Lord Star Devil had a sly smile.

Zhao Feng smiled helplessly, sinking into the book in his hands.

On the other side, Ji Lan is totally disregarding Zhao Feng’s presence, and sinks into this place with all his heart, trying to remember as much as possible in the book. After he goes back, he can fully appreciate the insight.

As time passed, the light became dimmer, but the two people in the room were unaware.

“Well, Old Man is going to rest, Ji Lan, take Zhao little friend back.”

The voice of Saint Lord Star Devil came from the next room.


Ji Lan couldn’t bear to put the book in his hand into the bookshelf.

“Young Master Zhao, please leave with me”

Ji Lan looked towards Zhao Feng, and he no longer had the complex and entangled mood.

Without Zhao Feng, she would not be able to borrow the private collection of Saint Lord Star Devil. She would have to thank Zhao Feng.

You know, even Disciple Ji Wuye of Saint Lord Star Devil only borrowed it here for a day.

“You’re looking for Eye of Samsara, what’s the matter?”

En route, Ji Lan asked.

The last time Eye of Samsara appeared was thousands of years ago. It stands to reason that Zhao Feng cannot possibly intersect with him.

“Eye of Samsara can help me find an important person”

Zhao Feng answered briefly.


Ji Lan ordered nodded and seemed to understand.

At this point, three people from the Ji Family came forward.

“Ji Lan, you are back”

Among them, a purple hair handsome youngster, complexion excitedly, came immediately.

“Well, just came back”

Ji Lan showed helplessness.

“En? Who is this?”

Ji Lian’s eyes looked towards Zhao Feng, with a little badness.

The two children of Ji Family in the rear, looked towards Zhao Feng, showed a good look.

As we all know, Ji Lian admires Ji Lan very much. Therefore, there is no other suitor in the younger generation of Ji Family like Ji Lan.

Unexpectedly, this Outsider was close to Ji Lan.

“He is a guest of Ji Family, Zhao Feng”

Ji Lan answered truthfully.

Three Ji Family children are weird.

Zhao Feng, isn’t that Purple Hair Demon Twins from Divine Illusory Space?

He should be a robber who plundered many treasures of the Ji Family. How did he become a guest of the Ji Family and still mingle with Ji Lan?

Seeing their faces, Ji Lan thought of it.

Something about the Crown Prince Trial may not have reached their ears.

At present, the eighteen states only know this Crown Prince Trial, and Ninth Prince has successfully won the Crown Prince.

“Zhao Feng? In the Divine Illusory Space, you plundered the treasures of my Ji Family. I don’t care, but in the future, you will not be allowed to come so close to Ji Lan”

Ji Lian suddenly changed his tone, warning Zhao Feng.

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