King of Gods

Chapter 997

“Let’s die together, nosy kid”

Butler Qi looked towards Zhao Feng.

First, the assassination of Crown Prince failed because of Zhao Feng, and second, Zhao Feng’s tracking left him completely exposed.

He never thought that in the end, he was actually planted in the hands of this youngster Great Emperor.

Hu hu

Butler Qi figure flickered for a while, and immediately came to Zhao Feng, the dark and transparent dagger, ignoring Space resistance, directly toward Zhao Feng.

鈥淗eaven Rank Divine Weapon by Shadow Killing Dao鈥?/p>

Zhao Feng expression was stunned, and ‘Butler Qi,’ the strength shown was extraordinary.

鈥淧rotection Thunder Glow鈥?/p>

Facing the thunder attack of ‘Butler Qi, Zhao Feng’s body surface, a layer of simple and unadorned Wind Thunder mask suddenly appeared.


In the face of Zhao Feng’s defense, Butler Qi completely ignored it and urged Holy Force to make a sudden draw.


Zhao Feng’s Protection Thunder Glow, shattered, a terrifying force Thunder Glow, shocked back.


Butler Qi runs Mystic Light Holy Force to protect the body, and that blow continues to Zhao Feng.


Zhao Feng shakes his mind.

Under the shock of his thunderous Thunder Glow, the assassin didn’t dodge, but just operated Holy Force to resist.

Zhao Feng noticed the emotion of the assassin, and it seemed that already regarded death as home.

鈥淲ind-Thunder Eye Fire鈥?/p>

Zhao Feng felt that the situation was not good, and he directly operated Left Eye and performed Soul Eye Technique.

This assassin should have been lurking in the Imperial Palace long ago, and also watched the Crown Prince Trial, Zhao Feng’s strength and some means, he may all know.

Moreover, the strength shown by this assassin reaches Mystic Light small accomplishment, even if Zhao Feng owns Saint Thunder Body, he is not afraid to resist his attack.

In Zhao Feng’s left eye, an amazing Eye Strength flame suddenly appeared, and the gold purple light flowed through it, moving a trace of the dark Thunder Calamity pattern.

鍣?Bang …

A ball of fully transparent Purple Gold Thunder Fire, with aura destroying Thunder Calamity, strikes on the head of the assassin.


The assassin hissed.

Soul and Saint Body were suddenly attacked by Thunder Calamity Strength, which caused him to pause slightly.

call out

Zhao Feng immediately pulled away from the assassin.

In Imperial Palace, most of the guards are Half-Step King or King initial accomplishment. Only some team leaders are Great Emperor.

However, they still dare not approach Zhao Feng’s fighting range with the assassins.

If it were not for the rigid architecture of the Imperial Palace, as well as the guardianship of formation and Dragon Destiny Qi, I am afraid that everything nearby would be destroyed.

鈥淒ie for me鈥?/p>

The assassin recovered in less than half the time and attacked Zhao Feng again.

As an assassin killer, there is a certain involvement in Soul.

Therefore, Zhao Feng’s Eye Technique attack did very little harm to him.

鈥淕reat Heaven Imperial Palace, who impudent鈥?/p>

A majestic anger, deafening, came from behind, ringing throughout the Imperial Palace.

Hong long long

The entire Imperial Palace trembled, and countless Dragon Destiny Qi surged.

The combination of the invisible Dragon Destiny Qi and the heaven and earth rules, imprisoning one side of heaven and earth, together with the air, has completely solidified.

Zhao Feng’s acted stiffly and slowly, like falling into a quagmire.

True Yuan and Bloodline are both endlessly suppressed.


I saw a Golden Dragon light and shadow, just like the light of Bright Sun, appeared instantly above the Imperial Palace.

A force of Mystic Light, full of square hundred years li, terrifying Dragon Destiny’s power, condensed into substance, filled every inch of Space.

Suddenly, heaven and earth changed, night turned into day, everything in heaven and earth was controlled by the golden light silhouette.

“what happened?”

Tie Hongnan immediately raise one’s head, looked towards the distant sky.

鈥淕reat Heaven Saint King gets rid鈥?/p>

Heavenly Floating Palace Elder stared.

“The Great Heaven dynasty prohibits force, and at this time, the Saint King guarding the Great Heaven Imperial Palace actually gets rid himself”

King Nan Feng was disturbed.

Inside the Imperial Palace, many members of the Imperial Clan, the sect force expert, were shocked, and felt the rules of terrifying Profound Truth between heaven and earth.

Bang bang

Golden light silhouette all around, thousands of guards, under the power of this Monarch Overlooking The Whole World and Dragon’s Power, immediately kneel down and worship.


The whole body of this assassin, countless Mystic Light Holy Force and Dragon Destiny’s force tumbling, instantly gathered a pair of Golden dragon mark arms.


This assassin was caught by the hand of the Golden dragon mark, and even a hint of resistance did not work.

“Hmph, commit me Great Heaven”

In the golden light phantom, there was a coldly snorted.


The hand of the Golden dragon mark was suddenly pinched, and the figure of the assassin shattered, leaving a translucent black alien Soul, imprisoned by the infinite rule Holy Force.

Hong long long

Golden light silhouette looked at Zhao Feng a glance, and then disappeared during the surge of Dragon Destiny.

Above the dynasty, the dragon mark golden light suddenly withdrew, and heaven and earth resumed as usual.

鈥淐ourting death, dare to sneak into Imperial Palace鈥?/p>

“Hmph, Imperial Clan is invincible in the Great Heaven Imperial Palace”

“It was Saint King Yu Ling, it was Saint King expert.”

These guards slowly dissipated in their marvel and returned to their posts.

“Saint King”

Zhao Feng shakes his mind.

Mystic Light Realm great perfection, understanding of the rules of heaven and earth Profound Truth, reaching a new height, can be called Saint King.

Saint King stands almost on the Continent Peak, second only to the existence of Half-God.

Zhao Feng just felt that when the Saint King came, he incorporated his rule Profound Truth into void and controlled everything.

Moreover, in the Great Heaven Imperial Palace, Imperial Clan Saint King’s power to control the infinite Dragon Destiny, even the same rank Saint King, has only been crushed.

“Many thanks Great Emperor Zhao, found the assassin trail”

A guard leader is right.

Zhao Feng then returned to Ninth Prince’s residence, at which time Old Ying was also in Ninth Prince’s residence.

“Zhao Feng, who is that assassin?”

Ninth Prince asked immediately.

Great Heaven Dynasty, which has been for tens of thousands of years, has never happened.

Saint King gets rid, already shocked all members and forces in the dynasty, the assassin, it is almost impossible to survive.

“Probably Alien Race”

Based on some clues, Zhao Feng made an exact judgment.

“Alien Race? Alien Race actually sneaked into the Great Heaven Imperial Palace?”

Ninth Prince was surprised.

Probably because the Crown Prince Trial and Dragon Destiny Qi were mobilized, allowing the Alien Race to take advantage of it.

However, the Alien Race was already sneaking into the Great Heaven, which seemed to herald something.

“No wonder his goal should be Crown Prince.”

Old Ying’s eyes were deep.

Forbidden area behind Imperial Palace

A terrifying Soul Strength, fluctuations.

Saint King Yu Ling, stretched out his hands to lay on a translucent dark Soul.


This Soul body was shattered under the mighty Soul Will.

“Alien Race could already invade Great Heaven”

For a short while, Saint King Yu Ling’s voice sounded.

all around, several flickering lights, silent for a long time.

“If so, the news of the Alien Race invasion should still be on its way.”

An old sigh sounded.

Northwest of Great Heaven, central distance, even if the cross-city teleportation formation is used, it will take five months.

But if it’s just information, it only takes ten days to pass the special organization of Imperial Clan, plus the cross-city teleportation formation.

At this moment, a voice sounded outside, “Oblique Retired Emperor, the northwest side, a message came”


The old voice sounded.

I saw a piece of Golden dragon mark paper drifting slowly and falling into the hands of Saint King Yu Ling.


The dragon mark talisman seal on it disappeared instantly.

“Alien Race has invaded”

A heavy word sounded at the Soul level.

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