King of Gods

Chapter 995

Not only was the Fourth Prince trembling, but the members of his behind were equally shocked.

I saw an ordinary black eagle exuding a heavy Immemorial aura, leaving behind a guard jade.

The bright light on it is like a Pure Crystal light group.

This eagle is the Demon Spirit that Zhao Feng enslaved in Immemorial Dreamland. Because it is the product of Immemorial Space, in this space, it has a unique advantage. It can penetrate various dangerous places and collect Dragon Destiny Qi.

Therefore, this piece of dragon jade is by far the most contain Dragon Destiny Qi.


The dragon mark glow behind Ninth Prince grew again, and a trembling Dragon Roar sounded.

Behind him, a Golden Thunder Light giant dragon slowly rose and became even more powerful.

The Ninth Prince team is more excited than ever.

The rise after this suppression has made their whole body blood boil, and there is an urge to go all out.


Fourth Prince behind, a member, startled.

“How can this be”

Zhuge Yun’s voice was low and questioning.

This already is the fifteenth dragon jade.

They had seen Zhao Feng siege the city. At the time, they had won ten guard jade from the hands of three princes.

It is very likely that Shen Jizi, who is good at formation, invalidates the teleportation formation in the guard jade, so these guard jade can stay here.

Even so, the number of dragon jade protection is still untenable.

Moreover, the black eagle just dropped the dragon jade protection, and the amount of Dragon Destiny Qi was surprisingly large. Even if Zhao Feng won the protection of the dragon jade that day, let Demon Beast take the dragon jade to protect the dragon destiny Qi. It is impossible to collect so much.

There are too many doubts.

“Hachijou dragon mark Xiaguang, six feet more than Fourth Prince”

Wan Lei Saint Lord whispering softly.

But even Ninth Prince is six feet more than Dragon Prince’s Dragon Destiny Qi.

Ninth Prince doesn’t have many advantages either.

First, there is a huge gap between the two princes themselves. Second, the gap between the members of the two princes is even greater.

“Immediately ended”

Zhuge Yun’s voice sounded in the minds of everyone in the Fourth Prince team.

These variables range from the siege of the city to the moving maze to the final dispute over Taiyin.

All these variables are due to Zhao Feng alone, and this variable is very large enough to reverse the situation.

Zhuge Yun looked towards Zhao Feng The complexion of the ancient and modern wave, suddenly there is no bottom in my heart.

“Tai Yin, it’s mine”

Fourth Prince held up the dragon mark golden sword, calling on all Dragon Destiny Qi.

At the same time, his all around, as well as many heaven and earth natural phenomena, are all members behind him, all kinds of protection and auxiliary means to bless him.


The Fourth Prince rushed out suddenly, the Quartet heaven and earth, and the invisible Dragon Destiny Qi danced.


Ninth Prince also directly took off. At this time, he, Dragon Destiny Qi, had more alert than Fourth Prince, and he was not afraid at all.

Ding bang

Two swords fight with, golden light Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering.

The two of them top of the head, faintly having two Golden giant dragons, roaring and roaring, fighting each other.

“Brother, you are really astonished.”

Fourth Prince complexion is calm.

After a serious battle with Ninth Prince, only after fighting with him did he realize that the Lord had come, and Ninth Prince’s control over the power of Dragon Destiny reached a very fine level.

And Ninth Prince’s attack method is also very advanced.

“How could this be?”

Fourth Prince behind, many experts, marveled in his heart.

Ninth Prince is only six feet longer than Fourth Prince, and he can actually compete with Fourth Prince.

You know, Fourth Prince itself is Saint Lord Realm, and Ninth Prince is just close to Quasi-Saint Lord.

“Four Imperial Brothers, you have always been my target of To surpassed”

Ninth Prince’s eyes flickering, his heart was boiling.

Zhao Feng’s special assistance provided him with very fine control over everything.

Therefore, he can control the power of Dragon Destiny more easily, so as to bridge the Realm gap between him and Fourth Prince.

Moreover, by observing all the actions of the Fourth Prince, he can even predict the moves of the Fourth Prince in advance and find a way to dismantle it.

“Ninth Prince’s combat capability seems to be instantly improved.”

Old Ying heart slightly startled.

He knows Ninth Prince very well, and naturally also sees that Ninth Prince’s moves out of the ordinary can always restrain Fourth Prince.

“Zhao Feng, you really do”

Shi Yulei only praised Zhao Feng at this moment.

In today’s war, there is a great reversal of heaven shaking, and Ninth Prince has at least 50% hope to win Crown Prince.

At this time, in the Great Heaven Dynasty, the Stormy Sea was turned up and down.

Numerous expert forces can’t even believe what they are seeing.

The overall strength, ranked seventh of Ninth Prince, is actually comparable to that of Fourth Prince after continuing with fight with.

Zhao Feng’s method of collecting Dragon Destiny Qi has also been questioned by many experts.

First of all, to collect that many dragon jade is a big problem in itself.

Secondly, to collect the Demon Beast of Dragon Destiny Qi, Beast Taming Master has no fine control over it, and the probability of unexpected occurrence is as high as 80%.

Moreover, erasing the teleportation formation in the protective dragon jade is also a problem. Generally, the Formation Master wants to destroy the internal formation without damaging the protective dragon jade, which will take a long time.

However, Zhao Feng solved all the problems perfectly.

“Fourth Prince”

Fourth Prince behind, the two Saint Lords stood out suddenly.

Even they cannot acknowledge this reality.

They are the most powerful team

Fourth Prince, must win


Wan Lei Saint Lord and another Saint Lord directly operated Secret Technique and sent out a large number of profound Mystic Light Holy Force.

Among them, Heavenly Floating Palace Saint-Lord, the energy produced by Cross-Transfer is more condensed, with a trace of crystal marks. This is the unique cultivate cultivation technique of Heavenly Floating Palace.

The battle between the Fourth Prince and Ninth Prince was close to Mystic Light Great Accomplishment.

Generally, experts can’t help much except to perform some auxiliary mysteries.

But Mystic Light Saint Lord is different. They can send a lot of refined Mystic Light Holy Force.

Fourth Prince feels within the body Holy Force, endless and deep, but there is a flaw, too much clutter.

However, this already is enough

Ding bang

Fourth Prince raised his hand to throw his feet, and a super energy wave broke out, releasing Mystic Light Holy Force.

Ninth Prince resisted a slam of Fourth Prince, his hands trembled, and the secret technique imposed by Shi Yulei collapsed.

“Mystic Light Holy Force”

Ninth Prince lowly mumble.

He still uses True Yuan, which is the huge gap between him and Fourth Prince.

Otherwise, with the extra six-foot dragon mark, he can easily defeat Fourth Prince.

“Zhao Feng, where was the first demon bird?”

Zhou Su’er asked in surprise.

She remembered that when she first arrived at the Imperial Family Tomb, Zhao Feng was able to fly directly and released an Ancient Dark-Green Demon Bird.

Later, after extortion to protect the dragon jade, Demon Beast began to collect Dragon Destiny Qi.

“What? And Demon Beast?”

Old Ying expression was shocked, with joy in his eyes.

If there is still a guard jade, it can completely bridge the Realm gap between Ninth Prince and Fourth Prince.

“Not good Fourth Prince, fix it quickly”

The Saint Lord complexion of Wan Lei changes abruptly, directly sound transmission.

The conversations of Zhou Su’er, Old Ying and the others were not Spiritual Sense sound transmission, so they heard them clearly.

He and another Saint Lord immediately added the Cross-Transfer power of the Great Saint.

Fourth Prince expression is majestic.

He naturally listened to the conversations of arrived Zhou Su’er, Old Ying and the others.


Fourth Prince all around void There was a loud bang, all the dragon mark glow, shrunk into the dragon mark golden sword.

He injected the Mystic Light Holy Force into the Inheritance Holy Item at his greatest limit.


This Golden dragon mark long sword seemed to be unable to withstand the shocking strength of the world, and trembled with trembling.

“Golden Dragon Holy Cut”

Fourth Prince held the sword in both hands and dashed out suddenly.


A peerless golden light that relied on heaven and earth, carrying a magnificent sword, came suddenly, wherever it passed, exterminated everything, and even void was distorted.

“Not good, Ninth Prince”

Old Ying was shockingly shouted.

The fourth Prince sword, the power that erupted, even surpassed the attack of the ordinary Mystic Light Great Accomplishment.

“Mystic Light Holy Force with Three Saint Lords”

Shi Yulei’s voice trembled slightly.

In addition, the two Saint Lords behind Fourth Prince, Cross-Transfer’s Mystic Light Holy Force, were all condensed by special means.


Zhao Feng looked at the flashes and whispered softly.

But at this time, everyone was attracted to the slash by Four Prince.

The power of that slash was enough to cover everything.

Only Ninth Prince, feeling a powerful Dragon Destiny Qi, approached him.


Before the dragon jade was close to Fourth Prince, he forced the operation of Imperial Clan to take Dragon Destiny Qi.


The Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering Golden Dragon slashed, and when it struck Ninth Prince, a shocking Dragon Roar burst out.

I saw that the dragon mark glow behind Ninth Prince skyrocketed again.

Hachijoichi … two feet … three feet …

Five feet


Surrounded by the power of Ninth Prince whole body dragon mark, a green thunder ancient sword carrying the power of the peerless Dragon Destiny, swept out.


The lore slashing near him burst into pieces.

The infinite power of Dragon’s Power suddenly emerged from Ninth Prince.


Four Prince, who had just cast a strong blow, thought that he would win, and the Fourth Prince was suddenly repelled by several feet and fell to the ground.

At this moment, Ninth Prince’s strength, Already To Surpassed him completely.

Fourth Prince was struggling to resist this Will coercion.


Ninth Prince waved a sword, and smashed the Crown Prince behind the Prince Prince.


The Crown Prince’s fake seal in his hand suddenly burst into endless Jin Ming’s brilliance.

On the small Golden Seal, flickering countless Golden dense patterns, countless golden glow dragon marks, surrounded by it, a sacred and magnificent energy, brewing in the dragon seal.

“Tai Yin, Cheng”

Unreal old man suddenly flickering white light.

At the same time, the stone steps and circular battlefields in the sky transformed into a giant white light formation.

The next moment, the two princes and their members returned to the Great Heaven Imperial Palace.

Crown Prince Trial, officially closed

Great Heaven Imperial Palace, deathly stillness, for a moment, the rumbling sound of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering erupted.

“It was Ninth Prince who won”

“The last major reversal, I didn’t see anything clearly, what happened?”

“I only see that the dragon mark of Ninth Prince glowed sharply,”

Because the picture is more blurred and coupled with the unparalleled brilliance and natural phenomenon of Fourth Prince, almost no one can see how Ninth Prince won.

In the great hall, the rest of the princes who have long since retired are still sluggish.

“Ninth Prince, defeated the Four Imperial Brothers”

Seventh Prince couldn’t believe it.

“How is it possible that Ninth Prince has won, hateful, then Zhao Feng …”

Thirteenth Prince whole body trembles, complexion 狰狞.

“Okay, Ninth Prince, Zhao Feng”

King Nan Feng stood up and clapped his hands shouted.

Throughout the dynasty and Yunxiao, there were forces shocked, sect complained, angry, and many experts, princes unwilling, sighing …

No one noticed, an inconspicuous corner hiding a murderous intention of evil looking.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect it to be Ninth Prince”

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