King of Gods

Chapter 993

Toddler, look at the kite in Zhao Feng’s hands, and look at a glance Zhao Feng, they never received the kite.

“Haha, Zhao Feng, this is the result of your cheating”

To the rear, Saint Lord Black Devil laughed.

The identity of Zhao Feng 亻 Cheater is well known in the Imperial Family Tomb.

One of Zhao Feng’s punishments was being face-to-face due to discrimination in other roles.

On the contrary, those who confront Zhao Feng will get the favor of these characters.

This point, a lot of experts who played against Zhao Feng in the scene, summed up allready.

“This task can only be accomplished by me”

Saint Lord Black Devil, stepping on several black streams of light under his feet, flew towards Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng has released a large number of Demon Beast groups and Earthquake Golden Ape.

However, these external forces will be subject to the rules of this Space and cannot directly harm Saint Lord Black Devil.

Except for some duel scenarios that allow Spirit Pet to fight.

Therefore, in this session, Beast Taming Master will become the second biggest burden on doctors.

This is also the setting of Crown Prince Trial.

In the second session, Beast Taming Master and physician played a very important role.

Therefore, they are subject to many restrictions in this link.

Imperial Family Tomb.

Many princes, Quasi-Saint Lord, etc., expressed shock.

There is such a thing

This is simply the storyline in the scene, and it is impossible to win.

“How come? Zhao Feng”

Ninth Prince trembled.

I didn’t expect such a change in the final tiebreaker.

“It’s so unfair, Zhao Feng clearly completed the plot in the scene.”

Old Ying immediately shouted.

The purpose is naturally to let the illusive old man in the sky hear.

“These scenarios are not perfect and reasonable enough. We will improve them in the future.”

As a notary public, Unreal Old Man also feels that this situation has some impact on fairness.

Members of the Fourth Prince team were suddenly lost.

The words of the illusive old man are obvious.

“Okay, Saint Lord Black Devil, get the kite back.”

Thirteenth Prince was shouted excitedly.

The long-depressed Thirteenth Prince felt happy like never before.

Finally, this time, Zhao Feng planted in his team.

“This round is bound to be my victory”

Saint Lord Black Devil said loudly with a smile, without any haste, flew towards Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng Yu Guang watched a glance Saint Lord Black Devil.

“Maybe so …”

Zhao Feng suddenly thought of a way.

Zhao Feng’s Great Emperor Will, suddenly moved.

The next moment.

A layer of mist and hazy Illusionary Labyrinth City phantom, envelopes one side of heaven and earth.

Although this child was mechanically nagging, but he was unable to think, it proved that there was Soul Will and thought in him.

Therefore, children and children will still be affected by Soul Dao Domain, but the impact will be small.

Slowly, a layer of purple magic mist wrapped Zhao Feng.

I saw, Zhao Feng’s figure’s appearance slowly changed into the look of Saint Lord Black Devil.

“What, Zhao Feng, you turned into my appearance”

Saint Lord Black Devil startled, knew what Zhao Feng was going to do, suddenly speeded up, and rushed into Zhao Feng’s Illusionary City Domain.

Being in Zhao Feng’s Illusionary City Domain, although everything in front of me is a little vague, it cannot affect Saint Lord Black Devil.

“Come, Uncle accidentally broke your kite, just lose you a candy.”

Zhao Feng turned into Saint Lord Black Devil, showing a kind smile and handing out two items in his hand.

In this child’s setting, God Crystal is sugar.

In that case, Zhao Feng took out a second God Crystal and would definitely win the favor of this child.

The child looked at Zhao Feng’s, and he looked a little.

“… Thank you Uncle”

But when he saw the sugar, he immediately reached out and took away the sugar and the kite.

“how come”

Saint Lord Black Devil regrets it, but there is no way.

The kid, Already took the kite, and the candy from Zhao Feng.

“Victor, Zhao Feng”

The mechanical sound echoed this Space.


In Zhao Feng’s escort dragon jade, he added Dragon Destiny Qi, and he appeared on the steps of Fourth Prince.

“… victory”

Ninth Prince hasn’t reacted yet.

Things went too fast and unexpected.

“Brother Zhao”

Cried Ninth Prince.

Zhao Feng gave him a huge surprise again.

“Zhao Feng, you are so smart”

Zhou Su’er yelled for a while, anxiously rushing to hug Zhao Feng.

“Good job, Zhao Feng”

Even Old Ying was sweated by Zhao Feng.

Everyone thought that this game was lost.

However, he did not expect Zhao Feng to be so prominent that he deceived the child.

the other side.

“You stupid”

Thirteenth Prince whole body trembled, infinite anger, burning in his heart, but could only curse like this.

The rest of the members were extremely depressed, but they did not dare to abuse Saint Lord Black Devil.

“It’s my idea, I didn’t expect that things could be reversed like this”

Saint Lord Black Devil is completely unhappy.

He was too lax, thinking that he had won the round.

Outside the dynasty.

The sound of boiling laughter continued.

The development of things is really too late to react.

It is almost impossible for ordinary people to think of this approach.

The Saint Lord Black Devil of Nine Nether Palace has become the laughing spot of many experts and forces.

Obviously the victory, but because of his slackness, the fruits of victory were handed over.

Saint Lord Black Devil, known as I, was destroyed in the hands of a young man and a child.

But, all around the clouds, it soon became quiet.

“Maze, end, winner is Fourth Prince, Ninth Prince”

The illusive old man took a deep look at the glance where the Fourth Prince was on, a glance, and everyone knew who he was looking at.

next moment.

8th Prince and Thirteenth Prince are on the steps, flickering white.


The two princes and their members were sent out of the Imperial Family Tomb.

The two steps also slowly descended and returned to Heavens Secret.

“Next, enters into the final link-the dispute between the two sides”

The voice of the illusive old man spread.

An invisible and majestic atmosphere suddenly dispersed.

The same moment.

The two princes’ teams are on the same steps, changing directions and forming a confrontation.

At the same time, the gray-white stone platform on the steps slowly fell into the steps.


In front of the steps where the two teams are located, a plate of steel suddenly extended.

In the end, the steps of the two teams were connected together to form a steel plate road.

Bang bang bang

There was a sound of metal collision in the center of this steel plate road.

Countless small steel plates extended from it, and finally formed a round battlefield.

“Old Ying”

Ninth Prince watched Fourth Prince a glance and shouted immediately.

“His Royal Highness, we have no odds of success”

Old Ying bowed her head and lamented.

From when the unreal old man announced the enters into the final part.

The whole team of Ninth Prince changed from just excited, immediately to silence.

Although Ninth Prince beat Thirteenth Prince.

However, Dragon Destiny Qi of Ninth Prince Crown Prince pseudo seal is less than Thirteenth Prince, so we will not talk about Fourth Prince.

“We are doing our best”

Shi Yulei can hardly hide his unwilling mood.

In this session, the Ninth Prince team ranked second in the number of wins, but the negative number was the lowest of the four princes.

In other words, the performance of the Ninth Prince team is very good.

But the gap has been formed from the recruitment of personnel, and it is very large.

Even if the Ninth Prince team performed well in the future, it did not completely bridge the gap between the two teams.

“The battle between India and India begins, with the two princes making the final decisive battle”

Unreal old man solemnly announced.

“The members of the two princes can help their own princes, but they cannot cause any damage to the enemy princes get rid.”

There is only one rule in the last battle.

That is, the members behind Ninth Prince can give Ninth Prince treatment, protection, strength cross-transfer and so on.

However, you cannot cause Fourth Prince to get rid, cause any damage to him, or affect the fighting status of Fourth Prince.

“Come on, Brother Nine Emperor, you can come to this step, something your brother never expected.”

The Fourth Prince stepped forward, expression majestic and calm, an invisible King momentum, suddenly dispersed.

For him, Crown Prince has been ready.

He also had a hint of recognition for the nine emperor brother who had been neglected.

“My goal is to defeat you, the Four Imperial Brothers.”

Ninth Prince took a deep breath and walked out.

The two princes, holding the Crown Prince’s fake seal in one hand, slowly walked to the circular decisive battlefield in the center.


The Crown Prince masquerades in the hands of the two princes and trembles at the same time.

The huge Dragon Destiny Qi rises directly with Jin Caixiaguang.

Above the entire circular decisive battlefield, a majestic Golden Giant dragon was faintly visible, tumbling and roaring, touching.


Two Dragon Destiny Qis that soared directly into two princes within the body.

I saw the two princes all over the body, countless Golden dragon marks, climbing and spreading.

Dragon mark Xia Guang, flickering, shines on one side of heaven and earth.

“Seventy feet dragon mark light”

Zhuge Yun’s eyes shone.

The power of the dragon mark blessed by the Fourth Prince whole body, the eruption of the dragon mark glow, up to seventy feet, or exactly four feet in seven feet.

You know, the Crown Prince Trial in the history of Great Heaven, the one with the highest eruption of the dragon mark, is also the same.

“Unfortunately, Ninth Prince lost. Only six feet and two feet of dragon mark.”

Beside Zhuge Yun, an old man said.

Compared to the Dragon mark glow of Fourth Prince, Ninth Prince’s side is really dim.

“One foot gap”

Old Ying looked towards the two princes ahead.

“Ready to get rid”

Old Ying suddenly shouted loudly.

Members of the Prince’s team can assist the Prince in the background.

Although there is no doubt about the outcome of this battle, Ninth Prince cannot give up without giving in.

“Zhao Feng, what about your flying Demon Beast?”

Zhou Su’er asked carefully.

When she teamed up with Zhao Feng, she knew that Zhao Feng had handed over some dragon jade escorts to some flying Demon Beasts.

Just don’t know how many Dragon Destiny Qi these dragon jade have collected, but it can reduce the slight gap between the two sides, and their odds of success will increase.

“Not urgent”

Zhao Feng answered softly.


While Dragon Destiny Qi was transformed into the power of Dragon Destiny, the Battle Strength of the two princes also suddenly climbed, directly sur surpassed everyone present.

Among them, Fourth Prince is in the tomb of the prince, and is also a breakthrough breakthrough Saint Lord.

At this time, under the blessing of the power of Dragon Destiny, Battle Strength is also a breakthrough Mystic Light small accomplishment, which is close to Mystic Light Great Accomplishment.

Infinite mighty Dragon’s Power, control one side void.

In front of him, the Battle Strength of Ninth Prince is below a large level, and it feels a little hard to resist the coercion of Fourth Prince.

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