King of Gods

Chapter 985

Above Heavens Secret, four princes concentrated attention completely, observe the maze, and at the same time direct the members of the Imperial Palace through the Crown Prince’s fake seal.

And just above the maze, several Void circular spheres appear from time to time.

In the orb, it is the scene where the showdown is performed.

In one of the balls, Zhao Feng went straight to the treetop and got a red kite.

“Worthy to be called is Heavens Secret Clan. This creative ability is unimaginable. In this game, I don’t know how many secret realm spaces are contained.”

Shi Yulei was so shocked, and even a little sad, he couldn’t go in and experience it.

Shen Jizi looked at the maze below. Both eyes had no focus, as if deducing something.

“Okay, Zhao Feng defeated Saint Lord Black Devil and got his XNUMX% Dragon Destiny Qi”

Shouted Shi Yulei in surprise.

Then, the Void sphere where Zhao Feng was located disappeared above the maze.

“Brother Zhao, both brave and intelligent”

Ninth Prince relaxed.

Because of his negligence, he brought Saint Lord Black Devil close to Zhao Feng.

Fortunately, the final result was Zhao Feng’s victory.

Zhao Feng’s ability to adapt to unknown environments far exceeds ordinary people.

“Just listen to Zhao Feng’s and focus on directing Old Ying and Su Qingling”

Ninth Prince believes in Zhao Feng’s decision.

Move in the maze.

Jing Kai meets an azure robe old man on the Fourth Prince team.

“Haha, Jing Kai of the Ninth Prince team”

Azure robe old man smiled vulgarly and rushed forward.

When he and Jing Kai reach a certain distance.


All around the scene changes in a twist, and the two appear in another space.

Between the mountains and forests, Jing Kai and azure robe old man looked at each other in the distance.

Jing Kai behind, hundreds of villagers kneeled on the ground and begged to cry.

“Warrior, save our village, the bandit is here again”

“Please, help us drive this bandit away”

And azure robe old man behind, dozens of fierce Bandits, carrying a large knife and axe, with a smirk in their faces.

“Big brother, let’s go”

“Yeah, my brothers haven’t opened up in months”

azure robe old man both eyes wide open, angry beard up.

Although he knows that these scenes are random and the content of the plot is false, his dignified 3-Star sect Law Enforcement Elder, in this scene, has become the leader of the Bandits who have destroyed the house.

“Jing Kai, let’s end it”

azure robe old man can’t wait to rush out.

“Blue Ocean Three Styles”

azure robe old man waved the waves of brilliant water curtain brilliance, rigid and soft, forming a dark green vortex with a diameter of hundred zhang, rolled towards Jing Kai.

Jing Kai waited steadily, and a dazzling golden light appeared around his body, which surrounded him regularly.


Golden lightsabers and dark green light curtains are intertwined with infinite power, destroying all around the landscape.

“Hehe, Jing Kai, you just arrived at Quasi-Saint Lord Realm”

azure robe old man laughed.


The endless dark green water swirls, wrapping Jing Kai in it, and it will be completely submerged.


Above the battle, a pale gold Eye of Filling the Heaven appears.

An all-knowing Eye Strength Will rushed towards the azure robe old man.


Azure robe old man screamed, Soul level, Wan Lei bombed, his body stiffened on the spot.

Jing Kai suddenly passed the azure robe old man, waved his hands, countless golden lights stabbed out, killing all Bandits.

“Victor, Jing Kai”

A mechanical voice sounded.

“How could that be …”

azure robe old man complexion. Fear.


From azure robe old man body, a ‘Dragon Destiny Qi,’ enters into the guard jade of the Jing Kai.

“Thank you Master”

Jing Kai whispered.

At the same time, the villagers in the rear cheered for a while.

“Hero, thank you for saving our village, this is a bit of our heart”

On the steps where the Fourth Prince is located, everyone is complexion startled.

How could azure robe old man lose?

What happened to the Golden eyes that appeared in the space just now?

“Thirteenth Prince, I don’t know, when I was at war with Jing Kai, the sky suddenly dropped a powerful Eye Strength Will …”

The old man in gray clothes had no choice but to explain, he also felt that he had lost too much.

“So Golden eyes, don’t tell me is … Zhao Feng?”

Thirteenth Prince thought of Zhao Feng’s blond gold pupil, and was suspicious.

In the maze, Zhao Feng eyes opened.

“Eye of Filling the Heaven, Eye Strength Will consumes a lot”

Zhao Feng said softly.

The person who was branded the Dark Heart Seal by Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng was able to communicate with him through the Dark Heart Seal, gain his vision, and even help him cross-space.

However, this is the first time that the Eye of Filling the Heaven has been displayed on a level of space barriers.

Fortunately, the scene confrontation, the secret realm space, and the moving maze are not far away, and the structure of that secret realm space is very simple.

Zhao Feng helped Jing Kai better than Ninth Prince.

At this time, Ninth Prince directed Old Ying and Su Qingling wholeheartedly, with higher efficiency.

Next, Zhao Feng also started to act.

However, after walking in the maze for a long time, Zhao Feng did not meet a silhouette.

“It seems that strength is exposed, and most people are hiding from me”

Zhao Feng helplessly sighed.

The strength he showed in the siege of the siege was completely equivalent to the Saint Lord of the old Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment.

While participating in the maze, most of this game is Quasi-Saint Lord, they naturally avoided Zhao Feng.

“So to speak, I can only meet Saint Lord”

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle.

Although he is not afraid of Saint Lord at this time, there are many possibilities for the duel of the scene. Saint Lord is still much better than him in terms of the underlying experience.

Zhao Feng didn’t want to entangle with Saint Lord. It was easier to resolve those Quasi-Saint Lord and Great Emperor.

“That being the case, then it’s luck.”

Zhao Feng all around, the huge Wind Thunder aura surge.


Behind him, a pair of red Thunder Light wings spread out.

call out

Zhao Feng do as you wish Choose a direction and turn it into a Wind Thunder lightning arc, flashes away.

The others in the maze were cautiously walking under the command of the prince.

At this time, Zhao Feng, showing speed Secret Technique, shuttled through the ever-changing maze.

Whoever you meet is who

“Luo Zun, no, Zhao Feng is approaching you”

Luo Zun, who was walking in the maze, suddenly heard the voice of 8th Prince in his mind.

Luo Zun froze slightly, although he knew that he was not Zhao Feng’s opponent, but this time, he didn’t want to escape.

Moreover, the scene duel in the moving maze is not exactly a fight for strength.

“Zhao Feng”

Luo Zun saw Zhao Feng appearing in front and rushed straight up.


The two appeared directly in a glacial world of a world of ice and snow.

“Two people, I urgently need the ‘Ice Black Iron Under the Thousand Years of Mysterious Ice, Who can you mine for me?”

A middle age person wearing a warm cotton robe, looked towards Zhao Feng and Luo Zun.

“Zhao Feng, sorry, this is the cold place I am good at”

Luo Zun held his chest up, revealing a comptnt smile.

Although defeating Zhao Feng in his good Domain is somewhat unjustifiable, luck is also part of the strength.

Luo Zun’s left hand, an extreme cold ice force emerged, all around the cold weather, under its powerful Cold Strength aura, it dropped dozens of degrees again, and even the air was completely condensed

Luo Zun pressed one hand above the ice, and Cold Strength surged.

嘣 snap

The surface ice layer suddenly cracked, and it looked down, but this was not enough.

Zhao Feng’s eyes looked towards the ice below, “Ice black iron is under subterranean thousand zhang”

He also has Ice-Water Bloodline, but he is good at defense treatment. It is estimated that such things as mining can’t compare with Luo Zun.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat suddenly appeared on Zhao Feng’s shoulder, leaning on a shovel, revealing a cool look that should be performed by him.

Small Thieving Cat landed on the ice, waved the shovel, and dug fiercely on the ice.

嘣 hong long long ——

Suddenly, there was a violent shaking near the surface.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye observed the collapse and cracking under the ice layer, and the piece of ice black iron moved a distance upward during the ice layer’s cracking.

Luo Zun’s face was singular, looking towards Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat. Just now, he felt deep in the ice layer, shaking violently.

He couldn’t understand what Zhao Feng and his Spirit Pet were doing.

嚓嚓 click

Small Thieving Cat waved the shovel and dug to the ground.


The entire ice layer was subterranean, and there was a fierce tremor, and it collapsed and cracked, as if there was any Great Desolate beast rushing out of the subterranean.


The sound of subterranean vibrations grew louder and louder, and eventually the whole ground shook.

Luo Zun was horrified, wondering what Zhao Feng’s Spirit Pet had done, which actually caused a few thousand zhang’s subterranean ice to burst.

甭 ka ka

The place dug by the Small Thieving Cat was suddenly cracked and exploded, and a huge pit appeared. It was faintly visible that the ice layer below was completely destroyed and the inch was broken.

A piece of gold and white iron was stuck in a crack.

call out

Zhao Feng suddenly rushed into the pit and took out the ‘ice ice black iron,

“How can it be?”

Luo Zun, who was still running the power of ice to separate the ice layer, stopped.

He still didn’t understand what Zhao Feng and his pets did, and actually made the ice black iron hidden deep under a few thousand zhang pop out.

“Thank you young man, this is the reward for you”

A middle-aged man in a cotton robe showed a smile and handed over a few pieces of strange light glow ore.

“Victor, Zhao Feng”

Void’s voice sounded inside the space.

Zhao Feng body’s dragon jade, rays of light increased slightly.

The next moment, Zhao Feng returned to the maze.

“This still doesn’t work”

Zhao Feng stands to.

Just now, if it wasn’t for Luo Zun’s initiative, Zhao Feng hadn’t even found anyone there.

The five senses and Spiritual Sense are limited, and the perspective of the left eye has no effect. It is really troublesome.

“The left eye’s ability to see through cannot penetrate the walls of the maze, so what if?”

Zhao Feng suddenly thought of something.

A faint light gold ripple permeated Zhao Feng’s amber gold pupil.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye has the ability to see through, but the new ability of the gold pupil also has a great ability to penetrate.

“it works”

Zhao Feng was surprised.

At this point, the place where his Left Eye gazed slowly became a world of light gold particle structure, and his sight could actually penetrate dozens of steel walls.

The particle structure of the steel wall is very complicated, which is several times more complicated than the Top-Grade Earth Rank Divine Weapon.

Of course, this is not the focus of Zhao Feng’s observation.

“In this way, all the people within the ten walls are within my control.”

Zhao Feng secretly ecstatically, so much easier.

Suddenly, the illusive old man above the maze, the whole body flashed white shimmer.

“Severe Chester found and punished”

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