King of Gods

Chapter 983

Today, in the Imperial Family Tomb, there are only four princes and their members living in Quartet Heavens Secret.

Among them, the team of 8th Prince and Ninth Prince can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

“The third part of the distance starts, and there is a ten-day rest period. Please adjust the status.”

Old Ying looked towards Weary members.

The city of Heavens Secret was able to capture and stand firm. Everyone worked very hard and was exhausted.

“Old Ying, what is the third link?”

Zhou Su’er cannot help asked.

Although she had asked it a long time ago, Old Ying kept saying it was too early, and it was useless.

“‘The prince game is played in the Quartet Heavens Secret city. At that time, the Heavens Secret city will start a puppet show randomly, and the participants are naturally the four princes and their members.’

Arrived at this time, Old Ying naturally said what he knew.

At first, he just expected that Ninth Prince, with good luck, had a glimmer of hope and scrambled for a Heavens Secret city, but that was the best case scenario.

Therefore, it’s useless to say too much about the third link, but to be distracted.

To this day, he still has the illusion of dreaming.

Unexpectedly, Ninth Prince actually stood side by side with Fourth Prince, Thirteenth Prince, and 8th Prince, occupying a city of Heavens Secret.

“It sounds funny”

Zhou Su’er seems to know nodded.

Zhao Feng was slightly surprised that the Prince’s game was actually provided by Heavens Secret City.

Come to think of it, it should be the first-generation Imperial Clan, which consumed huge resources, and reached an agreement with the Heavens Secret city here.

“No one can predict what games will be played in Heavens Secret City. From the original Crown Prince Trial to today, there have been repeated puppet shows, but the second time has been improved. Therefore, this puppet show is still Fair enough “

Old Ying commented again.

‘The prince’s game, so far, has not started the same puppet show, so it is still difficult to prepare in advance.

Moreover, since it is a game, of course, it is not as simple as competing against strength. There are many other factors.

“Of course, the main purpose of this game is to compete for ‘Dragon Destiny Qi,”

Old Ying emphasized again.

The fourth link, the “Taiwan-India dispute,” is almost like Dragon Destiny Qi.

This point has never changed, and anyone who knows the Crown Prince dispute knows it.

Therefore, the third link ‘Prince’s game will be so important, this is the only chance to compete for’ Dragon Destiny Qi ‘.

Dragon Destiny Qi, the Ninth Prince ‘Crown Prince, is the least of the four princes of the Imperial Family Tomb.

If you want to compete for Crown Prince, the third link, the Ninth Prince team, must achieve To surpassed the other three princes.

Otherwise, the third link will be eliminated.

“It doesn’t matter, everyone can do their best then”

Ninth Prince smiled at this moment.

To this extent, Ninth Prince already proved himself.

This is also his original intention. He wants to prove himself by competing with many princes.

“At our average level, it is indeed impossible to compete with Fourth Prince and Thirteenth Prince, but in the third session, luck also accounts for a large part.

Therefore, eventually Crown Prince, even some professional intelligence organizations, cannot predict. “

Old Ying went on to say that he was afraid of too much pressure.

“Well, every Crown Prince is not necessarily the strongest overall ranking, and even the fifth prince in overall strength has won Crown Prince.”

Shi Yulei, added.

He was also afraid of the pressure on the others, and cooperated with Old Ying and Ninth Prince.

“Oh, Brother Nine Emperor has hope, don’t worry”

Zhou Su’er suddenly stood up and patted Ninth Prince on the shoulder.

Shi Yulei and Old Ying, looking at all around, suddenly the complexion froze.

In fact, the rest of Ninth Prince didn’t worry much at all.

Zhou Su’er is obviously someone who doesn’t care.

Shen Jizi sat still, with both eyes closed, wondering what to calculate.

Zhao Feng seemed to enter into the cultivate state, and after Jing Kai was planted by Zhao Feng with the Dark Heart Seal, it was also wholeheartedly cultivated, and the temperature changed greatly.

It was Su Qingling, who had a little sense of responsibility and showed a sense of heaviness.

“Well, there are ten days left. Everyone tries to improve strength and get ready.”

Old Ying urged a word before leaving with Ninth Prince.

Zhao Feng saw that the meeting was over and also got up and left.

Although he was just in a cultivate state, he knew everything about the outside world, and all conversations were in his ears.

Zhao Feng is now cultivate ‘Immortal Saint Thunder Body.

His Saint Thunder Body, in the accumulation of battles throughout the year, and the promotion of the Great Emperor of Death Profound Truth of Death, Already can cultivate ‘Immortal Saint Thunder Body.

The damage reduction effect of Indestructible Physique is very obvious, and the general damage is even ignored.

And ‘Immortal Saint Thunder Body, Indestructible Physique, also complements the Saint Body of Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord.

In addition, Zhao Feng just broke through the Great Emperor and wants to start laying the groundwork for breaking through Mystic Light Realm and striving for success.

Also, a full version of “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art” was obtained by Zhao Feng already.

He always felt that cultivating Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art to Perfection would be of great use to himself.

“By the way, Zhou Su’er, do you know ‘Three Birthing Devil Flower, what’s the use?”

Zhao Feng suddenly thought of a problem.

When he attacked Inheritance of Emperor Heaven, the grimace red flower that was not regarded by him was highly regarded by Saint Lord Black Devil.

I believe that Three Birthing Devil Flower, in some domains, still has great value.

“What do you ask? Three Birthing Devil Flower is an excellent medicine ingredient for cultivate Devil Path Clone. It can increase the probability of condensing Devil Path Clone, and it can also improve the power of Clone.

Zhou Su’er is slightly strange.

Zhao Feng hasn’t cultivate Devil Path cultivation technique. What are these questions for?

“Don’t tell me do you plan to gather Ghost Dao Clone in the future?”

Zhou Su’er asked tentatively.

Zhao Feng In the Imperial Family Tomb, it is very likely that he has acquired the precious Devil Path Clone Secret Skill.

“No, do as you wish to ask”

Zhao Feng expression is bland.

It seems that Three Birthing Devil Flower is really precious Precious Materials for demonic cultivator.

Clone Secret Skill, Saint Lord’s proprietary Magical Powers.

Generally, Realm will cultivate such Secret Skills after reaching Mystic Light small accomplishment, but there is also a strong Mystic Light initial stage for Saint Body, which will also cultivate Clone Secret Skill in advance.

Clone’s strength is related to the rank of Secret Skill, and the herb that can increase the power of Clone is naturally precious. Equivalent to improve the rank of Clone Secret Skill.

Knowing the usefulness of Three Birthing Devil Flower, Zhao Feng felt that it was even more useless to himself.

Out of the steel house, Zhao Feng came to ‘Spirit Pet Park’ again.

“Excuse me, do you need to take care of pets, or raise or buy?”

A small old man walked slowly.

“I Need Ten Great Emperor-Class Flying Demon Beasts”

This time.

Zhao Feng chose ten ‘Dragon Wing Hawks’, which is also the last small, flying Demon Beast group.

After leaving the Spirit Pet Park, Zhao Feng gave ten ‘dragon Wade Hawks’ to each of them.

These ten pieces of dragon jade were stolen from the Great Emperor and the Quasi-Saint Lord body in the small world of Zhao Feng yesterday.

The ‘Dragon Destiny Qi,’ and aready were given to Ninth Prince.


Ten Dragon Wing Hawks, holding the dragon jade, headed towards the skies and flew in all directions.

“The distance Crown Prince Trial is over, and there is not much time, how much ‘Dragon Destiny Qi can be collected,”

Since Zhao Feng promised Ninth Prince that he took a place, he naturally tried his best to help him.

enters into the Heavens Secret.

Basically no one will leave Heavens Secret to collect Dragon Destiny Qi.

Everyone is taking advantage of the opportunities in Heavens Secret to improve their strength.

I used Demon Beast to go out to collect Dragon Destiny Qi. I also had a Beast Taming Master.

But the risk is very high. If Demon Beast encounters a crisis while collecting Dragon Destiny Qi and loses the guard jade, it will be broken.

However, Zhao Feng chose differently. He can obtain the vision of flying Demon Beast through the Dark Heart Seal.

Once in danger, he will remind Spirit Pet to leave, or use Eye of Filling the Heaven, cross-space to help.

All this is thanks to “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art”. Otherwise, it would be difficult for Zhao Feng to share the vision of nearly twenty flying Demon Beasts at the same time. In addition, Zhao Feng has other things to do.

Ten days passed by.

Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body has a trace of Indestructible Physique.

Earthquake Golden Ape’s Bloodline enhancements have also been very successful.

In addition, Jing Kai’s Realm, reaching the Quasi-Saint Lord level, is a happy event in the team.

This day.

Ninth Prince team, came to the square in the center of Heavens Secret.

In front of a gorgeous fountain, there is a very special steel step. On the step, there is a gray stone platform.

All members of the Ninth Prince team are on the steel steps.

Ninth Prince took out the Crown Prince fake seal and covered it directly on the off-white stone platform.


The entire stone platform, sustaining everyone, rose directly into the sky.

Over Great Heaven Dynasty.

A dim light barrier finally appeared.

In the city of Heavens Secret, even if the Crown Prince pseudo-seal has an observation and monitoring structure, it has no effect.

Only when the third link officially started, the princes flew into the sky and left the city of Heavens Secret, and the outside world could see the image again.

“Looking at finally”

“The third stage of the drama is about to begin”

“I don’t know what will happen to Heavens Secret this time,”

Everyone outside is concerned about the third link and how it will proceed.

See you, Imperial Family Tomb.

The four princes stood on the steps, floating in the air, occupying the four sides and forming a square.


Suddenly, an imaginary old man appeared in the center of the four princes, out of thin air. As can be seen from the form of the old man, he still belonged to the mechanical puppet.

“Four princes, next, it’s time for the” princes game “

The voice of the illusive old man spreads in all directions.

“And I, is the notary of this puppet show”

In the hands of the illusive old man, a black iron block that can’t see the reality appears.

“This time, it is …”

The old man threw the black iron block suddenly, and suddenly mysterious obscure lines and stripes appeared on it.


The black iron block, floating void, rapidly expanded in the sound of numerous metal booms.

In the end, the black steel iron objects filled the square area of ​​the four princes center.

A game board, formed

“Move the maze”

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