King of Gods

Chapter 979

“Full defense”

Old Ying’s eyes were anxious, and he quickly directed.

The rest of the members stood within the defense formation of Shen Jizi to defend.

Fortunately, the Demon Beast group outside the city wall still obeyed Zhao Feng’s orders at the moment and kept the place.

When the Demon Beast of the three princes’ team attacked, they naturally rose up.

However, without the herd controlled by the Beast Taming Master, the Battle Strength naturally drops.

These Demon Beasts are not controlled by the Beast Taming Master and go straight out of the formation.

“Old Ying, these Demon Beasts are out of our control”

Shi Yulei was helpless when he saw this situation.

Fortunately, after these Demon Beasts have suffered a few losses, they know that they stay within the defense formation.

“How long can I stay, how long will I stay”

Old Ying’s eyes were dimmed and his words were firm.

“It seems Zhao Feng is really breaking through”

Not far outside the city wall, Second Prince touched his jaw.

The signs of breakthrough can also be faked, which is also a strategy to seduce the enemy.

“You guys go too”

To make sure Zhao Feng was really closed, Second Prince immediately gave orders.

“All attacked”

Twelfth Prince was excited.


A joint team of three princes, nearly thirty experts, flew directly towards the steel city wall where Ninth Prince was located.

“Second Imperial Brother, don’t forget the blood contract we signed”

Fifth Prince complexion is calm.

After breaking through the city of Heavens Secret, only one prince can stay.

In the second link, on the last day, the three princes wanted to take turns into the Heavens Secret City, which could not be achieved.

Therefore, the three princes signed a blood contract.

The blood contract scroll was initiated by Heavens Secret Clan, and it is relatively rare today.

Generally, this scroll is used only in special cases.

The content signed by the three princes is: Second Prince enters into the Heavens Secret City. The remaining princes and all their members must help the remaining princes and all their members to complete the transactions they want in Heavens Secret City, and they must not swallow any resources.

“This is nature”

Calm in the Second Prince complexion.

This is the last chance, as long as you can enter into the Heavens Secret city.

“In addition, you guard me against the Seventh Emperor. Once the Seventh Emperor’s team comes in, you use Dragon Destiny Qi directly and drag them.”

The Second Prince complexion is unchanged, giving two princes sound transmission.

Seventh Prince gathered together in a small grove of Heavens Secret.

“We have no ability to attack the city alone, we can only wait for the three princes and Ninth Prince to fight the both sides suffer and then get rid”

Yu Mian Confucian scholar slowly analyzed.

Dark Soul Saint Lord’s Soul and Saint Body were heavily damaged by Zhao Feng.

The injury on Saint Body is easy to repair, and the damage caused by Thunder Calamity Strength on Soul, then there is no way.

And Demon Beast of Zhang Yi Grandmaster, the loss is also very heavy.

“If Zhao Feng doesn’t go out, the three princes should easily break through the city wall, what shall we do?”

Jiang Hao asked.

Although the members of the three princes’ joint team are weak, the number is too large.

Seventh Prince competed with the three princes, and ultimately the odds of success of the three princes was greater.

The rest of the team, also immediately looked towards Yu Mian Confucian students, they also had this doubt.

“Instead of you, will you choose to break through at this time?”

Yu Mian’s Confucian Taoist eyes.

Everyone is silent, as long as they are not fools, they will not break through at this time.

“Zhao Feng breakthrough, it shouldn’t take long”

Jing Feng Saint Lord said at this time.

With Zhao Feng’s strong strength, we can see its underlying foundation.

Even Jing Feng Saint Lord suspected that Zhao Feng was deliberately suppressing the cultivation base. In this case, if it is experienced, it won’t take long.

“Then we have hope.”

Lu Tianzi immediately said.

Only if Ninth Prince and the three princes fight at the best gets rid, can both sides suffer.

On the other side, because Ninth Prince occupied a city of Heavens Secret.

8th Prince’s pressure suddenly weakened.

“He’s finally breaking through the Great Emperor”

Yu Tianhao thought of this, within the body Bloodline faintly trembled.

Although he knew the strength of Zhao Feng King Realm, it was unfathomable.

But Yu Tianhao hopes to compete with Zhao Feng under the same Realm.

“Hehe, I think Zhao Feng deliberately chose this time to break through. I guess I want to try the harvest in Heavens Secret.”

saint Lord Hundred Refining slightly smiled, he could not believe that Zhao Feng was so stupid that he chose to break through at this time.

In a steel house under Wind Thunder vortex.

Although Zhao Feng was breaking through, he also parted out ideas to observe the situation outside the city wall, and part of the ideas were still practicing Heaven Locking Bow.

“The sacrifice is complete”

Zhao Feng moved slightly.

At this moment, Heaven Locking Bow had a secret connection with Zhao Feng’s Soul Will.

The same moment.

Zhao Feng’s Wind Thunder vortex group on the house, quickly converges and dissipates.

Zhao Feng’s background is extremely strong, plus various rare medicine materials, breakthrough Great Emperor with no difficulty.

Zhao Feng’s True Yuan Sea Space, three-color Wind Thunder True Yuan, more pure, three-color True Yuan in True Yuan Space, rapid transformation, like a storm vortex.

It didn’t take long for Zhao Feng to stabilize aura.

Realm breakthrough great emperor, Zhao Feng’s strength not at all.

Only the quality and quantity of True Yuan have been improved.

Originally, Zhao Feng’s True Yuan quality was comparable to Quasi-Saint Lord.

Today, the strength of True Yuan condensed by Zhao Feng True Yuan and Sea Space is far more than that of Quasi-Saint Lord, which is called the strongest True Yuan.

Because above Saint Lord, True Yuan will be transformed into Mystic Light Holy Force.

Meow meow

At this time, Small Thieving Cat appeared in front of Zhao Feng and gave Bewildering Space Realm to Zhao Feng.

call out

Put on Bewildering Space Realm, Zhao Feng turned into a stream of light and rushed out.

Steel city wall.

Countless Demon Beasts, nearly thirty Peerless Great Emperor, Quasi-Saint Lord, came under oppression.

The defense formation controlled by Shen Jizi also couldn’t stand the consumption, ‘snap’, it broke directly.

Among Ninth Prince members, Su Qingling already was injured and was treated by Zhou Su’er.

Shi Yulei held the dark yellow shield in his hand and resisted in front, but it was not very useful. There were too many people on the opposite side and they attacked in a group.

Zhao Feng’s a large number of Demon Beasts were also carefully targeted by the three Beast Taming Masters, causing serious casualties.

Ninth Prince raised the dim ‘Crown Prince’ false seal, in order to release Dragon Destiny Qi.

“I’m late”

Zhao Feng’s voice sounded directly at the Soul level.

Suddenly, Ninth Prince put away the ‘Crown Prince’ fake seal, and everyone was relaxed.

They stayed till now, just waiting for Zhao Feng to go out

“Zhao Feng, Quick Control Demon Beast Group”

Old Ying complexion said with a small smile, quickly.

Zhao Feng broke through the Great Emperor so quickly, far exceeding his expectations.

But at this time he couldn’t control that many, as long as Zhao Feng regained control of the herd, and his strong strength, it was still possible to keep the Heavens Secret city.

“Zhao Feng, it’s no use to break through you now, we have all attacked.”

Xue Yuan laughed.

The members of the three princes basically all came to the steel city wall, and the remaining members of Ninth Prince were extremely consumed and several were injured.

Zhao Feng alone, don’t tell me, can they fight against nearly thirty Great Emperor, Quasi-Saint Lord?

“Hmph, then I will let you down”

Zhao Feng coldly snorted, complexion cold and severe.


Zhao Feng waved his left hand and Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly appeared directly.

The terrifying Immemorial Ten Thousand Bloodline made the Great Emperor tremble at the scene, within the body Bloodline was suppressed, breathing hardship.

I haven’t waited for everyone’s reaction, Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, opened my mouth, and saw the colorful silk, which penetrated through the void instantly, covering the area around the hunted zhang area.

“Funny, how can Cloud Silkworm Immortal Silk of Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly trap us so many people”

A Great Emperor, not help laughed at Zhao Feng’s stupid behavior.

Nearly thirty members rushed directly to Zhao Feng and other Ninth Prince members, and Cloud Silkworm Immortal Silk’s capture ability was too differentiated, not even one could be restrained.

Some Experts glued by Cloud Silkworm Immortal Silk exploded True Yuan’s power and shook them away.

But then, Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly fanned the transparent small wings, a piece of translucent colored pollen, and formed a layer of gorgeous whirlwind, which instantly swept across several squares of hunted red.

Zhao Feng originally only intended to let Cloud Silkworm Immortal Silk attract the attention of the enemy. In this way, Caimeng Pollen could play a certain role.

After all, Zhao Feng owns Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly. Everyone knows that everyone is prepared.

Before that, Zhao Feng already gave sound transmission to other members of Ninth Prince, and everyone left the attack range of Caimeng Pollen very promptly.

“Not good, rewind”

“It’s Caimeng Pollen”

Caimeng Pollen can penetrate the Matter level and has a certain effect on Saint Lord. The auxiliary ability is much stronger than Cloud Silkworm Immortal Silk.

In the face of Caimeng Pollen, some XNUMX members were in a hurry and could only avoid it.

Fortunately, not many people have temporarily lost combat capability because of Caimeng pollen.

And Zhao Feng used this gap to run “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art”, differentiated nearly a thousand ideas, and integrated into the Demon Beast group within the body.

Suddenly, below the city wall, Zhao Feng’s Demon Beast group began to reverse the disadvantage.

Under the fine control of Zhao Feng’s, the opposing Demon Beast can be quickly repelled, and a part of the Demon Beast can be divided to resist the Great Emperor expert on the city wall.

The rest of Ninth Prince, the pressure was reduced by a few points.

Each time Zhao Feng gets rid, he sets the stage for the next gets rid.

Within a few breaths, he took control of the situation and reversed a certain situation.

“You guys have to figure it out and destroy it.”

Zhao Feng whispering softly and waved his left hand again.

Bang bang bang

Three huge golden light silhouettes, like the metal Mount Tai, descend on the steel city wall.

The incomparable terrifying Deadly Beast suffocated, causing some members who were closer to him to feel trembling and quickly retreat.


Immediately after, the three Earthquake Golden Ape, whole body blonde hair stood straight up, like steel needles, shining, an ancient beast aura of Immemorial Great Desolate, bursting out.

Some Great Emperor nearby, caught off guard, were terrified by Bloodline aura, which vomited blood directly to the earthquake.

Some Great Emperors at a distance are also flustered, within the body Bloodline, trembling.

“Immemorial Legacy Demon Beast with Immemorial Ten Thousand Bloodline”

“How can it be”

“Zhao Feng actually gave his Spirit Pet an enhancement of such a precious Bloodline”

Those siege Great Emperor, Quasi-Saint Lord, are terrified.

You know, here is originally a legacy Immemorial Space, and the Demon Beast, within the body all contain a certain Immemorial Bloodline factor.

Once you have the Immemorial Bloodline, its power is close to the original Bloodline race in the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List.

Zhao Feng looked at the three Earthquake Golden Ape and was very satisfied.

When Zhao Feng broke through, he asked the Small Thieving Cat to take the Bewildering Space Realm and go to ‘Ten Thousand Blood Palace’ to retrieve the enhanced Earthquake Golden Ape.

Limited time, only three Earthquake Golden Ape, to complete the strengthening.

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