King of Gods

Chapter 967

“This blow will reveal your true colors”

This is the strongest physical attack to Zhao Feng, integrating all means including Wind-Thunder of Fire, Saint Thunder Body, Blood Devil Sun, Blood Devil Assault, and Thunder Wing Spatial Flash.

Magnetic call

Suddenly, Zhao Feng transformed into a thunderous Thunder Light, and then came directly in front of the black robed man.

Terrifying’s physique power directly broke into the Black Forced Field’s death Force Field, disregarding its Force Field rule, Profound Truth, and slammed into the Black Forced Man.

“Zhao Feng, don’t tell me after you recultivation, you gave up God Eye and chose Body Tempering all the way?”

When Zhao Feng’s fist, the body of the distance black robed man, was only a few centimeters, the black robed man sneered, and a dark voice came out.

Zhao Feng expression was suddenly terrified. Even if this fist’s peerless power covered up everything, he still clearly heard the words black robed man.

From this sentence, Zhao Feng is more affirming the true identity of the black robed man.

But what really made Zhao Feng shocked was not this sentence, but the black robed man itself.

In the face of such terrifying terrifying attack by Zhao Feng, he actually stood still and had no reaction at all.

This made Zhao Feng feel weird for a while.


The body of the black robed man was completely submerged under Zhao Feng’s terrifying attack. The entire body was cracked by the terrifying flames, and turned into countless dust.

Yuan Soul of black robed man, stands to.

After all, Zhao Feng performed a pure Matter attack.

But then, a taboo Death Eye Strength fluctuated from the back, making Zhao Feng’s Soul tremble.

After Zhao Feng smashed the body of the black robed man, he immediately used the red Thunder Light wings to turn the figure.

I saw, on the translucent inky Soul, countless twisted and obscure rune dense, terrifying

And that Soul’s head has a pair of dark and deep eyes, showing the bottomless vortex inside, as if it leads to the abyss of death.

“Eye of Death”

Zhao Feng called out immediately.

There is also this face of Yuan Soul, which is very similar to the Great Emperor of Death.

It’s the Great Emperor of Death. How is this possible?

After seeing it with his own eyes, Zhao Feng felt a panic in his heart.

Suicide left ‘Death Language Curse,’ the Great Emperor of Death, why was it resurrected again?

And this a pair Eye of Death

“Dark Eye Death Flame”

In the dark body eyes on the Great Emperor of Death Yuan Soul, the endless Death Strength turned into a taboo black light, the flames were distorted, and after being caught off guard, Zhao Feng was hit in the front.

Zhao Feng body and mind Yihan, body Soul, all felt a death crisis.


Dark Eye Death Flame’s direct attack, which fell on Zhao Feng body, was intertwined with Saint Thunder Body and Blood Devil Sun.


Zhao Feng’s Soul was corroded and burned by a black light flame, and it also contained Profound Truth of Death, which let everything go to perdition.


Zhao Feng’s’ Thunder Soul Body, in which more than XNUMX Thunder Calamity imprints, simultaneously shine.

Zhao Feng’s Soul today hides Thunder Calamity and condenses Soul anytime, anywhere. Even before, Zhao Feng used ‘Thunder Soul Body to absorb the Strength of Ancient Thunder.

However, the Dark Eye Death Flame performed by the Great Emperor of Death is not at all a level at the time. The Profound Truth of Death on it even gave Zhao Feng an illusion of aging.


Countless Thunder Light lightning and this black light flame are intertwined, and they erode each other.

Death on one side and destruction on the other are unrivalled terrifying strength.


Thunder Calamity Lightning will completely destroy the last black light.

After all, it’s just an Eye Strength attack from the Great Emperor of Death, and Zhao Feng’s Soul, contain endless Soul Strength.

However, on the surface of Zhao Feng’s Soul, not every minute contains the imprint of Thunder Calamity.

Dark Eye Death Flame’s Soul Strength, with no opportunity, still extends to Zhao Feng’s Soul.

“Soul Lifespan has decreased”

Zhao Feng’s mind and body, shocked.

The Soul Eye Technique of the Great Emperor of Death was destroyed by his Thunder Calamity Strength, but his Thunder Soul Body was still affected by the invisible Profound Truth of Death.

You know, Zhao Feng’s Soul Will, reached Saint Lord level.

The strength of Soul, the immunity to Soul attack, is far better than the Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment Saint Lord who is good at Soul level.

That is to say, if the ordinary Saint Lord is subjected to the Eye Strength attack of the complete state of the Great Emperor of Death, according to the strength of Soul, Soul Lifespan will be shortened by at least nearly XNUMX years.

At the same time, the black light flame that spread on the surface of Zhao Feng body also took away some vitality of Zhao Feng’s body.

“Your Soul Will …”

Not only Zhao Feng was shocked, the Great Emperor of Death was also surprised.

From the beginning of the battle, Zhao Feng has been a little different from the past, and has been performing Matter-level attacks.

The Great Emperor of Death even thought that Zhao Feng’s Soul Will had a slower growth.

But today, the Great Emperor of Death, using his newly discovered Profound Truth of Death, to cast the taboo Eye Technique, is still blocked by Zhao Feng.

This proves that Zhao Feng’s Soul Will, comparable to him, reached the level of Saint Lord

“It seems that I despised you again. Before Great Emperor Realm, I already have Soul Will of Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment, and worthy to be called is the God Eye owner”

Yuan Soul of the Great Emperor of Death didn’t regret it much, but laughed a lot.

“Great Emperor of Death, why didn’t you die?”

Zhao Feng’s eyes were burning, staring at Soul at the Great Emperor of Death, questioning.

Hu hu

Suddenly, the Great Emperor of Death Yuan Soul all around, countless black dust, slowly gathered, forming a piece of cloth, flesh, bones …

In the end, a complete black robe body was formed, which included Yuan Soul of the Great Emperor of Death.

“this is……”

Zhao Feng’s left eye, clearly captured, the body that was crushed by him into fragments and dust, restored a little bit to the original state, as if time went backwards, as intact.

At that moment, Zhao Feng sensed an irreversible terrifying Profound Truth of Supreme from this black robe body, and it was unclear what the road was.

But this strength Profound Truth is similar to time, death, destruction, etc., the ultimate Profound Truth between heaven and earth.

“Who said I wasn’t dead?”

The Great Emperor of Death did not answer Zhao Feng’s question, but showed a hint of compartnt expression.

Zhao Feng’s shock and panic was exactly what he wanted to see.

After hearing the Great Emperor of Death’s answer, Zhao Feng only wanted to break his mouth, but he didn’t speak.

His gaze was attracted by the body of the Great Emperor of Death.

The body of the Great Emperor of Death at this time is very weird, stronger than the original ‘Immortal Death Body’, which is incredible.

Immortal Death Body is an Indestructible Physique. It has strong survivability and does not have any weak points in theory.

But the human Soul, once the body is lost, the Soul Strength will gradually weaken.

So after the Great Emperor of Death Self-destruction Body, I rushed to Body Possession.

But today, the body of the Great Emperor of Death, smashed by Zhao Feng, can be restored to its original state in a short time.

This Physique, Zhao Feng is unheard of, almost, unding and indestructible

In other words, if Zhao Feng wants to solve this ‘Great Emperor of Death’, he must kill his Soul.

Because his body will not perish, he will be able to recover after being crushed and crushed.

However, Zhao Feng suddenly thought of another thing—Death Language Curse.

If he kills the Great Emperor of Death again, will Death Language Curse come to Zhao Feng body again?

Zhao Feng had a little fear in his heart, and his gaze shifted.


Zhao Feng finally found something wrong.

Great Emperor of Death, if he can launch ‘Death Language Curse’ again, he will not be respawned by Great Emperor and Saint Lord pursuit, twice Body Possession.

If this means is available, the former Great Emperor of Death will have the prestige of killing Saint Lord. But in fact, Zhao Feng had never heard of ‘Death Language Curse’ in this True Martial Holy Land before.

“Hmph, I don’t believe you can launch ‘Death Language Curse,”

Zhao Feng heart is like a clear mirror, driving out the fear of ‘Death Language Curse’.

“Whether you die or not, today, either you die or I die”

Zhao Feng’s Soul is clear, Soul’s strength is more pure and powerful, and his goal is unswerving.

After listening to Zhao Feng’s words, the Great Emperor of Death’s eyes lost helplessness, and then turned into infinite anger and resentment.

“Zhao Feng, I said, I want you to live forever and never die”

Great Emperor of Death growls suddenly.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

Zhao Feng runs Soul Will, light gold flickering, wonderful golden glow, and whole body Soul Strength, pouring into the left eye.

In Zhao Feng’s left eye, an amazing Eye Strength flame suddenly appeared, and the gold purple light flowed through it, moving a trace of the dark Thunder Calamity pattern.

Hitting the ‘Dark Eye Death Flame of the Great Emperor of Death, how could Zhao Feng not fight back.

噗 Bang …

A ball of fully transparent Purple Gold Thunder Fire, with aura destroying Thunder Calamity, strikes on the head of the Great Emperor of Death.

With Zhao Feng Saint Lord-level Soul Will, performing Eye Technique Secret Skill, plus Thunder Calamity Strength, even Soul of Saint Lord small accomplishment can threaten.

In Zhao Feng enters into the Imperial Family Tomb, the Eye Technique Secret Skill has not been fully launched.

Because the enemies he met were not the only ones that had to die.

“His …”

The Great Emperor of Death hissed, his body was burned by the Purple Gold Thunder Fire, and countless Thunder Calamity Strength spread.

At the same time, the Great Emperor of Death’s mysterious Soul was also bombarded by endless Soul Thunder Fire.

Zhao Feng was provoked by Soul Lifespan by Profound Truth of Death of the Great Emperor of Death.

Similarly, Zhao Feng’s Thunder Calamity Strength caused an unrepairable injury to Soul of the Great Emperor of Death.

Hu hu

The body of the Great Emperor of Death was destroyed by the force of Thunder Fire, and the broken black robe and body were slowly restored again.

But at this time, Zhao Feng observed that there were some black holes in the black robe of the Great Emperor of Death.

Zhao Feng’s eyes flashes, “Sure enough, Thunder Calamity Strength is still effective for you.”

“Zhao Feng, too compplacent forgotten, let you see, the new Profound Truth of Death, the ultimate death Eye Technique”

Great Emperor of Death, black light flickering.

But at the same time, he was already to see how Zhao Feng died under his ultimate death Eye Technique.

At the same time, Zhao Feng and Great Emperor of Death battled into the distance, and a silhouette of Old Ying and Shi Yulei appeared.

Old Ying was shocked, and saw the part of the black robed man that was destroyed by Zhao Feng, slowly reunited, the expression suddenly changed, and then shouted: “Zhao Feng, be careful, Great Emperor of Death, now Immortal Samsara Body,”

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