King of Gods

Chapter 960

Eleventh Prince put a smile on his mouth, “Since the nine Imperial Brothers also came to tame the heart 卩 Earthquake Golden Ape, we can join hands to control this Earthquake Golden Ape first, and then determine the ownership”

“No problem, Zhu Long”

Eleventh Prince saw that Ninth Prince did not immediately agree, and Twenty exchanged with his members’ sound transmission.

“Don’t worry, Your Royal Highness Eleven, they will not refuse. Earthquake Golden Ape, such as the Demon Beast on the top of the Great Emperor, has great Battle Strength, Will is stubborn, and a single team. It takes a long time to control it a period of time.”

Zhu Long stared at Zhao Feng.

As far as he knows, Zhao Feng did not pass the assessment of the Tamer Beast Grandmaster, but relied on the borrowed Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly to occupy the place of the Beast Taming Master in the Ninth Prince team.

Therefore, after solving this Earthquake Golden Ape, he will propose to rob the Earthquake Golden Ape of the ownership of the animal by its ability to tame the animal.

He wouldn’t make the mistake of Liang Sang Tam, the beast Grandmaster, and actually had a duel with Zhao Feng over Spirit Pet

“Eleven brother, this Earthquake Golden Ape, we’re going to order”

Suddenly, Ninth Prince’s voice sounded.


Zhu Long suddenly hesitated, he did not expect that the Ninth Prince team directly refused

Ninth Prince’s team, no matter how you look at it, is low in strength.

The real battle strength is just Old Ying and Shi Yulei.

How could they refuse? And the words are still so overbearing

“Nine Imperial Brothers, we are all princes who have no chance to fight for Crown Prince. There is no need to fight each other. It is better to jointly deal with Seventh Prince or 8th Prince, and it is possible to get some benefits in Heavens Secret City.”

Eleventh Prince complexion.

Ninth Prince is a bit anomalous today, and actually behaves so overbearing.

“Eleventh Prince, give you two options, one is to leave, the other is to leave Dragon Destiny Qi, and then leave”

Old Ying stood up at this moment, his words were decisive.

Hearing this sentence, the members of the Ninth Prince team were refreshed.

“Hmph, Nine Imperial Brother, are you too confident?”

Although his prince ranked ninth in overall strength, his team strength is by no means weaker than Ninth Prince.

At the same time, members of the Eleventh Prince team noticed that they were wrong and brought Earthquake Golden Ape to Ninth Prince.

“There is a lot of nonsense”

Shi Yulei furiously shouted, rushed out first, whole body flickering, dark yellow light, figure suddenly pulled up, whole body suddenly changed into rock, and in some places, it became metallized, and the invisible physique was overwhelming by heaven shaking

Later, fighting members such as Old Ying and Zhao Feng followed closely.

Ninth Prince member, gets rid directly

If you are intimidated in the face of Eleventh Prince, then what should you do in the face of 8th Prince, Seventh Prince, and even Fourth Prince?

“you guys……”

Eleventh Prince heart startled, somewhat helpless.

The performance of the Ninth Prince team was really abnormal, and he actually initiated the attack.

“Eleventh Prince, don’t worry, just let them see, the herd in the Imperial Family Tomb.”

Zhu Long was furious and took a photo of Spirit Pet Pocket.

Suddenly, a violent herd aura appeared between dense forest.

I saw that nearly a hundred purple-striped black panthers surround Zhu Long and Eleventh Prince all around.

“Oh? There are herds”

Zhao Feng glanced at the Purple-Striped Black Leopard King in a glance.

It is not difficult to see that Zhu Long also controlled the entire herd through tame the heart 卩 Purple-Striped Black Leopard King.

Zhao Feng smiled at the corner of her mouth, and a light golden Left eye burst into a purple golden light. The powerful Eye Strength surged secretly.

The next moment, mutation emerges

Purple-Striped Black Leopard King both eyes flashed a trace of red light, and the complexion was a bit of pain and distortion, and mad.

“What’s going on? Purple-Striped Black Leopard King”

Zhu Long complexion suddenly changed.

Purple-Striped Black Leopard King’s temperament changed greatly, and his connection with Purple-Striped Black Leopard King gradually disappeared.


Purple-Striped Black Leopard King, out of Zhu Long’s control, turned into a dark purple and black shadow, carrying a sharp and fierce Qi Strength, and launched an attack directly to his nearest Zhu Long distance.

At the same time, the entire group of purple-striped black panthers also lost control. Apparently, their communication with the Purple-Striped Black Leopard King also disappeared.

But with the Purple-Striped Black Leopard King attack Zhu Long and the others, all purple-striped black panthers also immediately launched an attack.

“Master Zhu, what’s going on?”

The Eleventh Prince complexion was frightened and suddenly shouted. The two of them were in the center of the purple panther group. At this time, the uncontrollable purple panther group first rushed at them.

Facing the counterattack of the entire herd, Eleventh Prince and Zhu Long were horrified.

Hu hu

The rest of the Eleventh Prince team came to Eleventh Prince in an instant

Huahui golden light punched with a punch, carrying an infinitely strong force, and directly bombarded the Purple-Striped Black Leopard King.

The rest of the members also exuded powerful coercion, blocking the self-inquired black panther from attack.

“Her Royal Highness, I will control the Purple-Striped Black Leopard King immediately”

Zhu Long blushed old and immediately used various methods to soothe and communicate the Purple-Striped Black Leopard King.

“Zhu Long Master, pay attention”

The old man in the gray coat shouted suddenly, splitting a palm light, blocking the attack of Old Ying and the others

“Hmph, Shi Yulei, your opponent is me”

Huahui rushed directly to Shi Yulei.

During the chaos of the Eleventh Prince camp.


Behind Zhao Feng’s, the red Thunder Light wings were deployed.

call out

Zhao Feng did not care about the Eleventh Prince and the purple-striped black panther group, turned into a red lightning Lightning Glow, and swept directly to the rear Earthquake Golden Ape.

“Jin Lei Body”

Zhao Feng body was immediately dyed with a layer of blue gold and brilliant physic Lightning Marks, carrying an infinite thunder lightning physic, like a golden thunder mountain, and smashed into Earthquake Golden Ape.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

In Zhao Feng’s left eye, an amazing Eye Strength flame, gold purple light flows, and a trace of faint Thunder Calamity ripples.

噗 Bang …

A ball of fully transparent Purple Gold Thunder Fire, with the aura that destroyed Thunder Calamity, burst open on the head of Earthquake Golden Ape.

Wailing howl

The scarred Earthquake Golden Ape was originally attacked by Zhao Feng and screamed again and again.

In particular, Zhao Feng’s Wind-Thunder Eye Fire, Thunder Calamity damage with terrifying, continued to burn and spread on the soul and body of Earthquake Golden Ape


Zhao Feng aimed again at Earthquake Golden Ape’s head and punched again.

At the same time, in Zhao Feng Left Eye, the dark heart seal that has already been condensed is directly imprinted in the deep soul of Earthquake Golden Ape.

The whole process is extremely fast, only a few breaths away.

“Where did the kid go?”

“He actually duel Earthquake Golden Ape”

As the Eleventh Prince team dealt with the purple-striped panthers, they sensed Zhao Feng and Earthquake Golden Ape.

“How is his strength really strong?”

Huahui complexion was shocked.

With such a far distance, he felt the powerful physique power of Zhao Feng.

“That kid is crazy”

Zhu Feng looked towards Zhao Feng, who fought with Earthquake Golden Ape, and was instantly frightened.

In his mind, Zhao Feng is an imposter Beast Taming Master.

But such a powerful Battle Strength is by no means a mere King.

However, from the screams of Earthquake Golden Ape, he can see how powerful Zhao Feng’s attack is.

“Don’t worry, Your Highness Eleven, Purple-Striped Black Leopard King’s mood slowly stabilized”

At the moment when the Purple-Striped Black Leopard King was emotionally confused, Zhu Long continued to appease through various taming and beastly techniques, and slowly met the Purple-Striped Black Leopard King to get in touch.

Gradually, the purple-striped black panther group also stabilized.

Eleventh Prince squad, stress relieved

“Hmph, you guys are courting death”

Zhu Long regained control of the Purple-Striped Black Leopard King, raised his chest, and looked towards Old Ying and the others, who were at war with members of the Eleventh Prince, ready to command the Purple-Panned Black Panthers.

But the next moment.


A loud bang appeared on their behind, and then, a terrifying terrifying aura, made Eleventh Prince ice-cold.

Wailing howl

Earthquake Golden Ape roared angrily, and rushed directly to Eleventh Prince and the others. Its huge body rolled like a giant mountain.

“how come?”

“The kid actually tame the heart stunned Earthquake Golden Ape”

Eleventh Prince team member, dumbstruck.

There is such a powerful and violent Beast Taming Master.

“How is that possible? That’s Earthquake Golden Ape”

Zhu Long stood blankly, with a blank mind.

In just a few breaths, while he soothed the Purple-Striped Black Leopard King, Zhao Feng actually succeeded tame the heart 卩 Earthquake Golden Ape

The purple-striped black panther group that was just under the control of Zhu Long, looked towards Earthquake Golden Ape like a Thai mountain-like, and suddenly whispered and fled away.


Earthquake Golden Ape is located in front of the Eleventh Prince squad. Its body surface is surrounded by Wind Thunder of Wood.

Earthquake Golden Ape top of the head, Zhao Feng stood proudly and looked down at the crowd.

“Give up all ‘Dragon Destiny Qi, or leave the Imperial Family Tomb directly”

Zhao Feng’s words were cold.

The members of the Eleventh Prince team suddenly felt in their hearts, and for a time, no one resisted.

Among them, the three Great Emperor robbed by Zhao Feng were even more frightened.

“Zhao Feng, you …”

Eleventh Prince burned in anger, and a flickering shimmering jade suddenly appeared in his hand.

“Eleventh Prince is slow”

Zhu Long immediately stopped, “Your Highness Eleven, even if you borrow ‘Dragon Destiny Qi to increase the Battle Strength, Ninth Prince can do the same.”

Eleventh Prince listened to Zhu Long’s words, for a while gnashing teeth, but helpless

“Nine Imperial Brothers, good ability”

Eleventh Prince angrily throws Crown Prince fakes

Eleventh Prince team members also successively surrendered dragon jade, they did not deliberately collect ‘Dragon Cloud Gas’.

The Imperial Family Tomb Center is home to four giant steel cities, occupying the Quartet.

In the steel city, there are strange buildings lined with steel, tall bell towers directly into the sky, mysterious simple and unadorned Astrology Building, peaceful fountain squares …

In front of the city gate of each steel city, a large number of Demon Beasts cross their knees.

At this time, in front of the city gate of a steel city in the west.

The two sides of the Demon Beast group fought fiercely together. The ice wolf, fierce tiger, giant bear, and python battled chaos.

“Abominable, 8th Prince is the weakest of these four steel cities.

“Too unfair, they can trade Demon Beast from Heavens Secret city”

Dozens of people are standing directly in front of the city gate, including two Beast Taming Masters, who clenched their teeth and controlled a large number of Demon Beasts constantly assaulting the steel city.

“Not good, people from Yu Family are out”

“That’s Yu Tianhao and Yu Lenghua”

I saw two Daoist shadows on the steel city wall.

“Unparalleled Fighting Intent”

Yu Tianhao and Elder Yu Lenghua, the older generation of the Yu Family, suddenly burst into a sky shaking crying ghost’s surging Fighting Intent. Behind the two, there was an ice-cold phantom, the invisible Will energy, causing void to distort.


Suddenly, Demon Beast on the side of Iron City, collectively roaring and screaming, both eyes exhilarated, infinite Deadly Beast momentum burst out.

“This is the mystery of the Yu Family, and it works equally well for Demon Beast”

“Get Demon Beast back, retreat first”

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