King of Gods

Chapter 943

“Zhao Feng”

Saint Lord Black Devil suddenly roared and roared, turned into a burst of black flames, and rushed directly into the ancient road.

Following the other members of Saint Lord Black Devil, after a while stagnation, immediately followed.

“Haha, worthy to be called is Zhao Feng”

laugh saint Lord Hundred Refining.

He took Zhao Feng completely, and now he sees Saint Lord Black Devil, all being played by Zhao Feng.

Saint Lord Black Devil, the most expert in Nine Nether Palace Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment, Innate Talent is vertical and horizontal, I heard that there is already capital for assault Mystic Light small accomplishment.

Three Birthing Devil Flower, originally Zhao Feng’s, had nothing to do with him.

Today, the Thirteenth Prince squad has all been taken away by Zhao Feng. He and Ji Dengtian are relaxed.

In addition, saint Lord Hundred Refining does not want to be an enemy of Saint Lord Black Devil.

Nine Nether Palace is a 3-Star Peak force, and its flourishing period was 4-Star Devil Path Great Sect. Its heritage is even deeper than Eight Great Aristocratic Families.

In the Crown Prince Trial, Nine Nether Palace has two places, namely Saint Lord Black Devil and Quasi-Saint Lord senior Xi Peng.

If he guessed well, Saint Lord Black Devil body, there must be such an item

A red white Thunder Light, in the dim old road, like streaks like meteors.

On the way, Zhao Feng took some jade leaves and lotus fruits of Heavenly Jade Water Lotus.

If it was other forces, Zhao Feng gave up this useless ‘Three Birthing Devil Flower’, but there was no problem.

Nine Nether Palace, impossible

Moreover, if Saint Lord Black Devil, how could Zhao Feng believe it.

“Zhao Feng, as long as you give Three Birthing Devil Flower to me, I guarantee that the Crown Prince Trial will not get rid of you”

The voice of Saint Lord Black Devil came from afar.

“Saint Lord Black Devil, no bullshit”

Zhao Feng coldly snorted and the speed increased again.

In the Crown Prince Trial, Zhao Feng is really not afraid of anyone.

“Hmph, in this case, you don’t have to leave the Imperial Family Tomb”

Saint Lord Black Devil also gave up negotiations

“Black Inkwell”

Saint Lord Black Devil whole body The dark flame light skyrocketed, and a powerful black Flame Qi flowed around his legs.


A dark flame erupted suddenly from under his feet, as if Saint Lord Black Devil was gliding in the air, and the resistance received was suddenly reduced.


Zhao Feng expression twitched, watching Saint Lord Black Devil and his distance draw closer.

“Thunder Wing Spatial Flash”

Zhao Feng’s wings of light flashes, the speed increased again, suddenly turned into a red thunder storm arc, faintly merged into void, fadely discernible, flickering a distance.

“Not good, Space Flight Secret Skill, was suppressed here”

Zhao Feng complexion Sinking.

His own Space flying occult technique is limited here, and the speed of Saint Lord Black Devil’s Secret Technique has little effect.

But even so, it is impossible for Saint Lord Black Devil to catch up with him for a short time.

call out

Inside the ancient road, a red thunder storm arc and a dark Devil Shadow, one after the other, shuttled quickly, and the power was appalling.


In front of the dim old road, a bright light appeared.


Zhao Feng rushed out of the ancient road and soared into the sky.

“Zhou Su’er, not here”

Zhao Feng swept under a glance.

Saint Lord Black Devil, should not be afraid of Zhou Su’er, it is estimated that she just forced her to use the formation in dragon jade.

At the same time, a dark mass of Devil Shadow slipped out of the old road.

“Wind-Thunder Eye Fire”

Zhao Feng had been prepared for a long time. When Saint Lord Black Devil appeared, it was locked, and the Left Eye flashed golden glow.


A group of translucent nether purple Eye Fire, with an aura that destroyed Thunder Calamity, screamed, raging and bombarding the body of Saint Lord Black Devil.

The black crown on Saint Lord Black Devil’s head is full of dark light, and a layer of magic light permeates Saint Lord Black Devil whole body.

The Soul attack on Saint Lord Black Devil was lowered by one level, plus his own Saint Lord-level Soul, completely resisting Zhao Feng’s Soul fireworks.

But destroying the strength of Thunder Calamity cannot be eliminated


The Soul and top of the head black crown of Saint Lord Black Devil were damaged at the same time.

“Profound Truth of Destruction”

Saint Lord Black Devil expression in surprise.

Profound Truth of Destruction, the damage caused by destruction, even the clever means, the self-healing ability of Indestructible Physique will be contained.

“Saint Thunder Tyrant Body”

Zhao Feng’s entire body is raised, blooming with a layer of blue gold and brilliant Phynicique Lightning Marks, just like a golden mine giant tower, a powerful physique shocks everything.

He hurried out just to confirm Zhou Su’er’s condition.

With his innate advantage in Immemorial Space, why need to fear Saint Lord Black Devil.

“If you want to fight, Saint Lord Black Devil”

Zhao Feng turned into a golden thunder and red light, like a metallic Thunder Mountain, oppressed away.

“Magic Flame Holy Force”

Saint Lord Black Devil coldly snorted, split it out with a single palm, and saw a dark light like a hole that almost penetrated the void and rushed directly to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng body and mind Yihan, there is a delusion that fleshly body Soul is accompanied by this void, being locked and pierced together.

This attack method is the same as the original Devil Lord Jiu You

“Saint Thunder Body Protection”

Zhao Feng blends Saint Thunder Body with Wind Thunder Strength


A layer of substantive simple and unadorned Thunder Marks cover suddenly appeared, and the surface golden glow Thunder Light was brilliant, blocking the dark light.

Simple and unadorned Wind Thunder smashes the surface with a thunder rolls bombardment, light glow staggered.

Zhao Feng’s gaze was dimmed, and the Battle Strength shown by Saint Lord Black Devil was much stronger than saint Lord Hundred Refining.

And he is good at speed Secret Technique, not close combat with Zhao Feng.


Suddenly, Zhao Feng whole body emerged a layer of blood-like glass Flame Qi, a terrifying aura of terrifying aura, raging and bursting, like a round of burning blood-yang,


Zhao Feng’s entire body is like a fire burning in a bath, the glass is bright red, the whole body glass, and the background of Saint Thunder Body is like a blood flame demon.


Thunder Wings shook behind Zhao Feng, dived down, and punched away.

Since Saint Lord Black Devil did not fight with Zhao Feng, he gave up the defense and approached Saint Lord Black Devil first.


With the increase of the perfect Blood Devil Sun, Zhao Feng’s speed erupted instantly, approaching Saint Lord Black Devil

“Sure enough it has something to do with Tie Family, but you thought I would be afraid of Tie Family by Nine Nether Palace”

Saint Lord Black Devil stands on the spot, can’t help sneer.

Saint Lord Black Devil was another palm in the air, and the dark light like a hole rushed to Zhao Feng in an instant.


Zhao Feng keeps the speed, runs the Saint Thunder Body, concentrates, and adds the increase of Blood Devil Sun to resist the attack of Saint Lord Black Devil.


Protection Thunder Glow was shattered, and a layer of dazzling golden glow Thunder Marks shook back, but did not hurt Saint Lord Black Devil.

The weakened Black Flame Holy Force, strikes on the Zhao Feng body surface.

But Zhao Feng is not afraid at all

“Thunder Wing Spatial Flash”

Zhao Feng’s speed increased suddenly. Streaks ran a blood red lightning arc, shuttled to the front of Saint Lord Black Devil, and punched Scarlet Blood Thunder Light.

“Junior, wait for you to come forward”

Saint Lord Black Devil’s ecstatic face appeared, and the whole body’s inky flame erupted like a Fire Mountain Cliff slurry.

The intangible imposing deterrence made Zhao Feng whole body depressed.

“Not good”

Zhao Feng didn’t realize it was good, but didn’t expect Saint Lord Black Devil to have a second move.

But he punched out in a punchy alert and couldn’t step back. He could only control the Red Thunder Light wing, change his figure, and dashed to the side.

“Late, Zhao Feng”

Saint Lord Black Devil whole body is like a canopy, blending into void, Covering the Sky, covering a thousand miles, plunging into a dark world, and the violent and dark scene Matter can be seen from the inside.

“Little world? Your strength?”

Zhao Feng complexion was surprised.

With the suppression of Immemorial Space, the power of Great Emperor’s small world and Saint Lord’s world projection should be difficult to integrate into void.

Unless, like Zhao Feng, the small world contains countless Immemorial aura, it is the product of Immemorial Space.

Moreover, at this time, the coercion aura displayed by Saint Lord Black Devil made Zhao Feng tremble and breathless.

“Yes, generally Great Emperor, here, at most 50% strength, and Saint Lord’s limit is 60%, but you think I Nine Nether Palace, not prepared for this?

Saint Lord Black Devil laughed.

Zhao Feng hearing this, it feels true that Saint Lord Black Devil’s words, his Void God late stage Realm, if not long-term affected by Immemorial aura, can play 40% strength is the limit.

After adapting for this period of time, Zhao Feng now has a 60% strength

However, the Saint Lord Black Devil at this time, the powerful aura emanating from it, is too terrifying, and is definitely not 60% of the Saint Lord limit

“Haha, my Nine Nether Palace has been prepared for a long time. After thousands of years of accumulation, I have paid a lot of money to create a treasure that can adapt to the rules of Space here”

Saint Lord Black Devil looked at Zhao Feng’s panicked face, and his heart was so refreshing.

“The strength I can play today is nearly 80%, except for those Saint Lord who also owns this treasure, I am an invincible existence”

Saint Lord Black Devil both eyes black light flickering. With a big wave of his hands, the rules of Immemorial Space have been grasped for a few moments.

The invisible bondage, combined with the strength of the small world projection, suddenly suppressed Zhao Feng’s ability to move even a little bit, making it difficult to breathe.

“Stop it, Zhao Feng”

Saint Lord Black Devil once again performed the stunt in “Nine Saint You Scrolls” and split it with a single palm.

The dark light like a hole suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Feng.

As if the palm of Saint Lord Black Devil, it was shot directly in front of Zhao Feng, and the increase in the power of the small world projection was more solid and powerful.

“Void Matter Transfer”

A faint ray of Eye Strength ripples emerged in front of Zhao Feng.


The dark light rushed to a part of Zhao Feng’s body, and the incompleteness disappeared.

The dark ends of the light were divided into two sections, one left and one right, passing from both sides of Zhao Feng’s body.

“Void Matter Transfer, this Space application …”

Saint Lord Black Devil froze slightly.

In his intelligence, Zhao Feng’s capabilities were not described.

Suddenly, he seemed to be inductive, and the complexion changed.

Pu chi

The incomplete and dark invasion disappeared just past his head, and there was a faint glow of black blood glow.

“impossible ……”

Saint Lord Black Devil murmured, although this move did little harm to him who owns Devil Path Saint Body.

However, he was hurt by his own attack stunt. He never had such a shame.

“Wraith holy light”

Suddenly, Saint Lord Black Devil waved with both palms, and countless dark and deep glooms scattered out, as if living, twisted and surrounded by Zhao Feng.

Saint Lord Black Devil is not a fool. Zhao Feng’s Void Matter Transfer can only be used for smaller attacks.

“This move forces you to use teleportation formation, the next time is your dead time”

Saint Lord Black Devil rises with an evil smile, standing in the dark world, like the peerless Devil God.

At this moment, three members of Saint Lord Black Devil’s team, where the Royal Inheritance was located, were driven out of the ancient road.

“Really strong” Duanmu Family Dao of Medicine Grandmaster was shocked.

“Hmph, look down at the end of my Nine Nether Palace, only death”

Xi Peng wearing a purple and black cloud robe coldly snorted, looked towards Zhao Feng trapped by Saint Lord Black Devil.

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