King of Gods

Chapter 938

During the battle for places, Zhao Feng took note of all the members present.

The two middle-aged purple hairs are naturally the Ji Family older generation genius; the black clothed men are Cao Family Saint Lord.

None of the three men has fought in the battle for quotas, and the strength is unknown.

“You are waiting for me here, if you are in danger, activate the formation in dragon jade,”

Looking at the three men in front, he slowly stepped into Huangtian Inheritance, Zhao Feng instructed.

“You really want to go?”

Zhou Su’er frowned.

She also thought just now that if someone comes to trouble Zhao Feng’s, it must be a miserable end.

But now, she regrets it.

Cao Family and Ji Family are both Aristocratic Family behind 8th Prince, and 8th Prince ranks fourth in overall strength.

The purple short-haired man is the famous master of Great Heaven, Ji Bai.

The black clothed strong man, named Cao Zhang, known as saint Lord Hundred Refining, is rumored to have cultivate to Perfection’s Top-Grade Earth Rank Battle Skill. There are a hundred kinds of it, which is the ultimate genius of the older generation of Cao Family.

The opponent has Beast Taming Master, Purple Star Eye and other powerful Eye Bloodline, and Battle Strength of saint Lord Hundred Refining terrifying.

Even if Zhao Feng is excellent in all aspects, far beyond the invincible Great Emperor, it is impossible to defeat such a combination.

Now, Zhou Su’er really hates herself a little, why is he a doctor.


Zhao Feng answered briefly without explanation.

Looking at Zhao Feng so calmly, Zhou Su’er thought, maybe he underestimated him.

Within Emperor Inheritance.

Ji Bai sneered: “Ji Dengtian, the kid came in alone”

“This is better, I will beat him with Purple Star Eye”

Ji Dengtian expression cold and severe.

Ji Family, originally intended to join the faction of Ninth Prince.

But when Saint Lord Star Devil knew that Zhao Feng was a member of Ninth Prince, he left directly and joined the 8th Prince faction.

The statement to them is: “Your Eye Technique, not Zhao Feng’s opponent, may not get a place.”

And the younger Ji Family’s children are also talking all day, Zhao Feng mysterious Eye Technique.

“I will let the kid know that the terrifying place of Purple Star Eye, my Ji Family, is the strongest Eye Bloodline Families in the Continental Dynasty.”

Ever since Ji Dengtian Cultivation, he has never suffered at Eye Bloodline outside the Ji Family.

It is impossible for him to admit that his Eye Technique is not as good as a young junior of Void God late stage.

“Hehe, I heard that Zhao Feng is participating in the Crown Prince Trial as a Beast Taming Master”

Ji Bai’s eyes flashed with excitement.

“A bunch of nonsense, only Void God.”

Saint Lord Hundred Refining flying ahead, coldly snorted.

“Saint Lord Hundred Refining, you may not know, Zhao Feng has a Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly in his hand”

Ji Bai smiled viciously.

“Oh? ”

Saint Lord Hundred Refining stepped, frowning slightly.

Obviously, the temptation of Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, even Saint Lord, cannot be avoided.

“However, the formula in his dragon jade should not be used. If we rushed to get rid and hurried him, it would be bad.”

Ji Bai continued.

Subsequently, the three voices disappeared, apparently communicating with Spiritual Sense.

Emperor Inheritance is a palace.

After entering, there was only a wide ancient trail.

The old road is covered with yellow sand, and the dim end leads to an unknown distance.

Deep in this Channel.


Six experts, together with countless human-shaped sand stone monsters, slaughtered together.

In front of it, continuous sandstone monsters are coming, as if never-stop.

“Xue Yuan, I can’t do this, I don’t know how far this Channel is”

A short Great Emperor, True Yuan is overspent and whispered.

“With our two squads, it really doesn’t work”

Xue Yuan looked at the members of the Twelfth Prince team, and the situation was not much better.

Since entering into the Emperor Inheritance, they have been fighting with these sand stone monsters.

Humanoid sand monster, although only the strength of Half-Step King.

However, everyone’s own strength was suppressed by Immemorial Space and could not be fully played.

Fighting all the way down was very difficult. Not to mention, six or seven hundred sand stone monsters were also killed.

But the front is still dark, and only densely packed sand stone monsters can be seen.

“There are other squads coming”


“That’s a member of 8th Prince, a person of Cao Family and Ji Family”

“That’s saint Lord Hundred Refining of the Cao Family”

“Hold on, Cao Family and Ji Family’s team is here. This Inheritance will definitely be broken.”

Xue Yuan encouraged the short Great Emperor next to him, with excitement in his eyes.

With Saint Lord at the battle level, these puppets will be easily harvested.


saint Lord Hundred Refining, like a black meteorite, carrying an endless storm, came banging, and directly hit dozens of sand stone monster objects.

Saint Lord-level coercion erupted suddenly, and an invisible terrifying storm spread.

Bang bang bang

all around countless sand stone monsters, wailing, the body collapsed directly and turned into a place of yellow sand.

“You guys, leave me Inheritance for Royal Heaven”

saint Lord Hundred Refining looked back towards the six, the voice was ice-cold, imposing.

The aura hiding the sky and covering the earth, the majestic Saint Lord, made the six Great Emperors in front of him unable to even stand, choking and suppressing.

“If we stay here, we might kill by mistake.”

Ji Bai came slowly, and the gloomy and cold laughter echoed the ancient road.

both of his hands

On the ground, countless dark green pythons, whole body small scale armors, and chilly light glow suddenly appeared.

“you guys”

Xue Yuan was furious.

Emperor Inheritance, they broke into here and spent countless efforts, and now leave like this, to give to others, who will be willing.

But the crowd has been fighting to this point, already exhausted.

Even if it is complete, the six people join hands, it is impossible to be the opponent of Cao Family and Ji Family.

They are far from the top five princes.


Xue Yuan coldly snorted and left with two members.

The other team can only give up.

The Imperial Family Tomb and Inheritance are numerous, and they have other opportunities.

“Xue Yuan, next, where is Inheritance going?”

A commoner old man asked with a smile.

Although the two squads were not in the same camp, they broke through here together and were driven out by the 8th Prince’s squad together.

“Go to some small Inheritance. In the big Inheritance, we can’t even divide some residues.”

Xue Yuan lamented.

In the face of the top five members of the prince’s overall strength, they felt very weak.

The profound heritage of Eight Great Aristocratic Families is not comparable to ordinary 3-Star forces.

“Well, there is someone ahead”

One was surprised.

I saw the youngster, a blonde gold pupil, walking alone.

“Give up two dragon jade, let you go”

There was a smile on the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth, standing in the Channel center, a look of looting.


Six people stood on the spot for a while, and recognized Zhao Feng.

They made sure that they didn’t hear wrong.

For Zhao Feng, they all have a certain understanding.

The Beast Taming Master on the Ninth Prince team, I heard that there is a Spirit Pet of the original Bloodline race in the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List.

However, a Beast Taming Master of Void God late stage, robbed six Great Emperor, and talked out, can laugh a lot of people.

“Zhao Feng, either hand over Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly or activate the teleportation formation protecting the dragon jade and leave”

Xue Yuan looked cold and severe and went up.

Driven out by Cao Family and Ji Family expert, he was full of anger and was nowhere to vent.

Right now, an ignorant junior came to the door.

Hearing this, the other five people gathered around and showed a playful smile.

“It seems that you refused to hand over the dragon jade,”

Zhao Feng Golden left eye, swept across the crowd, as if piercing everything, making everyone shiver.

Xue Yuan browses slightly wrinkle. At the same time, I feel upset and feel wrong.

“Zhao Feng, you are courting death”

In the white clothed old man squad, a Great Emperor was more irritable, scolded directly, and was ready to start.

“Hmph, Saint Thunder Tyrant Body”

Zhao Feng stepped out one step, the whole body was raised, and a layer of blue gold splendid physique Lightning Marks bloomed, like a little gold thunder giant.

At the same time, a substantially simple and unadorned Thunder Marks hood condensed on his body surface, and golden glow Thunder Light was brilliant, accompanied by the roar of Wind Thunder.

That Great Emperor, split on Zhao Feng’s simple and unadorned Thunder Glow, all offensives were all resolved.

At the same time, a powerful anti-shock force, accompanied by countless Wind Thunder, flew several feet, spurt a mouthful of blood, and slumped on the ground, looking at Zhao Feng in horror.

And the other five people, under the pressure of Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, such as being struck by sledgehammer, boiled with blood and blood, a thunderbolt paralysis hit the whole body.

“Really strong physical strength, regardless of the attack of the Great Emperor, but also shock damage”

“This imposing courage is close to Saint Lord”

“How is it possible that he is obviously a Void God late stage. In the suppression in Immemorial Space, he can even play the Battle Strength abnormally?”

There was a shocked doubt in the hearts of everyone.

At this time, Zhao Feng gave them the same feeling as the saint Lord Hundred Refining just now, leaving them powerless to resist and only obey.

Xue Yuan was so shocked and looked towards complexion that Zhao Zhao was bland.

As mentioned in his information database, Zhao Feng physique defense is amazing.

However, he did not expect that his physique was so powerful.

And I heard that Zhao Feng is best at Soul Eye Technique.

Today, he is the Beast Taming Master, enters into the here, and there will be other fighting Spirit Pets in his hands.

“We are willing to surrender a piece of dragon jade”

Xue Yuan clinching one’s teeth said.

Just hand over a piece of guard jade, for them, not at all what value.

The prince behind them did not intend to compete for Crown Prince and collect Dragon Destiny Qi. It was not very useful.

If all of them activate the formation and leave, it is too wasteful of this only means of life-saving.

Xue Yuan took a protective dragon jade from the members and handed it to Zhao Feng.

The other white clothed old man, walked to the Great Emperor who was frightened by Zhao Feng, took off his body’s dragon jade, and gave it to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng took over the dragon jade and ignored them, and walked straight inside.

“Now, I can only blackmail this way”

Zhao Feng sighed.

All already gradually adapted to this place, just six Great Emperor, already can play 30% strength.

“This Inheritance has a long way to go, let them go first”

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, flashing a strange layer of golden glow, looking towards the distance, walking leisurely.

Deep inside

saint Lord Hundred Refining is like a ball of paint Hei Xuanfeng, wherever you go, all the sand monster monsters are smashed.

“Blazing Sky Tyrant Fist”

“Tan Silkworm Shadowless Foot”

“Golden Finger”

Bang bang bang

The three of them were traveling at an extremely fast speed along the ancient trail, leaving only a place of yellow sand wherever they passed.

“That kid won’t stop here”

Ji Dengtian paused and looked towards the rear.

“Here it is, but it is very slow. It seems that I hope we can open the way for him, and then take advantage of the fishermen.”

Ji Bai perceived carefully with a smile.

“Hehe, as long as he can come and have the ability, all can be taken away”

Ji Dengtian sneered.

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