King of Gods

Chapter 930

“Good, perfect Blood Devil Sun”

Tie Hongnan’s face was full of surprises, both eyes were shining, immediately stood up, terrifying the hot aura coercion, and spread out invisibly.

If the Imperial Palace was not built steadily and guarded by the power of Dragon Destiny, I’m afraid this great hall would collapse in an instant.

And this discourse shocked many forces present, immediately looking towards Zhao Feng’s glazed red glow, body and mind.

Perfect Blood Devil Sun

That’s the tough Bloodline that made it into the top ten of the Emperor Path Bloodline list.

If Tie Family masters this kind of Bloodline again now, it still has to be. In the future, it will not be impossible to win 4-Star.

On the side of Dong Family Elder, a heart hung in the midair.

The rest of the forces, complexion gloomy and uncertain.

Beside Tie Hongnan, the red haired man, within the body, was boiling.

“Perfect Blood Devil Sun” The red haired man meditated in his heart, staring at Zhao Feng, and his Fighting Intent spread.

Zhao Feng complexion sinks slightly, the gold pupil opens, and an original aura of Immemorial Great Desolate flows from the Left Eye Space mysterious golden sphere.

The Blood Devil Sun Bloodline of his within the body suddenly shuddered and returned to calm.


Tie Hongnan was in the surprise of seeing the perfect Blood Devil Sun, but found that Zhao Feng suppressed the out-of-control Bloodline Power.

Tie Hongnan glanced at Zhao Feng’s eyes and was a little surprised.

this child body within the body, even contains such a powerful Eye Bloodline

And this Eye Bloodline, Tie Hongnan’s feeling, is not inferior to Ji Family’s Purple Star Eye Bloodline, so Tie Hongnan cannot see through.

Tie Family From ancient times to today, there have been many Bloodline exceptions other than Blood Devil Sun, but Eye Bloodline has not appeared.

“It should be the Bloodline Power of the original ‘Zhao Feng’,” Tie Hongnan already speculated.

Bloodline that can suppress the perfect Blood Devil Sun is definitely not Mortal Rank.

However, Emperor Path Bloodline, which is higher than Blood Devil Sun, does not seem to have a similar eye pupil Bloodline.

don’t tell me Zhao Feng is still pregnant with Bloodline on the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List?

Tie Hongnan expression Sudden change, only this is possible

He originally intended to keep Zhao Feng in the Tie Family and give birth to a few sons for the Tie Family.

But Zhao Feng’s Eye Bloodline aroused his interest.

It is extremely rare to have two top grade bloodlines at the same time.

Such a character, as long as he doesn’t die, will become the premier leading character of Continental.

It is also completely feasible for the Tie Family to cultivate such a genius.

Moreover, Zhao Feng has two types of Bloodline, which proves that the two types of Bloodline will not conflict, and it is very likely that their descendants will inherit both types of Bloodline at the same time.

Perfect Blood Devil Sun and Immemorial Eyeline Bloodline

There was blood in Tie Hongnan’s heart.

If the Bloodline, a powerful eye pupil that is not inferior to the Purple Star Eye, remains in the Tie Family, the Tie Family will definitely reach the surpassed peak, reaching an unprecedented height.

“Zhao Feng, would you like to return to my Tie Family?”

Tie Hongnan’s tone is soothing and the words are completely different, just like the elders treat the separated Tie Family juniors.

“I’m not from Tie Family and I’m not interested”

Zhao Feng didn’t even think about it, he answered directly.

He knew from the eyes of Tie Hongnan just now that Tie Family was hitting his left eye.

If you join the Tie Family, everything is completely out of his control. God Eye’s secrets are likely to be leaked.

There is no guarantee that Tie Family will not take other measures after using Zhao Feng.

“Zhao Feng, but your body is flowing the blood of Tie Family. Today, I brought your biological mother, too.”

Tie Hongnan expression was startled, not angry, and continued.

From Tie Litian, he had some understanding of Zhao Feng’s character, so he had other preparations.

“Feng’er, I’m … your mother”

Tie Hongnan behind, the beautiful woman, suddenly stepped forward, crying in pain.

She knew that her real son, Already was not there.

But this body is enough for his son.

She would rather be confused, as long as she looks at ‘Zhao Feng and is alive, what can she do for it.

“Not good, my mother, there is only one person”

Zhao Feng looked towards Tie Xiuli, and Tie Hongnan.

It was abandoned that day, and why is it so today.

Cause has effect

“Zhao Feng, what you have now is the body of a Tie Family child”

Tie Hongnan was originally a hot-tempered person. Seeing Zhao Feng so determined, don’t give face, his tone was sharp.

“No, Lord Saint Lord, the original Master of this body, called ‘Zhao Feng, is the person of the Zhao Family”

For this reason of Tie Family, Zhao Feng had already thought about it.

Some people who were here did not know much about Zhao Feng.

From these dialogues, I gradually understand the cause of the incident.

It should be Zhao Feng Body Possession, the abandoned child of Tie Family, unexpectedly inspired the perfect Blood Devil Sun Bloodline.

But Zhao Feng at this time is no longer the original ‘Zhao Feng’.

And Zhao Feng didn’t mean to join Tie Family in the slightest.

However, under the mighty influence of the Tie Family, is Zhao Feng’s resistance useful?

Some 3-Star forces, Aristocratic Family, complexion were present.

“Zhao Feng has such a life experience”

Xuanyuan Wen just felt big.

“It turned out to be the perfect Blood Devil Sun Bloodline”

Xin Wuhen thought of Divine Illusory Space that day, he briefly met Zhao Feng, and his own blood, True Yuan, was inexplicably drawn in melee.

“In addition, I am now a member of Ninth Prince, Lord Saint Lord, and let me join the Tie Family. Is there some …”

Zhao Feng slightly smiled, continued.

According to the provisions of the Crown Prince dispute, Tie Hongnan’s behavior at this time was somewhat illegal.

In the Imperial Palace, Tie Hongnan did not dare to get open rid.

Tie Hongnan was discolored and flushed.

Void God King, who was not a Tie Family, refused his invitation and was so reticent.

As an Elder of the Tie Family, he has never encountered this situation.

The invisible hot aura rises suddenly, making the entire Great Palace King, Great Emperor, body and mind dry, like burning.

“Senior Hongnan, please don’t be impatient, the battle for places is about to begin”

Fourth Prince immediately stood up and stepped forward to stop Tie Hongnan’s anger.

After Zhao Feng saluted, leave the great hall where Fourth Prince is located.

“Everyone go up, the battle for places has begun.” Fourth Prince calmed down.

Suddenly, the ten members in the field stood up and each of the British Wu Bufan and Aura was good.

Zhuge Yun, Xuanyuan Wen, Xin Wuhen, and the red haired man are among them.

After leaving Feng great hall, Zhao Feng headed directly to the ring of Martial Arts Field.

The platform is built by the Heaven Rank ore. It contains a lot of formation, even if it is Mystic Light small accomplishment, it can only cause minor damage.

While the ring is all around, it has barrier protection, and the force of Dragon Destiny suppresses it to prevent the battle aura from scattering.

At this time, Ninth Prince’s staff and already were all sitting on the ring.

Including Old Ying, Zhou Su’er, Shen Jizi, Shi Yulei.

There is also a deep and stable middle-aged man of Aura; a slender woman with a thick skin and black clothed body.

This is the battle for Crown Prince, a member of the Zhao Feng team.

Everyone is good at Domain, and has superhuman innate talent.

Except for Zhou Su’er, almost all of them are experts of the previous generation and higher.

“Zhao Feng, Tie Family is looking for you. What the hell is going on?”

Just sitting down, Zhou Su’er asked immediately, Tie Family Tie Hongnan Saint Lord, to come to Zhao Feng in person, this is not a trivial matter.

Beside, the other members were equally curious.

Zhao Feng’s conversation with Tie Hongnan was isolated from the outside world, and only members of the great hall could hear it.

They could only see Tie Hongnan, with very angry expressions, wondering what was going on, which made Tie Hongnan angry.

The party Zhao Feng still looks like serene.

“Want me to join the Tie Family”

Zhao Feng answered briefly.

Suddenly, all members except Old Ying and Shen Jizi were stunned and looked towards Zhao Feng.

So far, they have only heard of Zhao Feng’s reputation, but have not seen its ability.

What exactly is Zhao Feng’s ability to ask Tie Family to dispatch Tie Hongnan and invite him to join Tie Family?

“Just say nothing”

Zhou Su’er tender face was slightly angry, unbelieving, thinking that this was the reason Zhao Feng didn’t want to say, do as you wish.

The others also thought that Zhao Feng was joking.


Shi Yulei coldly snorted, Tie Family is Eight Great Aristocratic Families, how can I let the inner family Elder send an invitation to the last name.

When all the members arrived on the stage, the battle for places began.

“Under Clear Wind Palace Zhou Wenwei, would like to teach Jing Kai Senior strength”

Immediately, a middle-aged thin man came with clear and confident eyes and challenged the aura calm man in the team.

Clear Wind Palace, also a 3-Star ordinary force behind Ninth Prince, has not secured a place.

Beside Zhao Feng, aura calmly deep man strode out.

At this time, the other platforms, aleady, began to challenge, fight, or form a test, or Soul.

Zhao Feng runs Left Eye to see all the contests on the ten ringstands in a three hundred sixty full-angle view.

Only if you know yourself and know your enemy can you hope to win, Zhao Feng smiles.

One and a half years ago, he defeated a Tamer Grandmaster with the pet of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List. This major event in the Imperial Palace is believed to have spread.

Next, there should be no more of him.


Suddenly, the solid aura of Jing Kai whole body spread out, and a dazzling golden light seemed to pierce everything and regularly surround it.

And Zhou Kai, a cyan long sword, cold light chilly appeared in his hands, and the wind was raging.

Both were Great Emperor cultivation base, and they collided instantly.

Jing Kai’s attack is endless, Golden light, everywhere.

In contrast, Zhou Wenwei, although sensitive in action and sharp in attack, at the beginning, Jing Kai took the initiative and blindly avoided the defense.


Jing Kai all around golden light, suddenly gathered, turned into a transparent sword body that dazzled the dazzling golden light, carrying great power, and stabbed directly.

At the same moment, several huge wooden vines suddenly appeared on the ground below, blocking all the escape routes of Zhou Wenwei.


Zhou Wenwei’s body was penetrated by Wandao golden light, and was directly bombarded off the platform, spitting blood.

“Many thanks Jing Jing’s mercy”

Zhou Wenwei was carried away by Elder Clear Wind Palace.

Some members of the Ninth Prince team who didn’t know enough about Jing Kai suddenly had a low strength.

metal attribute attack sharp overbearing, also good at Wood Attribute, can be unexpected auxiliary control.

It is indeed an excellent combat member.

“It’s an expert of Kim and Wood Attribute”

Zhao Feng whispering in his heart.

In addition, Jing Kai grasped the strength of these two attributes very well, and metal attribute attack and Wood Attribute assisted treatment were undisturbed.

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