King of Gods

Chapter 923

Some of the people present did not believe their ears.

Zhao Feng turned it down so decisively.

Reject the Four Prince who is most likely to win Crown Prince, and help the Ninth Prince who ranks sixth in the overall strength.

What did he think?

Even Fourth Prince himself was surprised.

He thought that Zhao Feng might hesitate, but he didn’t expect to be so sure.

Moreover, Zhao Feng’s reasons for rejection are simple, admirable, and difficult to continue to persuade.

Betrayal is something that everyone hates.

don’t tell me want Zhao Feng to be a betrayer?

Zhuge Yun has a little regret. He is looking forward to cooperating with Zhao Feng’s. If Zhao Feng is willing to come to the camp of Fourth Prince, the overall strength of Fourth Prince will be upgraded again.

Moreover, Zhao Feng, now dressed as blonde gold pupil, gives him a deeper sense.

Can’t help remind him of the powerful deterrence of Purple Hair Demon Twins in Divine Illusory Space.

Butler Qi forehead cold sweat took it straight. Fortunately, Zhao Feng did not accept it, otherwise, it was his fault.

raise one’s head looked towards Zhao Feng’s unhurried face, Butler Qi changed his view on Zhao Feng’s again.

Liang Sang in the distance almost did not stand.

“The kid actually refused.” Liang Sang was at a loss, almost crazy.

Such a godsend, then Zhao Feng is crazy

“Liang Sang, go, go back and prepare to see if you can get a place in the hands of other princes”

Sky Pond City City Lord sighed, missed a good time, and now can only look at luck.

“Okay, Zhao Feng, I look forward to meeting you in the Imperial Family Tomb.”

The Fourth Prince expression is majestic, and the momentum is dispersed invisibly, as if he is challenging the same expert.

Zhao Feng cup one fist in the other hand smiled and didn’t speak.

Subsequently, Fourth Prince led Zhuge Yun to leave Martial Arts Field.

“Fourth Prince, Zhao Feng is a rare talent”

Zhuge Yun whispered.

“I know”

Fourth Prince complexion sinks.

How many beasts can master the Beast Taming Master who can control the original race of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List?

If he is correct, this Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly should be the 13th Uncle’s.

I heard that the Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, 13th Uncle, was a treasure, and fell asleep, and was dying.

Today, aura is flourishing here.

This shows that Zhao Feng’s is capable.

And Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, its auxiliary ability is extremely amazing.

In Imperial Family Tomb, there is no lack of ancient, even Immemorial Precious Beast.

If there is an excellent Beast Taming Master, tame the heart, it will be a super strong Battle Strength.

“Unless the nine emperor brothers give up the Crown Prince fight, otherwise Zhao Feng cannot help me”

Fourth Prince is clear.

If Zhao Feng assists him, Fourth Prince’s confidence will be further increased.

But Zhao Feng’s help to Ninth Prince did not pose a threat to him.

“13th Uncle?”

Fourth Prince looked towards, King Nan Feng was coming quickly.

“Fourth Prince, Zhao Feng is ahead”

Fourth Prince nodded slightly. I wanted to talk to 13th Uncle. Seeing it so eager, I didn’t speak and watched King Nan Feng leave.

King Nan Feng Two years ago, breaking through the Saint Lord, the reward territory was expanded again, and it was not impossible to enters into the Supreme Emperor Palace in the future.

“It seems King Nan Feng may be standing behind Ninth Prince. Seventh Prince should be very angry.”

Zhuge Yun smiled slightly. After King Nan Feng returned to the Imperial Palace, he negotiated with Seventh Prince many times, but still failed.

It seems that King Nan Feng has long been waiting for Zhao Feng here.

“King Nan Feng”

Zhao Feng came to the inland Imperial Palace with surprise, King Nan Feng, but it was his only acquaintance.

“Master, sit down at the residence of His Highness Nine, talk slowly about something”

Butler Qi immediately greeted, respectfully.

Led by Butler Qi, Zhao Feng and King Nan Feng came to Ninth Prince Palace.

King Nan Feng’s eyes were mild and he looked at Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly in his hand.

If it weren’t for meeting Zhao Feng, Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly is still asleep, maybe he will never wake up, and he will not break through Saint Lord.

“Congratulations, Lord, break through Saint Lord” Zhao Feng smiled cup one fist in the other hand.

“Thanks to your Hundred Source Saint Broth, yes, Zhao Feng, your pupils?”

King Nan Feng slightly smiled and asked with a little concern. He was very impressed with Zhao Feng’s Eye Bloodline.

“Metamorphosis occurred” Zhao Feng did not hide.


King Nan Feng body and mind was shocked. Zhao Feng’s Eye Bloodline, which was very special and powerful in nature, is now transformed again, for fear that it will be more unpredictable.

No wonder he broke through Saint Lord, still can’t see the depth of Zhao Feng’s, and even didn’t dare to look at the bright gold pupil like amber.

King Nan Feng was interested in Zhao Feng’s left eye, but didn’t ask much.

“Why would you help Ninth Prince?”

King Nan Feng was a little confused, and that was the main purpose of his trip.

He was not optimistic about Ninth Prince at all, and at the Ninth Prince’s house, he was embarrassed to say the disadvantages of Ninth Prince.

King Nan Feng also directly showed that if Zhao Feng had the will, he could help Zhao Feng to get a place in the hands of some princes of hope such as Thirteenth Prince and Seventh Prince.

But he didn’t know. Before he arrived, Zhao Feng even refused the solicitation of Fourth Prince.

“Just by accident, I just want to participate in the Crown Prince battle, Ninth Prince is not far from me”

Zhao Feng thought for a while, but I didn’t know how to answer. In the Imperial Palace, he didn’t dare to say to kill Thirteenth Prince.

King Nan Feng listened and almost sprayed out the tea.

If it weren’t for his familiarity with Zhao Feng, he would have thought that Zhao Feng was playing with him.

“Zhao Feng, you look so light on everything”

King Nan Feng can only say so.

If it is someone else, you must try to get more benefits for yourself.

Since then, Zhao Feng and King Nan Feng have a lot of chats.

Mostly it was introduced by King Nan Feng to Zhao Feng about the dispute between Imperial Palace and Crown Prince, and the situation of each Eldest Prince.

Small Thieving Cat, and Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, don’t know what to say.

“Master, after a while, I will still retreat. At that time, if there is news of Sea Mist Pavilion or Ten Thousand Saint Sect, tell them to join the Ninth Prince faction.”

With one year left, Zhao Feng needs to retreat and improve strength.

After all, Sea Mist Pavilion was an affiliate of Nine Nether Palace. Even if it develops, it will still be unable to resist in front of 3-Star Peak Great Sect.

Therefore, Bi Qingyue is more likely to be named Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

But this does not guarantee its safety

King Nan Feng thoughtfully, patted his chest and said, “Relax, then I’ll leave”

After King Nan Feng left, Zhao Feng closed again.

From King Nan Feng, I got some information. Instead, Zhao Feng felt that it was not impossible for Ninth Prince to compete for Crown Prince.

Inside Bewildering Space Realm.

“Ready to use Hundred Source Saint Broth”

Zhao Feng can’t wait, Hundred Source Saint Broth has been used for the first time since acquisition.

At the same time, Zhao Feng’s Divine Sense turned into several strands, cultivate others.

The first share, cultivate Wind Thunder Domain, if possible, Zhao Feng intends to bring the small world together during the Crown Prince battle.

In Imperial Family Tomb, they are basically Great Emperor Battle Strength.

Shaping a small world can increase Zhao Feng Battle Strength the fastest and most effective.

The second, cultivate Wind-Thunder of Fire, and continuously integrate the Thunder Calamity Soul Strength in the soul into the Wind-Thunder of Fire.

Today, Zhao Feng mainly focuses on the quality of True Yuan, not quantity.

According to information from King Nan Feng, if he hurriedly promotes Realm, it will do no good.

Other Divine Sense, responsible for pulling Thunder Calamity Strength, tempered Soul in Left Eye Space, analyzing many Matter particle structures, etc.

Zhao Feng cautiously swallows a copy of ‘Hundred Source Saint Broth, and suddenly feels a smooth and holy aura, penetrates within the body internal organs and limbs, until the Crystal Nucleus Space, deep in Soul.

Zhao Feng felt that the whole body was favored by Hundred Source Saint Broth and received a brief sublimation.

Perhaps because of Saint Thunder Body, Hundred Source Saint Broth’s medicine efficacy, immediate access to the whole body, was slowly absorbed by Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng immediately runs Saint Thunder Body.


His figure suddenly rises, whole body blue gold, brilliant halo, and subtle Thunder Marks faintly discernible on the body surface, occasionally blooming Thunder Light.

After running the Saint Thunder Body, the absorption of Hundred Source Saint Broth medicine efficacy has been doubled, and the efficacy of medicine has been applied to the physical casting to the greatest extent.


At the same time, Zhao Feng shared an idea, running Wind-Thunder of Fire, tempered Saint Thunder Body, to increase absorption and effectiveness.

Three days later.

Zhao Feng body was shocked, the whole body was golden blue gloss, the thunder light was roaring, and the momentum increased sharply.

“It seems I still underestimate the role of Hundred Source Saint Broth”

Zhao Feng’s eyes flickering.

Hundred Source Saint Broth’s medicine efficacy only absorbed 60%.

Saint Thunder Body already successfully broke through the 5-Layer limit.

He immediately inhibited the body’s absorption of medicine efficacy.


Zhao Feng whole body, faintly faint lilac Thunder Marks appeared, and then, the powerful Soul Will emanated.

“Since medicine efficacy is redundant, it is used to tempered the soul”

‘Thunder Calamity Soul Body,’ has been ignored by Zhao Feng, but currently, he doesn’t know enough about ‘Thunder Calamity Soul Body.’

After the insights increase in the future, the Realm level will become higher, and the other functions of Thunder Calamity Soul Body will definitely be tapped.

It’s been a few more days.

Hundred Source Saint Broth’s medicine efficacy was completely absorbed by Zhao Feng’s Soul.

Today, his Soul is more solid than ordinary people, and even no longer transparent.

The fine lines of Thunder Calamity are faintly discernible on its surface.

After the baptism of Hundred Source Saint Broth, Zhao Feng felt that his ‘Thunder Calamity’ body was different from previous ones.

“Saint Thunder Body reaches the 5-Layer limit, try it at Immemorial Dreamland”

Zhao Feng was at a loss, he had been alert for a long time, and there were no enters into the Immemorial Dreamland.

After the blue lake disappeared, it was replaced by mysterious golden sphere. Zhao Feng penetrated the consciousness into the center of the golden sphere. There was also a layer of golden mysterious vortex.


Zhao Feng came to the forest, beside the ancient tree towering, the demon birds and python still stood here.

But the moment when enters into the here, Zhao Feng felt strange.

Unprecedented coercion, terrifying the original aura, made him Bloodline, True Yuan tremble.

This is still, Zhao Feng Saint Thunder Body has just improved.

what happened?

“This is … thunderstorm?”

Zhao Feng looked all around, a piece of murky heavens dark earth, Thunder rolls, lightning flashes, storms looting, invisible momentum aura, mighty, repressive.

Raindrops hit Zhao Feng’s body, making a crackle.


A giant thunder slammed down, as if the deity came to the world, and the devil wept.

Just standing here, Zhao Feng’s body Soul is under unparalleled oppression from aura.

That Immemorial sky thunder shakes Zhao Feng body and mind, the expression is dull, and the voice of Thunder rolls keeps echoing in my mind.

If the front was bombarded by the sky thunder, even Saint Lord would be wiped out.

“Is this the thunderstorm of the Immemorial period?”

Zhao Feng was so shocked that he spoke for a long time.

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