King of Gods

Chapter 910

Sky Maple Great Island Region.

One black and one white, two lights and shadows surrounded by Holy Force, flying fast over the Fog Sea, and soon came to the Royal Mansion.

Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord and old ghost, floating stand Royal Mansion above the clouds, two invisible terrifying aura leaked.


Suddenly, thousands of miles, including the Royal Mansion, suffocated and suffocated for a while.

“Well, King Nan Feng isn’t there?” Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord Spiritual Sense swept away, his face in shock.

“Two Lord Saint Lords are coming to Royal Mansion, and under Captain, what can help?”

In the Royal Guard, a Peak King-level golden robe general, facing the invisible coercion of the two Saint Lords, flew up slowly and arduously.

The man had a terrible feeling in his heart.

The two Saint Lords descended on the Royal Mansion, and since he entered into the Royal Guard, he has never encountered such a thing.

So far, I have been to a Devil Path Saint Lord some time ago.

I don’t know what’s going on recently, there are constant experts above Great Emperor, contact Royal Mansion.

“Where’s King Nan Feng?” Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord whole body, holy halo, like Spiritual God, arrogant to the world, calmly said.

The general of the golden robe felt that an invisible coercion, such as a giant mountain-like attack, made him breathless and seemed to lose consciousness. “King Nan Feng a few days ago, already went to the dynasty inland”

The two Saint Lords looked at a glance, they were surprised, and then a hazy smile appeared.

King Nan Feng was not there.

As a result, the two of them were under no pressure.

Zhao Feng was dead afterwards, and King Nan Feng would not treat them.

At the same time, a split of remorse flashed through the eyes of Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord. If King Nan Feng left early, he would not go to the old ghost.

Nowadays, everything has changed with no difficulty, but Zhao Feng body’s treasure must be divided into half.

The two Saint Lords departed quickly, and the general under the golden robe took a big breath, unsure, and returned to the palace.

During the flight, the old ghost suddenly thought of something and asked: “I remember Sea Mist Pavilion, a subsidiary of Nine Nether Palace. Zhao Feng swallowed up Sea Mist Pavilion, and Nine Nether Palace did not react.

Nine Nether Palace, formerly the 4-Star Great Sect, is now the leading force in the 3-Star Peak Great Sect, Devil Path, although it is now declining.

Even if he borrowed his courage, the old ghost didn’t dare to take the idea of 鈥嬧€婲ine Nether Palace.

Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord has only recently come out of the customs. The information I know is limited, but I still pretend to be assured. “Nine Nether Palace is far inland, far from the edge of the sea. Said that Nine Nether Palace’s eyes are focused on the Nangong Sheng body, which owns Evil God’s Power. “

Mentioned Nangong Sheng, old ghost can not help surprised.

“It’s incredible, Nangong Sheng was able to inherit God Position strength,” the old ghost felt.

He broke through Mystic Light Realm already for ten thousand years, but still stays in Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment.

An ordinary King junior can get the strength of God Position.

If he can get a hint of Divine Power, I am afraid that he can instantly breakthrough Mystic Light Realm intermediate stage.

“Hmph, what about the strength of God? An innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime.” Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord coldly snorted, and there was something in his heart.

However, thinking of the interests of Zhao Feng body, he was excited.

Many Precious Materials, legendary ore in Ancient God Secret Mansion, and two Sub-Divine Tool.

Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord’s eyes turned, and then said: “old ghost, you will deal with Old Monster Xu later, I control Zhao Feng, and I cannot give him a chance to use Bewildering Space Realm”

The “good” old ghost promised in the face, but in his heart was the mind of Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord.

Bewildering Space Realm, which is an auxiliary item, is not very demanding for users. Once you get it, you can use it.

If Zhao Feng used Bewildering Space Realm to escape, they would never be able to catch up.

The Sub-Divine Tool God-Slaying Arrow is different. Even if it is Mystic Light Initial Accomplishment, it can only play the Sub-Divine Tool, half of the strength.

A few months later, Foggy Moon island Territory.

Today’s Sea Mist Pavilion is even bigger than before.

Every day, Bi Qingyue spends a lot of time reading the latest news of the day in the secret hall of information.

The earlier the intelligence is known, the greater its value, which is the slogan of almost all intelligence agencies.

Suddenly, an endless and mighty power enveloped the entire Water Bay Holy Land.

That strength, like Changing the Heaven and Switching the Earth, made all things subject.

All members of the Sea Mist Pavilion, under this strength, felt a strong squeeze and suffocation.

The cultivation base is lower than King, and it is spurt a mouthful of blood on the spot.

Old Monster Xu expression shocked, immediately rushed out, looking at the distant sky, one black and one white, two groups of Void Light, expression shocked.

Two Saint Lord

One of them is Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord of the Earth Spirit Palace, and the other Saint Lord is very weird. Aura is stronger than Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord.

There was a bitter bitterness in the corner of Old Monster Xu’s mouth. I didn’t expect that he would break through the first battle of Saint Lord. This would be the case.

Bi Qingyue took a deep breath and came out with the other two Great Emperors in the Sea Mist Pavilion.

I also saw that the sky was like the phantom of Sun and Moon, and my heart sank suddenly.

At the glance of Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord Spiritual Sense, Zhao Feng’s location was found, and his eyes narrowed.

Isn’t Zhao Feng retreating? How is it to sleep

The old ghost also noticed that Zhao Feng was still asleep.

“Hmph, I feel the position of his left eye, there is a strong strength, gradually awakening” Old ghost coldly snorted, sound transmission said.

Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord smiled viciously, “Then he will never wake up”

Old Monster Xu slowly floated up, serving as a member of the Sea Mist Pavilion, resisting the coercion of Saint Lord, “Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord, do you respect Saint Lord and get rid of a junior?”

“Hmph, who becomes a major event, is informal.” Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord does not tell these truths with Old Monster Xu, and within the body Mystic Light Holy Force is operating, we must get rid.

The old ghost on one side looks down at all beings.

It didn’t need him to do it at all, it was boring.

Suddenly, the old ghost complexion changed, and immediately returned.


A mass of heaven shaking green light, like a meteor, came straight to this place, colliding with the magnificent aura of the sky and covering the earth.

The old ghost and Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord, obviously felt the hostility of each other, and the complexion changed slightly.

At the same time, all Sea Mist Pavilion personnel were shocked.

The interweaving of the three Saint Lord’s auras, the invisible mighty storm, made them feel that heaven and earth seemed to collapse.

For a while, there were three Saint Lords coming to the Sea Mist Pavilion.

All members, trapped in despair, the three Saint Lords, even if they are 3-Star ordinary sects, have no resistance.

I saw that in the green light came out a man with white hair like snow and both eyes like a star.

His Spiritual Sense swept away, his eyes looked deeply towards where Zhao Feng was sleeping.

Xu Lao and Bi Qingyue looked at a glance, and they realized that this Saint Lord did not seem to be the enemy.

Maybe they still have hope

“Old man Earth Spirit Palace Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord? Who is your Lord?” Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord and the old ghost stood side by side, he asked.

The Saint Lord in front of him was majestic and extraordinary.

But even if this Saint Lord came to aid the Sea Mist Pavilion, he was not afraid. After all, the opponent looks like a Wood Type Saint Lord and should not be good at fighting.

“Eight Great Aristocratic Families Duanmu Family, Duanmu Qing” The white-haired man said indifferently, in the face of the aura coercion of the two Great Emperors, he was not afraid.

Eight Great Aristocratic Families?

Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord and old ghost complexion startled, like a discouraged ball, the momentum is weak.

Eight Great Aristocratic Families, Great Heaven Dynasty, the ancient Inheritance Clan, has a huge influence and has an inextricable relationship with the dynasty.

Even the Duanmu Family at the bottom of the rankings is not comparable to some 3-Star Super Great Sects.

Not to mention the edge of the sea, the 3-Star Earth Scenic Earth Spirit Palace.

Old Monster Xu and Bi Qingyue are even more shocked.I did not expect this Saint Lord to be a person of Eight Great Aristocratic Families

don’t tell me Master, what’s the relationship with Eight Great Aristocratic Families?

“I wonder if Saint Lord Duanmu is here, what is it about?” Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord said with a slight smile.

The other party is the Saint Lord of the Duanmu Family. If you are also interested in Zhao Feng body’s interests, you still have to discuss it.

The old ghost sank, his helplessness.

“I just came to see my disciple.” Duanmu Qing faced the two of them squarely, with gray hair and no wind automatically.

“Disciple” Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord slightly startled, from the arrival of Duanmu Qing, until now, he found Duanmu Qing’s Spiritual Sense, always observing Zhao Feng.

Therefore, he thought that the other party also wanted the interests of Zhao Feng body.

But did not expect that Duanmu Qing came to find his own disaster

disciple? Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord twitched in the corner of his mouth, and he was speechless.

don’t tell me, Zhao Feng is the discipline of Eight Great Aristocratic Families, Duanmu Family Saint Lord?

how is this possible? How could Zhao Feng be related to the Duanmu Family?

With such great news, why did Earth Spirit Palace intelligence personnel not tell him?

In this way, they offended Duanmu Family against Zhao Feng gets rid

“Yes, my disciple is called Zhao Feng.” Duanmu Qing was determined and came to Old Monster Xu, looking towards Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord and old ghost.

Old Monster Xu was overjoyed. I didn’t expect that the Master had a relationship with the Duanmu Family.

Bi Qingyue immediately relaxed, and he respected Master even more.

Many people who are still awake below are even awake like dreams, expressing excitement.

“Supreme Elder, it’s Duanmu Family.”

“That’s the Great Heaven Dynasty Eight Great Aristocratic Families”

“The Duanmu Family sent Saint Lord to save us”

Splitting The Heavens Saint Lord and old ghost, complexion gloomy embarrassed, dumbfounded place to. It is definitely their advantage to say that they really fight.

But they ca n鈥檛 do it, they dare not do it

“We just pass here and don’t bother”

“Saint Lord Duanmu, leave”

The two Saint Lord expressions exchanged, sighing deeply, helplessly, and finally gave up in preparation to leave.

At this time, in the back room, one side of Zhao Feng’s head was a pale gold hair floating in the air.

An invisible pale gold ripple spreads out to all around, penetrates void, and extends indefinitely.

This golden ripple is not like True Yuan or Soul Will.

Penetrating away from everyone present.

All the experts felt a slight tremor for a moment, and they were horrified.

The moment they were swept by the Golden Ripple, they had a feeling that all the secrets of the whole body were exposed without reservation.

The two Saint Lords, looking deeply towards Zhao Feng, left in suspense, leaving in suspense.

The owner of Sea Mist Pavilion, relaxed, is more of a surprise.

Duanmu Qing fell slowly, comfortingly: “This time metamorphosis, Zhao Feng’s God Eye, will be more powerful”

(Recommended monthly ticket at the beginning of the month —)

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