King of Gods

Chapter 908

Zhao Feng knew for himself that God Eye was about to undergo metamorphosis.

The transformation time may be longer than in the past, and some preparations are needed, not careless.

God Eye’s transformation is the awakening of God Eye’s sleeping Strength of Source. With each awakening, God Eye will become more powerful.

According to previous experience, this transformation has a certain relationship with Zhao Feng itself, and it also has a great chance and uncontrollability.

Zhao Feng is very much looking forward to what surprise God God will bring this time.

Zhao Feng’s Eye Strength Will, suddenly produced a trace of induction.

Zhao Feng raise one’s head looked towards one side, expression: “Old Monster Xu started”

With his arm waving, Zhao Feng’s silhouette suddenly faded and disappeared in a layer of overlapping empty silver shadows.

The next moment, the sky above Ten Thousand Saint Sect.


A layer of empty silver shadows overlapped in void, where a purple hair silhouette emerged, accompanied by a wave of space fluctuations.

I saw Ten Thousand Saint Sect mountainside in the forbidden area, a group of Purple Gold Shenghui floating void, reflecting a party of Heavens, gradually twisted into a huge purple golden light spin.

All expert disciple in Ten Thousand Saint Sect, Soul tremble, within the body True Yuan tumbling.

If it is not the mountainside forbidden area, the distance disciple lives far away, fearing a trace of oppression of aura, it can shock the True Spirit Realm or Small Origin Core Realm disciple.

Near mountainside, Great Emperor Ling Qiong expression was shocked and said with emotion: “I hope this time Supreme Elder will succeed”

Ten Thousand Saint Sect already lonely for too long.

“Supreme Elder already is a Quasi-Saint Lord level, plus Hundred Source Saint Broth, it will be successful.” The black robe Great Emperor next to him, flickering.

Hum hu hu

A taboo aura suppressing everything from heaven and earth, waved from the purple golden light spiral, surging in all directions, heaven and earth roaring, change constantly.

The nearby Ling Qiong and the black robe Great Emperor felt that the whole body Qi and Blood True Yuan was out of control and had difficulty breathing.

In the huge purple golden light spin, a holy light suddenly came down, and the Octagon Origin Energy seemed to be some kind of traction and gathered toward the holy light frantically.

The holy light slowly descended on the Old Monster Xu body.


Old Monster Xu within the body, the same strength, seems to resonate and connects with Holy Light.

“Holy Force optical rotation successfully connected” black robe Great Emperor complexion.

Hu Hong

The purple golden light in the sky spins like a certain strength. It suddenly spins sharply. A heaven shaking suction force erupts from it. The heaven and earth Origin Energy of the ten thousand li circle twitches, such as Ten Thousand Sect worship. .

Hu hu

The holy light swirling between the Old Monster Xu and the sky purple golden light, flickering its mysterious halo, a thrilling white holy light, pouring down from above, like a golden daylight curtain.

Under the holy light, Old Monster Xu, enters into a certain strange state, the body’s sparkling and translucent changes, Soul aura is getting weaker and weaker, and seems to be completely integrated into the body.

The mighty heaven and earth power will deter heaven and earth.

Zhao Feng above the clouds, opened God Eye, and observed the situation of Old Monster Xu breakthrough clearly.

The Crystal Nucleus of Old Monster Xu within the body is now turning into a light spin, accepting the sky purple golden light spin, absorbing the fused Mystic Light Holy Force.

The biggest change is the fleshly body of Old Monster Xu, which was completely changed by Mystic Light Holy Force, resulting in a qualitative leap.

“That’s it?” Zhao Feng’s God Eye, capturing a trace of gloom, his mouth lightly smiled, a pair of red Thunder Light wings and red scary Thunder Light flickered behind him, and instantly came to Old Monster Xu’s retreat.

“Expert is coming.” The black robe Great Emperor was suddenly shocked, and the Great Emperor immediately spread away.

“No, that’s Zhao Feng.” Great Emperor Ling Qiong quickly stopped, Hundred Source Saint Broth, Old Monster Xu told them both.

Can’t believe it, Old Monster Xu is willing to be Zhao Feng’s servant.

But they did not have much resistance. For a hundred years, Mystic Light Saint Lord was nothing, not to mention the great limit.

And once Old Monster Xu breaks through Saint Lord, Ten Thousand Saint Sect has hope, and restores the style of 3-Star sect that year.

In the hearts of the two, there was a little gratitude to Zhao Feng.

“There is an expert to disturb”

“Isn’t that Zhao Feng?” King Lu Yun expression wondered.

“What is he for?” King Liu Qiong was a little worried.

Zhao Feng was in Ten Thousand Saint Sect that day, and the silhouette of one expert who slaughtered the Earth Spirit Palace was deep in their minds.


What Zhao Feng wanted to do, they couldn’t stop it.

“Zhao Feng? How could he stop Supreme Elder breakthrough?” The black robe youth was startled.

“Zhao Feng, what do you want?” Seeing Zhao Feng, approaching Old Monster Xu who was assault, Great Emperor Ling Qiong asked.

She did not believe that Zhao Feng had come to destroy Old Monster Xu breakthrough, but Zhao Feng was approaching the location of Old Monster Xu quickly.

Zhao Feng did not answer, and the purple rays of light in Left Eye spin.

“Not good, was found.” The hidden rays of light inwardly shouted were not good, and the flickering disappeared.

Thunder Wing Spatial Flash

Jeer laugh

Zhao Feng’s speed soared into a red lightning arc, penetrating void and flashes and passing away.

next moment.

His silhouette appeared in beyond a thousand miles, surrounded by red Thunder Light wings, heaven and earth spread out, invisible deterrence, imprisoned one side of heaven and earth.

Saint Thunder Tyrant Body


Zhao Feng’s entire body is raised, blooming with a layer of blue gold and brilliant Phynicique Lightning Marks, just like a golden mine giant tower, a powerful physique shocks everything.


void loud noise

In front of him, in a dark stream of light, a shadow of Daoist was squeezed out, a pale and thin body, thick dark circles, and blood remained on the corners of his mouth.

Spiritual Thorn

A nether purple thunder thorn, flickering the thunderbolt, pierced into the skinny man’s Soul, Thunder Calamity Strength flickering, and blasted wildly.

“Ah” The skinny man despair screamed, and Soul trembled.

Zhao Feng waved his arm and the fat Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly appeared on the man’s top of the head.

Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly flutters its wings quickly, a layer of translucent colored pollen, falls on the man’s whole body and penetrates Soul.

The skinny man’s whole body is numb, and even the control of the body and True Yuan is lost.

Gaze of God’s Eye

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye, purple vortex looks like an abyss, spinning for a while.

A taboo strength stretches over the front.

Soon, translucent humanoid Yuan Soul began to break away from this skinny body.

Skinny man, both eyes shocked fear and struggled hard.

However, the effects of Thunder Calamity Strength, Soul attack and Caimeng Pollen are still there. He has no ability to resist.

call out

Soul, a skinny man, was taken into Left Eye Space by Zhao Feng.

Today, Zhao Feng’s Soul Will is infinitely close to Saint Lord, and its Soul attack method is completely comparable to Saint Lord.

When the Saint Thunder Body reaches the fifth layer Peak, the Great Emperor with too low a life level will be suppressed in front of him.

The existence of God Eye completely restrained the assassin expert and let their escape hide the Secret Technique.

The skinny man, the invincible level of the Great Emperor, couldn’t hold on for a moment with Zhao Feng’s full strength.

All this happened, but the five breaths

Five Breaths, Spike Invincible Great Emperor

Great Emperor Ling Qiong on one side and another black robed man, standing to place, expression dull.

Zhao Feng withdrew from Ten Thousand Saint Sect

After the shock, both of them were glad.

They are for the Old Monster Xu Protector, but not far from Old Monster Xu, there has always been a powerful assassin, they have no idea.

If it were not for Zhao Feng here, the key moment of Old Monster Xu assault Saint Lord would be the moment when it fell.

Two Great Emperor immediately arrived, Great Emperor Ling Qiong smiled and said, “Thank you, Zhao Feng”

The black robe Great Emperor showed a little apology, just now he almost got rid to stop Zhao Feng.

“The servant’s safety, I will naturally not sit idly by,” Zhao Feng said indifferently, and then observed Old Monster Xu.

The two were speechless. Although this is true, listening to Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s Supreme Elder, known as a servant by others, was still a little uncomfortable.

At this point, the huge purple golden light spins on Yun Hai, and the alert slowly slows down.

All Holy Forces that are as white as light are fully integrated into the within the body of Old Monster Xu.

The body of Old Monster Xu, a burst of holy light shone like waves, like a god.

heaven and earth natural phenomenon

For a moment, Old Monster Xu suddenly opened both eyes.


A boundless aura, like a storm, swept across all directions.

The existence of this aura overwhelms everything, letting everything in void freeze and tremble.

The Zhao Feng three felt immediately that no matter whether they were True Yuan, Bloodline, Soul, Will, etc., they were endlessly suppressed.

A thousand miles away, everything is in a state of stillness, countless lives of spiritual pressure suppresses suffocation, and the atmosphere dares not come out.

Mystic Light Saint Lord, holding up his hands and holding heaven and earth Profound Truth, understands the source.

Unexpectedly, Ling Qiong and the black robe Great Emperor were almost injured.

“Old Monster Xu” Zhao Feng broke the silence and walked forward.

Old Monster Xu, however, has just been promoted to Saint Lord. Compared to Devil Lord Jiu You, I do not know how much worse.

Today, Zhao Feng cultivation base has improved, Saint Thunder Body reached 5-Layer Peak, and has strong resistance to the power of Saint Lord.

Old Monster Xu slowly converged aura, red light said with a smile: “Zhao Feng, old man remember your kindness”

Staying at the level of the Great Emperor for thousands of years, he has wanted to break through Mystic Light Saint Lord throughout his life, and now it is realized, all because of Zhao Feng’s arrival.

Just now, Zhao Feng saved his life again.

He is full body and mind assault Saint Lord, but has some perception of external changes.

“Take a trip with me first” Zhao Feng is slightly tired, resting on Old Monster Xu’s shoulder with one hand, and disappearing into void with a layer of empty silver shadow.

A wave of Space fluctuations.

Zhao Feng and Old Monster Xu appear above the Sea Mist Pavilion.

Taking Saint Lord for the first time, using Space shuttle, the consumption is more than ten times more than before, which may be the special reason of Saint Physique’s life.

Negotiation hall.

“Now that you have broken through the Saint Lord, what you said last time should be implemented in Ten Thousand Saint Sect. For specific situations, you can discuss with Bi Qingyue.” Zhao Feng was more distressed, slowly said.

Later, Zhao Feng explained their thoughts to the two. First of all, to control the edge of the sea.

Specific implementation plans have to be discussed.

After Emperor Lord You Ye returned, he began to implement force expansion.

“After you, obey Bi Qingyue’s orders” Zhao Feng waved his arm and a skinny man appeared.

“Yes, Master.” The skinny man stood behind Bi Qingyue.

Bi Qingyue’s mind was stunned, Zhao Feng went out, and enslaved a great Emperor expert of invincible level, and gave it to himself for dispatch. Can’t help in his heart gave a touch of warmth.

“He is an assassin hired by the Earth Spirit Palace, Old Monster Xu. Do n’t act blindly without thinking. In addition, during my retreat, you stay at the Sea Mist Pavilion” Zhao Feng warned repeatedly.

“Yes, Master” Old Monster Xu complexion changed slightly. He knew in his mind that the goal of Zhao Feng initial stage was to control the edge of the sea, so Earth Spirit Palace would not exist.

After commanding everything, Zhao Feng felt that his left eye could not be opened.

enters into the back room, initiate restraint, and he falls asleep.

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