King of Gods

Chapter 901

嘣 click

At the moment of fighting with Devil Lord Jiu You, Zhao Feng felt the insurmountable divide.

The opponent hit it easily, and the infinite overbearing Mystic Light elemental power passed through Matter Soul, crushing his forces Fist Force, Bloodline Power, and Wind Thunder True Yuan directly.

Zhao Feng condensed to Peak’s Essence, Qi and Spirit, True Yuan Bloodline Power, and was almost defeated.

The red Thunder Light wing condensed by the strongest “Wind-Thunder of Fire” behind him almost broke apart directly, losing his high mobility and physical balance.

Zhao Feng regained his strength and blood, and used his strength to retreat to repair the solid “Red Thunder Light Wing”.

His choice is undoubtedly correct.

The red Thunder Light wing can greatly increase Zhao Feng’s speed and maneuverability, and even increase the power of Concept and Wind Thunder. The former, in particular, is crucial in combat factors.

Zhao Feng within the body Wind Thunder Of Water and Wind Thunder of Wood.

From Water comes Wood, From Wood comes Fire.

The Wind-Thunder of Fire, which suddenly turned into, is extremely condensed, and its explosive power is stronger than its own half.

The red Thunder Light wing behind Zhao Feng, the rays of light are bright, the flames are soaring, and they retreat at an amazing speed.

At this time, the Wind-Thunder of Fire of Zhao Feng’s life was ready to surpassed in the explosive power.


At the same time, Devil Lord Jiu You brought a ray of magical light, and lightning struck before him.

Without any means, just to release outside strength of Mystic Light, directly press strikes Zhao Feng.

In other words, Devil Lord Jiu You doesn’t even bother to use the extra Secret Technique, or he understands that the gap in the strength of the level is exactly to suppress the short board on Zhao Feng cultivation base.

“Red Thunder Storm”

The red Thunder Light wing behind Zhao Feng expanded to hunted zhang, dancing and shaking, forming a vast Red Thunder Storm.

Suddenly, the center of the Red Thunder Storm, emitting a ray of blood, is like a bloody day of violence.

This is Zhao Feng’s aura of flashes, combining Blood Devil Sun and Wind-Thunder of Fire, two kinds of explosive power, strong similar strength, into a group.

Hu Hongbang

In a short time, the scarlet storm that Thunder Light roared was stained with a layer of exploding blood sun, and the power doubled.

“such insignificant ability ”

The magic light of the world carried by Devil Lord Jiu You is like the waves of light hiding the sky and covering the earth, rushing for thousands of miles and destroying everything.

Crow bang ——

The black waves of light, like the extinction of the world, cover up all existence.

That moment, Zhao Feng only felt the whole world, plunged into darkness, and had a small sense of ordinaryness and the continuity of the Holy Spirit.

The strength of his whole body was stagnant and tense, and he could not reach 50%.

嘣 ka ka

The blood sun fierce light and Red Thunder Storm flew like confetti. In the face of the world-strength magic light, it was impossible to withstand a single blow.


Zhao Feng figure trembled fiercely, a trace of blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and the red Thunder Light wings behind contracted to ten-twenty feet, vibrating at high frequencies, and tried to fly back mentally.

“This is the Battle Strength of Saint Lord …”

Even though Zhao Feng was psychologically prepared, it was quite shocking.

With this blow, he suffered some internal injuries, which was still ready, and he fought back and retreated.

If it is completely hard and hard, it will at least be badly hit.

“Tsk tsk, interesting … but the stronger your strength is, the longer the suffering will be.”

Devil Lord Jiu You evil looking with a smile.

Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord is closed all year round, regardless of world affairs.

Often, when they get rid, they are invincible and quickly suppress and suppress everything.

This is the deterrent standing on the tip of the Great Heaven Dynasty, the pyramid.

However, Devil Lord Jiu You found that the opponent at this time is not as “weak” as it used to be, and it is a bit “struggling”.

But the more he did, the more he felt interesting, and he could “play around with it.”

“Zhao Feng, run away. How can you fight against Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord …”

Territory within the island, King Nan Feng in the Royal Mansion, was concerned about their short fight with, and was a little anxious.

Zhao Feng’s strength is indeed unexpectedly arrogant.

His fleshly body and Soul are extremely powerful and condensed. This is the cost that he can fight with Mystic Light Realm directly.

If not, change to the Great Emperor in general, or even the top Great Emperor, and dare to do so, it is tantamount to seeking the dead end.

“Many thanks, Lord.”

After a short fight with Zhao Feng, Zhao Feng has already been injured. The heart is like a clear mirror.

In fact, the reason why he seems so “stupid” is to experience the strength level of Mystic Light Realm.

Moreover, fighting at this level can stimulate his potential even more.

“It’s so easy to escape.”

Devil Lord Jiu You body shines a dark magic light that covers Void Sky, penetrates thousands of miles of Void Sea, and let one side heaven and earth fall into the dark world.

In that “dark world,” everything exists and is suppressed.

“Not good”

Zhao Feng’s flying speed is lagging, even if he applies the sort of void void strength of Wind Thunder Wings to peak.

He was heart trembled, knowing that he was a bit ambitious.

If he is not entrusted, he will fight with Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord, or even fight with me, and he will not be beaten by the opponent ’s Secret Technique.


Thousands of miles away, they are plunged into a dark world, and the violent and dark scene Matter is faintly visible inside.

Zhao Feng knows that this is a demonstration of Devil Lord Jiu You’s small world strength.

Due to the restrictions of the Matter Space rule, it is difficult for ordinary small worlds to integrate into this world, but they will be excluded by the rules.

The stronger the small world, the greater this exclusion.

Especially Devil Lord Jiu You, this means of influencing the outside world through the small world.

Under the shroud of that dark world, Zhao Feng’s speed dropped sharply, and he also felt a “rule” strength.

The small world of Devil Lord Jiu You has its own rules, its strength has been increased, and its external strength is subject to various restrictions.

For example, Zhao Feng’s “Thunder Wing Spatial Flash”, in this case, can not be used to cast.

Zhao Feng felt that his Wind Thunder Strength, and even Wind Thunder Wings, had a sharply reduced power effect.

Fortunately, he also has a powerful Saint Thunder Body.

Fleshly body physique, is the most primitive qualitative strength, without the help of outside Profound Truth and rules.

“Saint Thunder Tyrant Body”

Zhao Feng Jin Leicancan ’s physique has once again risen, breaking out unprecedented Lightning Marks.

In order to cope with this unprecedented crisis, Zhao Feng did not hesitate to consume Life Source Essence, raised Saint Thunder Body forcibly to a half-level, briefly reached the level of 5-Layer Peak, and even approached the sixth layer.


Zhao Feng’s whole body, violent overbearing force Lightning Marks, golden glow cancan, forcibly opened up the influence of Devil Lord Jiu You small world projection.

This kind of power generated at the expense of life essence is truly shocking.

Zhao Feng’s current Saint Thunder Body level can kill or cripple the top Great Emperor with one punch, and hit the Invincible Great Emperor.

“Fury of Burning the Sky”

Zhao Feng shockedly shouted. On the basis of burning Essence Blood, Blood Devil Sun Bloodline was also promoted by half a level.


Suddenly, Zhao Feng Jin Leicancan’s high-powered body burst out with a blood-yang flame that extinguished heaven and earth, extinguishing the surrounding darkness and a little melting.

“Good boy”

Even Devil Lord Jiu You, complexion are slightly changed.

Hong long long

The power of projection demonstrated by his little world was ruthlessly destroyed and assaulted by Zhao Feng’s.

Especially in the area where Zhao Feng is located, the already was shredded to make a huge gap.

Seeing that, Zhao Feng turned into a bloody sun, Jin Lei Cancan, and Wind Thunder wings re-expanded, breaking through the shadow of the dark world at an amazing speed.

“Unless my Saint Thunder Body can really reach the fifth layer, or even close to the sixth layer, can it be possible to continue with Saint Lord …”

Zhao Feng’s current terrifying Battle Strength is obtained by consuming life essence and even source.

He doesn’t want to consume Life Source Essence excessively, even if it is possible to defeat Devil Lord Jiu You.

Because, that would lose the potential of subsequent advances.

“How could it be so easy”

Devil Lord Jiu You sneered, split out with a single palm, and saw a dark light like a hole, almost ignoring the restrictions of the Space barriers, and rushed to Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng body and mind Yihan, there is a delusion that fleshly body Soul is accompanied by this void, being locked and pierced together.

“Not good, is the main mountain secret skill of Nine Nether Palace” Nine Saint You Volume “…”

King Nan Feng chased out the Foreign Territory Void Sea and felt the power of taboo in the palm of Devil Lord Jiu You.

Even the Invincible Great Emperor can be wiped out instantly under this palm.


Zhao Feng’s bloody violent rainbow erupted all over his body, and he shook violently.

Devil Lord Jiu You’s blow power only weakened by 20-30%.

“Saint Thunder Body Protection”

Zhao Feng ’s Saint Thunder Body close to the six layer merges with Wind Thunder Strength.


A layer of substantive simple and unadorned Thunder Marks cover, blocking the taboo palms from the “Nine Saint You Volume”, Thunder rolls bombing, light glow interlaced.


Zhao Feng figure was blown away, the surface of Protection Thunder Glow, golden glow Thunder Light was brilliant, a crack appeared, and it was almost bombed away.

After all, at this moment, Zhao Feng ’s Saint Thunder Body is close to the six layer, so Saint Thunder Body Protection Thunder Glow, the defense force reaches Saint Lord level.

“Thunder Wing Spatial Flash”

Zhao Feng took advantage of the flight back, and finally broke out of the dark shadow world affected by the rules. Thunder Wings behind it dazzled the dazzling Wind Thunder Wings light, the speed reached a peak, and suddenly turned into a wind lightning arc, penetrating void, flashes

Jeer Shua

That narrow arc of wind lightning runs through the Foreign Territory Void Sea and flashes for thousands of miles.


These terrible cross-space flashes made Devil Lord Jiu You change its color.

Thunder Wing Spatial Flash

After Zhao Feng completed a cross-space flight, he once again urged the “Wind-Thunder of Fire” condensed to the peak to complete the second flash.

It took only a moment of effort for Devil Lord Jiu You to be 30000 li away by Zhao Feng threw away.

In this life, the Secret Technique of Zhao Feng Wind Thunder Wings is stronger than the previous life, and even To surpassed the Wind Thunder Great Emperor.

“Junior, this Secret Technique depends on how long you can last.”

Devil Lord Jiu You lacquered black light around his body, blooming bright magnificent rays of light, transformed into a dark aurora, at a speed close to Zhao Feng’s “Thunder Wing Spatial Flash”, Shadow Chase’s pursuit.

endless Void Sea.

A wind lightning arc and a dark aurora, one after the other, every time you shuttle, it’s ten thousand li away.

“Zhao Feng, I hope this time, you can do wonders too.”

That speed kept King Nan Feng out of reach. He wanted to get into the fight and couldn’t keep up.


King Nan Feng heart, there is a doubt.

Why, Zhao Feng doesn’t join hands with himself, if not, the two Quasi-Saint Lord Battle Strength, plus Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, odds of success will be bigger.

Jeer Shua

In the void Fog Sea, a wind lightning arc turns into a youngster that bears Thunder Wings.


Zhao Feng and Devil Lord Jiu You opened a distance, quickly swallows Baiyuan Honey Liquid, and a “jade leaf” of Heavenly Jade Water Lotus.

Heavenly Jade Water Lotus jade leaf has excellent healing effect.

Baiyuan Honey Juice is used to supplement Zhao Feng’s Origin Energy, as well as the lost life essence.

Coupled with Zhao Feng physique Bloodline’s strong resilience, injuries from previous battles soon recovered almost.

Looking at the little Devil Lord Jiu You, Zhao Feng not at all retreated, and the complexion calmed down: “At my current level, it is not realistic to want to continue with Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord. It seems that only alternatives means……”

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