King of Gods

Chapter 880

High altitude.

The Void God Great Emperor and King on the side of the Earth Spirit Palace all came together.

Even so, the remaining dozen people still had no sense of security, with resentment, shocked, and panic expressions on their faces.

On the field, there was an atmosphere that suppressed deathly stillness.

The surviving King and Great Emperor of the Earth Spirit Palace, cold sweat leaked from the forehead, and many people regret and despair in their hearts.

If time goes back, before Zhao Feng is about to “kill the war”, they will definitely flee as far as possible, and will never face the enemy with this nightmare youngster.


Zhao Feng already enters into the state of large-scale killing, even if they scattered and fled, there was no chance.

At this point, no one dares to doubt that Zhao Feng has this ability.

“Zhao Feng, you must not impulsively kill all these people. It is not good for you, or even Ten Thousand Saint Sect …”

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, Great Emperor Ling Qiong, and some other Void God Realm executives, heart trembling, secretly squeezed a cold sweat.

Anyway, Earth Spirit Palace is a 3-Star Super Great Sect.

To achieve 3-Star Sect, one of the conditions is to have a “Mystic Light Realm” level of deterrence strength.

Right now these King and Great Emperor are just a part of the Earth Spirit Palace.

Zhao Feng holds the Heaven Locking Bow in his hand, and the left eye locks the Earth Spirit Palace. There is no wave on the expression, but the body’s murderous intention, not at all dissipates.

Zhao Feng, unlike Nangong Sheng, is not a killer.

But when the enemy wants to kill him to win the treasure, he will not be half-hearted.

“Already killed half anyway.”

Zhao Feng’s face didn’t matter, and an ice-cold rotating nether purple crystal light appeared in the Bloodline left eye.

The three Great Emperors of Ten Thousand Saint Sect are bitter and weak.

From beginning to end, Ten Thousand Saint Sect was stuck in a stagnation, staring at Zhao Feng singlehanded, the great great formation of the massacre of the Earth Spirit Palace.

within sect.

Those who are familiar with Zhao Feng’s disciple members, Kong Feiling, Huang Yunhu, Liu Tianfan, Guang Tian Senior Brother and the others, each and everyone are shocked to turn pale, and have the illusion of being in a dream

“Tell me … this is not true …”

“Isn’t this dreaming?”

In particular, Guang Tian Senior Brother, Liu Tianfan and the others, who had been enemies with Zhao Feng, shuddered, their voices were trembling, and their words were incoherent.

As Zhao Feng’s spoke, the Earth Spirit Palace side fell into despair and collapsed.

Yes, anyway, it is half alive to kill but the other half, Zhao Feng will not be sorry.

“Is it really impossible to stop it?”

The golden robe Great Emperor “Zhang Xuandong” was weak.

As the top Great Emperor, he is not afraid to fight Zhao Feng directly, even if the odds of success is not great.

The speed of Zhao Feng’s body movement is already arrogant to the Great Emperor level, and he is helpless; the opponent’s Bloodline left eye, overwhelming majority Great Emperor, are difficult to resist.

But the problem is.

Zhao Feng will surely do away with other Kings and the earth to get rid of the strongest top Emperor “Zhang Xuandong”.

In the “Left Eye Heavenly Monarch” in the Deep Green Sea, Peak period, ten breaths can kill the top Great Emperor.

Zhao Feng now has some gaps with Peak at that time, mainly at the Soul level.

Even so, he went all out to get rid, the average top Great Emperor, within a hundred strokes, he also has a greater certainty to kill.

“Really powerful and outrageous”

Tie Litian on Yun Hai, took a deep breath: “The perfect Blood Devil Sun, the overbearing Dao of Thunder Body Tempering, the transcendent Bloodline left eye. If this person can return to the Tie Family, it will be the fate of the Ruler Continent domain in the future. Paragon character. “

However, Tie Litian was not sure about persuading Zhao Feng to return to the Tie Family.

Such terrifying strength and potential, even if you let the Tie Family’s Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord Supreme Elder come in person, please do not overdo it.

It was at the moment when the audience was tense.

call out–

In the distance came a magnificent and mighty mighty aura, overwhelming the Great Emperor in general, and even some of the top Great Emperor, should be surprised.

In time, various strengths between heaven and earth fell into inexplicable throbbing.


A majestic man’s voice resounded through the sky, while descending on the Soul and Matter levels.

The two players, including Tie Litian, trembled.

“That is”

Strong as the top “Zhang Xuandong” of the Great Emperor, I feel great pressure.

That aura, I am afraid to touch the level of Mystic Light Realm.

Zhao Feng complexion Wei Wei, the newcomer’s mighty aura, shocking, already is not lost to the Great Emperor of Death of the past, in some aspects, still wins.

If the master of this aura comes from Earth Spirit Palace, then it is a bit tricky.

But at the same time, Zhao Feng felt that this aura was a little familiar.


The golden robe Great Emperor “Zhang Xuandong” showed a touch of joy and seemed to recognize the identity of the newcomer.

The same moment, thousands of li away.

“Hope it’s too late …”

A magnificent man in a luxurious golden robe, with a magnificent dragon mark atmosphere, the invisible dynasty Dragon Destiny aura, above heaven and earth in all directions.

Wherever the majestic man went, the countless creatures in this dynasty’s territory originated from instinctive chants and worshiped.

“It was King Nan Feng”

Zhao Feng’s Bloodline left eye, far apart, recognized the identity of the newcomer.

“The ruler of the Sky Maple Great Island Region, no wonder there is such a strong aura and dynasty luck.”

Tie Litian of Tie Family, like Big Enlightenment.

Regarding speed, King Nan Feng is not inferior to Zhao Feng, and soon arrives at Ten Thousand Saint Sect.


King Nan Feng’s eyes fell on Zhao Feng’s body and saw that the latter was safe and sound, and he slightly saved a sigh of relief.

He rushed this time and was informed that Zhao Feng was in crisis and surrounded by King Great Emperor on the Earth Spirit Palace.

Hearing this news, he even put down the assault of Mystic Light Realm and hurried up as fast as possible.

after all.

He once owed Zhao Feng a relationship, and if the other party fell down in this way, his heart would not be at peace.

Moreover, this may not be an opportunity to repay human feelings and win over Zhao Feng’s.


When King Nan Feng arrived at Ten Thousand Saint Sect, he found that something was wrong.

Zhao Feng was safe and sound, holding the Heaven Locking Bow in his hands, his eyes were indifferent and calm, and he looked far away from the Earth Spirit Palace.

On the contrary.

On the side of the Earth Spirit Palace, each and everyone was panicked and shocked, and there were many injured Great Emperor and King.

These Kings and Great Emperors are gathered together, alert and uneasy. In the face of the purple hair youngster, there is still no sense of security.

Even, King Nan Feng vaguely smelled the broken Soul aura of Void God Realm.

“King Nan Feng, you’re here, come and rescue us”

“This lunatic, already slaughtered half of our Void God Realm expert, and will kill us to the last one.”

Earth Spirit Palace, golden robe Great Emperor and two or three Great Emperors exclaimed for help.

Especially the golden robe Great Emperor “Zhang Xuandong” seems to know King Nan Feng and the relationship is not bad.

With the help of King Great Emperor on the Earth Spirit Palace, King Nan Feng, on the spot, froze for a while, and that expression seemed to be choked.

“You guys … for help?”

King Nan Feng’s face twitched, and he glanced over the Earth Spirit Palace side, and fell to Zhao Feng body again.

Zhao Feng expressionless, with Murderous intention in his eyes, is obviously a strong one.

The Earth Spirit Palace is frightened and frightened, and the hope of life is pinned on the King Nan Feng body.

“King Nan Feng, we have known each other for hundreds of years, and help to block this lunatic. This Zhang will owe you a favor”

The golden robe Great Emperor “Zhang Xuandong” is sincere.

Although he and King Nan Feng are not very irony, they are still familiar with each other.

Near the edge of the Continent, there are only a few Great Emperors at the top, and they know each other more or less.

at this time.

Many eyes on the field have fallen on Arrived King Nan Feng body.

King Nan Feng is a key figure.

First, he is the supreme ruler of the Sky Maple Great Island Region.

Secondly, his strength is slightly better than the average top Great Emperor, and he has the blessing of dynasty luck, which has extremely rich heritage.

Everyone has no doubt that King Nan Feng has this strength and qualification.

“Brother Zhao, it’s only been a long time since you killed the King Great Emperor of the Fellow Daoist, Earth Spirit Palace.”

King Nan Feng complexion is weird, looking at Zhao Feng with a bitter smile.

He originally wanted to come to “rescue” Zhao Feng, but he did not expect to see such a scene.

Who on earth is in need of rescue?

“King Nan Feng, you … do you know each other?”

The golden robe Great Emperor “Zhang Xuandong” and the others, took hold of it, and some people even cried.

After being killed for a long time, there was a feeling of flooding at Dragon King Temple.

This result made Zhang Xuandong and the others uneasy.

“I do n’t know. The people first came to kill me before I started killing them. And I reminded them before getting rid.”

Zhao Feng put away the “Heaven Locking Bow”, and said slowly.

As soon as this remark was made, the Earth Spirit Palace had a lingering lingering resentment.

Before gets rid, Zhao Feng had warned them: I don’t want to kill.

It was just these people who sniffed and felt disdain.

“Brother Zhao, can you give me a face, let them go first? After this, this king will invite you to visit the house.”

King Nan Feng was bitter, Divine Sense sound transmission said.

“Yes, but these people need to promise that they will not come to Ten Thousand Saint Sect in the future, nor shall they be against me.”

Zhao Feng ordered nodded.

He is not a killer, these people slaughter half and the deterrence is already achieved.

Sky Maple Great Island Region, which is under the jurisdiction of King Nan Feng, should give him a little face.

One side of Earth Spirit Palace was hearing this, and suddenly relieved.

“This promise, we can only guarantee that we can do it, not the entire Earth Spirit Palace.”

Golden Spirit robe Great Emperor “Zhang Xuandong” of Earth Spirit Palace replied solemnly.

Although he is the top Great Emperor, in the Earth Spirit Palace, not at all 100% of the right to speak.

In this regard, Zhao Feng also understands, as long as these people can promise.

King Nan Feng, and the many experts present at Ten Thousand Saint Sect, were a testimony.

sou sou sou

Not long after, the King Great Emperor on the side of the Earth Spirit Palace evacuated.

These King Great Emperors, complexion remorse, or strong unwillingness.

“Although we can’t help Zhao Feng, we promise not to be against him anymore. But as long as’ Mystic Light Realm, Supreme Elder’s exit, and deal with a little King, is this not just reaching over to snatch away the grain.”

Many of the survivors of the Earth Spirit Palace hate and humiliate.

“Zhao Feng killed so many King Great Emperor in Earth Spirit Palace, then the Old Ancestor of Mystic Light Realm will definitely not forgive him …”

Gu Chaozhi said to his heart.

But somehow, whenever I think of that youngster, he has an inexplicable uneasiness and a shadow of fear.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, over Mountain Gate.

“It’s time for arrived to leave.”

Zhao Feng blue gold physique’s tall silhouette, floating stand midair, glanced at Ten Thousand Saint Sect Mountain Gate, those familiar or strange faces.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, Great Emperor Ling Qiong and the others, not unexpected, but spits a long breath.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, who is a little bit safe, definitely can’t accommodate the dragon of the sub-abyss, Zhao Feng; furthermore, Purple Hair Demon Twins offends that many super powers, a 2-Star Sect, definitely can’t cover it.

“Zhao Feng of the past is dead. My name is Zhao Feng, the land of Deep Green Sea, Left Eye Heavenly Monarch-in my name”

An empty and clear sound resounded through heaven and earth.

(One more, thanks everyone for recommending monthly tickets, and comments from book friends)

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