King of Gods

Chapter 877

In fact, two days ago, Zhao Feng completed the breakthrough of Void God Realm.

Void God Realm King, to his present level of Soul metamorphosis, has no bottleneck at all.

Zhao Feng’s focus is on the consolidation of True Yuan Hai Space.

As early as Divine Illusory Space, Zhao Feng pursued the True Yuan intensity extremely in order to seek a powerful explosive power in the short term.

Before the Great Origin Core Realm, his True Yuan quality was comparable to Void God King.

Today, after being promoted to Void God Realm, the True Yuan that he condensed within the body is of higher quality than the Domain-level King.


Zhao Feng’s body surface, Wind Thunder Of Water and Wind Thunder of Wood, complement each other, revealing sparkling and translucent round light glow.

During these two months of retreat, under the support of huge top-level resources, Zhao Feng’s “Wind Thunder of Wood”, where water flows, a canal is formed breakthrough, reached seventh layer small accomplishment, and even approached great accomplishment.

“Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” starts from the seventh layer. Each layer represents an attribute of Five Elements Wind Thunder, and it is divided into initial accomplishment, small accomplishment, great accomplishment, and Peak.

The seventh layer of “Wind Thunder” is equivalent to the fifth layer of “Saint Thunder Body”.

The improvement of the cultivation base has increased Zhao Feng’s life physique and Soul levels to a certain extent.

Among them, Zhao Feng’s “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body”, after taking a lot of rare treasures such as “One Hundred Source Honey Juice”, the Physique of life broke through and transformed again, reaching “5-Layer great accomplishment”.

It can be said.

Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body is built up by a lot of top Precious Materials Rare Treasures.

On the Soul level, Zhao Feng and Void God Great Emperor are almost the same. Soul’s degree of condensing is even worse than that.

And “Great Emperor Will”, also in the unconsciously grinding and condensing, restored almost.


Zhao Feng’s cultivation base, breakthrough Void God Realm, strength will not grow much. After all, his True Yuan quality has long been compared to King, mainly to increase the background and a little Battle Strength.


In the process of breaking through Void God Realm, Zhao Feng took a huge amount of Precious Materials Rare Treasures, resulting in a series of chain reactions.

This has also led to significant increases in his life, Physique and Soul Will.

“My current strength should have restored six or seventy percent of my predecessor’s strength. In some aspects, such as physique, I have an advantage over my predecessor.”

Zhao Feng had a rough estimate in his mind.

at this time.

Over the Mountain Gate of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, there was a rush of Void God aura. Among them, the Great Emperor Will across Void Sky had four or five shares.

“Ten Thousand Saint Sect, Zhao Feng who surrendered one of the Purple Hair Demon Twins”

“Purple Hair Demon Twins in Divine Illusory Space, full of evil, robbery, damage the interests of many sects, when sacked to show public …”

“Hmph Sub-Divine Tool and other treasures, can a 2-Star Sect keep it?”

The Void God Realm supreme beings of the Earth Spirit Palace floated high above the ground, proudly overlooking the Ten Thousand Saint Sect below, and spoke out loud.

Some of these sounds do not even hide the purpose of robbing the Sub-Divine Tool.

It can be foreseen that in the Sect world of the Great Heaven Dynasty, the cruelty of its law of the jungle is even better than the edge of the Sea Territory.

Shua shua shua

Void God Realm expert of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, in these situations, had to show up.

After all, Ten Thousand Saint Sect is a once-brilliant 3-Star Sect. It has a deep foundation and has three Void God Great Emperors and more than a dozen Void God Kings.

At this moment in the Mountain Gate, two Great Emperors appear, in addition to the Great Emperor Ling Qiong, there is a person black robe youth.


In a magnificent power, a white-haired old man with orange hair appeared in midair.

Two Great Emperor, one Great Emperor Projection.

“Hehe鈥?Old Monster Xu, it seems that after your failure to promote Mystic Light Realm, your life span is close to the great limit, and you can’t easily get your full strength.”

Earth Spirit Palace, a golden robe Great Emperor, smiled indifferently.

This golden robe Great Emperor, the powerful golden light of the body, covers the Void Sky on the half, and overpowers other Great Emperor, it is a top Great Emperor.

“Zhang Xuandong, one of the three top Great Emperors of the Earth Spirit Palace.”

Great Emperor Ling Qiong and side black robe youth Great Emperor, facing each other a glance, complexion grave.

The Battle Strength of the top Great Emperor is far superior to the ordinary Great Emperor, and the proportion in the Void God Great Emperor is very small.

In the Continent dynasty, Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord was also closed all year round. Participate the “God Position” road, and rarely happened.

Therefore, in general, the top Great Emperor is almost invincible

Ten Thousand Saint Sect was originally a person who is the top Great Emperor, that is, the “Old Monster Xu” of the Great Emperor Projection. Unfortunately, Shouyuan approached the great limit and was greatly reduced.

“Ten Thousand Saint Sect, seems to be having some trouble.”

Zhao Feng stepped out of the house.

At this time, the entire Ten Thousand Saint Sect Mountain Gate was flooded with a huge and mighty mighty aura.

The many disciples in the Mountain Gate were frightened, and the atmosphere did not dare to produce one.


These King-level confrontations are all at high altitude.

鈥淶hao Feng鈥?/p>

As soon as Zhao Feng appeared, “Gu Chaozhi” of Earth Spirit Palace in the sky shouted.

Gu Chaozhi has awe, fear, and has several points of flickering excitement.

At the time of Divine Illusory Space Underground City, Zhao Feng had dealt with Gu Chaozhi.

At the last moment of Xie Yang Mansion, Gu Chaozhi was besieged by the Black Flood Dragon, betrayed the human side, and handed in the key of the Origin Restricter Divine Chain.

This scene emerged in Zhao Feng’s mind.

“He is that Zhao Feng? One of Purple Hair Demon Twins?”

The eyes of Earth Spirit Palace, Those King, Great Emperor, all fell into Zhao Feng body.

Divine Illusory Space has come to an end. It has been two months since the legend of Purple Hair Demon Twins. Already has spread to the High Heaven Dynasty.

In Purple Hair Demon Twins, the purple hair youngster is an unfathomable image, even the identity of the mastermind of the double evil.

This purple hair youngster, someone called him Zhao Feng, someone called Zhao Feng.

But these already are not important anymore.

Importantly, he became one of the biggest beneficiaries of Xie Yang Mansion.

“It seems that Ten Thousand Saint Sect can’t stay …”

Zhao Feng lowly mumble.

With the springboard of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, he made a leap in one fell swoop, but as one of the biggest gainers of Xie Yang Mansion, he also brought disaster to Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

“Zhao Feng, Ten Thousand Saint Sect may not be able to protect you. But as part of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, we will try our best to cover you to escape.”

The orange-colored “Old Monster Xu” Great Emperor Projection told Zhao Feng sound transmission.

In midair, the expressions of the three Great Emperors of Ten Thousand Saint Sect are somewhat dim.

Earth Spirit Palace’s sect star level is one level higher than Ten Thousand Saint Sect. If it is bumped, there is no odds of success at all.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect is willing to get rid to help Zhao Feng escape from a path of life.

“Zhao Feng, if you can escape to Royal Mansion, you can save your life.”

Great Emperor Ling Qiong reminded.

Royal Mansion, after all, is the highest name in the Sky Maple Great Island Region. It stands for Great Heaven Imperial Clan.


There was a ridicule of self-deprecation in the corner of Zhao Feng’s mouth.

Inexplicably, he thought of the long-lasting “Pursuit of Death” in the Deep Green Sea.

“Many thanks everyone. It’s good. This group of jumping clowns, who are not qualified, can run me away.”

Zhao Feng shook his head and smiled slightly from Great Emperor Ling Qiong and the others.

As soon as this remark was made, the two sides at the scene were expert and uproar.

“Arrogant Junior”

“To boast shamelessly just promoted King’s junior, not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth.”

The King and Great Emperor on the side of Earth Spirit Palace, don’t anger and laugh.

Boom whoosh whoosh whoosh 鈥斺€?/p>

In a hurry, more than ten shares of King Will, and even two or three shares of Great Emperor Will, oppressed Zhao Feng body.

Those Will ran through the void, and there was a bang at the Soul level, which inspired the power of the invisible heaven and earth Profound Truth.

鍢?hong long long

The Mountain Gate area near Zhao Feng collapsed in an instant and turned into a fly ash vacuum under a strong assault of Will.

“Not good”

At the top of Yun Hai, the “Tie Litian” of the dark red jersey can’t help cried out in surprise.

With so many King Will and the participation of Great Emperor Will, I am afraid that the ordinary Will 鈥檚 Spiritual Will will collapse or even be directly destroyed.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, Great Emperor Ling Qiong and the others, are also completely unprepared.

In a word, Zhao Feng caused anger.

And the King and Great Emperor of the Earth Spirit Palace just wanted thunderclap to kill him and seize the treasures such as the Sub-Divine Tool.


Zhao Feng stood to place and remained motionless.

His Soul aura is like a deep bottomless Dead Sea; his physique, like the Wild Ancient mountain, is unchanged for all ages.

The oppression of those Will strength is mainly targeted at the Soul level, accompanied by the power of heaven and earth.

And these, falling into Zhao Feng body, are like throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea.

Boom whoosh whoosh whoosh

Those King, Great Emperor’s Will, all returned after a round of assault.

“how can that be”

Void God Realm supreme beings of Earth Spirit Palace, those gets rid, each and everyone mute.

With so many Will assaults, even the average Great Emperor cannot resist, Soul Will will be damaged.

And Zhao Feng stood to place without any problems.

At this moment, whether it be Ten Thousand Saint Sect or the menacing Earth Spirit Palace, each and everyone looks like a ghost.

“This step can be achieved unless Soul Will reaches the level of the top Great Emperor.”

Great Emperor Ling Qiong takes a deep breath.

Earth Spirit Palace, the golden robe Great Emperor “Zhang Xuandong” and the others, also can not help put down the contempt, even the complexion is somewhat grave.

At first glance, Zhao Feng is new to Void God Realm.

But if you look closely, you will find that his whole body True Yuan aura is extremely condensed, and its strength exceeds that of ordinary King, and its strength control reaches an incredible height.

“Gu Chaozhi, take your same sect away. I don’t want to kill …”

Zhao Feng stepped in the leisurely court, staring at Gu Chaozhi.

Open the killing ring?

Gu Chaozhi was shaved by him.

Do not know why.

With so many sect elders, under the shelter of King Great Emperor, stared at Zhao Feng, he has no sense of security.

Time seems to return to Xie Yang Mansion, Zhao Feng’s “Gaze of God’s Eye”, and extract the moment of the Blue Flood Dragon King Soul.

The shadow of fear at that time seems to have existed and continues to the present.

“Kill the war?”

King and Great Emperor on the side of Earth Spirit Palace, disdainful, seemed to hear a big joke.

at this time.

Zhao Feng walked slowly in the court, taking a slow step.


place to There is only one Wind-Lightning Afterimage.

In the presence of Void God Realm King, the eyes are all flowers, and Zhao Feng’s movement track is completely unclear.

The next moment.

Zhao Feng appeared high above the clouds, between Ten Thousand Saint Sect and Earth Spirit Palace.


The two sides present, some King and Great Emperor, took in a cold breath.

Without it.

The speed that Zhao Feng showed just now is really amazing. Except for “Zhang Xuandong”, the top Great Emperor of the Earth Spirit Palace, other King Great Emperor, somewhat not up to par.


Cold sweat on Gu Chaozhi’s forehead.

Under Zhao Feng’s gaze, the terrifying shadow of his heart spread throughout the mind.

He didn’t dare to doubt that Zhao Feng had the ability to “kill the ring”.

Earth Spirit Palace, on the one hand, fell into a brief silence, or because Zhao Feng’s was unfathomable, or it was shocked by its amazing speed.

But will the team of dignified 3-Star Big Sect be scared by a junior who has just been promoted to King?

The answer is obvious.

(Second, the monthly pass, recommendation, and reward are all good. Thank you for your support. After busy these days, fast food fights for more outbreaks)

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