King of Gods

Chapter 875

“Blood Devil Sun Bloodline?”

Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s many experts, look at each other in shock, whispered.

Digital King, headed by King Lu Yun, quickly remembered someone.

Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, ranked XNUMXst on the Emperor Path Bloodline list. This is in the vast Continental domain and has been included in the top legendary Bloodline.

However, in Ten Thousand Saint Sect, a youngster who suspected to have the “Blood Devil Sun” Bloodline did appear.

And that youngster was just issued a “foot-stop”.

“Dare to ask, what does” truth “mean in Iron Elder’s mouth?”

Great Emperor Ling Qiong There is a grave on the jade face.

Great Emperor Ling Qiong has great fears about this Tie Litian and the Tie Family behind it.

The Great Heaven Dynasty, the Eight Powerful Families, which is not at least comparable 3-Star Sect, has a great influence in the dynasty.

Among them, the strength of the Tie Family is the top of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families and the Comparable 3-Star Peak Super Big Sect.

At the far end of the “West Mountain Range Mansion”, the Tie Family sits on the border of the Western Northern Section of the dynasty, becoming a mainstay against the invasion of the “Serene Moon Dynasty”.

The children and elites of Tie Family are all sharpened from the war of iron and blood, and strength is also proud of its contemporaries.

In contrast.

The fallen Ten Thousand Saint Sect, even the ordinary 3-Star Sect, is far worse, let alone compared with the Tie Family.

So at this time.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect Mountain Gate, a grave atmosphere.

Tie Family is definitely not a super force that Ten Thousand Saint Sect can provoke, but the Battle Strength of Tie Litian is also sweeping the ordinary Great Emperor.

“I’m looking for Zhao Feng to take him back to Tie Family to train …”

In Tie Litian’s eyes, there was a trace of enthusiasm and expectation. Thinking of the perfect Blood Devil Sun felt half a month ago, he could not restrain his inner excitement.

“Zhao Feng? I’m afraid it won’t work”

Great Emperor Ling Qiong complexion changed again, and he didn’t think to answer.

Just a few moments ago, there was some news about the trail in Divine Illusory Space.

Among them, the most important news is the “Xie Yang Mansion” of the ancient God Mansion mansion and the “Black Flood Dragon” with the World Extinguishing Dragon Clan Bloodline.

Xie Yang Mansion’s heaven shaking benefits, regarding “Evil God’s Power”, “Ancient Divine Item”, “Sub-Divine Tool”, at the most cutting-edge level of the Continental Dynasty, set off the Stormy Sea

Great Emperor Ling Qiong learned that in the scramble for the interests of Xie Yang Mansion, a combination called “Purple Hair Demon Twins” has a place, even better than other Powerful Families and Super Great Sect.

Coincidentally, one of the Purple Hair Demon Twins has a person with the same name as Zhao Feng.

Great Emperor Ling Qiong speculates that Zhao Feng may be one of the Purple Hair Demon Twins and has an unfathomable strength.

“No? Ha Ha Ha …… don’t tell me Ten Thousand Saint Sect want to stop the pace of my Tie Family?”

Tie Litian laughed heartily.


In a hurry, the Tie Litian body was dazzling with red light, covering the glory of the sun, with the power of hiding the sky and covering the earth, the nearby Mountain Gate Space fell into a fire sea hell.

Seeing hundreds of thousands of sect disciple, caught in fierce sun’s burning.


These sect members are extremely hot, and no matter how they struggle, they cannot break through the fire sea hell.


Great Emperor Ling Qiong At the Hao Arm Exhibition, a small world ghost image of crystal colored clouds was superimposed on the Mountain Gate in the vicinity to resist the red intense light from “Tie Litian”.

But in this way, she suffered the direct assault of Tie Litian.


Great Emperor Ling Qiong grunt, lovable body trembled, little world trembled and bumped.

“You are not the old man’s opponent, let Zhao Feng come out and talk to me.”

Tie Litian carried his hands on his back, and the crimson red light of his whole body shrank suddenly.

But just then, deep in Ten Thousand Saint Sect, the third aura of the Great Emperor emerged.

“I Ten Thousand Saint Sect, actually fell like this, a great Emperor, dare to come to Mountain Gate to rob …”

A tired voice came from the depths of Ten Thousand Saint Sect; aura of this Great Emperor, although not as strong as Tie Litian, was more profound.

Mountain Gate midair, condensed with a pale-haired orange man, emitting an amazing great emperor.

This is a Great Emperor Projection.

“Old Monster Xu, you survived the assault Mystic Light Realm?”

Tie Litian revealed a surprising colour, and finally there was a dread in her eyes.

Really fighting, in this Sky Maple Great Island Region, only King Nan Feng can make him dare.

But now this Old Monster Xu is no different, it is the top Great Emperor that was once glorious, but then assault Mystic Light Realm failed, and Shouyuan approached the great limit.

Moreover, Ten Thousand Saint Sect has three Great Emperor, Great Emperor Ling Qiong is the weakest one.

The next number of interest time.

At the height of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, several strands of Divine Sense from the Great Emperor are intertwined.

The rest of the Void God King can only feel the fluctuation of the Divine Sense communication, but can’t hear the specific voice.

After a long time.

The pale-haired orange man opened the mouth and said: “Okay, as you wish.”

As soon as the words fell, the Great Emperor Projection of Old Monster Xu disappeared.

I don’t know what agreement the Void God Great Emperor on the side of the Megatron reached.

“Let Zhao Feng come out and make a choice.”

Great Emperor Ling Qiong chilled.

It turned out that Ten Thousand Saint Sect had to make compromises due to various scruples about the Tie Family.

But Ten Thousand Saint Sect also needs to have a step down, can not surrender Zhao Feng directly, but let the latter choose by himself.

Tie Litian was confident and agreed to this agreement.

After a while.

“Reported to the Great Emperor, the area of ​​Zhao Feng Cultivation is powerful and hard to reach.”

A Half-Step King arrived, panicking slightly.


Great Emperor Ling Qiong and Tie Litian’s Divine Sense, can’t help sweep towards an area.

There is a deep and huge Wind Thunder vortex condensed in that area, accompanied by the vast plant spirit.

“Ha Ha Ha worthy to be called is a child of my Tie Family Bloodline. At a young age, I have the concept of assault King …”

Tie Litian laughed heartily.

At this point, the senior members of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, Great Emperor Ling Qiong, everyone King, all looked a little embarrassed.

Indeed, this timeless genius, Ten Thousand Saint Sect did not dig in time.

Shua shua

Tie Litian and Great Emperor Ling Qiong descended over the courtyard where Zhao Feng was located.

Inside the house.

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle, body True Yuan converged, walked into the courtyard, raised one’s head and looked at the two Great Emperors in midair.

“You are the Zhao Feng? Very good very well …”

Tie Litian admired, and flickering in his eyes was the excited divine light.

Zhao Feng was embarrassed. The strength of this Tie Litian was afraid to reach the level of the top Great Emperor, which was more than half a chip away from the Great Emperor Mu Yun of the year.

Just when Zhao Feng was confused.

With a single-handed wave, Tie Litian transferred an old silhouette in her small world.

“Zhao Grandfather?”

Zhao Feng was slightly surprised, can’t help mute.

Zhao Grandfather is the Grandfather of the original body Zhao Feng.

The original Zhao Feng, whose parents died when he was young, was cultivated by Grandfather. The relationship between the grandchildren is better than father and son.

“Feng’er, do you remember, Grandfather told you the name of the biological mother?”

Zhao Grandfather heave a long sigh, with a complex look on his face.

For one, Zhao Feng knows the secret of this body.

Secondly, Zhao Feng’s life experience is not as simple as imagined.


Zhao Feng was caught in short-term memories. He cultivate “Myriad Thoughts Psychic Secret Art”. Even the deepest memories can be traced back.


Zhao Feng got the answer. The original Zhao Feng’s mother was named “Tie Xiuli”.

“Last name?”

Ten Thousand Saint Sect The Great Emperor, King, body and mind headed by Great Emperor Ling Qiong and others were shocked and incredible.

“Well, just Grandfather didn’t expect that your mother would be the Tie Family of one of the Eight Great Aristocratic Families of the past.”

Zhao Grandfather booed.

Apparently, he also learned the news just recently.

“Junior, you are a child of Tie Family and own Blood Devil Sun Bloodline. It is your honor and pride.”

Tie Litian laughed loudly, and she was already in the grip.

Zhao Feng on the spot, hesitated for a while.

He also had some temptations about his own Bloodline before and was ready to go to Clan to investigate one or two.

did not expect.

After the Bloodline, which was suspected of “Blood Devil Sun”, was passed out, by chance, it was noticed by the Tie Family expert.

Knowing the truth, the executives of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, can’t help sigh.

Don’t worry, Zhao Feng will definitely choose Tie Family instead of Ten Thousand Saint Sect at the 2-Star Peak level.

Furthermore, Zhao Feng was not long after, but was also issued a foot ban by Great Emperor Ling Qiong.

No wonder Tie Litian was so confident that he reached such an agreement with Ten Thousand Saint Sect and let Zhao Feng choose for himself.

“Feng’er, don’t you follow this Great Emperor?”

Zhao Grandfather reminded.

He also glanced at Zhao Feng implicitly, and that was very obvious. Joining a super Clan like Tie Family was of great help to Zhao Feng and even Zhao Clan.

Tie Litian smiled slightly, confident, waiting for Zhao Feng’s to answer.

On the contrary, the Great Emperor Ling Qiong and the others of Ten Thousand Saint Sect had some embarrassment, and Already was mentally prepared.

“Sorry, I have no interest in these grievances. At this stage, my focus is on Cultivation.”

Zhao Feng’s eyes faintly swept the two Great Emperors in the sky, then turned around, leaving a gorgeous back that surprised everyone.

Some Ten Thousand Saint Sect executives following the scene, each and everyone were stunned.


Tie Litian’s complexion was even more exciting, as if being held in the air, floating standing in midair, an Old Zhang flushed.

“Hehe, Zhao Feng has no choice to follow you. According to our agreement …”

Great Emperor Ling Qiong Unexpected, smiled.

She absolutely did not expect that Zhao Feng had no interest in “returning” to the Tie Family.

“Hmph but he did not choose to stay at Ten Thousand Saint Sect.”

Tie Litian coldly snorted, took Zhao Grandfather, and left with a sleeve.

According to the agreement, he did not lose.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect and Tie Family, Zhao Feng currently have no choice, or in other words, no interest in choosing.

Inside the house, Zhao Feng continued to cultivate.

After Tie Litian retreated, Ten Thousand Saint Sect Mountain Gate important location was restored to purity.

Great Emperor Ling Qiong immediately ordered to clear the area where Zhao Feng’s courtyard was located, so that no one could enter into the.

“This Zhao Feng doesn’t even care about a tyrannical Great Emperor like Tie Litian. Don’t tell me, he is really one of the Purple Hair Demon Twins, one of the biggest beneficiaries of Xie Yang Mansion?

Great Emperor Ling Qiong There is a faint intuition that Ten Thousand Saint Sect already cannot tolerate this Dragon of the Abyss.

Time is passing.

More trail news about Divine Illusory Space, from inside the Continental, to the Sky Maple Great Island Region in the border area.

The discovered news of each and everyone shocked the Great Emperor Ling Qiong, and the entire Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

At this point, the end of the Divine Illusory Space ended and there was almost two months of allocation.

Inside the house.

At the last minute of Zhao Feng’s cultivate, Arrived, within the Crystal Nucleus of the body, two majestic Wind Thunder True Yuan, like the surging surging river, vaguely outline a True Yuan Sea Space that accommodates rivers and lakes.

Because Zhao Feng owns the Great Emperor Will, which breaks through to the Great Origin Core Realm Peak, which is like Half-Step King.

These two months of retreat almost made him step into the King level, which was just a solid formation of True Yuan Space.

: During the National Day, double monthly passes are in full swing, everyone’s guaranteed monthly pass, don’t miss it)

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