King of Gods

Chapter 873


Just as Zhao Feng shook off Elder Yin.

Sky Maple Great Island Region, Northern Region, a midair of a mountain range.

“This Bloodline aura … don’t tell me is the ‘perfect Blood Devil Sun of my family’s fleeting past ,?”

An old man in a dark red jersey suddenly felt inductive, and the figure shook slightly.

In his eyes, there was a Will divine light that surprised the heaven and earth,

Suddenly, Dao of Fire Profound Truth, surrounded by many heaven and earth, revolves around him, and Dao of Fire Great Emperor aura, which is unparalleled, suffocates thousands of miles, as if in flames of hell.

On aura, this dark red jersey old man is already close to Duanmu Qing in the True Martial Holy Land.

“That direction is Ten Thousand Saint Sect”

The dark red jersey old man, Divine Sense is flying, and a precise map is presented on the Soul level.

On the map, his location is in the area of ​​Cloud Mountain Range Zhao Clan.

With the strong rise of Zhao Feng’s, nowadays, the area of ​​Cloud Mountain Range is basically the world of Zhao Clan. Even the tyrannical Luo Family dare not intervene easily.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect Mountain Gate.

Very terrifying Dao of Fire Bloodline … “

Near the black platform, many sect experts, shocked, and shivered within the body Bloodline.

At this time, a nearby Mountain Gate was stained with blood red.

Zhao Feng figure physique stands tall, like a small diamond burning in a round of blood sun, with a sense of strength assault that crushes everything.

With the perfect combination of Saint Thunder Body and Mutant Blood Devil Sun, Zhao Feng knocked back Elder Yin of King Peak.

The digital King who watched the battle was disappointed and his jaw fell to the ground.

Elder Yin, but one of the rare Peak Kings of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, is a rare opponent under the Great Emperor.

“This Bloodline is weird”

Elder Yin extinguished the blood-yang flame ignited by the body, and obviously felt the passage of life blood Qi within the body.

After the battle of “Divine Illusory Space”, Zhao Feng’s excavation and utilization of within the body variant Blood Devil Sun reached a new level.

This variant Blood Devil Sun Bloodline, itself masculine is extremely powerful, with the effects of corrosion and ignition.

And the strange ability of “blood-recovery” was finally born.

the other side.

Zhao Feng had a slightly tired complexion, but turned back a little, and even a rosy light glow appeared.

In Xie Yang Mansion, although Zhao Feng has not experienced any Peak battles, he has been suffering for several months, fighting spirit, and going through nine deaths and still alive.

Zhao Feng and Elder Yin body, the opposite changes, have been noticed by very few people.

Among them is Elder Yin, who has personally experienced it.

“Old fogey hit me again”

Zhao Feng laughed heartily, running Saint Body Strength and Blood Devil Sun, like a golden mountain of flames, with terrifying pressure, pressing Elder Yin close.

Elder Yin sank and stunned from the shock brought by Zhao Feng Bloodline.

Being approached behind, he was even more afraid to undermine the enemy and fight back with all his strength.


The two silhouettes, once again struck hard at high altitude, that Elder Yin’s Space Domain was once again cracked.

Shua bang

At this time, Elder Yin took precautions. With the powerful explosive power of Blood Devil Sun, he flew back into the distance and pulled away a certain distance.

Even so, Elder Yin within the body twitches, and the body ignites a layer of blood-yang flame.

Inevitably, he was slightly injured.

If that’s all, that’s all, Elder Yin can rely on King Peak’s cultivation base, can fight a long-term battle and consume Zhao Feng.

After all, Zhao Feng cultivation base is not high. Maybe with the advantages of Bloodline, Battle Skill, Divine Weapon, etc., it is a challenge. But if it lasts, it will not be Opponent with High Rank and Battle Strength.


Mutating Blood Devil Sun’s “Vampire Recovery” breaks this trance.

The second fight with.

Zhao Feng once again learned some Life Essence blood Qi from Elder Yin within the body, and his physical condition is getting better and better.

“Earth Rank Divine Weapon, Floating Dragon Tooth Sword”

Elder Yin complexion was fierce, and a dark Golden bone sword appeared in his hand, which surrounded a huge and towering Golden Dragon Shadow Sword Qi, and there was a dark golden light flaming dragon swimming around, covering a hundred miles.

“It turned out to be this ‘Floating Dragon Tooth Sword up to the Top-Grade Earth Rank,'”

“The main material of this sword is derived from the teeth of the Yalong overlord in the ancient era …”

Many sect experts below are frightened and feel the aura deterrence of a huge creature.

When “Floating Dragon Tooth Sword” came out, Elder Yin’s Battle Strength might add five or six points. The dragon might that scared heaven and earth creatures would force Zhao Feng back.

Ding Peng

Zhao Feng was oppressed for the third time and was finally shaken away by Elder Yin.

The surface of his Saint Thunder Body was splashed with sparks, and the damage suffered was basically negligible under the powerful physical Bloodline.

“Divine Weapon of Top-Grade Earth Rank …”

Zhao Feng narrowed his eyes slightly. This time he cut in close, which is not very ideal. The effect of his blood-sucking recovery is worse than the previous two times.

And that Elder Yin’s Top-Grade Earth Rank Divine Weapon, itself out of the ordinary, is King in the same rank.

“Junior, my ‘Floating Dragon Tooth Sword, except for Inheritance Holy Item, Heaven Rank Divine Weapon, but never encountered opponent. You can’t be near me, and Bloodline’s threat is greatly reduced to me.”

Elder Yin had a touch of color on his face.

At the same time, his mind was secretly relieved. If Zhao Feng could not be completely suppressed, how could he face him with his Peak King’s cultivation base?

“Inheritance Holy Item? I really have it here.”

In Zhao Feng’s eyes, there was a hint of ridicule and teasing.

Not to mention Inheritance Holy Item, even the legendary Sub-Divine Tool, he has one or two.

“Inheritance Holy Item, Heaven Locking Bow”

A dark silver Ancient Bow emerged from Zhao Feng’s hands. The surface of the arch was engraved with a mysterious hollow inscription. The silver gloss was shining, forming a three-dimensional pattern like each and everyone.


There was a trace of ice-cold golden glow on the bow string, which made the “Floating Dragon Tooth Sword” in Elder Yin’s hands tremble with anxiety.

“Inheritance Holy Item is still the kind of remote Divine Weapon …”

Elder Yin froze with a smile on his face.

Experts have a level, Divine Weapon also has a level.

At the Divine Weapon level, “Floating Dragon Tooth Sword” is overwhelmed by Zhao Feng’s “Heaven Locking Bow”, and its power will be restricted.

“Heaven Locking Bow Inheritance Holy Item”

“This must be the result of Zhao Feng’s opportunity at Divine Illusory Space.”

The spectators on the field set off a shock.

“Since you don’t want to fight close-up, let’s play long-range …”

Zhao Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth.

The words are complete.

With one hand, he pulled the Golden bow string of Heaven Locking Bow, Wind Thunder True Yuan inside the body, and poured in wildly.

On the bow string of Heaven Locking Bow, a dazzling Golden Light Arrow suddenly appeared, surrounded by a trace of condensed wind lightning light.

“Not good”

Elder Yin in the distance, inexplicably cold, was stung by a sharp sharp gas that pierced through Void Sky in the middle.

Elder Yin holds “Floating Dragon Tooth Sword” in her hand, her body is stiff, and a trace of cold sweat oozes from the forehead.

He had an illusion that no matter how he avoided, he couldn’t escape the attack of Heaven Locking Bow.

“Heaven Locking Bow is actually this legendary Inheritance Holy Item.”

“This Zhao Feng is not only powerful in close combat, but also good at long-range weapons. If not, he would not be recognized by Heaven Locking Bow.”

Some Kings present were also horrified.

It’s hard to imagine that such terrifying exists, just a descendant of Origin Core Realm.

“My True Yuan cultivation base is not as good as Elder Yin and Matter attack from Heaven Locking Bow. However, if he condenses’ Soul light arrows, he might kill him in a second.

Zhao Feng’s Bloodline left eye, in conjunction with Heaven Locking Bow, locked Elder Yin tightly.

Elder Yin did not dare to act blindly without thinking. The invisible threat and pressure made him fall into the icehouse.

Zhao Feng was only simulating and analyzing, but did not launch attack.

He also has an idea, if on the basis of “Heaven Locking Bow”, and then cooperate with the “God-Slaying Arrow” of the Sub-Divine Tool, I do not know how powerful it will be.

“Unless you are promoted to King, it is possible to launch the God Slaying Arrow.”

Zhao Feng thought.

The Divine Weapon of the arrow type is used as a launch consumable, and the requirements for the cultivation base are much lower than the Same rank Divine Weapon.

Heaven Locking Bow can be regarded as a crowbar, and God-Slaying Arrow is an item to be pried up.

For Zhao Feng at this stage.

God-Slaying Arrow This item to be pried up is too heavy and exceeds its limit. Only when its strength can be increased can it exert its power.

Over Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

Earth Rank Divine Weapon and Aura of the Inheritance Holy Item are constantly climbing the battle, and the surrounding spectators are keeping the distance, each and everyone’s heart is tense.


One dao prestige, the extremely intimidating coquettishness, coming out of thin air, the interface of heaven and earth on one side, there was a faint roar.


A huge and boundless Great Emperor, pressure covers the entire audience; many experts present, including Void God King, had a throbbing heart and breathlessness.

Just the next moment.

I do not know when, the head of a beautiful woman wearing a purple water crown appeared in the cloud area.

The beautiful woman lingers in the crystal glow of water, the colored silk of her body flutters, and she has a perfect noble style.

“Great Emperor Ling Qiong”

There was an amazing voice of admiration, some lower level sect disciple, under the pressure of great power, even saluted kneeling down.

“Have seen Third Elder.”

Elder Yin long heave a sigh of relief, and other Kings such as King Lu Yun, Wu Elder and the others are also saluted.

“Third Elder, Great Emperor Ling Qiong …”

Zhao Feng can’t help.

newcomer This beautiful woman is the only female Great Emperor, Great Emperor Ling Qiong of Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

This can’t help reminds Zhao Feng of the “Cold Moon Great Emperor” in Pirate King Holy Land.

Compared with the cool and ruthless killing of the “Cold Moon Great Emperor”, the “Great Emperor Ling Qiong” has a more dignified and graceful beauty, yet it does not lose its majesty.

“Great Emperor Ling Qiong, you have to decide for us …”

Elder Yin and the wounded Wu Elder immediately spoke, accusing Zhao Feng’s “bad” behavior: “this child violates the Sect Rules, regardless of same sect alive or death.

Great Emperor Ling Qiong Listening to the description of the two Grand Elders, the complexion is like a calm lake, and he can’t see what he thinks.

Zhao Feng floated in midair. Under the oppression of Void God Great Emperor, not at all showed obvious movement and panic.

“Worthy to be called is the genius appreciated by King Nan Feng”

Great Emperor Ling Qiong beautiful eyes passed a trace of appreciation and interest. From a high altitude, he looked at Zhao Feng a few times. Not at all showed hostility, and even his expression was kind.

This scene made Elder Yin and Wu Elder uneasy.

“Third Elder, you have to enforce the law impartially, my body is almost broken …”

Wu Elder’s voice trembled, and his sickness was enough to win the mercy of an unsuspecting person.


Great Emperor Ling Qiong Yuyan Yihan: “From the beginning to the end, I watch arrived.”


Elder Yin and Wu Elder were dull in heart and pale.

“According to some gossip rumors, Great Emperor Ling Qiong and King Nan Feng have a personal relationship …”

The King Lu Yun not far away communicated secretly.

Scared, tired and tossing for three days in a row, today some friends far away did not leave, temporarily changed. When Ming Tianyi cuts off, resume the second change. And during the double monthly pass, I hope everyone can continue to support)

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