King of Gods

Chapter 860

Evil Sky Pagoda top floor.

Nangong Sheng sits cross-legged on the spot, and his face looks a little different than before.

In the small world Source with Evil God Crystal as its core, a trace of evil looks at the huge purple blood divine splendor, which operates and absorbs within him.

Zhao Feng and Mo Dongyao clearly perceive the continuous enhancement of Nangong Sheng body aura.

While strength has skyrocketed in a short period of time, his temperament personality is accompanied by a little change and distortion.


For any expert, during the course of Cultivation, as the cultivation base strength grows, its temperature will change a little.


Nangong Sheng’s situation is very strong, and it is an “unnatural” change.

What is more serious is that his transformation will directly affect his nature and personality, and even distort the personality of another person.

And this, of course, cannot be separated from the “Evil God mind body”.

Zhao Feng and Little Sword Saint joined forces to break the “Evil God Mind Body”; however, this mental body is extremely powerful, and it is not Soul. Even after the break, it is still not annihilated.

The most difficult thing is that it transforms whole into parts and merges with Nangong Sheng’s strength, regardless of each other.

of course.

For Zhao Feng, he had done everything he could.

If it were not for his prevention, Nangong Sheng’s personality might have been completely distorted into another person.

Or, he was incorporated into the Little Sword Saint of the Ancient Divine Item, and was killed early.

“Zhao Feng, have troubled your full support along the way; this kindness, I Nangong Sheng will not forget”

On the face of Nangong Sheng evil looking, a trace of gratitude appeared in the struggle.


He is also struggling to resist the strength that affects his temperament personality.

Zhao Feng and the white glow sword shadow behind Mo Dongyao looked at a glance and judged Nangong Sheng’s status at this moment.

At first glance.

Nangong Sheng’s temperament has been affected to a certain extent, but he still knows gratitude, and can see his personality, not at all distorted. At least, his personality was not replaced by Evil God.

“And today’s choice, I don’t regret it …”

Nangong Sheng felt the depth of within the body, the vastness and infiniteness, as if the strength and strength of heaven and earth could be suppressed, the corner of his mouth evoked a satisfying evil smile.

Can you get the strength without paying a price?

All he has to do is to dig up this “strength treasure” a little bit.

At present, Nangong Sheng just absorbs the strength of which the tip of the iceberg cannot reach, and strength has a qualitative leap.

After a long while.

Zhao Feng finally said: “Nangong Sheng, I can only help you get here; no matter what agreement you have reached with the ef gentleman, you will see all success or failure in the future.

Nangong Sheng hearing this, figure was shocked; its Evil God mind body inside the body transform whole into parts was also surprised by “Yi”.

The two seemed surprised, how did Zhao Feng know the agreement between them.

After that, Zhao Feng turned around and walked to the lower level of Evil Sky Pagoda.

Mo Dongyao stood on the spot, ignoring Nangong Sheng for a few moments, unwilling, but had to leave.

“Let’s go, without Zhao Feng’s teaming up, it would be difficult for us to deal with the skyrocketing Nangong Sheng.”

Little Sword Saint’s old voice lingered in his ears.

The eyes of Nangong Sheng silver purple flashed a few times to see the back of Zhao Feng leaving with a touch of complexity.

“Jié jié … this youngster, in your mind, seems to be a peak that cannot be sursured? Don’t worry, as long as you join me, it won’t take long before you can sursurpass him.”

Evil God clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

Nangong Sheng’s face struggled, and he shifted the topic: “I didn’t expect that he could see the agreement between us.”

“Without my help, how can you clear up the mess so easily, and run and absorb a few hints of diluted God Position strength. It’s not surprising that youngster can see it.”

Evil God coldly snorted.

Evil Sky Pagoda top floor.

Nangong Sheng sits cross-legged, the body’s aura is getting stronger.

In less than half a day, his cultivation base easily broke through to Void God Realm Peak. If it weren’t for Void God Great Emperor, a transformation at the Soul level would be needed, and he would only fear to advance to the promotion of Great Emperor.


Nangong Sheng body The surging strength fluctuations are by no means comparable to the Void God Realm level. Even if Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord is present, he must be moved.

During the same period.

Others in Evil Sky Pagoda, aleady left.

Including Xuanyuan Wen, the God Position strength that was frightened by the top fluctuations did not want to take risks easily.

after all.

That strength aura is incompatible with his system and is not worth the risk.


On the way back, Zhao Feng met Zhao Yufei, who was being explored upward.

“Brother Feng, you’re fine …”

Zhao Yufei has long looked a sigh of relief.

Earlier, the God Position strength at the top of Evil Sky Pagoda fluctuated. The aura deterrent was really terrifying.

Even at this time.

On the top of Evil Sky Pagoda, there is still a heart-warming strength fluctuation, enough to deter Void God Great Emperor.

After a while.

Zhao Feng, Zhao Yufei, and Mo Dongyao walked out of Evil Sky Pagoda.

“Why didn’t you see Nangong Sheng?”

Zhao Yufei finally realized what.

Mo Dongyao stopped talking and didn’t say much.

If you let the world know, then Nangong Sheng inherited some remnants of Ancient God Xie Yang’s Divine Power, and was affected by the Evil God mind body. I wonder what kind of assault will bring

“Nangong Sheng won’t be long and will come down.”

Zhao Feng was determined.

The crisis of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is something we all face together.

Whether it is Nangong Sheng or Demonic Yang Thought Body, it is impossible to ignore this huge crisis.

Forget the time.

That World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, it only takes XNUMX or XNUMX days to get raids Xie Yang Mansion.

Outside of Xie Yang Mansion, those who are faintly known as Dragon Roar and Destruction Aura, strong senses, will have an intuitive sense of crisis.

蹭 sou sou

After the Zhao Feng came down, they quickly rushed to the “God Formation Building” on the side.

When Zhao Feng rushed to the “God Formation Building”, here he gathered many expert human experts.

In the God Formation Building, there is the hub of the Restrictive Formation of God, which is related to the survival or death of many Outsiders in the house.

At this point, XNUMX% of the human team that entered into the Xie Yang Mansion had arrived here.

“God Formation Building opens …”

Mo Dongyao was surprised and looked at a white door frame in front of the dark silver building.

In front of the white door frame, there are nearly ten Void God Kings, who joined together to infuse True Yuan to keep the “white door frame” open and prevent it from closing.

Inside God Formation Building.

Xin Wuhen and Senior Brother Zhuge, as well as some formation masters, have come together to discuss what they are discussing.

“Although we successfully entered into the God formation, but as the hub of the Restrictive Formation of God, the formation pattern is extremely complex. Deciphering and control requires a long time …”

Imperial Clan, a Formation Master, sighed.

Everyone top of the head, you can see a massive solid formation formed by densely packed Amethyst Lightning Marks.

That Amethyst Lightning Marks great formation is constantly changing in operation, accompanied by the flashing and circulation of numerous Lightning Marks; in the great formation, each and everyone’s complex Array Pattern lines reach and affect the entire Restrictive Formation of God of Xie Yang Mansion.

The entire God Formation Building, the internal space is huge, and a small castle is comparable.

In addition, the flashing formation Lightning Marks, contain the terrible strength, do as you wish, and it is possible to kill a King.

These people in the building are studying “Amethyst Lightning Marks great formation”, and they themselves are in great danger.

The three Zhao Feng were also lost when they stepped into the God Formation Building.

“Three people are careful about this God ’s forbidden array. It has run for countless years, and it has been somewhat negligent. Occasionally, a trace of strength will come down.”

Senior Brother Zhuge reminded.

Below the Amethyst Lightning Marks great formation, you can see some potholes. And this God Formation Building, the muddy metal material, even the Great Emperor in general, is difficult to damage for a few minutes.

“A huge and complex great formation hub”

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, roughly understood a bit, and brows tightly knit up.

Led by Xuanyuan Wen and Senior Brother Zhuge, many formation masters and Kings have conquered this place for a long time and have not found a breakthrough.

Even if you have some ideas, don’t dare to do it easily.

This is because the forbidden array hub contains a huge and unlimited strength that affects the entire Restrictive Formation of God of Xie Yang Mansion.

That Divine Formation strength, a trace of aftermath, can kill King and Great Emperor.

This place is definitely the core forbidden area of ​​Xie Yang Mansion.

“Everyone should not try to destroy the forbidden hub to win the forgiveness of the Black Flood Dragon. The formation here has a self-protection mechanism and its backlash is beyond the limit of all of us.

Xin Wuhen reminded.

His eyes glanced from the body of Zhao Feng’s trio with a touch of surprise.

It seems that he is curious, why does “Nangong Sheng”, which is inseparable from Zhao Feng, not appear after entering into the Evil Sky Pagoda?

Zhao Feng didn’t explain anything.

He opened Bloodline left eye, clearly understood, analyzed the three-dimensional Array Picture of the Amethyst Lightning Marks great formation, and assisted in the deciphering of Xin Wuhen and Senior Brother Zhuge and the others.

Zhao Feng’s gets rid, which has made some progress in Deciphering analysis of the formation.

Dazzlingly, seven or eight days passed.

Under Zhao Feng’s analysis, the formation principle of Amethyst Lightning Marks great formation shows a few points.

However, the efforts of the United People only gained a new understanding of the principle of the Restrictive Formation of God.

Thinking about Deciphering, or controlling Restrictive Formation of God, is still a long way to go.

“God’s Domain after all …”

Senior Brother Zhuge racked his brains, his face gradually has several points of tiredness.

Before God Formation Building.

Kings and Half-Step King of many teams are in an atmosphere of repressive grave.

In ten days, World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, it may be raids Xie Yang Mansion.

“Ten days left …”

In Xie Yang Mansion, many King elites felt that the crisis of death was approaching step by step.

Zhao Feng and Xuanyuan Wen, both have Great Emperor Will, and can even sense that it is increasingly clear to destroy Dragon’s Power.

Xie Yang Mansion, the strength of the Restrictive Formation of God, is dim and weakening.


“World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, I fight with you”

In the last ten days, some expert elites even felt despair, in extreme depression, sent out a long howl, crazy attack.

“I have the Sub-Divine Tool ‘Bewildering Space Realm, and when the Restrictive Formation of God is greatly broken, it may not be impossible to escape from birth …”

Zhao Feng already is designing an escape plan.

Bewildering Space Realm, has the ability of Space shuttle and even teleportation. But this is when the Restrictive Formation of God almost collapses and the restriction force is the smallest.

This plan still has great crises and many limitations.


Zhao Feng has another “expectation”, he is waiting.

Just that afternoon.

A glamorous purple blood light column, carrying the terrifying evil looking aura, dropping from the sky.


Before God Formation Building, King and Half-Step King felt a choking pressure.

that moment.

The True Yuan of many experts within the body, a tremor of stasis, can hardly control its strength.


Those Half-Step King, vomiting blood.

Everyone was shocked, looking at a purple blood-haired evil looking youth, a bright purple blood imprint appeared in the eyebrows, dragging a series of silver purple ghosts, floating on the ground

“How did Nangong Sheng, one of the two evils, become like this …”

The Void God King present was in the deterrence of terrifying strength fluctuations, making breathing difficult.

(Two more arrived, the status is not very good, recommended under summer and monthly pass)

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