King of Gods

Chapter 857

In Evil Sky Pagoda, the horrible evil astral strength aura has an absolute suppression of the true Yuan of the expert.

The Void God Kings present, feeling within the body True Yuan, seemed to be banned by the suppression.

And the more resistance, the more invisible coercion, the more powerful.


Zhao Feng made a very wise choice, regardless of within the body True Yuan, and let it be suppressed by the strength aura.

In this case, his pressure will be less.

Wow thump

In contrast, one of the Void God Kings, the instinctual operation of True Yuan revolts, vomits blood directly, suffocates to the ground, and does not raise for a long time.

Just stepping into Evil Sky Pagoda, the gap between the crowds has been reflected.

The few people walking on the first-rank ladder were Xuanyuan Wen, Zhao Feng, Nangong Sheng, Zhao Yufei, and Mo Dongyao.

Followed by “Ninth Prince” at the Peak King level.

Later, there are some Domain-level Kings such as Luo Zun and ordinary Kings.

“The strength in Evil Sky Pagoda is definitely not something we can touch …”

“No wonder even Xin Wuhen failed.”

Among them, a few ordinary Kings, took only a few steps, and the complexion became red, and they had plans to retreat.

They watched a few people on the First-Rank ladder step by step.

“This Purple Hair Demon Twins can even get to the forefront, that Zhao Feng’s cultivation base has not even reached the King level …”

Luo Zun wasn’t embarrassed.

Xuanyuan Wen can get to the forefront, because his cultivation base strength is the strongest. As a 4-Star Great Sect’s genius Great Emperor, his strength is better than the ordinary Void God Great Emperor

Zhao Yufei has the Spirit Clan Bloodline of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List. Physique is extremely special and not too unexpected.

Mo Dongyao, sheltered by the Ancient Divine Item strength aura, is also reasonable.

And Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, who can get to the forefront, are a bit incredible.

“Relatively speaking, the strong aura has suppressed True Yuan the most, followed by Soul Will and fleshly body physique.”

Zhao Feng calmly.

In terms of Soul Will, only Xuanyuan Wen on the field can comment on equal terms.

If it is more than fleshly body physique, Saint Feng Body of Zhao Feng fifth layer can almost crush other Kings present.

After giving up the control of True Yuan completely, Zhao Feng was easier than most people.

Of course, the most common sense is Nangong Sheng.

Nangong Sheng’s cultivation base, physique, and Soul Will are not at the top, but they can be at the forefront.


He walked with a sense of flow, within the body’s evil looking strength, and he was restless and active.

Zhao Feng found that the terrifying strength aura in Evil Sky Pagoda did not seem to have any suppressive effect on Nangong Sheng.

Nangong Sheng licked his lips, has several points of excitement and anticipation.

After a while.

A crowd of Kings, with a slow pace, entered into the “Second Layer” of “Evil Sky Pagoda”.

Evil Sky Pagoda Second Layer.

Everyone found some valuable treasures. The tables, chairs and books and paintings in front of them were beyond ordinary.

Aura distributed by some items is not inferior to Sub-Divine Tool.


The Restrictive Formation of God in Evil Sky Pagoda is very complete and there is almost no weak spot to follow.

Even if there is a trace to follow, under the suppression of the residual Divine Power, everyone cannot take it.

The pressure of the Second Layer is obviously greater than that of the First Layer.

The five people on the First-Rank ladder are not bad.

Some King elites in the back feel deep pressure and shortness of breath.

“In addition to the special suppression of True Yuan, the suppression of this Evil Sky Pagoda is not comparable to ‘Immemorial Dreamland.”

Zhao Feng complexion is unchanged.

He often enters into the Immemorial Dreamland, adapting to the strong heaven and earth pressures there.

With his overbearing physique and Soul Will, walking in Evil Sky Pagoda is not too strenuous.

After tea martial arts.

The five genius of the First-Rank ladder set foot on the Evil Sky Pagoda Third Layer.

Third Layer’s scene style has changed again, but it is all related to the daily life of Evil Sky Pagoda Master.

Everyone has no time to pay attention, and under great pressure, step by step.

And this time.

Later, some ordinary Kings and failed failed to retreat. If it is reluctant, it may not even have the strength to come out.

The Xuanyuan Wen of the First-Rank ladder did not know how many floors the Evil Sky Pagoda had, a step by step climb.

After a while.

Five people, Xuanyuan Wen, Zhao Feng, Nangong Sheng, Zhao Yufei, and Mo Dongyao, set foot on the fifth layer.

At this time.

strong as Xuanyuan Wen, there was a trace of sweat on the forehead; Zhao Yufei was short of breath, and there was a hint of red on the pretty face.

“Guys, I’ll stay in the fifth layer first.”

Xuanyuan Wen slightly smiled, suddenly sitting cross-legged on the ground.

The other four were all in a row; Xuanyuan Wen’s strength was clearly the strongest, so why not insist.

“The strength aura is incompatible with my Body Tempering. I just want to stay here and feel the remaining God, strength aura …”

Xuanyuan Wen Junya’s face was even a little embarrassed.

There was a hint of Clear Comprehension on Zhao Feng’s face; he knew faintly that Xin Wuhen had failed before.

There are many opportunities in Xie Yang Mansion, but not any one opportunity is suitable for everyone.

Xuanyuan Wen’s “Heavenly Floating Palace” is a Righteous Path 4-Star Super Great Sect; and in Evil Sky Pagoda, the strong aura of the evil forest is incompatible with his body tempering.

Rather than risking, it’s better to retreat and find out the remaining aura of the “God Position” strength by the way.

The so-called “Heaven Rank God Position” is To surpassed, which belongs to God’s Domain.


After Mystic Light Realm, it is “Heaven Rank God Position”. Once you break through this level, after going through God Calamity’s baptism, you can get the recognition of heaven and earth and get the “God Position”.

Ancient God Xie Yang is “God Position expert”, and according to myth records, each god arrives with his own “God Position”.

But these are such distant myths for general experts.

And in this Evil Sky Pagoda, the residual God Position strength aura naturally made some King genius feel excited.

If you can get this strength, maybe you can touch the “God” Domain

Even for Great Emperor and Mystic Light Saint Lord, this is an irresistible fatal temptation.

“I can feel God’s strength, and it’s a rare opportunity …”

Xuanyuan Wen closed Eye.


There are only four people left on the First-Rank ladder: Zhao Feng, Nangong Sheng, Zhao Yufei, and Mo Dongyao.

When she stepped on the sixth layer, Zhao Yufei complexion was slightly pale, but her Spirit Clan Physique was extremely special and still had tenacious resistance.

And Mo Dongyao is more dependent on the strength guard of the Ancient Divine Item.

“Yufei, Girl Mo, you might as well give up first. The opportunity of Evil Sky Pagoda is unpredictable and may not be suitable for you.”

Zhao Feng opened the mouth and said.

The next level may not even involve Xin Wuhen.

“Brother Feng, Senior Brother Nangong, you have to be careful …”

Zhao Yufei did not continue.

Perhaps, her Spirit Clan Bloodline still has a lot of potential to tap and can climb to a higher level.

But she also saw that the opportunity for Evil Sky Pagoda was not for her.

“Sorry I want to move on, that’s what Swordmaster Senior means.”

Mo Dongyao responded calmly.

The Ancient God remnant sword in her hand blooms a layer of misty light green swirl glow, guarding the whole body.


Zhao Feng was not reluctant.

That Little Sword Saint, abandoning the fleshly body Soul, the incarnation of the soul sword and the Ancient Divine Item, merged its Realm and Dao of Sword to achieve an incredible height.

bang bang bang

Within the Evil Sky Pagoda, there were only three Zhao Feng left, pushing slowly.

In the process.

The purple blood imprint of Nangong Sheng’s eyebrows, bright red glass, flickering frequently; his hair, completely turned into purple blood-red, distinguished from Zhao Feng’s fantasy purple.

Nangong Sheng’s body surface appeared with a layer of purple blood and silver radiance, within the body strength, restless, with a look of eager excitement.

Of the three, Nangong Sheng was at the forefront.

Because, the horrible “God Position” strength aura in Evil Sky Pagoda does not suppress him at all.

The seventh layer.

“Nangong Sheng, stop first”

A cold sound came from behind, from the floating purple hair youngster of the Whole Body Golden Pattern.

“Zhao Feng …”

The excitement on Nangong Sheng’s face was urgent, and he suddenly cooled down for a few minutes, feeling a chill chilling through Soul.

at this time.

The left eye of the purple hair youngster is like a blue Icy Pond, the Ice Soul Cold Strength, and the Soul Will of Nangong Sheng.

“How could he still use Eye Bloodline inside Evil Sky Pagoda.”

Mo Dongyao is incredible.

Under the aura pressure of Evil Sky Pagoda God Position strength, her Dao of Sword Will was originally difficult to come out.

Many other strengths are even more difficult to mobilize.

However, in this case, this youngster can also open Eye Bloodline.

Under the gaze of Zhao Feng Bloodline left eye, Nangong Sheng body and mind trembled, and a trace of cold sweat oozed from the forehead.


Nangong Sheng took a long breath and sweated his back. He sat cross-kneeled immediately, calming himself.

“Zhao Feng, thanks to you just now …”

Nangong Sheng expression is complicated, with a touch of gratitude.

At this moment, Zhao Feng, Bloodline left eye opens, purple hair dances wildly, exuding an aura of Immemorial Era, easy to ward off Gods and Devils.

That aura, even the God Position strength aura remaining in the Evil Sky Pagoda, could not be suppressed, even not too close.

“Henggu shattered, Immemorial God 殒, turned into trillions of dust …”

Secretly, there seemed to be an empty and desolate sigh, which resounded in Zhao Feng’s mind.


During that moment, Zhao Feng’s God Eye, beating frequently, all around that aura of terrifying terrifying, faintly agitated.

same moment.

At the top of Evil Sky Pagoda, a silhouette of a distorted and transparent purple blood horrified: “What is the relationship between Eye Bloodline of Aura of Immemorial God and Eight Great God Eyes?”

For a time.

In the entire Evil Sky Pagoda, the terrifying aura oppression fell sharply.

the seventh layer.

Nangong Sheng’s pump light gradually became clear, his face was calm, and Zheng focused on nodded.

“set off.”

The three are still together and go deeper into the Evil Sky Pagoda.


Two days have passed.

I don’t know how many floors have been walked. The three Zhao Feng finally reached the top.

On the top floor of Evil Sky Pagoda, it is empty, naked eye can only see a black futon, and it is empty.

The oppression of God Position strength aura at this top level even reaches a peak.

Zhao Feng’s body was stiff and heavy, almost unable to move, and breathing was extremely difficult.


His God Eye is the only restricted area that is not affected by repression.

“Be careful”

Zhao Feng brows slightly wrinkle, feeling a huge spiritual body, even his God Eye felt a gloomy and cold anxiety about the exemption of the Soul level.


His Bloodline left eye started clear understanding and search, but the senses were isolated by the residual Evil God’s Power.

Da Da

The purple blood imprint of Nangong Sheng’s eyebrows, a burning beat, a cordial call to the peak, drove him step by step to the black futon of the top center

Zhao Feng launched Bloodline’s secret technique, trying to stop it, but was isolated by the residual Evil God’s Power.

He and Mo Dongyao, staring at Nangong Sheng, walked to the black futon, just like the Master here, and sat up.


The moment when Nangong Sheng sat on the futon, the remaining God Position strength in the entire Evil Sky Pagoda was shocked, and there was a sense of crisis in the collapse of Space.

A taboo aura, centered on Evil Sky Pagoda, swept the entire Xie Yang Mansion, making countless creatures tremble.

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