King of Gods

Chapter 853

Hexagon Forging Building.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, not slow, not fast, walked near the furnace pit and approached the dilapidated weapon rack in that depth.

At this moment, the King elite of many forces on the field is silent.

After Xuanyuan Wen, there is no second person, dare to stand up to the challenge.

Many King elites, with palpitations and suspicions, looked to the two purple hair silhouettes, with deep fears in their eyes.

Zhao Feng and the two acted as one center, pulling every move and pulling the audience.

“Is this the true Left Eye Heavenly Monarch?”

Nangong Sheng takes a deep breath, and his expression is a bit complicated; he is certain that the situation on the court and the already are successfully suppressed.

bang bang bang

Zhao Feng and the two approached the worn weapon rack at the other end of the melting furnace pit at a strange pace.

The terrifying heat, even Zhao Feng’s Saint Thunder Body, felt a touch of pressure.

Earlier, the arrogant physique and Bloodline innate talent, who were strong as “Blue Flood Dragon King”, obtained the Sub-Divine Tool on the weapon rack.

“Ice Emperor Spear”

Zhao Feng’s body surface, flowing a layer of ice-blue liquid, quickly iced, forming a sparkling and translucent transparent ice blue light cover.

That ice blue light hood, one foot in diameter, guarded Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng together.


On the surface of the ice blue light cover, there was a layer of water mist. The hot flames became weak after being soaked.


When you really approached the weapon rack, the terrifying heat was so high that it could even incinerate Void God King in an instant.

Nangong Sheng, body surface inside the ice blue light cover is covered with a layer of silver purple ripples to further isolate the inflammatory heat.

Even so.

On his forehead, sweaty beads were oozing out, and he was extremely hot, especially his feet, which were hot and almost burning.

Zhao Feng’s body surface, with a light golden pattern, flashes, with a strong Saint Body Strength, it resists the terrible inflammatory power that penetrates into the ice cover.

“My physical Bloodline, in general, is slightly inferior to Blue Flood Dragon King Wei Jing; and Physique of Nangong Sheng is not as good as that of Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon …”

Zhao Feng looked at the light flash and came to a conclusion.

After all, the Bloodline physique of the Blue Flood Dragon King is close to True Dragon Clan.

If the weapon rack is so close, and it is not possible to turn on Blue Flood Dragon King, Zhao Feng and the others, it will have been divided by many Kings in the Forging Building.

But Zhao Feng did not give up.

His left eye also locked the worn out weapon rack across.

On the weapon rack, there are three arrows, a shield, and an obscure dark green jade sword.

“These things should be Sub-Divine Tool. The acquisition process is likely to encounter strong resistance …”

Zhao Feng thought to himself.

The previous Sub-Divine Tool “Bewildering Space Realm”, after all, is a helper class and has no attack.

The shovel obtained by Small Thieving Cat should be similar, not an attack of Divine Weapon.

The next three objects, arrow and rapier, are all Attack Type, and the shield is the defense class.

“Void Matter Transfer”

Zhao Feng’s left eye, suddenly opened for a moment; a layer of ripples, shrouded in three arrows on the weapon rack.

At the center of the ripples, there is an invisible vortex.


Void suddenly screamed, and on each of the three arrows, each Self-destruction issued a ball of gold-divine splendor.

The seemingly ordinary rust arrow, the whole body of red gold, exudes a strong hold of cannot cannot overcome, penetrating all things Jin Rui divin splendor.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng have a cold cold intention that is pierced.

In the Forging Building, many King genius and Soul Will are stinging. There is a fear of being ruthlessly slaughtered in despair.

“It’s God-Slaying Arrow”

“Although this arrow is small, each rank is comparable to the Sub-Divine Tool, and the value of the three is not inferior to the general Sub-Divine Tool.”

Heavenly Floating Palace and Imperial Clan’s expert both recognized the arrow.

that moment.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng endure a murderous aura that runs through heaven and earth and slaughters everything.

Nangong Sheng’s body was cold, and he was obviously suffering from the burning heat and inflammation, but his heart was uneasy.

“These three arrows are relatively small and difficult to obtain. They should be smaller than the Sub-Divine Tool obtained by Xuanyuan Wen and Imperial Clan …”

Zhao Feng complexion is unchanged.

Even if they are all Sub-Divine Tool, these three arrows use less material.

Moreover, this arrow is not like other Sub-Divine Tool, which is controlled by expert. In Cultivation, it integrates the powerful Will Profound Truth.

Based on the feeling, Zhao Feng determined that the difficulty of obtaining the three arrows would be smaller.

Importantly, the three arrows are masterless objects.

“Zhao Feng, what can you do? The three God-Slaying Arrows, if used in conjunction with your Heaven Locking Bow, will be able to exert inestimable power …”

Nangong Sheng said with a touch of interest.

“It is not difficult to collect, but the weapon rack is difficult to approach. It would be nice if you could get three God-Slaying Arrows to fly out by themselves.”

Zhao Feng lost his thoughts.

The inflammatory power in that core area was so high that Void God Great Emperor couldn’t resist it.

Blue Flood Dragon King did not arrive, Zhao Feng couldn’t. Unless his Saint Thunder Body can be promoted to a higher level, or with the powerful exemption of the Fire Attribute.

Unfortunately, at this stage of Zhao Feng, there is no cultivate Wind Thunder of Fire.

Meow meow

Just then, Small Thieving Cat emerged, holding a shovel in his hand.


Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng both looked at the shovel in the hands of Small Thieving Cat.

This shovel also came from the weapon rack.


Small Thieving Cat waved the shovel and shovel to the ground.

In a hurry, on the floor of that special material qualitative Forging Building, a spark splashed and stone debris flew, and a small shallow nest appeared.

At the same moment, the arrows, shields, jade swords and other objects on the weapon rack suddenly trembled.

sou sou sou

The smallest arrow, suddenly shot into void.


The shield fell to the ground, and the jade sword also flew to midair, exuding a mighty Sub-Divine Tool from Heaven and Earth.

Nangong Sheng suddenly felt a sense of suffocation.

Zhao Feng initially restored the Great Emperor Will, and God Eye’s exemption from the spiritual level was not much frightened.

The two of them looked weird and looked at the shovel in the hands of Small Thieving Cat.


Small Thieving Cat shovel in the hands, digging again on the spot.

sou sou sou

Suddenly, some nearby legendary ore, such as God Meteroric Iron ore, trembled and approached quickly.

The shovel in the hands of Small Thieving Cat is like a sucker.

Nearby, there was a gold-like ore, each and everyone came flying.

In this scene, Forking Building has King King Geniuses, each and everyone stared wide-eyed.

Zhao Feng beckoned and used the Sub-Divine Tool Bewildering Space Realm to collect the ore.

嗖 咻 ——

Just at this time, one of the God-Slaying Arrows screamed in this direction.


Zhao Feng raised the arm guard Sub-Divine Tool on his arm.


Under a layer of white fog, under the flashes, the “God-Slaying Arrow” was engulfed and collected.

“So Easy……”

Those Kings who are holding their breath, are greatly surprised.

Especially the Imperial Clan Three Great Emperors, they worked hard to manage a Sub-Divine Tool.

“So it turns out, ‘Bewildering Space Realm, a Sub-Divine Tool-level Space Storage Item, can easily sustain the Sub-Divine Tool. Besides, God Slaying Arrow, this kind of arrow-like Divine Weapon, does not have too strong Will.”

Nangong Sheng sounds like Big Enlightenment.

In short.

It is more difficult to obtain the Sub-Divine Tool with the Space Storage Item of the Sub-Divine Tool.

If the Imperial Clan Three Great Emperors also has a Sub-Divine Tool Storage Item, I am afraid that the “gap axe” will be charged for a long time.


At the same moment, the other two God-Slaying Arrows fly to other directions of the melting furnace.

Wherever God-Slaying Arrow goes, some ordinary King Souls want to be broken, and the whole body has a kind of cool and fearful feeling.

It wasn’t just the God-Slaying Arrow that was alarmed, but also the dark green sword.

“Gets rid those Sub-Divine Tool.

Some Kings, such as Imperial Clan, Heaven Sword Pavilion, and Duanmu Family, have got rid.

The Imperial Clan side, Luo Zun and Dried-Face Old Man, the two Domain-level Kings, greeted one of the God-Slaying Arrows.

Heaven Sword Pavilion’s Bingli black robe girl, Zhao Yufei of Duanmu Family, chased down the dark green sword.

“Sub-Divine Tool, can you just sit back and let it go. Let me test the evil strengths.”

The Xingpao woman at Heavenly Floating Palace smiled indifferently.

Among the three-color Glow Shadow flashes, the apricot robe woman was flying away, and the speed was better than some Domain-level Kings present.

For a time.

On the field, there was chaos and madness.

The initiator of all this is the Small Thieving Cat.

Meow ~

Small Thieving Cat struck the shovel in his hand again, the shield next to the weapon rack buzzed, and a bronze animal pattern was drawn on the surface.

However, the volume of the shield was unusual, and not at all was alarmed.

“On the attack weapon, I can’t even fully use the power of Heaven and Earth Sword. This shield is just right for me.”

In Nangong Sheng both eyes, there was a flash of heat.

The words are complete.

His whole body bloomed with a fascinating silver purple light, seeping through a trace of blood purple violet splendor, letting all around many strength auras, an inexplicable throbbing.

That is the core strength of Evil God Crystal

Its deterrent effect is comparable to the innate talent of Zhao Yufei Spirit Clan Bloodline.


The shield in front of the weapon rack seemed to be inductive, and it suddenly expanded to the size of a copper gate. The surface of the simple and unadorned bronze animal pattern moved vividly, and a roar and roar of the original Barbaric came.

Followed by.

The copper-door-sized animal-shaped shield finally floated up, and the sub-Divine Tool’s coercion was more complete, even slightly better than that obtained by Xuanyuan Wen and Imperial Clan.

But as a result, the pressure on Nangong Sheng is extremely great.

“Do not force.”

Zhao Feng reminded that the bronze beast-printed shield was induced by Evil God’s Power contained in the Evil God Crystal.

Because only Half-God and God’s strength can truly control the Divine Tool.

Nangong Sheng’s use of Evil God Crystal strength after entering the cultivate “Secret Art of Gems”, enters into a new level.

If not, he is not qualified enough to attract the attention and attention of this Sub-Divine Tool.


The ancient shoes under Zhao Feng’s feet exuded a layer of blue flame light glow, and the whole body appeared a layer of light Golden Lightning Marks.

On the outer layer, there is a steaming ice blue light hood, holding them together.

In between.

Zhao Feng set foot in the distance previously reached by Blue Flood Dragon King.


In the peak temperature, the ancient shoes under Zhao Feng’s feet all burst into smoke.

Because most of the inflammatory power comes from the ground. The protection of this shoe isolates the inflammatory heat from the ground.

Nangong Sheng doesn’t have such a strong physisique, one foot rests on Zhao Feng’s shoulder, and a hint of gratitude is revealed on his face. Zhao Feng tried his best to take a journey in the pursuit of other God-Slaying Arrow.


Under this distance, a silver whip wrapped in a silver purple light mang appeared in Nangong Sheng’s hands. Under the shaking, he barely entangled the bronze animal-like shield in the midair.

(One more)

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