King of Gods

Chapter 849

“Yufei beware of ‘Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon, which ranks tenth on the genius list, second only to Xuanyuan Wen and Blue Flood Dragon King.”

green robe old man can’t help reminded.

It turns out that this Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon has a rare Bloodline, which can not only simulate various objects, but also launch a powerful Dao of Illusions attack.

It can be said that the Bloodline of Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon comes with a special Dao of Illusions Domain.

At the moment of fighting with, Zhao Yufei’s mind senses were affected by the slightest disturbance.

The “purple hair youngster” attack contains a lot of phantom light and shadow, and even the surrounding environment is distorted and changed.

The hot and hot Forging Building was gradually replaced by a familiar courtyard.

“Here is … Zhao Clan?”

Zhao Yufei was shocked.

Opposite the purple hair youngster, the face smiled, the face gradually blurred, and then turned into a resolute youngster.

It was the era of youngster, and Zhao Feng only existed in memory.

It’s not just the external environment that changes, but even Zhao Yufei himself has become a slim, immature girl.

Vaguely, a youngster and a young girl recalled bit by bit memories in the courtyard.


Zhao Yufei and the “youngster Zhao Feng” on the opposite side slapped each other.

She grunted, and the lovable body took a few steps back and fell into the wind.

The strength of the two fight with is not much different, but the “youngster Zhao Feng” on the opposite side has taken the lead.

Not only in Zhao Yufei senses.

In the eyes of outsiders, Zhao Yufei and Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon have both become Zhao Yufei and Zhao Feng’s in the era of youngster. The surrounding environment has also evolved into the courtyard of Sun Feather City Zhao Clan.

All of this is distorted by the invisible Dao of Illusions.


Duanmu Family’s green robe old man, can’t help exclaim.

The direction in which Zhao Yufei was forced to retreat was precisely the dazzling “furnace pit”; once he fell into the furnace pit, even the Great Emperor could not escape.


Zhao Yufei and Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon, fight with dozens of times in an instant; heavy phantom light and shadow, distorting the environment, subverting senses.

Seeing, Zhao Yufei stepped back to the furnace pit by a step by step.

“Brother Zhao Feng …”

Zhao Yufei’s eyes were hazy and misty, with complex expressions, and seemed to have replaced the memories of the past.

“To die”

Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon sneered, a layer of dark green camouflage light waves emerged between the fists, hitting Zhao Yufei Xueyu porcelain-like pretty face.

“Unfortunately, you are not–“

In the field of vision, the purple-skinned beauty of Fenghua Peerless was suddenly cold, and the cold glow appeared.

A strong cold intention murderous intention emerged in the Zhao Yufei body.


In a short time, Zhao Yufei whole body skin, like crystal clear, bloomed a layer of brilliant purple glow, a majestic Bloodline power, caused a lot of strength in the Forging Building, causing a throbbing disorder.

At this moment, whether it is Void God King or Void God Great Emperor, its own cultivation technique strength has been shaken inexplicably, and even part of it has passed away.

“what happened……”

At the other end, Xuanyuan Wen, the Great Emperor of the body, and the True Yuan within the body, all made waves.

A dark green camouflage Alien Race man was touched by Zhao Yufei jade hand, a few ten zhang shook out, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

same moment.

In Zhao Yufei’s vision, the distorted light and shadow illusion disappeared.

“Worthy to be called is the owner of ‘Spirit Clan, Bloodline.’

The Alien Race man, a pair of mung bean eyes, squinted, wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and took advantage of a volley to meet Wei Jing at the other end.

Just a moment ago.

Zhao Yufei inspired Spirit Clan Bloodline’s innate talent strength, strong as Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon, and the tenth highest ranking existence, all injured by shock retreat.

of course.

The Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon itself is Dao of Illusions. The ability to confront directly is slightly different from the Blue Flood Dragon King, which is ninthly.


After the Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon and Blue Flood Dragon King Wei Jing meet, the silhouette disappears from place to out of thin air.

“Clogging the gate is the hidden innate talent of Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon”

Senior Brother Zhuge complexion changed slightly.

In his both eyes, I shot two sharp white shimmers, but barely caught a trace.

Only the powerful Eye Bloodline like Ji Family’s “Purple Star Eye” can restrain Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon’s hiding methods.

Unfortunately, the people of Ji Family, not at all enters into the Forging Building, did not have enough Eye Bloodline on the field.


Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon itself, not at all Space ability, but he can simulate a variety of scenes, including some aura fluctuations.

Therefore, he used to match the role of “Purple Hair Demon Twins” with Blue Flood Dragon King.

“Dare to fake Brother Zhao Feng, I will not let you go”

Zhao Yufei’s anger appeared.

She used Spirit Clan Bloodline’s induction to her peak, captured a hint of aura and traced it together.


Zhao Yufei and Senior Brother Zhuge are the only ones who are really involved in the pursuit.

In other Kings, it is difficult to capture the hidden track of Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon.

Xuanyuan Wen and Little Sword Saint also have this ability, but at this time, the battle of “broken copper rust sword” also enters into the last moment.

The white glow around the sword glow is dazzling, like a white rainbow.

In his eyes, there was Dao of Sword Will who had forgotten alive or death, and every step he took, he abandoned his retreat.

Even in the face of the aura deterrence of the Ancient God sword, the white beard did not give up.


The “broken copper rust sword” in midair suddenly cut off a green glow sword glow that surprised heaven and earth, with the sword intent of Canggu ice-cold, and cut the white beard Little Sword Saint on the front.


The white beard spit out blood and fell into the ghostly shadowless, upside-down shadow light.

“Swordmaster Senior”

Heaven Sword Pavilion The cold black robe girl, can’t help cried out in surprise.

“God wants me to die, why not die?”

The white beard is rising to the sky, the body is glowing like a white rainbow, and it is broken under the attack of the broken copper sword.

That sword almost cut off all his vitality and Origin Energy.

White Yuan’s life, True Yuan, withered at a noticeable rate, and the whole body skin became more aging.

“Transform Body into Sword”

The white beard, the whole person, suddenly burned, turned into a huge sword glow like a bright sun, and rushed to the Ancient Divine Item “Bronze Sword”.

that moment.

The entire Forging Building was covered by the dazzling sword glow that gave up everything, and even the flame light in the furnace pit was slightly dim.

strong as Xuanyuan Wen, there is a hint of complexity and respect on his face.

“Good terrifying Dao of Sword strength, I’m afraid I can kill the Great Emperor in a second, and even threaten Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord …”

The Blue Flood Dragon King and Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon, body and mind trembling as they ran away in hiding, the Dao of Sword aura was terrifying.

At this point, the entire melting furnace is left with only that pressure cover, all the word glow.

In that sword glow, Dao of Sword Profound Truth with a white beard for life, even gave up all the costs of life.


The “broken copper rust sword” in midair blooms a layer of green faintly sword glow light vortex. The space in which it is located is disordered in time and space, and a world of ghostly ghosts emerges.

Pu chi

The bright sword glow transformed by the white beard pierced into the swirl of the light glow of the sword glow, all around the ghost world, a twist and disorder.

Time seemed to freeze at that moment.

The white beard whole body sword glow is dazzling, brilliant and dazzling, but blends with the sword glow of the Ancient Divine Item, maintaining a relative balance between the two.

At first glance.

It seems that if there are two dazzling Divine Swords, they “suck together” in midair; one of the swords is transformed by the white beard.


Inside the Forging Building, many Kings, looking in astonishment, looked at the scene of maintaining a wonderful balance.

As long as there is a slight difference, the white beard will be assigned to eternal damnation.

same moment.

Zhao Yufei and Senior Brother Zhuge followed the path of hermit, chasing the door of the Arrived Forging Building.

“Seal the door”

In front of the gate, there are five or six Void God Kings in Already, including the two Kings of the Duanmu Family, and the newly promoted Junior Brother Deng Chao at Heavenly Floating Palace.


The six Kings of power are condensed on a Space Domain to form a multicolored optical rotation barrier.

The resistance formed by the six Kings together, I am afraid that even the Great Emperor can intercept it.


A blue scale-covered “Ice Flood Dragon” brought a terrifying frozen blue rain, screaming, a huge Ice Dragon sharp claw, fiercely slapping on the five-color optical rotation barrier.


The five-colored optical rotation barrier formed by the six Kings suddenly became dim, and at most once or twice, it was broken.

But this is an opportunity for other experts.

“Don’t let these two Alien Races run away.”

Outside the Forging Building, some recovering Half-Step Kings joined the six King camps in front of the gate.

“Mysterious Array”

Senior Brother Zhuge unfolded the ancient fan in his hand, shot to midair, dropped a densely packed silver electric chain, and quickly wrapped around the two of the Blue Flood Dragon King.


At the same instant, a gorgeous purple light glow, like a shooting star, came from behind with a huge Origin Energy Heaven’s Might.

Blue Flood Dragon King and Thousand Shapeshifting Dragon, within the body of the mighty collision, within the body True Yuan Bloodline are trembling.

In the purple glow light glow, there was a sound of coquettishness, and there was a vaguely Fairy purple dress woman.


The purple dress woman jade hand lightly pressed, a corporate purple space, with a magnificent strength, shrouded in the top of the head of the Blue Flood Dragon King.

Little world

Blue Flood Dragon King two, complexion changed.

At this point, the two Alien Race experts were caught in a number of King sieges and pinches.

In particular, Zhao Yufei and Senior Brother Zhuge are at least the top XNUMX of the genius and even closer to the top ten in Battle Strength.

Once the delay is too long, the Blue Flood Dragon King will be trapped in many King and Half-Step King brawls.


The two players, Blue Flood Dragon King, were caught in a quagmire and were struggling to cope with numerous attacks.

“Two idiots, without a gentleman, strength.”

A contemptuous voice sounded in their ears.

The voice fell.

A layer of white haze of Space doubles up, hiding the Blue Flood Dragon King.

That mysterious world ghost image squeezed out Zhao Yufei’s small world.


Near the gate, many Kings and Half-Step Kings were shrouded in white mist and space ghosts, and suddenly turned dizzy.

“Be careful, this is the strength of the Sub-Divine Tool Item ‘Bewildering Space Realm, which comes with a small world, and strange space capabilities …”

Senior Brother Zhuge whispered.

The ghost image of the white mist surrounding the space suddenly shrank on the spot, turning into a rotating stream of white mist.

Everyone startedled, watching the swirling white mist airflow, getting smaller and smaller, and finally “out of thin air” evaporated.

“This is what the Sub-Divine Tool does”

King and Half-Step King were all present, as the dream party awoke.


Senior Brother Zhuge’s Divine Sense captures a newly-formed stream of white mist in the distant forest.

“Haha, with this Sub-Divine Tool ‘Bewildering Space Realm, we have never been afraid of group battles. Even if we have one or two Great Emperors, we can’t help us.”

The silhouette of the two people, Blue Flood Dragon King, is slowly exposed in the white mist.

For the Senior Brother Zhuge and the others, Blue Flood Dragon King, who came after him, they disdain.

Moreover, the two were considering whether to kill them again.

But it is at this time.

A faint voice came from the big tree opposite the two: “The two were able to break through the encirclement. This Zhao is here, waiting a long time.”


Blue Flood Dragon King, startled, looking at the opposite tree, sitting cross-legged, both eyes purple hair youngster with closed eyes.

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