King of Gods

Chapter 845

Xuanyuan Wen felt the aura of the “Ancient Divine Item” and was very moved, but he did not intend to leave immediately.

He first transmitted the news to Sound Brother Zhuge and Xingpao Woman.

“Ancient Divine Item, beyond our level is too much, those who are fated can live on their own, it may be better to go later.”

Senior Brother Zhuge holds an ancient fan in his hand, smiling lightly.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Wen also nodded slightly, agreeing.

If they reach the level of Arrived Half-God and learn the news of the Ancient Divine Item, they will inevitably fight for it.


Divine Weapon, which is too much beyond the level, is of practical significance to the overwhelming majority, but it is a hot potato, even a disaster.

Of course, there is another important reason.

Right now, this gloomy bookstore is an opportunity in itself.

There are many simple and unadorned books in the bookcase.

“Each of these books is at least Heaven Grade level, and even touches the level of ‘Heaven Rank God Position, …

“鍜?There is a comment from Ancient God Xie Yang on this book …”

Inside the Hidden Bookshelf, the genius disciple of Heavenly Floating Palace, plunged into the world of their respective books.

Each book presents a vast world.

The Profound Mysteries knowledge presented in these Ancient Books, even for these geniuses from 4-Star Sect, is a dream.

“A lot of these Ancient Books are comparable ‘Heavenly Floating Palace, the main mountain secret skill, and the core inheritance. Some are beyond the existing level of Continental …”

Senior Brother Zhuge can’t help with emotion.

According to the layout of this bookstore, the books here are semi-open. Even so, Heavenly Floating Palace took a lot of effort to barely open enters into the.

“One book, one world; don’t be too greedy, each person can choose to absorb one or two.”

Xingpao woman reminded.

Reach Heaven Grade Cultivation Technique and above.Each book is at least equivalent to an Inheritance, and the knowledge is like a sea.


These genius and elites are all choosing their Ancient Book for absorption.

And to absorb all the contents of an Ancient Book, even for Void God King who can photograph memory, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive.

When the content is too large, even the graphic memory takes time.

What is not known is.

In the team of Heavenly Floating Palace, there is a Half-Step King’s “Silver Armor youngster”, a strange purple stream in both eyes.

Silver armor youngster between his brows, a lilac mark, faint.

This silver armor youngster, among the elite team of Heavenly Floating Palace enters into the Xie Yang Mansion, belongs to the strength and lowest status, and has been quiet.

He is also the last, enters into the dark bookcase.

at this time.

The behavior of the silver armor youngster was slightly abnormal.


He quickly took out an Ancient Book, and a layer of purple light flow appeared in both eyes.

Just a few ten breaths, he expressed less, and took another copy from the starry book.

“鍜?#8221; Secret Art of Gems “? Writing Master … Xie Yang”

Silver armor youngster froze slightly.

Unlike other people who focus on one or two books to absorb the difference, the silver armor youngster already has hurried through dozens of Ancient Books

“It seems that this bookcase was opened by Ancient God as a servant in the government. This” Secret Art of Gems “was simplified by his vast cultivation technique system. Even so, this” Secret “Art of Gems” is also called the Evil Path Holy Technique of Supreme. “

Silver armor youngster’s eyes flickering indefinitely.

If in peacetime, other genius of Heavenly Floating Palace will find the anomaly of silver armor youngster.

For example, the spiritual aura looming in his eyes is several times stronger than normally, and his expression is very different from normally.

But at this time, everyone’s mental strength is used in the world of an Ancient Book.

Shua shua shua

Silver armor youngster finished watching “Secret Art of Gems” and started to look through other Ancient Books.

He hurried through the dozens of books, exhausted, and took out a few Precious Materials and medicine pill swallows from the storage ring.

鈥淛unior Brother Deng Chao鈥?/p>

The woman in Xingpao noticed the abnormality of the silver armor youngster and reminded: “I advise you to concentrate on absorbing one or two Ancient Books that suit you. This will help you even more …”

“I know.”

The silver armor youngster was neither cold nor hot. After resting, he started to read some Ancient Books.

Time passed by.

Most people at Heavenly Floating Palace, when they absorbed the first Ancient Book, the silver armor youngster already “hunted” and finished hundreds of books, and they were interested.

When everyone had absorbed the second book, the silver armor youngster already “waded” two or three hundred books.

At this time.

Tired of being tired, Silver Armor youngster found a corner and began to sit cross-legged again, taking some Spirit Pill and rare treasure.

“Well, another hour later, everyone set off.”

Senior Brother Zhuge opened the mouth and said.

When his eyes fell on the silver armor youngster “Deng Chao” body, the brows slightly wrinkle, but said nothing.

Xie Yang Mansion House, in a cellar.

“Nangong Sheng, should this” Secret Art of Gems “be a simplified version of Xie Yang’s cultivation technique system, how about your cultivate?”

Zhao Feng eyes opened, a little tiredness on his face.

“It’s weird. This” Secret Art of Gems “set me up so easily. The skills of using Evil God Crystal strength have increased greatly.”

Nangong Sheng feels unexpectedly.

Zhao Feng, how could there be this “Secret Art of Gems” suddenly?


Zhao Feng is even more convinced that the gloomy bookcase of Heavenly Floating Palace enters into the should be a semi-open bookcase in Xie Yang Mansion.

And this time.

In Zhao Feng’s mind, two or three hundred “Xie Yang Ancient Book” content knowledge emerged.

Many of these “Xie Yang Ancient Books” can be placed outside, and can be equivalent to the Peak Level Inheritance of three or four-star Sect, or even the main mountain secret skill.

A few of them include the cultivation technique Inheritance in Ancient Book, which can be combined with “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” and “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” on on equal terms.

Very few, even slightly better than Zhao Feng Cultivation’s “Saint Thunder Body” and “Wind Thunder recipe”.

But relatively speaking, Saint Thunder Body and Wind Thunder are perfect for Zhao Feng. After all, he has a predecessor Wind Thunder foundation and incorporates God Tribulation Thunder Strength, which has a brighter future.


Of those “Xie Yang Ancient Book”, most of them are Evil Path Sect, which is not very suitable for Zhao Feng.

Although these Ancient Books, Zhao Feng will not cultivate, but his Realm height and vision recognition have been greatly improved.

Through “reading a group of books”, Zhao Feng has a concept in his mind: he can fully integrate various cultivation techniques and even create his own cultivation technique and secret technique.

On the other side, in front of Forging Building.

“Ah, I can’t stand it …”

Several Half-Step King genius elites rolled out of the black metal gate.

These genius, after rolling out, all raised their smoking feet.

In front of the gate, there are some recovering genius elites, both feet are black.

A few unconscious people were carried out by other members of the squad.

Except for a few powerful Void God Kings, the average Half-Step King is difficult to stick to in the Forging Building.

And this time.

The competition within Forging Building is also quite fierce.

At the forefront is still the white beard Little Sword Saint at Heaven Sword Pavilion.


The white Sword Qi of the white beard body is dazzling and strong, just like the white rainbow.

He did not squint, overcome the heat and heat under his feet, and step by step approached the “broken copper rust sword” near furnace pit.

The remaining Divine Weapon fragments, or scattered ore, white beard does not look at a glance.

But at the back, every step closer to the “broken copper rust sword”, we must overcome the unimaginable Dao of Sword power.

Each step in the future is, like white beard, a long torment of a century.

“On this rusty sword, there are Will and Profound Truth, the remnants of the ancient sword gods. Maybe they can help me break through the existing puppet.”

The white beard has no heart, no unyielding, only “a sword”.

On the other hand, the other Kings focused their energy on those Legendary ore and Divine Weapon shards.

It’s not that they don’t want to fight for the Ancient Divine Item, but that they can’t help it.

Among them, “Purple Hair Demon Twins” was very eye-catching on the field.

Shua wind

The two purple hair silhouettes disappear from time to time from place to, and suddenly appear from some corner.

For half a day.

The Purple Hair Demon Twins came in and out of the melting furnace two or three times, and they had several pieces of Legendary ore and Divine Weapon shards, mixed like fish.

“Purple Hair Demon Twins, kill me-“

Thirteenth Prince was furious, and took out a rays of light from the dazzling Purple-Gold Battle Dress, encircling a trail of Dragon Marking Sword rushing towards the dome, with a Sovereign sword power of Monarch Overlooking The Whole World, straight cut Two purple hair silhouettes.

After being promoted to King, the power of “Saint Emperor Saber” in Thirteenth Prince’s hands has increased by no small amount. The explosive power and attack power are completely comparable to the Great Emperor.

This sword, pressure covers the entire genius elite, except for the white beard Little Sword Saint.

“Be careful”

Purple Hair Demon Twins complexion changed, and retreated at a very fast speed.

Whoosh Shua

The two disappeared and appeared from the other end.

But the “purple hair youngster” body, leaving a trail of blood, lingering quickly under a layer of ice blue light.

“Is it okay?”

“It’s okay that every time Saint Emperor Saber comes out of the sheath, the strength brewed from the scabbard will instantly erupt; in Divine Illusory Space, this ability and interval are greatly limited.”

purple hair youngster slightly heave a sigh of relief.

If in the Great Heaven dynasty, the power of Saint Emperor Saber at least doubled, and the restrictions were even smaller. If that’s the case, there is almost no one on the field and it can rival Thirteenth Prince.

“Really strong definition”

“These evil strengths have improved so much?”

Kings such as Duanmu Family, Yuan Duke Mansion, and Cao Family were all shocked.

In the fight with process, this “Purple Hair Demon Twins” actually fought successfully with forces such as Imperial Clan.

Different from before.

This pair of evils has mysterious unpredictable means of seclusion, and once retreating, the silhouette cannot be found.

“Shuangxie’s strength has grown so fast, and it’s looting the spoils of war of my Duanmu Family.”

The people of Duanmu Family also hate gnash the teeth.

At this moment, the two evils are out of control and strong.

The “physical defense” of “purple hair youngster” is so strong that it is close to the Great Emperor-level attack, and it cannot pose a real threat to it.

“Yufei …”

The green robe old man and the azure robe man promoted to King set their sights on Zhao Yufei.

During the fight, the Purple Hair Demon Twins deliberately avoided Zhao Yufei.

“Where to run”

Zhao Yufei fluttered, fluttered in the air, and launched an attack, fighting with “purple hair youngster” in Double Evil.


Zhao Yufei was shocked by a peak of Cold Strength and inhuman power, and fell to the ground, a layer of frost spreading on the skin that was icy and jade.

“Yufei, are you okay.”

Duanmu Family’s people quickly guarded Zhao Yufei to avoid being chased by Shuangxie.

“I’m fine … but he’s not Brother Zhao Feng”

After Zhao Yufei landed, a flush of red appeared on the pretty face, but his face was determined.

In the fight with just now, she had scruples, and her merciful people suffered a loss; it was the other side who was very spicy and wanted to kill her.

(Two more, ask for some monthly tickets to fight for three more tomorrow.)

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