King of Gods

Chapter 835

“Zhao Feng, do you have a way to resolve this’ World-Exterminating Mark?”

Nangong Sheng’s Divine Sense sound transmission still does not escape the “World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon” induction outside Xie Yang Mansion.

Zhao Feng’s existed, and alert got the attention of Black Flood Dragon.

Being able to see through the “World-Exterminating Mark” so quickly is definitely not a simple character.

“At present, whether it is possible to resolve this imprint is not very important.”

Zhao Feng shook his head slightly, not at all to answer positively.

Nangong Sheng can not help sigh.

Indeed, even if the “World-Exterminating Mark” can be resolved, its significance is not very great.

The Black Flood Dragon outside will definitely check Xie Yang Mansion’s movements.

What is important is the invincible threat of the Black Flood Dragon. The World-Exterminating Mark is only a further restriction and coercion to everyone.

“If I use the God Force of Tribulation, there is still hope that the World-Exterminating Mark will be resolved.”

Zhao Feng has a balance.

Relatively speaking, this simplified version of the “World-Exterminating Mark” is better than the “Death Language Curse” of the year. After all, Death Language Curse is too expensive.

There is also a reason.

The state of the Black Flood Dragon is extremely weak, and the strength may be less than 1% of the Peak period; coupled with the rampant “Origin Restricter Divine Chain”, many methods are tied.


Zhao Feng didn’t intend to resolve the “World-Exterminating Mark” so quickly, so as not to cause the Black Flood Dragon to be overly alert.

Xie Yang Mansion outside.

“Interesting the natural talent, Bloodline, cultivation technique of these people are all out of the ordinary. Even Spirit Clan Bloodline and Will of Void God Perfection appear.”

Black Flood Dragon has a more playful face.

These human beings, the strongest strength is no more than the Great Emperor, how big a wave can they turn?

Even the Void God Great Emperor, in the eyes of the Black Flood Dragon, is just a slightly larger ant, which is not mentioned.

Inside Xie Yang Mansion, on a clearing.

The powerful forces genius gradually came together.

“Brother Xuanyuan and I didn’t hit the ‘World-Exterminating Mark.’ In terms of strategy, it’s better to let us two and weigh one or two first.”

Ninth Prince proposed.

As soon as this statement came out, the rest of them ordered nodded, and they didn’t talk and sound transmission.

Once speaking and sound transmission, it is easy to be sensed by the “World-Exterminating Mark” integrated into the body.

The people of Heavenly Floating Palace and Great Heaven Imperial Clan are somewhat fortunate that their strongest genius, entered into the Xie Yang Mansion in advance, did not hit the “World-Exterminating Mark”.

Not much time.

Ninth Prince and Xuanyuan Wen and the others negotiated countermeasures and got the nodded approval of everyone.

“Our plan can do both.”

Ninth Prince paused.

The so-called two-handed preparation is to try to find the key to the “Forbidden Primordial Lock”, and also to find a way to deal with the Black Flood Dragon and get rid of its control.

“If we get the key of the” Forbidden Yuanshen Lock “in advance, we might be able to use this to fight the Black Flood Dragon.

Ninth Prince slightly smiled, his voice was very low.

All eyes were bright.

Zhao Feng also secretly nodded, agreeing.

The basic strategy, after being customized, the powerful forces in the field began to diversify, looking for opportunities in Xie Yang Mansion, and the key to the lock of Yuan Shenshen.

Whoosh Shua

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, under the cover of a layer of silver-purple Void Glow, headed deep into Xie Yang Mansion.

“Keng Dao is the strength first. This Xie Yang Mansion is the Ancient God Secret Mansion. The opportunity here should be far better than the outside world.”

Zhao Feng had a glimmer of expectation in his eyes.

The buildings in Xie Yang Mansion are mostly under the aegis of the Restrictive Formation of God, but unlike the Restrictive Formation of God in the outside world, they have such strong hostility and threats.

The bricks and tiles here are automatically repaired under the action of the Restrictive Formation of God after being damaged.

Moreover, as the ancient God Mansion mansion, its material is beyond common sense, generally attack, difficult to damage in the slightest.

At one moment, the silver purple Void Glow stopped before a fruit forest.


“The very powerful heaven and earth spirit is far better than some heavenly materials and earthly treasures today.”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng were shocked.

That strong Heaven and Earth spirit was transmitted from the nearby fruit forest.

Take a closer look.

On the ancient trees of that fruit forest, some spirit fruits grow, and the heaven and earth faintly radiate, bringing an oppression of Origin Energy.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng couldn’t help it.

“Without the Restrictive Formation of God?”

The two looked a little, and their faces were unexpected.

Some fruits in the fruit forest, each placed outside, are top-level spirit fruits, which can be alchemy or directly taken.

The most unexpected thing is that this fruit forest is not under the stubbornness of “Restrictive Formation of God”.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat suddenly jumped out, jumped onto the fruit tree, grabbed a fruit, and ate directly.

“Xue Xiangli … Duolong Qingti … Blood Sun …”

Zhao Feng recognizes the origin of these fruits with his huge memory atlas.

Bass bass

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng also flew into these spirit fruit picking.

The whole process was extremely smooth and there was no interference from external forces.

“Perhaps, these spirit fruits are just some very common fruits in the original mansion.”

Zhao Feng came to a conclusion during the picking.

According to the illustrated book, he found that these are the edible fruits of the ancient period; but under the special environment of Xie Yang Mansion, contain a very strong heaven and earth spirit.

These spirit fruits, Origin Core Realm swallows, have a strong nourishing effect on the flesh and blood of the body, and can be refined into the cultivation base.

Even for Void God Realm, eating a few fruit bumps can be beneficial.

“These rare fruits are basically extinct outside.”

Nangong Sheng was a little bit excited. If these fruits can be taken back to the outside world, it can be said that there is no market price.

Moreover, the number of spirit fruits here is really quite large.

sou sou sou

At this moment, there were two or three teams nearby, which quickly approached the fruit forest here.

“A lot of spirit fruit is left unattended and without the guardianship of formation?”

The men and women of these teams were shocked.

Bass bass rub

Soon, the men and women of these three teams also joined the spirit fruit picking.

The number of spirit fruits, to say the least, is thousands, and everyone is not fighting.

“Purple Hair Demon Twins”

One side of this team is Nine Nether Palace.

The “Jiu Wuji” in the black shirt was squinting, and looked at Zhao Feng and the two.

However, the entanglement of Purple Hair Demon Twins and Evil Sect are well known.

Even though Shuangxie is only two people, the remaining 3-Star-level forces do not want, or even dare to provoke.

Just a moment’s effort, the spirit fruit in this fruit forest was picked up completely.

It was unexpected. During the picking process, Three Sects did not have any conflicts.

There is no reason for him.

There are too many Spirit Fruits here, and each side picks hundreds to thousands.

Everyone was excited. Although these spirit fruits are not unique treasures, they did not take much effort to achieve such gains.

sou sou sou

After picking up the spirit fruit, everyone leaped into the depths of Xie Yang Mansion.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, chewing the pulp, are not willing to fall behind, and even lead the giants.

At this time, the advantages of the duo were also manifested.

It is true that some other teams are crowded, but ordinary members have not fully reached the level of Void God Realm.

The average strength of Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng far exceeds that of most genius and elite.

Only move forward more than 10 li, the two figure, pause again.

Tinker Bell

In a bamboo forest in front, there is a team of people and horses that are cutting down the bamboo and there is a sound of golden iron and iron symphony

Those bamboos, jade green sparkling and translucent, are generally as high as two 30 feet, and even go to ten zhang, emitting a pure green aura.

“Tian Yun Bamboo”

Zhao Feng a glance recognized the bamboo, revealing surprising colour.

This heavenly rhyme bamboo is an ancient rare bamboo made from Earth Rank Wood Type Divine Weapon. It can also be used to make some Dao of Music instruments.

In the outside world, this kind of bamboo is basically extinct and rare.

“Ha Ha Ha It’s hard to see the ‘Tian Yun Bamboo’ in this crucial moment. The quality of these bamboos, I’m afraid I can make high grade Earth Rank Divine Weapon.”

“Quickly cut and wait for the Divine Illusory Space, and we will be developed.”

That squad is a 3-Star Sect.

Shua wind

A silver purple Void Glow, drawn from a distance, fell into the bamboo forest of Tianyun.

“Cut this product qualitative ‘Tian Yun Bamboo, and it’s a pity not to cut back some.”

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng also joined the ranks of chopping bamboo.

However, the “Tian Yun Bamboo” has a hard texture, which is generally difficult for Divine Weapon.

Pu chi

Nangong Sheng possesses Space innate talent, with a very thin layer of silver-purple Void Blade in his hands. Every time he swipes, he can cut off a bamboo of Tianyun.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat holds a shadowy dagger in his hand, and at a glance, he can easily cut a bamboo, even easier than Nangong Sheng.

Zhao Feng didn’t have too profitable means or weapons, he simply leaped onto a tall bamboo, and overlooked the situation nearby.

With this look, can’t help for a moment, the complexion was weird.

Under God Eye’s clearly understood, those enters into the Xie Yang Mansion’s genius elite, each and everyone hungering and thirsty, grabbing the flowers and plants in Xie Yang Mansion.

In the eyes, there is gold everywhere in Xie Yang Mansion.

“In Xie Yang Mansion, some of the most ordinary flowers and plants are rare treasures for Outsider.

Zhao Feng can’t help with emotion.

It has to be said that the gap between God and man is not generally large.

According to his clearly understood, observation, some relatively important architectural flowers and plants will be in the stubbornness of the “Restrictive Formation of God”.

And what everyone can snatch is worthless to the Master and even the servants in the mansion.

Simply described, for the people living in the residence, these flowers and plants are no different from the air and soil

On a hillside opposite.

A squad is madly digging the soil ore.

On the other side of the river bank, several senior elites were excited, jumping into the river, fishing, or picking plants.

Zhao Feng’s Bloodline left eye, hurriedly scanned a glance, his face twitched slightly.

Hurry up, these outside genius elites, arrived Xie Yang Mansion, are like a bunch of poor countrymen, enters into the unattended super mansion, both eyes let the thief shine, robbery everywhere.

And Zhao Feng is one of them.

Thought of this, even him, can not help feel a little harmful.

“Even foolish human beings, even if you plunder as much copper and iron as possible, if within a month, the mission cannot be achieved. Everyone will die.”

An ice-cold mocking voice sounded in everyone’s ears.

Everyone who has a “World-Exterminating Mark” on their body hears this sound.

This scene in Xie Yang Mansion makes World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon angry and funny, some “hate iron without steel”.

These humans were actually attracted by some insignificant flowers and bricks on the periphery of Xie Yang Mansion, and they did not spare any effort to grab them.

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