King of Gods

Chapter 832

At this moment, the presence of many genius and elites in the Great Heaven Dynasty was shocked, as if choked

In the minds of many young talents, the noble and perfect Goddess turned into the youngster’s arms of evil looking mysterious, with affection and tears.

“How come, this thief …”

Jiang Chen of Jiang Family, and other geniuses who complained with Zhao Feng, were shocked and speechless.

On the side of Imperial Clan, 8th Prince and Luo Zun, their faces were also very wonderful, and there was an indescribable aversion in their hearts.

The heart of the two people once again produced a sense of frustration.

8th Prince once liked Luo Zun’s younger sister Luo Shui’er, but the latter had an engagement with “Zhao Feng” and had friendship with each other.

For Luo Zun, Zhao Yufei is also a rare and affectionate woman, but the other person ’s identity, Bloodline, is too noble to be worthy of.

The most crumbling and silent is Thirteenth Prince.

“That’s it … Yufei wanted pursuit Purple Hair Demon Twins in order to find that kid?”

Thirteenth Prince complexion Yin is embarrassing.

In his both eyes, there was a hint of poisonous and murderous intention.

“Her Royal Highness, please calm down”

The Dried-Face Old Man, who did not know when he appeared on his behind, patted one hand gently on the shoulder of Thirteenth Prince.


Thirteenth Prince took a deep breath, calming down the chaos, collapse, and madness.

“This Zhao Feng is definitely not a simple role. So far, the old man can’t see his depth. To deal with him, it is best to go out after Divine Illusory Space, and then in the Ancient God Secret Mansion, find the right opportunity …

Dried-Face Old Man sound transmission.

If Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei are like-minded, Thirteenth Prince would be unreasonable.

The Eight Powerful Families, which are close to Imperial Clan, have inextricable relationships.

Zhao Yufei, who owns Spirit Clan Bloodline, is even more reluctant. With his innate talent natural talent and the power of the three 4-Star Sect, they will compete for admission.

For example, for the 4-Star Sect “Heavenly Floating Palace”, you don’t need to look at Imperial Clan’s face.

“Brother Feng, why don’t you recognize me?”

Zhao Yufei’s voice repeated again.

At this moment, the mist in her eyes was steaming, remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, looking at this brand-new look, the handsome “Brother Zhao Feng”.

In the beginning, she also considered Zhao Feng’s change of appearance, but after careful observation, she confirmed that it was not.

Facing Zhao Yufei’s re-question, Zhao Feng couldn’t ignore the escape.

Prior to this, he did not take the initiative to recognize Zhao Yufei for a number of reasons and was somewhat complicated.

First, Zhao Feng’s cultivation base strength, as well as his appearance, is a brand new one.

From the Matter level, Zhao Feng and Already of Zeng Jin no longer exist.

Second, the rebirth of fiancée Liu Qinxin.

At that time, the memory of Brahma Wheel Ancient Sound Palace still exists.

Liu Qinxin envisioned the arrival of Zhao Feng’s and left an ancient copper coin to help Zhao Feng conceive the Great Emperor Will in advance to weather the storm.

“Peak, you can come, Qinxin is dead without regret, it is a blessing in this life.”

“The peak, my death, is the rebirth for breaking through the numerology; if you look here, you can see that we are in the next life, and the cause and effect are not broken.”

Zhao Feng has an intuition that Liu Qinxin of rebirth may be somewhere waiting silently for himself.

“Zhao Feng, if the fate is still there, after all, you will meet again to Qinxin; if you have to determine its whereabouts, unless you find Eye of Samsara,”

The voice of Sage Liu Wu was played back in my mind.

Zhao Feng knew very well that the love in Zhao Yufei’s heart could not tolerate any next sand.

If you let her know that Liu Qinxin got an arrested rebirth, the “fiancée” is still there.

The third reason.

At that time, and the situation, Zhao Feng was not suitable to recognize Zhao Yufei.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, as evil robbers who plundered, made many enemies; Zhao Feng did not want to be implicated in Zhao Yufei and the Duanmu Family.

Including now.

Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei Duanmu Family are still standing in different Force Fields.

Between thoughts, Zhao Feng conveyed the first and third reasons to Zhao Yufei, especially the third reason

“Yufei, I’m not fit yet, join your Duanmu Family.”

Zhao Feng solemnly.

Zhao Yufei also understands the reason for this; after all, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, as evil thieves, plundered many forces.

Some of the looted forces were even good allies of the Duanmu Family.

At the end.

Zhao Feng asked briefly about Master Duanmu Qing.

“Senior Brother Duanmu, who tried to break through Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord two years ago, failed by one step. If the breakthrough cannot be achieved in the past XNUMX years, the life of Senior Brother Duanmu will also reach the upper limit. Soul and Life will gradually go to exhaustion … “

Zhao Yufei’s face was right, the powder fist slightly clenched, and he seemed to have made a certain determination.

Zhao Feng knows that the ordinary Great Emperor has a long life of XNUMX yuan; Duanmu Qing, as a Wood Type Great Emperor, has a longer life, but it is almost reaching its limit.

In another hundred years, Duanmu Qing will be like the Little Sword Saint white beard at Heaven Sword Pavilion.

In the end, it will be the same as the old priest of Underground City.

“It is very rare to increase the funding of breakthrough Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord, even in Divine Illusory Space.”

Zhao Feng sighed.

He decided to do his part in this matter.

Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei quickly exchanged a moment, and the latter left at the call of Duanmu Family.

“Yufei, are you okay?”

green robe old man slightly heave a sigh of relief, he was afraid that Zhao Yufei was desperate and was abducted by “Purple Hair Demon Twins”


Zhao Feng and Zhao Yufei both understand the position at the moment.

Especially Zhao Feng, the idea of ​​plunder he determined was destined to stand on the opposite side of most forces on the field.

It’s not just a matter of thinking.

Any force or individual who seeks great benefits will arouse the anger of the powerful forces and join hands in rejection.

“Senior Brother Xuanyuan”

At this moment, a ghostly silhouette emerged from the dragon shape hole, the body was a bit scorched, and fell to the Heavenly Floating Palace.

“How’s it going?”

The genius elites of Heavenly Floating Palace, expectantly, stared at the disciple responsible for the investigation.


The Senior Brother Zhuge of Heavenly Floating Palace, an ancient fan in his hand, gently waved, a layer of invisible light to isolate this area.

Not much time.

A prince member jumped out of the scorched black dragon shape cave and reported to the three Imperial Clan members

“Looking for arrived?”

8th Prince and the others.

“Already confirmed that the following is the entrance to the Ancient God Secret Mansion, but the remaining aura of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is very strong …”

The prince member explained some details in detail.

of course.

Whether it is Heavenly Floating Palace or Imperial Clan, its communication is isolated from the outside world.

However, Zhao Feng’s observations and observations make it easy to see that the search on Ancient God Secret Mansion has made breakthrough progress.

Sou sou sou

Heavenly Floating Palace’s elite team of more than XNUMX people has already penetrated into the scorched dark cave shape.


The elite members of Imperial Clan did not hesitate to let go, the second enters into the scorched black cave shape.

The third, Heaven Sword Pavilion, and the fourth, Nine Nether Palace … many superpowers nearby swarmed.

of course.

Due to the geographical limitations of Divine Illusory Space to connect, not all the top forces of Great Heaven have gathered in this area.

The Divine Illusory Space is vast and there are many other opportunities.

Some forces, perhaps because of strength, or because of the fear of World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon, have given up this huge opportunity.


Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, under the cover of a layer of silver-purple Void Glow, quickly flashed into the entrance of the dark black dragon shape.

The two did not compete forefront, but they were not too far behind.

The black-shaped dragon shape hole, with a very large diameter, is clearly the Channel left by the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon drilled into the subterranean.

During the march, Zhao Feng felt the powerful aura left by Black Flood Dragon.

Ordinary Origin Core Realm can’t even get close to this aura, let alone enter into the one to explore.


Under the influence of gravity, many genius elites drifted down to the depth of the dragon shape cave.

The cave was a little meandering, and occasionally I stepped on it with my feet; there was a strong burning aura left on the wall.

After a long while.

Bass bass rub

Many silhouettes have fallen to the bottom of this dragon shape cave.

At the bottom of the cave, there was a scorching black, and even a few silky dragons remained.

Everyone present felt a burning suffocation.


I don’t know who it is, whispered.

I saw in front a dark subterranean, a lava pool appeared, and a scorched black nearby.

Next to the lava pool was a piece of stele.

On the stele, there are several ancient fonts-Xie Yang Mansion.

“Xie Yang Mansion Ancient God Xie Yang?”

The strong forces on the field showed joy.

Just, everyone slightly wrinkle, since it says “Xie Yang Mansion”, where is the entrance to the mansion?

“This lava pool is the entrance.”

Heavenly Floating Palace, Senior Brother Zhuge in white silk, holding an ancient fan, came to the lava pool.

Lava Pool

The crowd was startled, and under the sight, in the rock pool, a piece of hot red melt was rolling.

The burning aura, even Void God King, was a little upset.

Moreover, among these elite squads, Void God King is the leader, with a small number.


At this moment, there was a slight sense of space vibration in the depths of the lava pool.

Some senses’ powerful experts seemed to feel that there was a roar of Dragon Roar in my ears, which made people startled.

“If you don’t enter the tiger’s hole, you won’t be able to get a tiger.”

The Senior Brother Zhuge smiled, and a whole mysterious fire rune appeared on the whole body, “pu 啵” slammed into the hot red lava pool.

The scarlet-red lava, a layer of violent red crystal flames, engulfed Senior Brother Zhuge, but there was no trace.

“Senior Brother Zhuge”

The disciples of Heavenly Floating Palace, can’t help whispered, worried.

After a few breaths.


A layer of overlapping fire rune light and shadow, leap out, flame light converged, it is that Senior Brother Zhuge.

“Fire Type expert, turn on Inflammation Protection, and enter into it together.”

Senior Brother Zhuge includes said with a smile.

啵 pu pu pu

The small team of Heavenly Floating Palace formed a team and plunged into the lava pool collectively in a huge dazzling flame light.

After that, he was a member of the Imperial Family.

“It’s just the entrance to the world membrane.”

Zhao Feng left eye Slightly swept, even the defense layer was not running, and jumped directly into the lava pool.

After enterings into the lava pool, the hot red inflammation aura quickly subsided.

A layer of sunset-like light film reflects everyone’s vision.

Everyone passed through that layer of light film, and entered into the rich simple and unadorned space of Origin Energy.

However, in the place where there is a dark and confusing place, a mansion with light and shadow looming can be seen in the distance.

“It turned out that this Xie Yang Mansion is the realm of the realm, and it has become a separate secret realm space …”

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