King of Gods

Chapter 820

great waves.

The “River-Devouring Leviathan” swallowed and swallowed, swallowing rivers and waves, covering mountains and rivers, with magnificent power.

Yellow robe middle-aged, youngster, white clothed youth, the three major Void God Realm joined forces to fight, plus the team elite behind to form a formation of assistance.

Even so, the human side is still at a disadvantage.

At this key eye, the layer of silver-purple Void Glow envelopes two silhouettes and penetrates into the depths of the rough river.

“How can the treasure at the bottom of the river take advantage of outsiders?”

Yi youngster was angry.

Earlier, in the “tears of blue crystal”, they lost to Xin Wuhen and lost greatly.

Now, two unknown boys also want to steal their interests.

“No hurry.”

In the eyes of the middle-aged yellow robe, there was a hint of slyness: “enters into the waves at the bottom of the river will bear the power of ‘River-Devouring Leviathan’. We are worried that no one can enter into them and take in treasures. “


The words, white clothed youth and clothing youth, eyes were bright.

“Even if the two of them are reluctant to intercept the treasures in the river, Origin Energy will consume a lot. Behind us, there are three elites of the Sect team. At that time, we can kill them together.”

Middle-aged yellow robe with a hint of color.

“Yes, the two thieves, there is only a person King. After the hard work of picking the treasure, it is not cheap for us.”

Yi youngster and white clothed youth, nodded again and again.

The situation at the moment.

The three Kings and Zhao Feng are just using each other.

The former temporarily restrained and resisted the “River-Devouring Leviathan”, while the latter spent effort to pick up treasures deep in the bottom of the lake.

噗通 gu gu gu

Deep in the river, Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng advanced in a layer of silver-purple Void Glow.


In the process of progressing, the two will endure the magnificent strength of the River-Devouring Leviathan.

The River-Devouring Leviathan, between each breath, will contain the grand strength of the turbulent “Yijiang”.

“River-Devouring Leviathan’s strength, mainly Spatial-type and Water Type.”

Zhao Feng analyzes.

These two attributes, exactly Nangong Sheng and him, correspond to mastery.

It is for this reason that the two men dare to be so brazen as to “take the meat by the tiger’s mouth.”

However, under the supervision of the other three Kings, Zhao Feng temporarily operated only part of the physical strength to help push forward.

The strength of Nangong Sheng has increased more than a few days ago.

In a short time, Nangong Sheng resisted most of the power with his own strength.

“The integration of Evil God Crystal and Nangong Sheng is getting higher and higher. Sooner or later, the strength of the two is indistinguishable from each other.

Zhao Feng deduced slightly.

Right now the river is magnificent, wide, and very deep.

When a certain depth is reached, the monitoring power of the three Kings is greatly reduced.

at this time.

Zhao Feng runs Ice Emperor Spear to form an ice water light cover to protect the two.

The strengths of the Spatial-type and Water Type Bloodline are merged into one, and the consumption is greatly reduced, and the propulsion speed is greatly increased.

“Really strong Treasure qi”

During the approach, the two noticed a huge Treasure qi.

Not much time.

A cave at the bottom of the river was full of light, and the scream of Origin Energy shook the eyes of the two.

“What exactly is heaven and earth rare treasure?”

Nangong Sheng and Zhao Feng looked at a glance, the latter turned on Left Eye, and fully understood a glance.

Under Zhao Feng’s perspective clearly understood, the scene inside the cave is unobstructed.

The entire cave is a layer of white and shiny stone wall.

The stone wall material alone is more valuable than the ordinary Earth Rank Divine Weapon material.

At the deepest part of the cave, a crystal-clear Pure White Light Lotus grows, accompanied by a ripple of water.

The surge of Origin Energy’s trembling water originated from this “Pure White Light Lotus”.

“Water Type Rare Treasures-Heavenly Crystal Lotus.”

Zhao Feng was shocked, and there was a fascination in his eyes.

The term Heavenly Crystal Lotus, at first glance, seems to be a plant line. In fact, it crosses the two worlds of plant line and mineral line.

In short, it is a cross-border Water Type treasure

As Water Type Rare Treasures, Heavenly Crystal Lotus is the top grade material for refining Water Type Divine Weapon Item.

Even, it can be used as the main material for refining Inheritance Holy Item and Heaven Rank Divine Weapon.

As a cross-border treasure, Heavenly Crystal Lotus can also be used for absorption, cultivate, and value. It is also above the “sperm of water” grabbed by Zhao Feng.

“This Heavenly Crystal Lotus, whether it is integrated into Emperor Spear, or absorbed in cultivate by itself, the effect is very good

Zhao Feng was heartbroken.

of course.

Deep in the cave, in addition to Heavenly Crystal Lotus, there are a dozen translucent mysterious water drops.

“Water Soul Bead”

Zhao Feng’s eyes were slightly bright, and then he sighed, “Unfortunately, at my current Soul level, Water Soul Bead is used with little effect.”

Water Soul Bead has the effect of warming up, washing, and strengthening Soul, making Spirit Will clear.


Zhao Feng wants to restore the Soul level to a large extent. Generally, the Soul Dao treasures of High Rank are not enough.

Because, the intensity of his Soul is extraordinary.

Whoosh Shua

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, Feiyao shuttle room, enters into the cave.


Entering into the cave, the two were assaulted and hindered by a rippling ripple of water, which was derived from the Strength of Water Type Rare Treasures “Heavenly Crystal Lotus”.

But the two were not ordinary, and joined forces to resist the pressure, entering into the deep cave.

“Nangong Sheng, these Water Soul Beads will help you consolidate warmed up Soul and wash Will.”

Zhao Feng suggested.

That Water Soul Bead, and some Water Type crystal ore in the cave, most of Zhao Feng gave to Nangong Sheng.

Water Type Rare Treasures “Heavenly Crystal Lotus”, which had too much effect on Zhao Feng, was left by him.

Nangong Sheng had no objection, and soon divided up the spokes of war.

Zhao Feng got his wish and got “Heavenly Crystal Lotus”, resisting the urge to use it immediately.

This “Heavenly Crystal Lotus” has definitely greatly promoted his cultivation base strength.


Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng quickly exited the cave.

In this long and turbulent river, the two always bear the force of “swallowing the river” and consume a lot.

啵 bang bang-

During the process of returning to the river, the two also shouldered the forces of swallowing the river.

The force that swallows the river, breathes a breath, and the opposite force, it takes a twelve-point spiritual response.

This is Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng. The ability just fits the Water Type and Spatial-type. If you change to the King, you’re just tired to lie down.

“Thief, where do you run–“

Just then, near the river bank, cold and severe great shout came.

Hong long long

At the same time, the magnificent aura from River-Devouring Leviathan is approaching step by step.

“Not good, the three Kings and River-Devouring Leviathan, all killed …”

With the change of Nangong Sheng complexion, the pressure has increased greatly.

He had previously considered that after going to the river bank, he would be attacked by the three kings in the yellow robe.

But Nangong Sheng did not expect that even River-Devouring Leviathan would get rid.

The Battle Strength of the River-Devouring Leviathan, under the Great Emperor, is almost invincible. On the river side, even if there are seven or eight Kings, they may not be able to do so.

“In this situation, I expected …”

Zhao Feng was calm.

Heavenly Crystal Lotus is a Water Type treasure, and its Water Type treasure Aura has attracted three Kings from the outside world.

However, there is also a River-Devouring Leviathan in charge of guarding nearby.

River-Devouring Leviathan waited for many years, only that “Heavenly Crystal Lotus” was really mature, and then gets rid to pick it up.

Zhao Feng and others picked Heavenly Crystal Lotus, which naturally caused River-Devouring Leviathan’s pursuit.

“Ha Ha Ha … the two thieves, this is the evil result of greed.”

Yellow robe Middle-aged three Kings, shouting loudly.

The situation on the court changed, and the River-Devouring Leviathan and the three Kings, which were originally continually, suddenly became temporary allies.

“Zhao Feng, what now?”

Nangong Sheng’s Space Domain is under great pressure, with a handsome face, slightly reddish.

At this point, Zhao Feng gets rid.

In a layer of intangible physiques and ripples, Zhao Feng’s Bloodline left eye opens suddenly, revealing a deep, dreamlike purple fantasy world.

“Bloodline left eye”

Nangong Sheng was happy and knew that it was Zhao Feng’s trump card.

The next moment.

In the surging great waves, the River-Devouring Leviathan uttered a scream of horror, suddenly out of control, and attacked wildly.

“Ah, let it go”

“This River-Devouring Leviathan, why is he suddenly going crazy?”

Yellow robe middle-aged three kings, who had formed temporary allies with River-Devouring Leviathan, were suddenly attacked by the latter

For a time.

The three Kings, as well as the team elite behind them, are in a mess.

The River-Devouring Leviathan loses his mind, is crazy atattack, has no rules, and the threat is even greater.

Whoosh Shua

At the same time, a layer of silver-purple Void Glow enveloped the two men and flew over the river and waves.

“Damn those two boys, they are about to run …”

Three middle-aged people in yellow robe.

How could they have expected that River-Devouring Leviathan would have suffered for no reason.

“No, look at that purple hair youngster”

The white clothed youth in the three Kings, can’t help whispered.

I saw that the youngster in the silver purple Void Glow, a deep purple left eye, locked the insane River-Devouring Leviathan.

“How could it be … he could influence control of ‘River-Devouring Leviathan,'”

“This River-Devouring Leviathan, but the Bloodline with the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List, can actually be controlled indirectly by him.”

The three King body and mind are shocking.

The purple hair youngster in the field of vision evoked a smile of evil looking, so unfathomable.

Whoosh Shua

That layer of silver purple Void Glow, separated from the area of ​​the river and waves.

Once out of the river, the speed of River-Devouring Leviathan and the ability to innate talent will be reduced.

With the speed and strength of Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, there is no need to worry about anything.

“Zhao Feng, I didn’t expect that you could indirectly control ‘River-Devouring Leviathan’, and also expected the situation right now.”

Nangong Sheng said in surprise.

It seems that after entering into the Divine Illusory Space, Zhao Feng did not use the real hole cards and was growing.

“If Soul Will is more powerful, I can enslave and control this’ River-Devouring Leviathan directly, instead of indirectly affecting the control …”

Zhao Feng shook his head slightly, and seemed a little bit dissatisfied.

In his most Peak period, River-Devouring Leviathan could be enslaved as soon as Eye Strength Will came out.

hearing this, Nangong Sheng can’t help

It can be seen that if Zhao Feng’s Soul can be further leveled, how strong will its strength be.

But a sufficient amount of soul treasure is really hard to find; ordinary Zhao Feng is useless.

After a while.

The “River-Devouring Leviathan” in the field of vision gradually turned into a small point, and Zhao Feng also lost control of it.

After getting out of the water, it was difficult to catch up with River-Devouring Leviathan’s clumsy bulk.

“Thief, where do you run–“

At the rear, a sound of breaking air came, accompanied by the roar of the three Kings.


Zhao Feng felt unexpected. How did the three Kings catch up?

Take a closer look.

Yellow robe Middle-aged King, sitting on a peculiarly shaped “Wind Flame Chariot”, with a strong blue flame light Xia dragged behind it, its principle style, somewhat like the ancient shoes under Zhao Feng’s feet.

The three Kings, simultaneously strengths are infused with True Yuan, making the speed of Wind Flame Chariot far faster than ordinary King.

“This will work …”

Zhao Feng has a strange face, and it’s not hard to guess that the two’s Wind Flame Chariot and his shoes may be the products of the Heavens Secret Clan civilization.

(Third call, it ’s tired after finishing yesterday)

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