King of Gods

Chapter 805

“Its goal … seems to be also Ancient God Secret Mansion”

Xuanyuan Wen watched the “World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon” of the huge black shadow, and rushed to the heart of Divine Illusory Space deeper.

Wherever the Black Flood Dragon went, Destruction Aura’s powerful howling wind wiped out everything, and countless creatures shivered and mourned.

Its massive Heaven shaking Destruction Dragon’s Power, strong as Xuanyuan Wen, felt oppressed and dared not approach.

For a time.

On Xuanyuan Wen’s handsome face, a short thought was revealed.

The “Ancient God Secret Mansion” in Divine Illusory Space was a little-known secret to the Continental Dynasty.

This time.

The overlapping area between Divine Illusory Space and Continental is exactly its core hinterland; otherwise, the general to connect cannot reach the Ancient God Secret Mansion at all.

However at the moment.

The “World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon” that was suddenly launched disrupted Xuanyuan Wen’s plan for the Ancient God Secret Mansion.

In this way, the secrets of Ancient God Secret Mansion must not be concealed.

The power of the World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon is so great that it will surely alarm many people.

“There are gains and losses.”

Xuanyuan Wen quickly let out a smile: “With this Black Flood Dragon at the head, maybe it will disrupt the ‘Ancient God Secret Mansion’, the rules and the Restrictive Formation of God.”


He took out a fancy sign and crushed it.

A strong and subtle induction wave swarmed into other areas of the Divine Illusory Space.

In Divine Illusory Space, the general means of communication will be greatly restricted, but some special items are not excluded.


Xuanyuan Wen leapt lightly and followed the direction of Black Flood Dragon.

At the same time.

In Divine Illusory Space, the far end.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng were on their way at a moderate pace with occasional breaks.

Without it, the speed of the Black Flood Dragon is getting faster and faster, and finally it reaches the Great Emperor level easily.

Zhao Feng’s tracking method is very clever, and he is not afraid to lose the Black Flood Dragon.


The Black Flood Dragon is basically unbridled and takes off, and generally people with tracking experience can easily follow

“Sure enough, heaven and earth Origin Energy is getting richer and richer, and we are close to the heartland of Divine Illusory Space.”

Zhao Feng looks down.

In the last day or two, the Demon Spirit Precious Beast and strength he encountered with Nangong Sheng are getting stronger and stronger.


There are many opportunities along the way. From time to time, you can also see the traces of Outsider.

Divine Illusory Space has a large to connect range.

The Continent dynasty, and even the major forces in the surrounding Sea Territory, are able to connect to the 2-Star-level Sect, to say nothing of the hundreds.

This is still a very conservative figure, not counting some Aristocratic Family forces.

of course.

There is still very little power that can transport King. Only the general 3-Star Sect or Eight Great Aristocratic Families can have a greater certainty.

Sou sou

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng fell on a hillside and recovered with their knees crossed.

In order to cope with various crisis situations in the “Divine Illusory Space”, the two will not allow Origin Energy to consume excessively.

The two were back to back and said it was recover, it might as well be cultivate.

Zhao Feng took out the King Crystal Nucleus of “Purple Wind Thunder Lion”, recuperated and cultivated “Five Elements Myriad Thunder Secret Art”.

This lost god arrived in Space, keeping the original contours of ancient, Origin Energy is excellent, and the cultivate effect is much better than the outside world.

Along the way, Zhao Feng’s God Eye, along the way, found some extinct ancient Precious Materials.

At this moment, with the help of Wind Thunder Crystal Nucleus, Zhao Feng’s cultivation base is making progress at a perceptible speed.

That “Wind Thunder Crystal Nucleus” contains a Wind Thunder True Yuan Space, and True Yuan is surging and pure.

This King Crystal Nucleus, a rare Wind Thunder attribute, fits with Zhao Feng.

Just a moment of effort.

Zhao Feng Origin Energy resumed, Core’s Nucleus within the body, scale and quality are further improved.

“Breaking through Great Origin Core Realm, it will take a while.”

Zhao Feng groaned slightly.

Origin Core Realm, after all, is a long process of mass accumulation. Zhao Feng’s “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” is even more unusual cultivation technique.

After thinking.

Zhao Feng decided to temporarily change the cultivate course.

He no longer pursues the accumulation of “quantity”, but focuses on the quality of True Yuan.

In dantian, Zhao Feng’s Core’s Nucleus, Crystallization became more and more obvious, and a faint crystal glow appeared on the surface.

“First, upgrade the quality of Crystal Nucleus True Yuan to Great Origin Core Realm.”

Zhao Feng has a goal.

The reason for this is to accumulate strength and explosive power in the Divine Illusory Space in the short term.

To drive this speed, Zhao Feng enters into the Immemorial Dreamland.

Zhao Feng’s consciousness, invisible Small Water Vortex integrated into the center of Soul Sea.

The next moment.

He set foot on a piece of ancient and desolate land, Immemorial aura hiding the sky and covering the earth, the pressure of heaven and earth is much greater than Divine Illusory Space.

However, with Zhao Feng’s powerful physique of Saint Thunder Body, he can still easily walk here.

In the center of the tree, on the towering tree, there are several spirit fruits, most of which are more than XNUMX% ripe.

The green spots python and the Ancient Dark-Green Demon Bird are obediently guarded here.

Zhao Feng took a mature “dream spirit fruit”, chewed it a little bit, and took it.

The effect of the dream fruit on the physical bloodline is trivial.

That year, when Half-God Child was at the King level, taking a few dream spirit fruits could greatly increase the Saint Body cultivation base.

But dream fruit is difficult to digest and absorb.

Otherwise, Zhao Feng would not be so late before taking Dream Spirit Spirit Fruit.

Consciousness returns to Divine Illusory Space.

Nangong Sheng is in Zhao Feng behind cultivate. In his Space Domain, there is a trace of the strong strength of Evil God Crystal.

Zhao Feng observed that Nangong Sheng’s Space Domain and Evil God Crystal were assimilated with each other.

Evil God Crystal as the core, its God Crystal and evil power, eroded Nangong Sheng’s Space Domain, and even integrated into its Crystal Nucleus Source a little.


Nangong Sheng in cultivate, the black silver light on its body surface glows a faint amethyst amethyst light pattern.


On the forehead of Nangong Sheng, a crescent moon-like purple mark flashes, like the mark of Evil God.


Nangong Sheng breathed, the surrounding heaven and earth Origin Energy, trembled, as if worshiping a god arrived.

“The worthy to be called is Evil God Crystal, the strength of Nangong Sheng is getting stronger and stronger. I don’t know if he can really control this strength.”

Zhao Feng secretly said in one’s heart.

of course.

He took the “dream spirit fruit”, coupled with King-level Wind Thunder Crystal Nucleus, the cultivation base advances are even more shocking.

Just half a day.

Zhao Feng’s physique Bloodline has undergone a significant transformation.

“Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” Realm of 4-Layer great accomplishment, faintly progressed a little, not far from 4-Layer Peak.

This is still a dream spirit fruit, which only digests part of the effect.


Zhao Feng was placed in a rippling Water-Thunder dark blue vortex, and the corresponding Wind Thunder Origin Energy between water and earth roared.

Over the hillside where the two were, a large thunderstorm surrounded by Wind Clouds.

Such powers can be clearly felt within a hundred miles.

“” Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art “, breakthrough sixth layer”

Zhao Feng is happy.

That Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art, layer 3 is the foundation of Wind Thunder.

The u layer is the foundation of the first Five Elements Wind Thunder.

And now.

Zhao Feng’s first foundation of Wind Thunder Of Water reached the great accomplishment, sixth layer of this stage.

“Wait at the next layer, the seventh layer, and I will be able to build a second Wind Thunder element-Wind Thunder of Wood through Five Elements.”

Zhao Feng looking forward.

“Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art” runs through Five Elements, wide-ranging and profound. Every time a Wind Thunder element is born, it is not only the improvement of strength, but also the diversity of strength means.


Every appearance of a Wind Thunder element, forging the Saint Thunder Body, will increase the corresponding attribute resistance.

Like now.

Zhao Feng cultivated Wind Thunder Of Water for the Tempered Body, and his Saint Thunder Body had a strong immunity to the ice water lineage attack.

Inside dantian.

Zhao Feng’s Core’s Nucleus, basically completed Crystallization, has a sense of sparkling and translucent.

just now.

Zhao Feng In addition to the difference in quantity, the strength and quality of True Yuan is almost the same as that of Great Origin Core Realm.

Coupled with “Saint Thunder Body” and “Wind Thunder tactics”, the combination of the two top Saint Techniques, their battle strength, may be comparable to Half-Step King.

This still excludes God Eye and bloodline strength, as well as some hole cards.

“set off.”

Zhao Feng got up first. He had the dream spirit fruit within the body, and most of them could be digested slowly.

When this dream spirit fruit is completely absorbed, Zhao Feng’s “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” will be able to reach the apex of the fourth layer; at that time, Zhao Feng can crush ordinary Half-Step King by fleshly body physique alone.


Nangong Sheng spits a long breath, reluctantly.

The “Evil God Crystal” improves and strengthens his Domain and Crystal Nucleus, bringing the strength enhancement that is intoxicating.

Bass bass

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng left the hillside and continued to track “World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon”.

The two talents leapt from several dozen li, and in the “ruin ancient city” in front of them, there was a sound of fighting.

Among them, a white faintly light beam flew from the direction of the ruins.

“Follow the demon girl of Serene Moon Dynasty, and stole ‘Ding Shenzhu,’ and ‘Heart Nourishing Soul Wood.'”

In the ruins of the ancient city, more than twenty silhouettes were chased out.


Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng, can’t help stop and watch.

On the way, the two also saw some outsider battles.

However, in the ruins of the ancient city, there were actually hundreds of people, and it was the first time to see such a scale.

Those chasing out are just some of the top elites.

In that white faintly beam of light, a Alien Race woman with a dorsal and transparent cicada wing was faintly visible, and its cultivation base aura reached Void God Realm.

Among the people chasing behind, there were two Void God Kings, and the rest were Half-Step King or Late Stage Great Origin Core Realm and Peak.

“The two Fellow Daoist in front, please stop the ‘Serene Moon Dynasty, the demon girl.”

In the back, a young king named Gu, shouted loudly.

The white faintly light and shadow transformed by the cicada-winged woman, the speed behind the crowd.

Regarding speed, no one on the field can compare with this woman.

If Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng gets rid, maybe it will stop her, and she will have the chance to stay.

“This female body seems to have any valuable treasure … leave it”

Zhao Feng has flashes in his eyes.

As soon as the words came down, he blasted away from the air.

When I saw a Small Origin Core Realm youngster, she got rid of that cicada-wing demon girl, showing a slight disdain.

But in the next moment, her complexion changed dramatically.


In that punch, the mountain-like physical strength was contained, and even the ordinary Great Origin Core Realm was spiked.

That cicada-wing demon girl is fast and light, but fleshly body, just happens to be weakness.

Disregarding the enemy, and catching off guard, the cicada-winged demon girl flew slightly in the midair, her blood twitched, and she was almost injured.

Just at this time.

A magical black silver Void Light, moving a trace of amethyst light glow, and a demon girl with flashing wings.

“Space Secret Skill”

The cicada-wing demon girl complexion changed dramatically, realizing that they were extraordinary.

In particular, Nangong Sheng, a piece of black domain-purple Space Domain phantom, shrouded in a cloud of evil looking strength.

“Two Young Master spare the life little girls offered to offer their treasures …”

The cicada wing demon girl begged.

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