King of Gods

Chapter 802

“Stop Evil God Crystal cannot be taken away, otherwise it will bring disaster to Underground City and Divine Illusory Space.

An old voice came from the entrance to the Human Race area of ​​the snake.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng startled, looking away.

The cooperation just now seems to have successfully brought “Evil God Crystal” into Nangong Sheng’s Space Domain.

Half barely fell.

At the entrance to the Channel, a stray snake old man came.

This snake man is old man, with pale white hair, wrinkled face, hunched back, and has some difficulty walking.

The eyes fixed on the old man body of the snake man, and everyone showed a strange look.

“Hehe, the old snake man who is about to step into the grave, how can this Evil God Crystal go and stay?

Zhao Feng smiled slightly.

As soon as this remark came out, there was a shock on the field.

It is really hard to see that this old snake man, who is unstable, will be a Void God King.

Even Nangong Sheng and Gu Chaozhi did not immediately notice this.

“I am the ex-Evil God priest.”

The snake man was a white haired old man with a hoarse voice and looked deeply at a glance of the Purple Hair youngster of Small Origin Core Realm.

His Soul life withered, and Aura was exhausted to the limit.

In this case, the opponent can still a glance to see his bottom line.

Gu Chaozhi and other Three Sects disciple elites were stunned and even more frightened of Zhao Feng.

This snake-haired white man is the predecessor of Evil God priest, so at least there should be a cultivation base of Void God Realm.

“Whatever the reason, hmph, I will not let this Evil God Crystal out. What’s the existence of Underground City and me?”

Nangong Sheng looked indifferent.

He paid a great price, and finally he transferred Evil God Crystal to his Space Domain.

“Old priest, you risk your life just to stop us?”

Gu Chaozhi looks interested.

Nowadays, Evil God Crystal already has been obtained by Nangong Sheng. He doesn’t mind having more accidents.

Nangong Sheng brows slightly wrinkle, but he also wanted to know more about “Evil God Crystal”.

“Old Man’s life has reached the great limit, alive or death. But there are some things that must be done.”

White-haired old priest, said sadly.

this moment.

Zhao Feng, Nangong Sheng, Gu Chaozhi and the others all fell into a short silence and felt a sense of sadness.

They don’t sympathize with white-haired old priest.

It was an awe of life, Law of Death.

As we all know, life has an upper limit of life.

Void God Realm King, for example, is usually thousands of years old.

Once Shouyuan’s upper limit is reached, life and Soul will gradually wither and they will also die.

This kind of Law cannot be changed even if the Body Possession is reborn.

Not to mention Void God King, even if it is Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord, Half-God, it is just that Shouyuan has a longer life and cannot be immortal.

For example, Zhao Feng.

His Body Possession is reborn, and the Lifespan great limit on Soul will not change much. Unless there is an external force increase longevity such as Immortal Spring, or a breakthrough Realm.

Of course, such as some ancient top Great Emperor, Great Emperor of Death who is proficient in Soul, etc., Shou Yuan may be several times higher than the same rank.

“Everyone should know that in Underground City, there are often disasters, such as lava and geocentric fire. And God Crystal’s strength can affect the outbreak of stable disasters.”

The gray-haired old priest slowly opened the mouth and said.

On the field, it was surprisingly calm.

Because this is a checkmate old man.

Man is dying, and his words are good.

“Don’t tell me, isn’t this a natural disaster?”

What Zhao Feng realized.

Enters into the Underground City, he just knew that various races were very awesome to Evil God Sacrificial Altar.

Through “Evil God Crystal”, Evil God priest does have the ability to control natural disasters.

“These are just appearances.”

The gray-haired old priest takes a deep breath, with a solemn look: “Only a few people, such as the Evil God priest of previous generations, know that there is a bigger ‘catastrophe for the subterranean.'”

Bigger disaster?

The disciples of Three Sects all felt an unusual atmosphere.

at this time.

Everyone found that beneath the Evil God Sacrificial Altar, there was a faint tremor, deeper from the subterranean.


Zhao Feng’s God Eye, faintly beating.

At this moment, Zhao Feng and Kong Feiling’s Emperor Path Bloodline both originate from an instinctive trembling fear.

Fear Emperor Path Bloodline, what is the source of aura?

“Feel arrived?”

White-haired old priest, bitter face, deep anxiety in his eyes.

“So … that underground, what is there?”

The disciple elites of Three Sects all felt a faint uneasiness.

In the underworld, there seems to be aura of cataclysm calamity, a little bit in the making.

“You should know that there is a race named ‘World Extinguishing Dragon Clan’ in the top ten of the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List.”

Gray-haired old priest said.

World Extinguishing Dragon Clan

Zhao Feng, Nangong Sheng, Gu Chaozhi and the others, body and mind.

“The Nation Rankings, No. XNUMX … World Extinguishing Dragon Clan”

Old Fei was terrified.

Aura of fear spread in the hearts of everyone.

“In the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List, the eighth place is ‘Golden Crow Clan, and the ninth place is’ World Extinguishing Dragon Clan, …

The disciple elites present were all from 2-Star and 3-Star, and the experience naturally out of the ordinary.

The top ten races in the Wanzu list are not fun.

“If the joke is’ World Extinguishing Dragon Clan, then, in one sip of the Dragon Flame, you can make Divine Illusory Space Annihilation.”

A cold laugh, a handsome youngster from a purple hair.

The one who spoke was Zhao Feng.

He has read “Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List”, and has a strong understanding of the characteristics, capabilities, and battle strength of each family.

In fact.

Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List does not completely rank by pure “battle strength”.

For example, “Heavens Secret Clan”, the individual Battle Strength is not strong, but their wisdom is beyond anyone’s reach.

Heavens Secret Clan, hunting Light Clan, tried to make “Time Machine” and even had “Immemorial Race Copy” plans.


World Extinguishing Dragon Clan is definitely a race for Destroying the Heavens and Exterminating the Earth, battle strength heaven shaking.

The eighth “Golden Crow Clan”, one of the existing Brahma Universes, is Immemorial Golden Crow. The size of the individual is immeasurable, providing unlimited light and heat for the entire Brahma Universe.

The ninth-ranked World Extinguishing Dragon Clan, said to be the opposite of Golden Crow Clan.

According to Zhao Feng, this race is born for “destruction”, and their ultimate goal is to destroy the whole world.

“Old snake man, how dare you lie to us”

Three Sects Some disciplines and elites, slightly heave a sigh of relief.

Nangong Sheng’s forehead also exuded a trace of cold sweat.

World Extinguishing Dragon Clan, this kind of Mythical Race is really terrifying.

White-haired old priest smiled bitterly: “The real World Extinguishing Dragon Clan is already extinct. But there is a seal of ‘World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon’ in the center of the earth, which flows within the body with the thinness of World Extinguishing Dragon Clan. Bloodline. “

Hearing this statement, the presence of Three Sects disciple, the mind is also a look.


Deep in the heart of the earth, there is a Black Flood Dragon, containing a rare and rare World Extinguishing Dragon Clan Bloodline.

“In the past, this World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon was sealed by God. After countless years, although its strength was less than 1% of the Peak period, the seal was loose.”

White hair priest sighed.


Under Evil God Sacrificial Altar, there was a hint of vibration or burning.

In the midst of it, there seems to be a Dragon Roar sound that has been suppressed for countless years. The fire caused by the destruction is about to return to the world and devour everything.

Disciple members of Three Sects, each and everyone were thrilled.

The atmosphere of destruction and fear diffused invisibly.


Zhao Feng felt his God Eye, beating frequently and warning.

It is certain that the white-haired old priest, the mortal person, should not deceive everyone.

“Most of the subterranean disaster was caused by the struggle of the ‘World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon.’ The role of Evil God Crystal is to calm the disaster and have a certain sealing effect.”

White hair priest spit one mouthful of impure air.

Speaking of which, he sat on the ground with one buttock and explained all the causes and effects.

Zhao Feng and Nangong Sheng have flickering uncertainties.

“Evil God Crystal, I will not hand it over. That seal is not the real World Extinguishing Dragon Clan, and it is not invincible, not to mention Peak status.”

Nangong Sheng is crispy.

He didn’t care about the alive or death of the Underground City race.

Peak strength is his pursuit.

“Old priest, you are late. We managed to transfer Evil God Crystal away. It is very difficult to get it now.”

Zhao Feng shook his head, sighed.

He also talked to Small Thieving Cat on his shoulder.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat waved his claws, and a scepter appeared in his hand, and the purple blood gemstone on it was broken.


The reason why “Evil God Crystal” can be taken away is that the blood pond and the scepter are in the Space Domain of Nangong Sheng.

Zhao Feng’s means and Nangong Sheng’s Space Secret Skill are just an introduction.

The two just played a role in assisting traction.

More precisely.

Nangong Sheng hasn’t got Evil God Crystal yet, but through a few people’s efforts, he changed Evil God Crystal to another space and installed it in his Space Domain.

Now, it’s too late to get Evil God Crystal back.


The white-haired old priest had a lingering stagnation, a loss of soul and a sad face.

Earlier, he didn’t expect that those Outsider was able to ingest Evil God Crystal.

When he arrived, already could not make up for it.

“Sorry, please rest.”

Zhao Feng said a little bit of regret and sympathy.


White-haired old priest, put out a breath directly, life came to an end completely.

At the last moment.

The white-haired old priest whole body Soul burned with flesh and blood, bursting out of a mighty aura close to the Great Emperor.

“Not good”

In the presence of the Disciple and Elite of Three Sects, each and everyone suppressed asphyxiation.

Even Nangong Sheng and Gu Chaozhi have changed their color, don’t tell me this white-haired priest, I want to perish together with everyone

Only Zhao Feng, who stood to place, didn’t panic.

“In Underground City, all races immediately withdrew from the underground world. The calamity … is coming.”

The white-haired old priest, the sad voice, spread to every corner of the underground world.

Before dying.

The old priest exhausted the last strength and told the whole underground world.

Zhao Feng had several points of admiration in his heart, but whispering: “The existence of Evil God Crystal can at most delay the ‘World Extinguishing Black Flood Dragon and break the seal.”

Evil God Crystal is as strong as a Crystal Stone.

It’s not the hub of the seal, it’s just a relief.

Hong long long ——

In the underground world, there was a continuous vibration. In some areas, lava broke out and ground fire raged.


An angry Dragon’s Roar suppressed to the peak came from the depths of the subterranean.

“This world is going to tremble under the wrath of the annihilating people. Ancient God Xie Yang, I will destroy your mansion first, and then devour your world Domain …”

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