King of Gods

Chapter 787

The “Kong Feiling” in a colorful feather robe is naturally the focus of many disciples present, not only Zhao Feng paying attention to her.

There is no doubt that Kong Feiling is Heaven’s proud daughter of Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

Great Emperor Final Disciple … Emperor Path Bloodline … even among the Great Sky Imperial List genius.

In the Great Heaven Dynasty.

There is an Emperor Path Bloodline list, which is included in the five hundred strongest Bloodline Inheritance.

In addition, there is the Great Heaven genius emperor list, which records the five hundred most extraordinary genius.

It is worth mentioning that.

These two lists are both survival of the fittest, progress and retreat.

After all, times are advancing, genius is growing, and Bloodline is mutating and evolving.

secret realm Arena.

All the geniuses of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, Zhao Feng just looked at Kong Feiling both eyes more, and felt that its innate talent strength was close to Nangong Sheng before participating in Half-God’s Heritage Garden.

Seems inductive.

The pretty woman with a pretty place and no squinting eyes, turned her beautiful eyes and looked at the place where Zhao Feng was.


An invisible spiritual oppression shrouded an area where Zhao Feng was located.

Nearly ten geniuses near Zhao Feng felt a choking pressure, as if cut by an invisible sharp light.


One of them was the Outer Disciple of True Spirit Realm, with his knees softened and kneeling directly on the ground.

Among these people, only Zhao Feng, calm and smiled.

“That youngster …”

Kong Feiling can’t help Tap, under her half-step Will pressure, the youngster can still look like Serene.

“Senior Sister Kong, that person is in the sect. Recently, the well-known genius Beast Taming Master ‘Zhao Feng ,. I heard that this child worshipped under the door of a mysterious Great Emperor, and was also appreciated by King Nan Feng.”

A green garment man beside him was introduced with a smile.

Zhao Feng and Kong Feiling, the brief encounter of eyes, naturally attracted the attention of all genius.

“Who is that guy who can withstand the half-step Will of Chief Disciple?”

In the Arena, many genius eyes turned to Zhao Feng.

Especially the Zhengnan Arena where Zhao Feng is located.

“He, is that Zhao Feng you said?”

In the eyes of Liu Tianfan, evere light flashes.

side Huang Yunhu, forbearing his heart surprised, promised again and again: “It’s him”

Huang Yunhu did not expect that Zhao Feng’s limelight would be so prosperous; even Half-Step King Will could not suppress him.

He just whispered in the ear of “Liu Tianfan” and fanned the flames, hoping that Liu Tianfan would learn from Zhao Feng.

“No need to challenge you, this Zhao Feng, I’m interested.”

Liu Tianfan had a deep meaning and looked at him a glance.

Huang Yunhu was faint in heart, and his back exuded cold sweat.

This Liu Tianfan, in Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s true biography, the cultivation base is second only to “Kong Feiling”.

“With Liu Tianfan’s strength, we should be able to learn from Zhao Feng.”

Huang Yunhu secretly thought.

After all, the difference between the cultivation base of the two is too big.

One is new to Origin Core Realm and one is Great Origin Core Realm Peak.

According to the “Illusory God’s Selection Test” rule, the probability of Zhao Feng and Huang Yunhu and Liu Tianfan meeting is still not small.

“The rule of the game is to adopt a knockout system. The number of lost games reaches seven consecutive games, and the total number of lost games that reaches XNUMX games will be eliminated.”

Zhao Feng said in his heart.

Points arena, each takes the top fifty.

In the end, the four Arenas became one, taking the top sixty.

Even in the finals, the “elimination system” was adopted, which has been eliminated until only XNUMX places remain.

Why is it sixty? Instead of sixty-five.

Because five of them are set by Sect.

Not much time.

Four Arenas, the competition starts at the same time.



Just at the beginning, Disciple was knocked off and the result was instant.

Zhao Feng looked sideways, can not help shaking his head.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, participate in the Discuss of Illusory God’s Selection Test, from Outer Disciple to Core Disciple to Core Disciple, the strength is naturally uneven.

Outer Disciple, if it encounters Core Disciple, it is basically spiked.

The round goes round.

Soon, it was Zhao Feng’s turn on stage.

But … his opponent, a bit weak, is a Core Disciple of a True Lord Level Small Accomplishment.

“Admit defeat”

That True Lord Level Core Disciple, seeing Zhao Feng from Origin Core Realm, immediately confessed.

Origin core Realm’s cultivation base is definitely at the forefront of the new generation of discipline.

Rather than being injured, save the strength.

Often, there is a huge disparity in the strength of the competition. If the referee is not right, it will be judged in advance.

Zhao Feng’s first contest ended like this.

The same is true of Zheng Nan Arena, Liu Tianfan, the highest cultivation base, and Huang Yunhu.

These two people are Core Disciple, the other disciple meet, they all give up directly.

Zhao Feng, in the eyes of other disciples, is no different from Core Disciple, and even deeper than the average Core Disciple.

Half a day later.

Zhao Feng came on in the second round. Opponent was True Lord Peak.

“No interest.”

Zhao Feng shook the head, Small Thieving Cat on his shoulder, is also lazily.

It’s not less exciting than the test.

Some evenly matched battles, or using the weak to defeat the strong, also appeared from time to time.

It is Zhao Feng, the cultivation base of Origin Core Realm, and alert standing on the top circle of Ten Thousand Saint Sect’s new generation of discipline.

No less than in the “Saint Region True Dragon Meeting” that year, Zhao Feng’s cultivation base is located downstream, and the strength at the beginning is just above the middle.

In the True Dragon Meeting initial stage, in the battle of Five Unparalleled Chosen, the opponent was either spiked or conceded, which was also boring.

The “Illusory God’s Selection Test” has taken a long time to adopt the elimination system.

The entire Illusory God’s Selection Test takes about twenty days to a month.

Illusory God’s Selection Test, is not the same as Saint Region True Dragon Meeting.

True Dragon Meeting is going to compete in the top ten and get a certain ranking.

The Illusory God’s Selection Test is the elimination of non-stop until the remaining people are exactly the same as the quota.

Until the third game.

Zhao Feng’s opponent, a cold-faced youth of Half-Step Origin Core Realm, is a well-know figure in Core Disciple.

“This Zhao Feng is just a promotion to Origin Core Realm; if I can play an evenly matched match with him, or perform well, maybe it will attract King Elder’s attention.”

Grim youth heart has resolution.

Although odds of success was not great, he still decided to fight.

On the Arena.

Zhao Feng’s encounter with cold noodle youth caught some people’s attention.

Among them, Zheng Tian Arena’s strongest Liu Tianfan, Core Disciple Huang Yunhu, and “Kong Feiling”, the first true biography in the audience.


The battle ended faster than expected.

Boo Shua

place to leave a light blue rippling Wind Thunder afterimage, cold youth attack, emptied.

“Not good”

Immediately, he felt a heavy wind coming from behind.

Bang thong

Grim youth was struck down by the youngster behind.

He reluctantly operates the Half-True Yuan defense layer, in the face of that simple single punch, like a piece of paper.

Inside the arena, there was a loud cry.

“So fast”

Overwhelming majority spectator, after seeing afterimage flashes, Zhao Feng punched out and coldly fell to the ground.

People at lower levels are just aware of Zhao Feng’s speed.

While some Realm tall genius, complexion is grave, incredible.

“Zhao Feng didn’t seem to use the slightest bit of True Yuan …”

Huang Yunhu was stunned.

For Zhao Feng’s battle, he played a XNUMX-minute spiritual observation.

After all, he lost to Zhao Feng twice.


side Liu Tianfan, very sure.

Zhao Feng, just now, approached at an overwhelming speed, then a simple punch.

That punch, without using a bit of True Yuan, easily smashed the protective layer of Half-Step Origin Core Realm.

After this battle, Zhao Feng became famous and dreaded.

Since then, in rounds of battles, Zhao Feng’s opponent, as long as the cultivation base is lower than the Origin Core Realm, will directly give in.

In one breath, they won eight games in a row.

In the ninth game, Zhao Feng met Arrived Huang Yunhu.

“Is it starting?”

Huang Yunhu takes a deep breath.

In both fights, he lost to Zhao Feng, and even made King Lu Yun’s face dull.


That “King Lu Yun” is also watching this war.

“Start” referee waved gently.

Huang Yunhu urged True Yuan, the whole body was covered with a thick layer of red crystal armor; with the help of a precious Earth Element defense Earth Rank Battle Armor, he took the lead in launching the defense.

“Huang Yunhu’s strategy is good. Zhao Feng’s advantage is speed. As long as the defense is stabilized first, he can fight back when he can.”

Liu Tianfan is slightly appreciated.

“Chong Peng”

Afterimage, in a flash, Zhao Feng punched strikes on Huang Yunhu’s Earth Rank Battle Armor and heard a muffled sound that shocked Soul.

“How can it be……”

Huang Yunhu body and mind collapsed and almost vomited blood.

The moment Zhao Feng blasted out, there was a layer of blue-silver metal texture on the surface.

An invisible overbearing “strength” partially penetrated the Earth Rank Battle Armor, penetrating into his body.

On the court, there was a stir.

With just one punch, Huang Yunhu had the illusion of being bombarded.

Bang Bang

Huang Yunhu’s feet were off the ground, and before standing still, he was able to bear Zhao Feng’s strong overbearing punches.

“My Dikun Battle Armor, under the urging, everyone who is close will bear ten times the gravity, and the boy is not affected much …

Huang Yunhu was shocked and retreated.


After a few punches, Huang Yunhu spit out a spit of blood, and a crack appeared on the red crystal armor on the body surface.

“Zhao Feng wins”

The referee was wrong, and directly sentenced.

In fact, this is what King Lu Yun means.

“The strength of the two is not at all a level. Zhao Feng relied on the strength of the deep body tempering to defeat Yunhu …”

King Lu Yun sighed secretly.

During the battle, he clearly saw that Huang Yunhu had reluctantly counterattacked and struck Zhao Feng with a kick.

But Zhao Feng’s body, completely motionless, was unharmed.

In other words.

Zhao Feng reached the same rank peak regardless of speed, strength, or defense.

King Lu Yun also found that Zhao Feng’s gets rid, casually, it seems to have some reservations.

“This Zhao Feng is very strong”

Liu Tianfan, with a face of grave, had a strong Fighting Intent in his eyes.

To the back.

Zhengnan Arena, with only a few people, such as Zhao Feng and Liu Tianfan, also maintained a continuous winning streak.

Some genius, already were eliminated.

As long as they lose seven games in a row or lose XNUMX games in total, they will be eliminated.

Zhengnan Arena, the Core Disciples, are also looking forward to Liu Tianfan and Zhao Feng’s in a war.

With the elimination of some disciplines, the chances of the two meeting each other are also increasing.

at last.

Zhao Feng met Arrived Liu Tianfan in his XNUMX-game winning streak.

This battle attracted the attention of the audience. Even the two Kings in the secret realm space seemed to be interested.

“This Liu Tianfan, cultivation base is up to Venerable Lord Peak. I cannot use Will strength, nor can I easily use Eye Bloodline …”

For the first time, Zhao Feng felt a little tricky.

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