King of Gods

Chapter 785

Guang Tian Senior Brother, from King Liu Qiong, but it is only an honorary disciple, not a true biography.

The current scene made him somewhat unacceptable.

In his mind, the unreachable King Master scrambled for a disciple despite his image.

The thing that kept him from hesitating was.

The three Kings were competing for Zhao Feng, who he dealt with for a long time.

During this time, news about Zhao Feng’s each and everyone came and subverted Senior Brother Guang’s perception.

It is rumored that Zhao Feng was appreciated by King Nan Feng and became the protagonist of the banquet at the Wangfu.

Even on the Big Island, the top three Luo Family went to Zhao Clan to apologize.

The most incredible is.

Zhao Feng also rejected King Nan Feng’s “Earl position” win.

Even so.

King Nan Feng also owes Zhao Feng a kindness.

At the moment, the three Void God Realm Kings are scrambling to accept Zhao Feng for disciple.

“What’s wrong with this Zhao Feng body? Since returning from ‘Disturbed Forest’ that time …

Senior Brother Guang looked distracted.

At the same time, he made some speculations and questions about the huge changes in Zhao Feng body.

But what if guessing and questioning are true?

Zhao Clan has a limited number of senior executives who know the truth of “Zhao Feng” being Body Possession, but still have to find a way to keep this secret.

“Thanks to the three Elders for their love.”

Zhao Feng opened his mouth in disgrace, raising one’s head, watching the three great powers in the air.

at this time.

The surrounding Core Disciple, each and everyone held their breath, waiting for Zhao Feng’s choice.

For a group of Core Disciple, this opportunity is definitely a turning point in changing the fate of life.


That Zhao Feng, still so calm, is not shocked.

“But sorry, I already worshipped at the door of a Void God Great Emperor.”

Zhao Feng casually’s words, dropped a bombshell.

Void God Great Emperor

Whether it was the Core Disciple or the three Void God Realm Kings present, their hearts were shocked.

“It’s no wonder that Zhao Feng has changed so much. This is not just an opportunity to explain. He actually worshipped at the door of a Great Emperor.”

Many disciples, looking towards Zhao Feng’s eyes, with obvious envy and jealousy.


The Senior Brother Guang, body and mind was shocked, sitting on the ground with a butt.

As his coveted Core Disciple, Zhao Feng turned his back on him and rejected three King’s apprentices.

Moreover, his reasons made the three Kings unable and weak.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, as the former 3-Star Sect, is now declining, and there are only three Void God Great Emperor.

Looking at the entire Sky Maple Great Island Region, the Void God Great Emperor is just one more slap.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, in the Big Island, has the largest number of Great Emperor, still the most powerful.


The peak flourishing period of Ten Thousand Saint Sect is much stronger than Profound True Saint Sect. Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord is more than one or two.

Shua shua shua

The three Void God Realm Kings left sadly.

They did not ask, which Void God Great Emperor is Zhao Feng worshipping.

No matter how weak the Void God Great Emperor is, it is by no means comparable to ordinary King.

After the apprentice storm.

“Junior Brother Zhao Feng”

That each and everyone Core Disciple, eyes bright, came to talk to Zhao Feng, complimented.

Zhao Feng, however, coldly snorted and took the “Dark Cloud Bird” to the sky.

On the road to recultivation, progress will gradually slow down as Zhao Feng races with time.

With more than two months left, Divine Illusory Space is going to connect, and Zhao Feng has to be fully prepared.

“This kid … is really arrogant”

Some Core Disciple, with unpleasant words.

“He’s proud of his capital now”

“If I can worship at the door of the Great Emperor and get King Nan Feng’s appreciation, then in the area of ​​Tianfeng, isn’t it going sideways?”

Several other disciples, with sighs, envy and worship.

Among the crowd, the most embarrassing was Senior Brother Guang.

“I had dealt with Zhao Feng that way before, he must have noticed …”

In addition to resentment, unwillingness, and jealousy, Senior Brother Guang’s heart also has a few fears and anxieties about the future.

the other side.

Zhao Feng took the Dark Cloud Bird and went straight to the Royal Mansion.

He passed this time to ensure that the “Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly” was completely awake.

The “Dark Cloud Bird” under the seat is extremely fast, and the death Yin Yin Qi is terrifying.


Back this time, Zhao Feng trained Dark Cloud Bird.

To improve the strength of Dark Cloud Bird, the best material is Soul Dao Precious Materials.

Although Zhao Feng got some Soul Dao Precious Materials from Royal Mansion, it had limited effect on King level.

After all, Zhao Feng’s Soul has extraordinary details and strength.

Therefore, he only used one or two of the top Soul Dao Precious Materials, and the rest were used to cultivate Dark Cloud Bird.

The specific training and training process was given to Small Thieving Cat.


Dark Cloud Bird’s cultivation base will gradually step into the Venerable Lord level. As a flying mount, it is enough.

Two hours later, Zhao Feng arrived at the Royal Mansion.

When Nan Feng waits, I know Zhao Feng will come to the Royal Mansion during this time period and wait in the house.

“This time, Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, every few days, it will wake up briefly …”

Nan Feng is waiting for the state of Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly.

Zhao Feng looked at it carefully. The jasper-like emerald-like silkworm lay quietly in the prepared liquid of life.

Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly’s life aura is several times stronger than the first time, and it can sense the weak Soul wave


Zhao Feng took out another bottle of deep red “fruit juice”.

In this fruit juice, Zhao Feng incorporated more flesh and spirit fruit in Immemorial’s dream.

Immediately, Zhao Feng poured this deep red “fruit juice” all over the Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly whole body.


Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly wakes up again, flaps its wings, and the body quickly absorbs the “fruit juice”.

The blended “fruit juice”, heaven and earth in contain Immemorial Dreamland, fits with the body of Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly.

After this immersion, Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly has obviously improved further.

Of course, the huge number of life-recovery heavenly materials and earthly treasures invested by Royal Mansion also contributed.

Zhao Feng stayed and observed for a day.

The various life states of Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly, including Soul aura, are in the process of recovery.

Moreover, the time and frequency of Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly awakening are increasing.

“Congratulations, Lord, Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly has gone through sleep and crisis. Now it is only weak, and you can recover after one or two years of meditation.”

Zhao Feng contains said with a smile.

King Nan Feng hearing this, pleased.

The existence of Cloud Silkworm Immortal Butterfly can, to a certain extent, reverse its destiny.

“The juniors have to go back to the God fantasy election, so there is no need to stay.”

Zhao Feng quickly resigned.

“Illusory God’s Selection Test?”

King Nan Feng’s eyes flashed, what came to mind, an Ancient Book appeared in his hand.

“In this booklet, I recorded from Imperial Clan, about some secrets in the God Magic Space, you can go back and study.”

King Nan Feng.

Zhao Feng hearing this Yixi, quickly took over the Ancient Book, write down the content above.

Great Heaven Imperial Clan, as an ancient and huge dynasty, the understanding of Divine Illusory Space is not comparable to ordinary two or three-star Sect.

En route to Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

Zhao Feng began to digest the information record of “Divine Illusory Space” in the Imperial Clan Ancient Book, and many analyses

“Divine Illusory Space is a derelict god who arrived in Space. At present, the Great Heaven Dynasty may explore it for less than 10%.”

Initially involved, Zhao Feng was surprised.

The Divine Illusory Space overlaps with the space near the Continental domain every XNUMX years.

At this moment, many forces in the Continental domain can rely on the well-formed formation altar to connect with Divine Illusory Space.


Divine Illusory Space is too large-scale, and the area that overlaps with the Continental domain each time is not necessarily the same.

Moreover, the mortality rate in Divine Illusory Space is also extremely high, far better than some sect’s internal inheritance.

“Death rate, up to 50%”

Zhao Feng felt palpitated.

But at the same time, this is also the strong forces of the Continental domain, a tacit understanding of the survival of the fittest.


Those who survive the Divine Illusory Space will be reused and cultivated.

That Imperial Clan Ancient Book records some of the known Geography locations in Divine Illusory Space, including points of opportunity and danger zones.

In Ancient Book, there are more related speculations and analyses, which are worth studying.

When Zhao Feng returned to Ten Thousand Saint Sect, “Illusory God’s Selection Test” had three days left, and it was about to start.

At this time.

The registration of Illusory God’s Selection Test, enters into the end, and the registration is finished.

Sect up and down, a fiery and tense atmosphere.

Some perennial cultivators who have closed their doors have also closed their doors in preparation for the trial.

With the capabilities of Ten Thousand Saint Sect, only one hundred places can be transported into the Divine Illusory Space.

More than half of these places are reserved for new generations.

There are still 30-40% of the quota for the older generation.

This year, there are 35 seniors and newcomers.

Those under XNUMX are new generations, and those over XNUMX are old generations.

In contrast.

The competition of older experts is more intense.

To participate in the registration of the elite, the lowest cultivation base is True Lord Peak or Half-Step Origin Core Realm.

Small Origin Core Realm is the main force among them.

The last three days.

Zhao Feng didn’t have a deep retreat, but entered into the Immemorial Dreamland.


Zhao Feng cultivation base was promoted to Origin Core Realm, “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” broke through to the fourth layer, and can walk for a while in Immemorial Dreamland.

Immemorial Dreamland, Tree Center.

In front of the towering tree, green spots python and Ancient Dark-Green Demon Bird are still guarding the spirit fruit above for Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng Soul Will is still alive, and the “Dark Heart Seal” he performed is still valid for the two Demon Spirits.


Zhao Feng ordered the Ancient Dark-Green Demon Bird to hunt down some flesh in Immemorial Dreamland.

These flesh and blood in Immemorial Dreamland were used by Zhao Feng to tempered Saint Thunder Body.

In his previous life, he found that Half-God Child, who was very eager for dreams and flesh, seemed to have an excellent effect on Bloodline physique.


Zhao Feng tried to eat the flesh in Immemorial Dreamland, or mix it in the Tempered Body medicine.

Don’t say it, the Tempered Body works very well.

Zhao Feng felt that his physical Bloodline had been significantly strengthened.

After “Five Elements Myriad Thunder Secret Art” broke through 5-Layer, “Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body” also made a strong step forward to reach the fourth layer small accomplishment.

Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body. After the fourth layer, the Each layer is divided into initial accomplishment, small accomplishment, great accomplishment, and peak.

Zhao Feng was able to promote Saint Thunder Body fourth layer small accomplishment so quickly.

On the towering tree, there are a few spirit fruits left, and Zhao Feng is going to use them after King.

The day before Illusory God’s Selection Test.

Zhao Feng soaked in the dream Essence Blood for two days and two nights, and ate some dream flesh.

at this time.

He felt that this body, the underlying bloodline strength, was undergoing some changes, and a burning sensation was coming from the body’s blood.

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