King of Gods

Chapter 766

Three men and one woman watched Zhao Feng take a “Dark Cloud Bird” and flew away, his face still full of suspicion.

The flying speed of the Dark Cloud Bird made the three of them out of reach.

“So smart and young Beast Taming Master, unfortunately I didn’t have time to know …”

The beautifully-dressed young girl saw the direction in which Dark Cloud Bird was leaving, with a little regret on her face.

It is so easy to domesticate the dead Soul Type of Dark Cloud Bird, the entire Sky Maple Great Island Region, I’m afraid I can’t find a few.

Besides, the Beast Taming Master is still so young and handsome youngster.

“The county owner is assured.”

Headed by the Great Origin Core Realm Venerable Lord, slightly smiled: “With the outstanding talent of the youngster, as long as you are still in the Sky Maple Great Island Region, I believe there will be opportunities to meet in the future.”

After hearing this, several people were nodded in favour.

It’s gold, sooner or later will glow. That youngster’s talent is bound to be famous on the Big Island.

At the same time.

In the vicinity of the three men and one woman, a shadowy mysterious guard was hidden in several dozen li before and after.

Two guards, cultivation base aura, both reached Half-Step King.

“It’s weird, that youngster is obviously a level of True Spirit Realm, but it emits mysterious Soul fluctuations, and it is easy to surrender ‘Dark Cloud Bird.”

One of the guards, clicking one’s tongue in wonder.

“Our mission is to protect the county secretly. This weird youngster is not something we need to care about.

Another guard, expressionless way.

among clouds.

Zhao Feng and Small Thieving Cat took the “Dark Cloud Bird” to travel thousands of miles over the Disturbed Forest.

“The speed of Dark Cloud Bird is pretty good. If there were God Tribulation Thunder Strength in my Soul, it would not be easy to conquer.”

Zhao Feng can’t help.

You know, the “Wind Thunder Inheritance” of his former Cultivation has the first-rate reputation of the Great Emperor.

It can be evaluated by Zhao Feng as “good” in speed, which shows the speed of Dark Cloud Bird.

of course.

Although this bird is fast, it also has Imperfect, that is, negative gravity, which is much smaller than other birds.

Because the body of “Dark Cloud Bird” is only part of Matter, the other part is the state of Soul Void Flame, and it is very light.

It is for this reason that Dark Cloud Bird can shrink, enlarge, and even hide.

For Zhao Feng at this stage, this bird is a good mount with a thug.

Dark Cloud Bird, as a rare death Soul Type, coupled with such detached speed, it is no wonder that Zhao Feng will take it at his risk.

When conquering Dark Cloud Bird, Zhao Feng also sensed two Half-Step Kings nearby.

So, when he gets rid, on aura, try to converge.

“Before returning to Ten Thousand Saint Sect, complete the sect task.”

Zhao Feng thought of one thing.

This time, several Core Disciples in which Zhao Feng is located are teaming up to complete the task.

During the mission, several Demon Beast material parts need to be obtained within the specified time.

These kinds of Demon Beasts have a good strength, and they have a Spiritual Master Level or two, which makes it difficult to complete the task.

Half a day later.

Zhao Feng easily completed the task in excess, took the “Dark Cloud Bird” and returned to the Mountain Gate.

In the field of vision.

A group of towering mountains, misty clouds, lingering in a layer of golden glow, and the radiant sun of Immemorial Golden Crow, reflect each other.

Sou sou

Over the mountains and clouds, from time to time there are broken lights and shadows, and various Spirit Pet Mounts are common.

In some Territory within, Peak Paragon’s Origin Core Realm expert, over Ten Thousand Saint Sect, from time to time appears, it is not rare.


Zhao Feng’s “Dark Cloud Bird”, in midair, attracted the attention of some sect experts.

Dark Cloud Bird is a rare rare bird, even for the Great Origin Core Realm Venerable Lord, and even Half-Step King.

In addition, the growth of Dark Cloud Bird is much more difficult than the average Spirit Pet bird.

In midair, some Origin Core Realm experts are looking forward to Zhao Feng’s Dark Cloud Bird.

Zhao Feng was unmoved.

At Sect, he didn’t believe anyone who dared to rob his mount.

Zhao Feng recultivation with a new identity, not intending to deliberately keep a low profile.

With a high profile, you can enjoy more resources and privileges in this Ten Thousand Saint Sect.

Ten Thousand Saint Sect, a tall great hall.

Some sect disciple are in line to deliver tasks.

“Junior Brother Zhao?”

Several surprised voices came from one side of the great hall.

The source of the sound comes from the team of Senior Brother Guang and Senior Sister Wan.

Wensheng, Zhao Feng came slowly.

After all, this sect task is taken over by the team, and everyone has a certain share.

Senior Brother Guang saw Zhao Feng, and when Enran returned, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

“Junior Brother Zhao”

Senior Brother Guang quickly disguised his emotions and said exactly: “Because you are willing to go alone and leave the team. This task is delivered without your share.”

According to normal circumstances, as long as Zhao Feng follows the team and completes the whole process, he can have a certain share.


He left the team temporarily and the leader had the right to exclude his share.


The former Zhao Feng did not pay anything for the team task and was not wronged.

“I will react to Lord Deacon regarding this matter.”

Senior Brother Guang slightly smiled.

at this time.

It was the turn of Senior Brother Guang’s team to deliver the task; Zhao Feng also entered into the with him.

Inside a branch hall.

Senior Brother Guang’s team began to deliver tasks.

Responsible for the task check and assessment is a spiritual old man, cultivation base up to Late Stage Small Origin Core Realm.

“Deacon Fan, these are the materials of our team, but one of the players, Zhao Feng, left the team …

Senior Brother Guang Yi Zheng severely said.

“Hmph is a team-less, self-centered discipline. Old Man sees it more. This situation must be dealt with severely.”

Deacon Fan complexion is severe.

Senior Brother Guang, from King’s door, Deacon Fan will naturally give face.

“You are Zhao Feng? What is your mission share for this mission?”

Deacon Fan’s eyes fell on Zhao Feng body.

Deacon Fan has a certain impression of the youngster “Zhao Feng”, and in the sect assessment, it is better.

However, the simple Spirit Body Aptitude was not particularly shocking in the Continental Dynasty.

After all, in addition to natural talent, a person’s achievements also have various aspects such as perception, will power, and hard work.

Unless a single natural talent, such as Heaven Spirit Body of Nangong Sheng.

All in all, if Zhao Feng performs well in the next two years, there is some hope that enters into the King’s door.


Zhao Feng expressionless, one wave with one hand, a pile of Demon Beast parts and materials, paved the ground in front of several feet.


The few people present were stagnant, staring at the materials in that place.

Those Demon Beast parts are all materials needed for the mission.

“… double the amount and complete the task. Did you do it alone?”

Deacon Fan was slightly lost.

In other words.

Zhao Feng alone fulfilled the requirements of twice the team tasks.

Not only that.

The materials obtained by Zhao Feng are of high integrity and extremely high quality, far exceeding the mission requirements.

Deacon Fan, it is impeccable to finish the task carefully.

“How can he be alone?”

Senior Brother Guang and the others, shocked and questioned.

The gentle and innocent Senior Sister Wan, with a light movement in his eyes, could hardly conceal his surprise.

Before leaving.

In the back of Zhao Feng, the faint mysterious Wei An aura appeared in her mind.

“Master Deacon, my mission share, is it arrived?”

Zhao Feng faint smile.

“You alone, complete twice the tasks of the team, and are completed with super high quality, naturally reaching the requirement

Deacon Fan returned to peace.

sect task, there is no dead demand for the way to complete.

Even if you spend Primal Crystal Stone, you can buy the materials needed for the mission.

“This Zhao Feng is definitely a material to spend money and hire people. After all, there is a strong Clan behind this child.”

Senior Brother Guang, a few people exchanged a look.

After completing the task.

Everyone one after another gets a reward.

The task reward is mainly sect Contribution Points. You can buy some cultivation techniques in sect or enjoy some privileges.

The essence of the sect task is that the middle and high-level sects will hand over some of the tedious things of running errands to the disciple door.

such as.

Sect a certain high-level, need some low-level materials of alchemy, have no time to publish the task, let the discipline to solve.


Sect power range, there are some factors of instability, but also the way to make the task calm.

In the sect world, the underlying discipline of the overwhelming majority is the life of errands.

“Two thousand points, 8,000 Primal Crystal Stone …”

Zhao Feng checked his reward.

His mission rewards are more than that of Senior Brother Guang and the others.

After all, the materials for this task are currently in unlimited quantities and in great demand.

Out of the mission hall.

“Zhao Feng, this mission is required materials, you can buy it. If the next mission, you must fight to see if you are cheating.”

Senior Brother Guang sneered.

But on the surface, he and Zhao Feng still maintained harmony and smile.

“Senior Brother Guang. How did you and the Yin Family know each other?”

Zhao Feng said coldly.

“People in the Yin Family … what do you mean? Somehow”

Senior Brother Guang’s eyes were slightly flustered and forced to calm down.

Do not know why.

In the sharp eyes of Zhao Feng, he was somewhat guilty.

Zhao Feng ignored him and waved with one hand. A huge shadow-like Void Flame dark bird appeared in front of him.

Dark Cloud Bird sustains Zhao Feng, sweeping towards the sky, leaving behind a lot of sect disciple.

“Heavens turned out to be extremely precious’ Dark Cloud Bird.”

“Isn’t this bird extremely difficult to domesticate?”

The presence of the sect disciple set off a shock.

Senior Brother Guang several people, stunned.

“Don’t tell me, this is also the funding given by Zhao Feng Clan?”

Watching the “Dark Cloud Bird” spread its wings and take Zhao Feng’s eye-catching away, a few people were speechless for a long time.

Riding Dark Cloud Bird, Zhao Feng arrived at the residence quickly.

As a Core Disciple, he has his own courtyard hut, which is inconspicuous in the vast Mountain Gate of Ten Thousand Saint Sect.


Zhao Feng opened the protective formation in the courtyard and erected the sign of retreat.

The former 3-Star Ten Thousand Saint Sect has a good foundation, and some of its infrastructure is very complete.

Zhao Feng was sitting cross-legged in the room.

In my mind, “ Golden Earth Saint Thunder Body ” and “ Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art ” appear in the world’s top cultivation techniques.

“These two cultivation techniques are matched and practiced together. To achieve the Saint Thunder Body, Five Elements Body Tempering is required.

Zhao Feng heart is like a clear mirror.

He is going to cultivate “Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”. This cultivation technique is a combination of “Wind Thunder Inheritance” and “Five Elements Myriad Thunder Secret Art”.

“Five Elements Wind Thunder Secret Art”, which is divided into 12th-layers, can be cultivate to Heaven Rank God Position; former Third Layer, which is the foundation of Wind Thunder, and casts the Wind Thunder skeleton. Starting from the fourth layer, Cultivation Metal, Wood, Water , Fire, Earth Five Elements Wind Thunder, Tenth Floor, Five Elements Wind Thunder is endless … “

Zhao Feng’s mind, immersed in it.

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