King of Gods

Chapter 757

“Zhuang Wan’er.”

That Absolutely Beautiful Girl is exactly the same as in the former Purple Saint Ruins, Moon Devil Palace Core Disciple, and “Ye Yanyu” of Clean Moon Spirit Sect.

After many years, Zhuang Wan’er already breakthrough to Origin Core Realm.

This time.

She came to Green Flower Territory with Elder of Sect to support Scarlet Moon Devil Religion, and was entitled to a Sect mission.


Hearing someone shouting his own name, Zhuang Wan’er froze and set his eyes on crowd, a leisurely purple hair youth.

After so many years, Zhao Feng’s appearance has changed greatly.

In particular, he looked slightly sick at the moment.

“Yes … it’s you”

Zhuang Wan’er’s charming Unparalleled tender face revealed an inexplicable panic.

That fear, like conditioned reflexes, comes from a deep scene in memory.


In Feng Saint Ruins, Zhao Feng realizes “Void Eye Slash” and kills all directions as if killing gods.

Experts such as Lu Tianyi, Elder Shui Yun, and Grandmaster Yin Kong all died in that nightmare-like memory.

At this moment, the “nightmare” in memory seems to be close at hand.

The careless “purple hair youth” is looking at himself with a smile on his face.

“Zhao Feng him … how could he show up here?”

Zhuang Wan’er complexion was white and frightened.

at this time.

She only has a single thought head: escape

In the past, Zhao Feng’s Void Eye Slash, in Purple Saint Ruins, could stage a “slaughter”.

After so many years, she cannot estimate how Zhao Feng will improve.

“Wood Elder retreats–“

Zhuang Wan’er hurried to the sound transmission and quickly flew to the sky to join the mysterious old man in the blood moon robe.

“en? What happened?”

Old Man Xue Yue, with a wrong look, never saw Zhuang Wan’er, and he was so scared.

This scene caught the attention of Xue Li Elder and the others.

Dignified Venerable Lord Heaven’s proud daughter was so scared by Zhao Feng.

“Hehe, want to run?”

Zhao Feng laughed with a joke, and in one step, he came to arrived Old Man Xue Yue, blocking Zhuang Wan’er

He was looking for the trouble of “Moon Devil Palace”, but did not expect to meet so soon.

“who are you?”

Old Man Xue Yue, the look of grave.

Every action, breath, and breath of youth in front of him had an invisible Concept, which caused him great oppression.

Similar feeling, he only experienced from Moon Devil Palace Supreme Elder body.


Zhao Feng slowly reached out his hand and pressed it on Zhuang Wan’er’s warm red fragrant shoulder.

Based on Bloodline physique’s strength aura, she banned her True Yuan Bloodline.


Zhuang Wan’er complexion was red and white, the lovable body was trembling, and there was no resistance at all.

The youth in the field of vision and the nightmare in memory completely overlap.


That Old Man Xue Yue shockingly shouted, Venerable Lord-level mighty influence, affecting the environment that reversed the heaven and earth.


Just Fight with Great Country and Scarlet Moon Religion, I feel an indescribable trend of heaven and earth, each and everyone is hard to breathe

“Venerable Lord?”

Religion Master Hong and Xue Li Elder also stopped fighting.

Religion Master Hong and Tie Mo were surprised, and Zhao Feng was scared to be soul destroyed as soon as Zhao Feng appeared.

As soon as he reached out, he took control of a Venerable and turned Venerable Lord-level blood moon Elder to pale.


In the face of Old Man Xue Yue, the Venerable Lord-level gets rid, Zhao Feng just coldly snorted.

In an instant.

An invisible heaven and earth power is shrouded in the Old Man Xue Yue body.


Old Man Xue Yue spit out a spit of blood directly, only that whole body True Yuan was banned, and his consciousness of thinking couldn’t stand a little rebellion.

“You turned out to be …”

Old Man Xue Yue, with a shocked face and a color of fear, is thicker than Zhuang Wan’er.

There was more incredible on his face.

“How … what happened”

Canopy Great Country and Scarlet Moon Religion’s expert elite are a little dumbfounded.

Zhao Feng didn’t get rid at all, just hummed, and let Venerable Lord-level Old Man Xue Yue vomit blood directly.

That invisible heaven and earth power is just the existence of a small range.

Zhao Feng did not want to use Soul in a large scale, but relied on Concept and a small amount of Soul.

Although he hit the “Death Language Curse”, the concept he realized will not disappear or decline.

This is like the Half-God Child, Concept is extremely high.

The negative effects of Death Language Curse, the fastest decline is Shouyuan life force, followed by True Yuan, Soul, Bloodline physique.

The slowest is Great Emperor Will.

Will itself is a concentration of Concept and is based on Soul Strength.

“How can it be……”

Zhuang Wan’er is close at hand, the skin touches, and the Void God power of Zhao Feng body is more strongly felt.

“That kid Evil Sect … run away”

Xue Li Elder felt a strong anxiety. Even Elder of Moon Devil Palace did not fight back in front of Zhao Feng.

Shoop shoop

He turned into a blood glow and walked deep into the water bay.


Zhao Feng faintly looked at a glance in the direction of Elder.


A Will force that runs through heaven and earth, like Ninth Heaven Divine Thunder, falls to the bloody Elder body.


Bloody Elder screamed, and Soul collapsed instantly, falling from midair.


Bloody Elder’s corpse body fell into the forest below.

That scene made the two sides of the audience shudder; Scarlet Moon Religion was even one’s hair stand on end.

“One thought, bombarded Venerable.”

Religion Master Hong and Tie Mo and the others, each and everyone fell into a brief sluggishness.

Such ability means, I’m afraid that the entire Continent can’t find one person.

Even Scarlet Moon Religion Master cannot do this unless he is promoted to Void God Realm King.

“don’t tell me ……”

Religion Master Hong and Tie Mo stared at a glance, raising an unimaginable guess.

“Sir King … I am ignorant, please forgive me.”

Old Man Xue Yue trembling with fear.

Zhuang Wan’er, the atmosphere did not dare to create a nightmare in memory, rose to a level of “invincibility”

Void God Realm King

This is placed on the large Deep Green Sea, which is standing on the tip of the pyramid, and it is beyond sight.

In the Green Flower Territory, Void God Realm King is only stored in the mythical Ancient Book.

“King Zhao Feng actually entered King’s level.”

“No wonder Religion Master Zhao, single thought, killed Elder of Scarlet Moon Religion.”

The Canopy Great Country party exploded.

Religion Master Hong and Tie Mo stared at each other, shocked in each other’s eyes, and showed a touch of ecstasy.

You know, the entire Green Flower Territory does not have a person Void God King.

In Iron Blood Religion, a Void God Realm King was born. What is the honor?

Religion Master Hong and Tie Mo, can’t help. Fortunately, the original choice was to reuse Zhao Feng’s.

The birth of a King is enough to reverse the pattern of the Continent, and it cannot be stopped by any strength.

“King …”

Princess Qin was lost for a while, as if dreaming, unbelievable.

And Scarlet Moon Devil Religion, the elite teachers, each and everyone is trapped in despair.

Under King’s view, they didn’t even have the courage to escape-the bloody Elder is a living example.

“Sir King, what do you want, what are the conditions, you can come forward.”

Old Man Xue Yue said bitterly.

at this time.

Zhao Feng already removed Void God.

Even so, Old Man Xue Yue and Zhuang Wan’er did not dare to have any idea.

“Zhuang Wan’er left you to return to ‘Moon Devil Palace, rumor: Within a hundred days, if I don’t give this Zhao an account, I will kill her and let Moon Devil Palace be removed from the Deep Green Sea.”

Zhao Feng slowly opened the mouth and said.

hearing this, Old Man Xue Yue

In particular, in the last sentence, Moon Devil Palace was removed from the Deep Green Sea.

In the face of Zhao Feng’s indifferent and decisive voice, Old Man Xue Yue had an absurd feeling, and he could not doubt that Zhao Feng had this ability.


With Zhao Feng’s strength, even if it falls under King, it is not difficult to destroy Moon Devil Palace.

Because his Concept will not disappear, the decline of Great Emperor Will is relatively slow.

Moreover, according to Zhao Feng’s speculation, it will take at least a month or two before falling below Void God Realm. After all, there is a huge gap between Void God Realm and Origin Core Realm.

“I’ll go right now, hope King King, don’t hurt me.”

Old Man Xue Yue takes a deep breath.

He understood that he had no capital for negotiation in front of Void God King.

Old Man Xue Yue turned into a blood moonlight Xia, hundred thousand, and flew to the Foreign Territory Void Sea.

Zhuang Wan’er pretty face pale, deeply helpless.

She couldn’t predict what the future was waiting for her.

But she knew that her fate would fall into a game between Void God King.


Below the elite of Scarlet Moon Devil Religion, die, die.

A battle that could have been Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering, because of King’s idea, so reversed the suspension.

After the work, Zhao Feng was not interested at all.

“Strength, back a lot …”

Zhao Feng can’t help with emotion, although he now has Great Emperor-level battle strength, Soul physique, True Yuan Bloodline, have declined a lot.

After hearing this, Religion Master Hong and Tie Mo and the others, their faces can’t help twitch.

Zhuang Wan’er is bitter and speechless, ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

Dare, Zhao Feng is not in the most Peak state yet.

Zhao Feng was too lazy to explain that the gradual decline of strength made him more clear about the purpose of this trip’s Green Flower Territory.


Zhao Feng resigned to Religion Master Hong and Tie Mo.

“City Lord Liu”

Zhao Feng’s eyes fell on the Great Lake City Lord body, and led him and Zhuang Wan’er to the direction of Liu Wu Tower.

Along the way.

Zhuang Wan’er acted as a Laborer, summoned his own Flying Spirit Pet, and sustained several people to fly.

Great Lake City Lord, looking towards Zhao Feng’s eyes, extremely complicated.

He never imagined that the green hair kid who had been “forced to marry” himself became a mythical King.

This made him fall for Liu Qinxin’s alive or death and added some hope.

After a few hours.

In the mountains, a dark, dark hexagonal tower appeared.

When Zhao Feng arrived.

On the 19th-layer of Liu Wu Tower, there is a quiet old man standing like a night.

Meow ~

A silver black Big Lazy Cat appeared on the edge of the tower, looking at a black dot that gradually enlarged in the field of vision.

“A guest is here.”

Sage Liu Wu spoke slowly, as if waiting here for a long time.

At the same moment, a flying Spirit Pet fell under Liu Wu Tower.

“You stay below.”

Zhao Feng commanded Zhuang Wan’er to wait downstairs.

The humiliation in Zhuang Wan’er’s heart, Heaven’s proud daughter of the Dignified Origin Core Realm, turned out to be like a groom and a janitor.


Zhao Feng just didn’t want Zhuang Wan’er to know some secrets about himself.

“Master please”

Liu Wu Tower, a tender face female priest, respectfully invite Zhao Feng up.

Meow ~

Meow meow

On the tall tower four 19th-layer, Small Thieving Cat and Big Lazy Cat, coldly snorted to each other.

Sage Liu Wu Seemingly cloudy Eye, when she fell into Zhao Feng body, she flashed light, and for the first time revealed a shock.

“Dead … speak … curse … curse.”

Sage Liu Wu, the voice was a bit harsh, almost a word.

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