King of Gods

Chapter 752

Volume Five Continent Dynasty Chapter 75 Death Words

“It turned out to be.”

In the Void Sea Spirit Palace, the Purple Tree Great Emperor looked at Zhao Feng’s move, and Yuan Soul, who was nailed to the void.

No wonder, the Great Emperor of Death just now is not as powerful as imagined.

Void God Realm is a transformation of the Soul level, especially Void God Great Emperor, which is a great perfection.

Like the Great Emperor of Death, the biggest bottom line is Soul.


It was bad luck to meet Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng’s Eye Bloodline, also a Soul Type, also masters “Heaven Locking Bow”.

After an arrow pinned Yuan Soul of the Great Emperor of Death, Zhao Feng still did not take it lightly.


Half-God Child, suddenly appeared.

Zhao Feng looked puzzledly at Half-God Child, this Little Brat, any suggestions?

“The Eye of Death of the Great Emperor of Death can be obtained through Soul Inheritance. Master, can you help me steal this Eye Bloodline.”

Half-God Child said impatiently.

He followed the path of body cultivator, and Soul Dao was weakness.

But if Half-God Child can get the “Eye of Death” of Soul Type, and “Golden Earth Saint Body”, then it is a perfect combination.

“Eye of Death?”

Zhao Feng felt his Eye Bloodline faintly beating, and seemed to have a touch of excitement.

In void.

There is a pair of dark Eyes on Yuan Soul, fixed by the locked arrow of soul, between Soul and the entity.

This is similar to Zhao Feng’s God Eye.

He had a faint intuition that Eye of Death should be useful to himself.

Meow meow

Small Thieving Cat also emerged, waving the cat’s claws, and said something to Zhao Feng.

“This Thieving Cat …”

Half-God Child gnashing teeth, Small Thieving Cat is persuading Zhao Feng not to give Eye of Death to Half-God Kun Yun.

Meow ~

The suggestion of Small Thieving Cat is to immediately kill the Great Emperor of Death

“Zhao Feng, if I die, you will not survive.”

Yuan Soul, the locked arrow and the fixed arrow, burned up suddenly, causing a death force of magnificent heaven shaking

not good

Zhao Feng who was approaching, the complexion changed greatly, simultaneously felt a sense of crisis.

You must know that the Soul of the Great Emperor of Death is an invincible being in the Great Emperor; Soul Dao alone is a master, and he is better than some Saint Lord.

Meow ~

Small Thieving Cat reaction is extremely fast, enters into the Zhao Feng’s Ancient Iron Ring.

Half-God Child, in the idea of 鈥嬧€婨ye of Death, was completely caught off guard.


The whole piece of heaven and earth, plunged into darkness, is shrouded in a Death Strength similar to “Death Force Field”.

The difference is that this strength is more focused on Soul.


Half-God Child screamed, Soul aura was like an extinguished candlelight, his body fell from the midair into the void Fog Sea.

Zhao Feng’s Soul Sea World was also a sway and was backlashed by Great Emperor-level Soul Self-destruction.

The power of that backlash can completely hit the Soul of Mystic Light Realm Saint Lord.

strong as Zhao Feng, also grunt.

His God Eye, despite its powerful Soul attack immunity, is also relative.

If Soul attack is too powerful, God Eye cannot be absolutely immune.

“Small Thieving Cat, Half-God Child …”

Zhao Feng whispered.

Small Thieving Cat’s reaction is fast, avoiding a disaster.

Hiding in Ancient Iron Ring, equivalent to being in another Space, and Zhao Feng’s Soul shelter.

As for Half-God Child, Zhao Feng already can’t feel his Soul aura.

call out

A pair of dark Eyes turned into a fuzzy phantom, and the alert broke out beyond ten thousand li.

“Eye of Death and Death’s Will.”

Zhao Feng complexion sank.

He did not expect that the Great Emperor of Death had such a trick to shed the Golden Cicada.

The Soul Strength of the Great Emperor of Death, XNUMX%, was annihilated in the Self-destruction just now.


His core Death’s Will and conscious memory are deposited in Eye of Death.

call out

The Eye of Death has a very fast flight speed, between Soul and Matter, much faster than Zhao Feng’s Thunder Wing Spatial Flash.

Because, the general Yuan Soul speed will be more than ten times that of normal flight.

Great Emperor of Death This state is three to five times the normal situation.

“Look how long you can hold on.”

Zhao Feng decided that the Great Emperor of Death cannot be forgiven.

It’s too cheap to kill him directly.

鈥淭hunder Wing Spatial Flash鈥?/p>

Zhao Feng unfolded a pair of red golden light wings behind, once flashing, spanning ten thousand li away.

He wasn’t worried that the Great Emperor of Death could escape his pursuit.


The Soul Strength of the Great Emperor of Death, more than XNUMX% of which is annihilated in Self-destruction, can not fly too long.

“Great Emperor of Death, there is only one way of life.”

In Zhao Feng’s mind, he was clear.

Fleshly body annihilates, Soul Strength collapses, and the only way to survive the Great Emperor of Death is to regenerate Body Possession.

In fact.

The Great Emperor of Death has experienced two rebirths of Body Possession and has extensive experience.

But this time, the difficulty is the highest and the success rate is the lowest.

“Soul Self-destruction did not cause too much damage to Zhao Feng; his Eye Bloodline is good at tracking, and his speed is also arrogant to heaven and earth.”

Will, inwardly complained of the Great Emperor of Death.

In general, Saint Lord, the Great Emperor of Death will succeed in the Golden Cicada shelling of Self-destruction twice.

God of Death’s Shadow, with two Self-destructions, is enough for a regular Saint Lord to eat a pot.

Unfortunately, the advantage of the Great Emperor of Death Soul was suppressed by Zhao Feng.

After half an hour.

Eye of Death is far away from Zhao Feng’s distance.

At this point, his Will Eye Strength, consumed more than half, moved towards a densely-populated Territory within the island.

“Body Possession is reborn, and I can make a comeback.”

Great Emperor of Death See the dawn of the arrived rebirth.

He brought Eye of Death to rebirth with Body Possession, without having to think too much about natural talent.

After a while.

In the Territory within the Imperial Family of a Great Country, a dark dashed line flashes away.

The cultivation base does not reach the Origin Core Realm, and it is difficult to capture its existence at all.

“Good, this time Body Possession is an Imperial Family Prince.”

Great Emperor of Death.

The strength of this Great Country is indistinguishable from Canopy Great Country, and it is not easy to detect.

If it is a 1-Star 2-Star Sect, then there is some risk.

However, the identity of an Imperial Family Prince is also a good springboard. In the future, if you enter into the 1-Star Sect, 2-Star Sect, resources will be endless.

It doesn’t cost as easy as pie.

Great Emperor of Death Successful Body Possession A Prince left out by the monarch, to be precise, an illegal child.

“Tsk tsk, even if it is waste wood, I will let you go against the sky.”

After being reborn, the Great Emperor of Death Body Possession begins to fuse the memory of this body Soul.


He urged some mysteries to converge the body of Aura.

Just in case, the Great Emperor of Death stepped out of the palace and sat carriage, entering into a lonely and quiet forest.


Great Emperor of Death figure froze.

In the forest, sits a purple hair youth, and side Thieving Cat, roasted wild pork.

The scorched yellow boar, with the smell of meat, made the hungry body of the Great Emperor of Death subconsciously swallow saliva.

“Zhao Feng anyone can make mistakes.”

Great Emperor of Death, shortness of breath, and despair, a shadow in his eyes.

He has just been reborn in Body Possession. Except Will is powerful, I am afraid that even a True Spirit Realm is not opponent.

Zhao Feng expressionless, bite a barbecue, remain calm and composed while handling pressing affairs Great Emperor of Death, this new body

Once you become a Void God King, the rebirth of Body Possession will become very simple.

Zhao Feng’s Left Eye opened, an Ice Soul chilled over Soul, the body of the Great Emperor of Death.

Zhao Feng is interested in the Soul Dao of the Great Emperor of Death, and Eye Of Death.

“Zhao Feng, if I die, you will not die. Because, I have set up ‘Death Language Curse.’

Great Emperor of Death was gloomy, threatening.

Anyway, he had no resistance in front of Zhao Feng.

If he had to die, he wouldn’t make Zhao Feng better.

“Death Language Curse?”

Zhao Feng frowned, he has studied “Secret Technique of Death”, but terrifying about “Death Language Curse” is only slightly involved.

Death Language Curse is the most terrifying curse that is difficult to decipher.

Because this curse is launched at the cost of death.

“The origin of Death Language Curse comes from the Immemorial Ten Thousand Race List, a taboo extinct wild race-Ancient Shaman Clan. This race ranks above Heavens Secret Clan, second only to Immemorial Race.”

Cold intention on the face of Great Emperor of Death grew thicker.

Zhao Feng complexion changed slightly, but in his eyes, Will who killed the Great Emperor of Death remained the same.

He will not only kill the Great Emperor of Death, but also torture him and steal his Eye of Death and Soul memories.

“Ha Ha Ha…”

Great Emperor of Death In despair, the laughter was violent, spurring Will, and awakening the mind consciousness and the burst of Soul.

He is opponent, so cold and firm, that even Death Language Curse can’t scare him away.

not good

Zhao Feng wanted to stop, it was too late.

He did not expect that the Great Emperor of Death chose to commit suicide at the last minute.

Together, it is not only the Soul consciousness of the Great Emperor of Death, but also Death Pupil.

“At the cost of my death, I hate those who hate him, leaving an endless withered, endless decaying nightmare …”

A deep voice penetrates heaven and earth Samsara.

At the previous moment, the Great Emperor of Death already died.

Together, it is not only the Soul consciousness of the Great Emperor of Death, but also Death Pupil.

The carrier of death, the stronger the strength, the greater the power.

In theory, the Death Language Curse’s strength has irreversible power over experts within its two major orders.

This is why, even some ordinary Saint Lords do not want to easily provoke the Great Emperor of Death, an Ancient Great Emperor who has mastered various taboo techniques.


The corpse body of the Great Emperor of Death Body Possession fell to the ground.


Zhao Feng grunt made a sound, only felt an incomprehensible dark strength, entangled the whole body and penetrated into Soul.

A painful and itchy sensation went straight to Zhao Feng’s heart.

Turn on God Eye.

Zhao Feng just barely understood that a strand of invisible black blood light threads infiltrated into every cell particle within the body, and even eroded to the Soul level.

Source of those black blood light threads, unexplainable

Its existence form cannot be explained

This strength is similar to Ghost Corpse Curse Strength, has several points of, but it is higher and I do not know how many levels.

“Death Language Curse, this taboo witchcraft actually exists …”

Zhao Feng takes a deep breath.

In the split second of Chinese art, he had a disgusting feeling that the maggot crawled over the whole body.

at this time.

Zhao Feng felt that his Soul, life physique, and True Yuan cultivation base were all withering and retreating.


His Profound Ice Scale Clan Bloodline physique, and God Eye, have a certain resistance to “Death Language Curse”

In the case of ordinary King, the backward speed of Soul cultivation base is XNUMX times or dozens of times that of Zhao Feng’s.

For half a day, Zhao Feng had no choice but to “Death Language Curse”.

The existence form of the cursed strength cannot be explained. His strength system is difficult to influence.

“I don’t understand the Death Language Curse at all. It would be better to go back to ‘Green Flower Territory’, or maybe Sage Liu Wu’s side, can give me some inspiration.”

Zhao Feng missed the moment, and had a resolution.

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