King of Gods

Chapter 745

“Master, the next battle, alive or death is at stake. Decide on fate. Regardless of success or failure, Liner will no longer be able to help and affect the destiny.”

The White Eye girl bit her lip.

She helped the Great Emperor of Death all the way. Arrived was a limit.

After that, the White Eye girl bowed deeply and resigned to the Great Emperor of Death.

“If I stay with the Master, I’m afraid it will become a burden; moreover, my fate is not in the Deep Green Sea, but in the distant Continental domain.”

The White Eye girl explains why.

In her a pair of mysterious White Eye, a strange glow appeared, staring at the location of the legendary Central Continent.

“Okay, I don’t force you.”

Great Emperor of Death looked at her a glance deeply.

Without the help of Bai Lin and the huge Deep Green Sea, he would have been hard to find Zhao Feng.


Bai Lin predicted the next thing for him with the greatest strength.

To a certain extent, the Great Emperor of Death already has the opportunity.

“Before leaving, Disciple said something.”

Bai Lin suddenly said.

“You said.” The Great Emperor of Death couldn’t help thinking.

“The owner of God Eye is destined to be difficult to replace reversal. Then Ninth God Eye seems more special, I hope Master, don’t be too persistent …”

Bai Lin pondered.

Both Bai Lin and Great Emperor of Death are descendants of God Eye’s Bloodline.

Eye of Destiny and Destiny God Eye are a word different; the former is equivalent to future generations, while the latter is the only originator.

Eye of Death is no different.

The Eye of Death of the Great Emperor of Death wants to be the Death God Eye, unless cultivate to a peak, kill the “Death”, and let his Eye of Death, Ancestor Transformation to the most primitive God Eye.

Just because God Eye is unique and involves heaven and earth rules.

But this method is only a theory, its difficulty is so high that it is almost impossible, and there is no operability.

When Bai Lin said these words, he was simply persuading the Master that he shouldn’t be too demanding.

“I understand your idea.”

Great Emperor of Death paused, with a trace of enthusiasm: “But Ninth God Eye has not yet truly awakened, and its Master has not grown up. This is the simplest opportunity to have God Eye. If you lose it, you will regret it. lifelong.”

Compared to stealing and replacing other God Eyes, this opportunity can be said to be rare.

Although it is more and more difficult to capture Zhao Feng’s now, even if there is still a glimmer of hope, the Great Emperor of Death will not give up.

Moreover, at present, the Great Emperor of Death has the advantage of absolute strength.

18 Corners Pirate Holy Land.

A dim, shadow-like beam of light, shuttles through the death chill of void Fog Sea, hiding the sky and covering the earth, causing endless ocean creatures to tremble in deathly stillness.

“It’s Great Emperor of Death”

On the way, some experts on the Pirate Ship were thrilled.

Not in a moment.

Cold Moon Great Emperor and Zhao Feng and the others in the barren canyon, received the news of arrival.

In order to deal with the Great Emperor of Death, Cold Moon Great Emperor ordered the high-rises of the entire Pirate Holy Land to prepare for it.

“Quickly arrived”

Zhao Feng turned into a wind lightning Glow Shadow and leapt into the void Fog Sea.

Cold Moon Great Emperor, Half-God Child, Great Shark King, and Gui Lin King.

After a while.

One side, heaven and earth void, suddenly fell into darkness, silhouetted against an ancient and profound silhouette of the mighty shore.

“Great Emperor of Death”

Cold Moon Great Emperor Three people, one mind, whole body alert.

newcomer, the oldest Legendary Great Emperor in the Deep Green Sea, is known as the Nightmare of Death.

“One Great Emperor who hasn’t been promoted, and two Peak Kings. Zhao Feng, do you think you can besiege me with these people?”

The voice of the Great Emperor of Death is indifferent and mocking.

The current situation, he had obtained through Bai Lin of “Eye of Destiny”, and prepared accordingly.

Zhao Feng and the others, look at each other in shock.

Great Emperor of Death seemed unsurprising to the scene in front of him, even as it should be by rights.

“Great Emperor of Death”

Zhao Feng smiled suddenly: “Your men were almost cut off by me; your Discipline Wen Luoan, Self-destruction in front of you. These are your confidence?”

With that said, the Great Emperor of Death complexion sank.

The psychological oppression he had just created suddenly collapsed.

“Kill you, you can avenge them. I will find Eye of Samsara, and compensate them; and you, you will never die.”

The smile on the Great Emperor of Death’s face became more gloomy and cold.

Cold Moon Great Emperor and the others, can’t help shivered.

The Great Emperor of Death is not ordinary insidiousness, not only to kill Zhao Feng in this life, but also to make him better than death for the next life.

The atmosphere on both sides was stagnant to the extreme.

The Great Emperor of Death stretched its arms outstretched, a thick and dark death space, cold and boundless, Death Qi heavy, overlapping in this side heaven and earth.

“Little world”

Cold Moon Great Emperor and the others, feel an unbeatable little world strength.

The dark and boundless world of death, the heaven and earth Origin Energy that devoured the surrounding Space, drew all beings, and even aimed at Soul.

Half-God Child and the two Peak Kings, both body and mind, were sinking and felt a great deal of pressure.

The surging Death Strength has a ring shape, and the non-stop expansion seems to have the intention to wipe everyone out

In the field of vision, the small world of death is constantly condensed and presented, like a huge dark abyss. Once inhaled, the consequences are unimaginable.

“Then break your little world”

Cold Moon Great Emperor has an ice-cold face, a Blade and Sword in his hand, a heaven and earth void in one hand, and was cut by the icy Moonlight Jianhong and blade glow.

The dazzling Blade and Sword Hongmang cut a huge ditch in the void of the dark deathly stillness.

The little world of death was cut into a bottomless crack.

The Blade and Sword crisscrossing, vertical and horizontal, and twisting, produced a crushing and collapsing force, which caused the world of death to show an unstable trend.

The Great Emperor of Death is slightly discolored, but I didn’t expect this to be a Blade and Sword Style Great Emperor who is good at attack.

Cold Moon Great Emperor, at the King level, the unparalleled attack at Pirate Holy Land is second to none.

Although she has not been shaped into a small world, the Space Domain is becoming more and more substantive. Compressed in Blade and Sword attack, each sword has a star condensation, empty ice brilliance, and a world-renowned peak.

On attack, Cold Moon Great Emperor is a lot stronger than General Great Emperor.

“Go together”

Great Shark King and Gui Lin King, urged bloodline strength, and used Peak King’s peak Battle Strength to attack the small world of death.

“Saint Body tyrannical strength”

Half-God Child golden light is brilliant, the child’s body has skyrocketed to adult height, and the powerful Saint Body Strength displays Golden’s power phantom in void, 睥睨 overbearing, crushing the Great Emperor of Death, and its small world .

Hong long long

For a time, the small world of the Great Emperor of Death was slightly trembling, and many gaps were opened.

His body was also sinking, oppressed by the “Saint Body tyrannical strength”.

The Great Emperor of Death underestimates Cold Moon Great Emperor and the two Peak Kings, and also underestimates the strength growth of Half-God Child

Half-God Child, promoted to Void God intermediate stage, “Golden Earth Saint Body” reached fifth layer small accomplishment, plus its transcendent Concept, it is not difficult to continue the Great Emperor in a short time.

“I didn’t expect that you would be born again as a slave to that kid”

Great Emperor of Death watched Half-God Child a glance.

Half-God Child moves a little stiff, but without hesitantly, continues to attack the little world of death.

at this time.

Zhao Feng has not yet joined the battle, and the small world of the Great Emperor of Death has shown a slight shaking.

However, the small world of death is extremely special, madly absorbing heaven and earth Origin Energy, and all the creatures in the nearby Void Ocean have become dead bones.

The external energy attack will be swallowed up by the death world to a certain extent, and transformed into its own strength for repair or counterattack. This is in accordance with the principle of Death Field Field Profound Truth, lineage.

Even if the Digital Great Emperor join forces to attack, in a short time, it will not be able to break the small world of death.

“The Great Emperor of Death is not the first to launch the attack, but to start the small world of death; what is he thinking about?”

Zhao Feng was not involved in the attack.

He has to keep his hands in order to deal with the difficulties of the Great Emperor of Death.

Death is a small world, good at defense and assistance, and attack is average.

“Death vengeful spirit”

The “Eye of Death” of the Great Emperor of Death presents a dark, bottomless vortex Channel.

The next moment.

A few cold and thrilling auras radiated from the vortex Channel.


Several have one’s hair stand on end growled fiercely shouted, appearing from the small world of death.

Shua shua shua

In the Eye of Death, three corporeal vengeful spirits were transmitted, each of which was at least hunted zhang.

Especially the center’s vengeful spirit, aura, comparable Void God Great Emperor.

“Great Emperor-level vengeful spirit …”

Zhao Feng’s God Eye, clearly understood to those signs.

Looking closely, the Great Emperor-level vengeful spirit looks a bit like the Great Emperor Mu Yun, but it’s not exactly the same, it seems to be integrated into the Soul aura of other Great Emperor.

The other two vengeful spirits, the Soul Strength fluctuations, are also comparable Peak King.

In the scream of horror, the three vengeful spirits rushed out of the small world and rushed to the Cold Moon Great Emperor.

Cold Moon Great Emperor and the others, feeling numb in my heart, a sting on the Soul level, gloomy and cold restlessness.

Those few vengeful spirits, each of them, was formed by agglomeration and reorganization of at least two or three Same rank Great Emperor or King remnant soul.

Cold Moon Great Emperor, Great Shark King and Gui Lin King were defeated in a row.

Those three vengeful spirits are different from the general vengeful spirits; they have Great Emperor or King Soul attack capabilities, and they have a half-level Matter attack capability.

Cold Moon Great Emperor has no advantage in Soul and is suppressed by the Great Emperor-level vengeful spirit.

Great Shark King and Gui Lin King, each defeated by a King-level vengeful spirit, are heartbroken.

“Hmph, vengeful spirit, let me first kill these two King-class …”

Zhao Feng sneered.

“Spiritual Thorn”

In Zhao Feng Left Eye, Xun shot a huge purple spiritual spike, and the surface was surrounded by a mysterious gloomy Thunder Marks.


One of the King-level vengeful spirits was penetrated by the Spiritual Thorn. It was immediately destroyed by the soul and destroyed by bombing.

To know.

In Zhao Feng’s Spiritual Thorn, there is a trace of not weak Thunder Calamity Strength, which has a devastating blow to Soul.

Directly bombarding a Vengeful spirit of King Peak level, the audience was shocked.

Zhao Feng just had a hint of compartnt, but gave birth to induction, and the complexion changed.

“Master, save me–“

Half-God Child screamed.

“Death’s Gaze”

Great Emperor of Death is in a small world, a pair of dark and deep Eye of Death, fixed in Half-God Child body

Half-God Child struggled with pain in his face. A golden Golden Yuan Soul villain almost broke away from the body.


When Zhao Feng displayed the Spiritual Thorn and killed the vengeful spirit, the Great Emperor of Death launched “Death’s Gaze”.

“His goal is Half-God Child”

Zhao Feng’s heart sank.

Only then did he realize that he was in the Great Emperor of Death’s plan, and that the called vengeful spirit was for Zhao Feng’s heart.

Although the Half-God Child Concept is high, Soul is still King level, but Will physique is powerful; he takes the route of body cultivator, even in previous lives, Soul Dao attainment is also weakness.

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